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Doctor Who (2005)
#410 : Midnight ... Un passager de trop

Le Docteur se retrouve pris au piège, seul et terrifié dans un vaisseau spatial le conduisant avec d'autres passagers sur la planète Midnight.Alors que des coups résonnent sur les parois et qu'une passagère semble possédée, la paranoia gagne le vaisseau.


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Midnight ... Un passager de trop

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Midnight - Sky Copying The Doctor

Midnight - Sky Copying The Doctor





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Donna discute avec le Docteur

Donna discute avec le Docteur

Le Professeur Hobbes

Le Professeur Hobbes

Le Docteur discute avec les pilotes

Le Docteur discute avec les pilotes

Le Docteur intrigué

Le Docteur intrigué

Le Docteur ausculte la navette

Le Docteur ausculte la navette

Val Cane

Val Cane

Skye Silvestri et le Docteur

Skye Silvestri et le Docteur

C'est parti pour une excursion

C'est parti pour une excursion

Bienvenue à bord

Bienvenue à bord

Le Docteur appelle Donna

Le Docteur appelle Donna

Pendant ce temps au Spa

Pendant ce temps au Spa

Réunion de crise

Réunion de crise

Jethro et le Docteur

Jethro et le Docteur

Qu'est ce qui se passe

Qu'est ce qui se passe

Le Docteur prêt pour une excursion

Le Docteur prêt pour une excursion

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Russell T. Davies

Réalisateur : Alice Troughton



David Tennant ... Docteur
Catherine Tate ... Donna Noble
Lesley Sharp ... Sky Silverstry
Rakie Ayola ... L'hôtesse
David Troughton ... Professeur Hobbes
Ayesha Antoine ... Dee Dee Blasco
Lindsey Coulson ... Val Cane
Daniel Ryan ... Biff Cane
Colin Morgan ... Jethro Cane


Références et continuités

  • Rose apparaît brièvement sur un des écrans de télévision après l'attaque de la navette par la forme de vie extra-terrestre, faisant écho à une scène similaire dans A.T.M.O.S. Dans ces deux situations, on la voit crier silencieusement vers le Docteur, qui ne regarde pas l'image dans le premier cas et regarde dans la direction opposée dans le second. Rose apparaît également brièvement à la fin de l'épisode Le Retour de Donna Noble. Lorsque le Docteur parle avec Sky du récent célibat de cette dernière, il évoque Rose en parlant d'« une amie qui vit dans un autre univers ».
  • Deux expressions communément utilisées par le dixième Docteur, « allons-y » et « molto bene » (apparaissant respectivement dans L'Armée des ombres et Le Mariage de Noël), sont utilisées pour identifier sa voix.
  • La thématique des planètes perdues continue dans cet épisode, puisque Dee Dee dit rechercher la lune perdue de Poosh.
  • De même, la location de la cascade de la Méduse mentionnée dans plusieurs épisodes fait partie des mots que le Docteur fait répéter à Sky, tout comme son fruit préféré, la banane.
  • Lorsque Donna imite le Docteur à la fin de l'épisode, il lui demande de cesser dans les mêmes termes que lorsque Rose et Martha avaient essayé d'imiter un parler archaïque. Cette fois, sa motivation est différente : il est visiblement encore sous le choc de son expérience.
  • Cet épisode et son suivant, Le Choix de Donna ont été filmés quasiment en même temps, pour des raisons de coût. Ainsi, Donna apparaît très peu dans cet épisode ; dans le suivant, c'est le Docteur qui n'apparaît presque pas.

Résumé épisode 410 "Un passager de trop"

Le Docteur et Donna sont en visite sur une planète de cristal, Midnight, pour des vacances bien méritées. Cette planète est en orbite autour d'un soleil dont les rayons produisent une radiation toxique qui vaporise toute vie non protégée.

Donna choisit de se reposer tandis que le Docteur décide de faire une excursion de quatre heures dans un bus spatial, en direction de la « Cascade de saphir ».

Les autres passagers sont : la famille Cane composée de Val, Biff et Jethro, leur fils; le professeur Hobbes et son assistante Dee Dee, ainsi qu'une femme d'affaires, Sky Sylvestry.

Une hôtesse les accueille. Elle leur propose de regarder la télévision (sur laquelle Rose apparaîtra pendant quelques secondes, sans être remarquée) en attendant d'arriver à la Cascade. Elle ajoute également de la musique, ce qui a pour but de créer un tintamarre inaudible. Mais le Docteur, à l'aide de son tournevis sonique, provoque une panne qui empêche les appareils de fonctionner. Il propose alors aux passagers de faire connaissance et tous se mettent à discuter. L'ambiance est excellente, jusqu'à ce que le véhicule s'arrête brusquement et sans raison.

Le Docteur confirme qu'il n'y a pas de problème mécanique et on appelle à l'aide une équipe de secours. Soudain, quelque chose frappe contre la paroi du bus à l'extérieur. Cela est d'autant plus inquiétant que ce bruit semble bouger d'un côté à l'autre du véhicule alors qu'ils sont dans l'espace et que rien ne pourrait survivre.

Sky est apparemment la plus effrayée de tous les passagers, étant sûre et certaine que ce « bruit » vient pour elle, mais sans dire pourquoi. Les passagers ne sont pas rassurés et la panique gagne en intensité.

Les lumières s'éteignent et le bus subit de violentes secousses. Sky se réfugie dans un coin, face au mur, alors que les deux pilotes sont exposés à la lumière mortelle du soleil lorsque la cabine de pilotage est arrachée. Les passagers sont désormais seuls.

Sky a un comportement étrange. Elle reste immobile, puis, lorsque le Docteur s'approche d'elle et lui parle doucement, elle commence à répéter tout ce qu'il lui dit, tout ce qu'elle entend, même de la part des autres passagers, ce qui ne fait qu'augmenter la panique des voyageurs et la curiosité du Docteur. Soudain le temps entre ses répétitions et les paroles des passagers devient de plus en plus court, si bien qu'elle parle désormais en même temps qu'eux. Le Docteur ne trouve aucune explication à ce phénomène étrange.

Une peur incontrôlable s'empare alors des passagers et certains proposent de jeter Sky à l'extérieur du bus. Ils deviennent incontrôlables. Le Docteur tente de calmer les esprits, comme à son habitude, mais les passagers commencent à douter de lui : un homme ne voulant pas révéler son véritable nom ne peut qu'être suspect.

Leurs suspicions s'intensifient lorsque Sky se concentre sur ses mots uniquement. Le Seigneur du temps dit tout ce qui lui passe par la tête même le plus bizarre, mais Sky répète toujours, pire, elle le devance. Soudain les choses changent. Sky semble redevenir normale et parle normalement tandis que le Docteur reste paralysé. La plupart des passagers pensent que, désormais, c'est le Docteur qui est possédé, alors que l'hôtesse et Dee Dee sont persuadées que Sky a juste volé la voix du Docteur car son comportement reste suspect.

Lorsque les passagers veulent jeter le Docteur, incapable de faire quoi que se soit et complètement paralysé, hors du vaisseau, le condamnant à une mort certaine, l'hôtesse entend Sky prononcer deux phrases dites précédemment par le Docteur. C'est la preuve dont elle avait besoin. Elle comprend que Sky ou l'entité qui a pris son enveloppe charnelle est le vrai danger, et elle se sacrifie, emportant Sky avec elle, aspirées hors du bus spatial. Peu à peu, le Docteur retrouve ses esprits et sa voix. Secoués par ce qui vient de se produire, les passagers et lui attendent les secours sans plus échanger un mot.

De retour sur la planète où l'attend sa compagne, le Seigneur du temps retrouve Donna, heureux d'être en vie, mais toujours en état de choc. Il lui explique ce qu'il a vécu et qui l'a, même s'il ne se l'avoue pas, plutôt secoué. Alors que Donna répète l'une de ses phrases, il lui dit : Non, ne faîtes plus jamais ça.




Écrit par hypmatt pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries.

Script VO épisode 410 "Midnight"

Gentle music plays, as there is an exterior view of the glistening, luxurious planet Midnight. Zooms into a sunbathing lounge with a pool, Donna lying lazily on the chair. A butler brings the ringing phone over to Donna, who answers it as the butler walks away.

DONNA : I said, no !

Cuts to the Doctor on the other end of a public phone.

DOCTOR : Sapphire waterfall - it’s a waterfall made of sapphires ! (cuts back to Donna who is smiling cheekily). This enormous jewel, size of a glacier, reaches the Cliffs of Oblivion, and then shatters into sapphires at the edge - they fall 100,000 feet into a crystal ravine.

DONNA : I bet you say that to all the girls.

DOCTOR : Oh, come on ! They’re boarding now ! It’s no fun if I see it on my own. Four hours, that’s all it takes.

DONNA : No, that’s four hours there and four hours back, it’s like a school trip. I’d rather go sunbathing.

DOCTOR : You be careful, that’s Xtonic sunlight.

DONNA : Oh, I’m safe. It says in the brochure this glass is fifteen feet thick.

DOCTOR : All right, I give up. I’ll be back for dinner, we’ll try that anti-gravity restaurant. With bibs.

DONNA : That's a date. Well, not a date. Oh, you know what I mean. Oh get off !

DOCTOR : See you later.

DONNA : Oi ! You be careful, all right ?

DOCTOR : Nah. Taking a big space truck with a bunch of strangers across a diamond planet called Midnight - what could possibly go wrong ?

He hangs the phone up.


The Doctor is on the shuttle, watching the last passengers board. The Hostess is talking to a woman, Sky, who sits near the Doctor.

HOSTESS : Complimentary juice pack and complimentary...

SKY : Just the headphones, please.

HOSTESS : There you go.

She moves to the Doctor and starts to hand him things.

HOSTESS : That's the headphones for Channels 1 to 36; modem link for 3D vidgames; complimentary earplugs; complimentary slippers; complimentary juice pack; and complimentary peanuts. I must warn you some products may contain nuts.

DOCTOR : That'll be the peanuts.

HOSTESS : Enjoy your trip.

DOCTOR : Oh, I can't wait ! Allons-y !

HOSTESS : I'm sorry ?

DOCTOR : It's French, for let's go !

HOSTESS : Fascinating.

She moves to the people sitting in the row behind the Doctor : Professor Hobbes and his young assistant Dee Dee.

HOSTESS : Headphones for channels 1-36...

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Oh no, thank you, not for us !

DEE DEE : Earplugs, please.

HOSTESS : There you go.

PROFESSOR HOBBES (to Dee Dee) : They call it a sapphire waterfall, but it's no such thing, sapphire's an aluminium oxide, but the glacier is just a compound silica with iron pigmentation !

Camera shifts to the Hostess talking to a middle-aged couple, Biff and Val.

HOSTESS : ... complimentary juice pack and complimentary peanuts.

VAL : Thank you.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Have you got that pillow for my neck ?

DEE DEE : Yes, sir.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : And the pills ?

The camera returns to the Professor and Dee Dee.

DEE DEE : Yes, all measured out for you, there you go.

The Doctor looks at the Professor and Dee Dee over the back of his seat.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Hobbes ! Professor Winfold Hobbes !

DOCTOR : I'm the Doctor, hello !

They shake hands.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : It's my 14th time !

DOCTOR : Oh ! My first.

DEE DEE : And I'm Dee Dee, Dee Dee Blasco.

She shakes the Doctor's hand too.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Now don't bother the man ! Where's my water bottle ?

HOSTESS (talking to Jethro, a young man who sits away from his parents Biff and Val) : ... complimentary slippers, complimentary juice pack, and complimentary peanuts, I must warn you some products may contain nuts.

VAL : Don't be silly, come and sit with us. Look ! We get slippers !

BIFF : Jethro ! Do what your mother says.

JETHRO : I'm sitting here.

BIFF : Oh, he's ashamed of us. But he doesn't mind us paying, does he ?

VAL : Oh, don't you two start. Should I save the juice pack or have it now ? Look, peach and clementine !

The Hostess walks to the front of the shuttle to address all passengers.

HOSTESS : Ladies and gentlemen and variations thereupon, welcome on board the Crusader 50, if you would fasten your seatbelts, we'll be leaving any moment. Doors !

Doors seal automatically.

HOSTESS : Shields down !

Shields descend in front of the windows.

HOSTESS : I'm afraid the view is shielded until we reach the Waterfall Palace. Also, a reminder, Midnight has no air, so please don't touch the exterior door seals. Fire exit at the rear, and should we need to use it... you first. (She laughs at the absurd idea). Now I will hand you over to Driver Joe.

DRIVER JOE (over intercom) : Driver Joe at the wheel ! There's been a diamondfall at the Winter Witch Canyon, so we'll be taking a slight detour, as you'll see on the map. (a map is shown on a screen) The journey covers 500 kliks to the Multifaceted Coast, duration is estimated at four hours. Thank you for travelling with us, and as they used to say in the olden days, wagons roll !

Engines accelerate and the shuttle starts to move.

HOSTESS : For your entertainment, we have the Music Channel playing retrovids of Earth Classics. (She pushes a key on her remote, screens appear in front of each passenger, they show Raffaello Cara singing "Do It Do It Again"). Also, the latest artistic installation from Ludovico Klein. (She pushes another key to start a hologram show). Plus, for the youngsters, a rare treat - the Animation Archives. (She turns on a projector that shows old cartoons). Four hours of funtime ! Enjoy !

Everything going simultaneously, it all ends up as a terrible cacophony that nobody but Val and Biff enjoy. The Doctor uses the sonic screwdriver to stop it.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Well, that's a mercy !

HOSTESS : I do apologise, ladies and gentlemen and variations thereupon. We seem to had a failure of the Entertainment System...


VAL : But what do we do ?!

BIFF : We've got four hours of this ! Four hours of just... sitting here ?

DOCTOR : Tell you what ! We'll have to talk to each other instead !

He grins at the passengers who seem to find this a weird idea.


People are laughing, having a great time telling stories, except Sky who sits apart from the rest reading a book, and Jethro who seems rather embarrassed by his parents.

VAL : So Biff said, "I'm going swimming".

BIFF : Oh, I was all ready, trunks and everything ! Nose plug !

VAL : He had this little nose plug, you should've seen him.

BIFF : And I went marching up to the lifeguard, and he was a Shamboni, you know, those big foreheads ?

VAL : Great big forehead !

BIFF : And I said, where's the pool ? And he said...

BIFF & VAL : "The pool is abstract !"

VAL : It wasn't a real pool !

BIFF : It was a concept !

DOCTOR : And you wore a nose plug !

BIFF : I was like this ! (pinching his nose). Mmm... where's the pool ?

Everyone burst out laughing again.


The Doctor and Dee Dee are in the galley.

DEE DEE : I'm just a second-year student, but I wrote a paper on the Lost Moon of Poosh, Professor Hobbes read it, liked it, took me on as a researcher. Just for the holidays. Well, I say researcher, most of the time he's got me fetching and carrying. But it's all good experience !

DOCTOR : And did they ever find it ?

DEE DEE : Find what ?

DOCTOR : The Lost Moon of Poosh !

DEE DEE (laughing) : Oh no ! Not yet !

DOCTOR : Well, maybe that'll be your great discovery, one day. Here's to Poosh !

He lifts his coffee cup.

DEE DEE : Poosh !


The Doctor is sitting beside Sky, just having had their meals served.

DOCTOR : No, no, I'm with this friend of mine, Donna, she stayed behind in the Leisure Palace. You ?

SKY : No, it's just me.

DOCTOR : Oh, I've done plenty of that. Travelling on my own. I love it. Do what you want ! Go anywhere !

SKY : No, I'm still getting used to it. I've... found myself single rather recently, not by choice.

DOCTOR : What happened ?

SKY : Oh, the usual. She needed her own space, as they say. A different galaxy, in fact. I reckon that's enough space, don't you ?

DOCTOR : Yeah... I had a friend who went to a different universe.

SKY : Oh, what's this, chicken or beef ?

DOCTOR (examining a piece on his fork) : I think it's both.


Professor Hobbes is showing his slides to the other passengers.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : So, this is Midnight, d'you see ? Bombarded by the sun ! Xtonic rays, raw galvanic radiation. Dee Dee, next slide ! (she switches to the next slide). It's my pet project. Actually, I'm the first person to research this. Because you see... the history is fascinating, because there is no history. There's no life in this entire system, there couldn't be. Before the Leisure Palace Company moved in, no-one had come here in all eternity. No living thing.

JETHRO : But how d'you know ? I mean, if no-one can go outside...

VAL : Oh, his imagination ! Here we go !

DOCTOR : He's got a point, though.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Exactly ! We look upon this world through glass. Safe inside our metal box. Even the Leisure Palace was lowered down from orbit. And here we are now, crossing Midnight, but never touching it.

There's a rattling then the engines go silent.

VAL : We've stopped. Have we stopped ?

BIFF : Are we there ?

DEE DEE : We can't be, it's too soon.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : They don't stop, Crusader vehicles never stop.

HOSTESS : If you could just... return to your seats, it's... just a small delay.

Just as confused as her passengers, she goes to the intercom to talk with the driver.

BIFF : Maybe just a pit stop.

HOSTESS (talking to the driver via intercom) : What's going on ?

PROFESSOR HOBBES : There's no pit to stop in, I've been on this expedition 14 times, they never stop.

SKY : Well evidently, we have stopped, so there's no point in denying it.

JETHRO (laughing) : We've broken down !

VAL : Thanks, Jethro.

JETHRO : In the middle of nowhere !

BIFF : That's enough, now stop it !

HOSTESS : Ladies and gentlemen and variations thereupon, we're just experiencing a short... delay, the driver needs to stabilise the engine feeds. It's perfectly routine, so if you could just stay in your seats...

The Doctor walks towards the driver's cabin.

HOSTESS : No, I'm sorry sir, I... could you please...

DOCTOR : There you go, engine expert ! Two ticks !

He opens the door and enters the cockpit.

HOSTESS : Sorry sir, if you could just sit down ! You're not supposed to be in there...

The doors closes behind the Doctor.

DRIVER JOE : Sorry, if you could return to your seat, sir...

DOCTOR : Company insurance, let's see if we can get an early assessment. So, what's the problem, Driver Joe ?

DRIVER JOE : We're stabilising the engine feeds, won't take long.

DOCTOR : Um, no, cos that's the engine feed, that light there, and it's fine, and it's a micropetrol engine, so stabilising doesn't really make sense, does it ? Sorry ! I'm the Doctor, I'm very clever. So, what's wrong ?

MECHANIC CLAUDE : We just stopped, look, all systems fine and everything's working, but we're not moving.

DOCTOR (checking with the sonic) : Yeah you're right. No faults. And who are you ?

MECHANIC CLAUDE : Claude, I'm the mechanic. Trainee.

DOCTOR : Nice to meet you.

DRIVER JOE : I've sent a distress signal. They should dispatch a rescue truck, top speed.

DOCTOR : How long till they get here ?

DRIVER JOE : About an hour.

DOCTOR : Well, since we're waiting... shall we take a look outside ? Just... lift the screens a bit ?

DRIVER JOE : It's 100% Xtonic out there, we'd be vaporised.

DOCTOR : No, those windows are Finitoglass, they'd give you a couple of minutes. Go on ! Live a little !

Driver Joe gives in and raises the shields. The three of them look the landscape in awe.

DOCTOR : Ohhh, that is beautiful...

MECHANIC CLAUDE : Look at all those diamonds ! Poisoned by the sun. No-one can ever touch them.

DOCTOR : Joe, you said we took a detour ?

DRIVER JOE : Just about 40 kliks to the west.

DOCTOR : Is that a recognised path ?

DRIVER JOE : No, it's a new one, the computer worked it out, on automatic.

DOCTOR : So we're the first ? This piece of ground. No-one's ever been here before. Not in the whole of recorded history.

MECHANIC CLAUDE : Did you just... ? No, sorry, it's... nothing.

DOCTOR : What did you see ?

MECHANIC CLAUDE : Just there. That ridge. Like... like a shadow. Just, just for a second.

DOCTOR : What sort of shadow ?

An alarm sounds.

DRIVER JOE : Xtonic rising ! Shields down.

MECHANIC CLAUDE : Look, look, there it is, there it is, look, there !

DOCTOR : Where ?! What was it ?

MECHANIC CLAUDE : Like, just, something... shifting, something sort of... dark. Like it was... running.

DOCTOR : Running which way ?

MECHANIC CLAUDE : Towards us...

DRIVER JOE : Right, Doctor, back to your seat and not a word, rescue's on its way. If you could close the door, thank you.

The Doctor returns to the passenger cabin.

SKY : What did they say ? Did they tell you ? What is it, what's wrong ?

DOCTOR : Oh, just stabilising, happens all the time.

SKY : I don't need this. I'm on a schedule. This is completely unnecessary !

HOSTESS : Back to your seats, thank you.

She goes to the cockpit while the Doctor and Sky return to their seats.

DEE DEE (low voice) : Excuse me, Doctor, but they're micropetrol engines, aren't they ?

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Now, don't bother the man.

DEE DEE : My father was a mechanic. Micropetrol doesn't stabilise, what does 'stabilise' mean ?

DOCTOR : Well. Bit of flim-flam. Don't worry, they're sorting it out.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : So it's not the engines ?

DOCTOR : It's just a little pause, that's all.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : How much air have we got ?

DEE DEE : Professor, it's fine.

VAL : What did he say ?

DOCTOR : Nothing !

VAL : Are we running out of air ?

PROFESSOR HOBBES : I was just speculating...

The Hostess returns from the driver's cabin.

BIFF : Is that right, miss ? Are we running out of air ?

VAL : Is that what the Captain said ?

HOSTESS : If you could all just remain calm...

VAL : How much air have we got ?

JETHRO : Mum, just stop it.

HOSTESS : I assure you, everything is under control.

BIFF : Well, doesn't look like it to me !

VAL : Well, he said it.

DEE DEE : ... it's fine, the air is on a circular filter...

VAL : ... he started it... 

All talk at once, panicked.

DOCTOR : Everyone...

They keep shouting.

DOCTOR : Shhh shhh shhh... QUIET !

Silence falls.

DOCTOR : Thank you. Now, if you'd care to listen to my good friend Dee Dee...

DEE DEE : Oh ! Um... it's just that... well, the air's on a circular filter so... we could stay breathing for ten years.

DOCTOR : There you go ! And I've spoken to the Captain, I can guarantee you, everything's fine.

They hear two loud knocks on the wall of the shuttle.

VAL : What was that ?

PROFESSOR HOBBES : It must be the metal. We're cooling down, it's just settling...

DEE DEE : Rocks. Could be rocks falling.

BIFF : What I want to know is, how long do we have to sit here.

The double knocking is repeated on a different part of the shuttle.

SKY : What is that ?

VAL : Is someone out there ?

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Now, don't be ridiculous !

DEE DEE : Like I said, it could be rocks.

HOSTESS : We're out in the open. Nothing could fall against the sides.

Again, two knocks on the wall.

DOCTOR : Knock, knock.

JETHRO : Who is there ?

SKY : Is there something out there ? Well ? Anyone ?

Knocking again.

SKY : What the hell is making that noise ?

PROFESSOR HOBBES : I'm sorry, but the light out there is Xtonic, that means it would destroy any living thing, in a split-second. It is impossible for someone to be outside.

The knocking is repeated again, always two knocks.

SKY : Well, what the hell is that, then ?!

The Doctor goes to the wall where they heard the last knocks from, and uses a stethoscope to hear what's outside.

HOSTESS : Sir ! You really should get back to your seat.

DOCTOR : Hello ?

Now, the knocking comes from the fire exit at the rear.

JETHRO : It's moving...

There's a rattling from the door, like something is trying to get it open.

VAL : It's trying the door !

PROFESSOR HOBBES : There is no 'it', there's nothing out there. Can't be.

The thing tries again with the door, then it goes around, always double knocks, from the roof then from the side door.

VAL : That's the entrance. Can it get in ?

DEE DEE : No, that door's on two hundred weight of hydraulics.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Stop it. Don't encourage them.

DEE DEE : What do you think it is ?

Biff goes to the door.

VAL : Biff, don't...

DOCTOR : Mr Cane, better not...

BIFF : Nah, it's cast iron, that door...

Biff knocks on the door three times, and the thing outside repeats with three knocks.

VAL : Three times ! Did you hear that, it did it three times ?!

JETHRO : It answered !

VAL : It did it three times !

DOCTOR : All right, all right, all right, everyone, calm down.

SKY : No, but it answered, it... answered, don't tell me that thing's not alive, it answered him !

Three knocks again.

HOSTESS : I really must insist, you get back to your seats !

SKY : No ! Don't just stand there telling us the rules ! You're the hostess, you're supposed to do something !

The Doctor goes to the door and knocks four times, and in repeat, the thing knocks four times too.

SKY (yelling in total panic) : What is it, what the hell's making that noise ? She said she'd get me. Stop it, make it stop, somebody make it stop ! Don't just stand there looking at me, it's not my fault, he started it with his stories...

DEE DEE : Calm down !

SKY : ... and he made it worse...

VAL : You're not helping !

SKY : ...why couldn't you leave it alone ? Stop staring at me ! Just tell me what the hell it is !

DEE DEE : Calm down !

The knocking becomes continuous. In panic, Sky backs towards the cockpit door.

SKY : It's coming for me, ohh it's coming for me, it's coming for me... It's coming for me ! It's coming for me !

She screams. The Doctor moves towards her, warning.

DOCTOR : Get out of there !

The whole shuttle rocks, lights go out and sparkles fly. The people fall over screaming, then gasp and groan in the darkness as the shuttle stops moving.

BIFF (holding Val tight) : All right ? OK.

DOCTOR : Argh... Arms. Legs. Neck. Head. Nose. I'm fine... Everyone else ?

On a screen behind the Doctor, Raffaella Cara continues singing. Then for a few seconds she is replaced by Rose, mouthing "Doctor !". But her voice can't be heard and she disappears again, unnoticed.

DOCTOR : How are we, everyone all right ?

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Earthquake, must be...

DEE DEE : But that's impossible, the ground is fixed, it's solid.

HOSTESS : We've got torches, everyone, take a torch, they're in the back of the seats.

They find the torches and start looking around.

VAL : Oh, Jethro, sweetheart, come here...

JETHRO : Never mind me, what about her ?

In the front of the shuttle, Sky is sitting motionless among ruined seats, her back to the others.

VAL : What happened to the seats ?

BIFF : Who did that ?

VAL : They've been ripped up.

DOCTOR (soothing, to Sky) : It's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's over. We're still alive... Look, the wall's still intact. D'you see ?

He points his torch at the wall in front of Sky, there's a dent in it but it's not broken. The Hostess is trying to reach the driver via intercom.

HOSTESS : Joe, Claude ?

DOCTOR (to Sky) : We're safe.

HOSTESS : Driver Joe, can you hear me ? I'm not getting any response, the intercom must be down.

She opens the cockpit door and bright light blinds everyone. They scream until the Hostess closes the door.

VAL : What happened ? What was that ?

BIFF : Is it the driver ? Have we lost the driver ?

HOSTESS : The cabin's gone.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Don't be ridiculous. It can't be gone, how can it be gone ?

DEE DEE : Well, but you saw it !

HOSTESS : There was nothing there, like it was ripped away.

The Doctor is fiddling on a panel in the front wall with the sonic.

BIFF : What are you doing ?

He points his torch at the Doctor.

DOCTOR : That's better, bit of light, thank you. Molto bene !

VAL : D'you know what you're doing ?

BIFF : The cabin's gone, you'd better leave that wall alone.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : The cabin can't be gone !

DOCTOR : No, it's safe, any rupture would automatically seal itself... (taking off the panel). But something sliced it off. You're right. The cabin's gone.

HOSTESS : But if it gets separated...

DOCTOR : It loses integrity. I'm sorry, they've been reduced to dust. The driver and the mechanic. But they sent a distress signal. Help is on its way. They saved our lives ! We're gonna get out of here, I promise. We're still alive, and they're gonna find us.

JETHRO : Doctor. Look at her.

He is watching Sky who still sits in the same position, her back to the others.

DOCTOR : Right, yes, sorry... Have we got a medical kit ?

JETHRO : Why won't she turn around ?

DOCTOR : What's her name ?

HOSTESS : Silvestry. Mrs Sky Silvestry.

DOCTOR : Sky ? Can you hear me ? (he crouches down to her). Are you all right ? Can you move, Sky ? Just look at me.

JETHRO : That noise, from the outside...

VAL : What of it ?

JETHRO : It's stopped.

VAL : Well, thank God for that.

JETHRO : But what if it's not outside anymore ? What if it's inside ?

VAL : Inside ? Where ?

JETHRO (looking at Sky) : It was heading for her.

DOCTOR : Sky... it's all right, Sky. I just want you to turn around, face me.

Slowly, she turns around and stares at the Doctor with wide eyes, looking like a wild animal caught in torchlight.

DOCTOR : Sky ?

SKY : Sky ?

DOCTOR : Are you all right ?

SKY : Are you all right ?

DOCTOR : Are you hurt ?

SKY : Are you hurt ?

DOCTOR : You don't have to talk.

SKY : You don't have to talk.

DOCTOR : I'm trying to help.

SKY : I'm trying to help.

DOCTOR : My name's the Doctor.

SKY : My name's the Doctor.

DOCTOR : OK, can you stop ?

SKY : OK, can you stop ?

DOCTOR : I'd like you to stop.

SKY : I'd like you to stop.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Why's she doing that ?

SKY (turning towards him) : Why's she doing that?

BIFF : She's gone mad.

SKY : She's gone mad.

VAL : Stop it.

SKY : Stop it.

VAL : I said stop it !

SKY : I said stop it !

DEE DEE : I don't think she can.

SKY : I don't think she can.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : All right, now stop it, this isn't funny.

SKY : All right, now stop it, this isn't funny.

DOCTOR : Sh, sh, sh, all of you.

SKY : Sh, sh, sh, all of you.

JETHRO (looking amused) : My name's Jethro !

SKY : My name's Jethro !

DOCTOR : Jethro, leave it, just shut up !

SKY : Jethro, leave it, just shut up !

DOCTOR : Why are you repeating ?

SKY : Why are you repeating ?

DOCTOR : What is that, learning ?

SKY : What is that, learning ?

DOCTOR : Copying ?

SKY : Copying ?

DOCTOR : Absorbing ?

SKY : Absorbing ?

DOCTOR : The square root of pi is 1.77245385090551602729816748...

SKY : The square root of pi is 1.77245385090551602729816748...

DOCTOR : ...3341. Wow !

SKY : ...3341. Wow !

PROFESSOR HOBBES : But that's impossible.

SKY : But that's impossible.

DEE DEE : She couldn't repeat all that.

SKY : She couldn't repeat all that.

VAL : Tell her to stop !

SKY : Tell her to stop !

VAL : She's driving me mad.

SKY : She's driving me mad.

VAL : Just make her stop !

SKY : Just make her stop !

They start talking all at once, but Sky still repeats every single word he hears, copying also tone and rhythm.

VAL : ... stop her staring at me, shut her up...

SKY : ... stop her staring at me, shut her up...

HOSTESS : ... a trick...

SKY : ... a trick...

DEE DEE : ... that's impossible...

SKY : ... that's impossible...

BIFF : ... I'm telling you, whatever your name is...

SKY : ... I'm telling you, whatever your name is...

DOCTOR : Now, just stop it, all of...

SKY : Now, just stop it all of...

PROFESSOR HOBBES : ... her eyes, what's wrong with her eyes ?

SKY : ... her eyes, what's wrong with her eyes ?

JETHRO : ... copy anything...

SKY : ... copy anything...

VAL : ... Biff don't just stand her, do something, make her stop...

SKY : ... Biff don't just stand her, do something, make her stop...

BIFF : ... you're scaring my wife...

SKY : ... you're scaring my wife...

HOSTESS : ... Mrs Silvestry...

SKY : ... Mrs Silvestry...

JETHRO : Six, six, six.

SKY : Six, six, six.

VAL : ... make her stop...

SKY : ... make her stop...

They hear a high-pitched noise as the lights come back and that finally stops them shouting.

HOSTESS : Well then, that's the back-up system.

BIFF : Well ! That's a bit better.

VAL : What about the rescue, how long's it gonna take ?

HOSTESS : About 60 minutes, that's all.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Then I suggest we all calm down. This panic isn't helping. That poor woman is evidently in a state of... 

PROFESSOR HOBBES AND SKY : ... self-induced hysteria, we should leave her alone.

JETHRO (noticing what's happening) : Doctor...

DOCTOR : I know.

Sky is copying words Professor Hobbes says, but no more repeating, now she talks simultaneously with him.

PROFESSOR HOBBES AND SKY : Doctor, now step back, I think you should leave her... Alone. (he notices that Sky talks simultaneously with him). What's she doing ?

VAL AND SKY : How can she do that ? She's talking with you... and with me ! Oh, my God ! Biff, what's she doing ?

JETHRO AND SKY : She's repeating... At exactly the same time.

DEE DEE AND SKY : That's impossible.

PROFESSOR HOBBES AND SKY : There's not even a delay.

JETHRO AND SKY : Ohh man, that is weird.

DOCTOR AND SKY : I think you should all be very, very quiet, have you got that ?

VAL AND SKY : How's she doing it ?

DOCTOR AND SKY : Mrs Cane, please, be quiet.

VAL AND SKY : But how can she do that ? She's got my voice, she's got my words !

BIFF AND SKY : Sweetheart, be quiet, just... hush now. Hush. She's doing it to me !

DOCTOR AND SKY : Just stop it, all of you. Stop it. Please.

He crouches down to look into Sky's eyes.

DOCTOR AND SKY : Now then, Sky. Are you Sky ? Is Sky still in there ? Mrs Silvestry ? (pause) You know exactly what I'm going to say, how are you doing that ? (pause) Roast beef ! Bananas ! The Medusa Cascade. Bang ! Rose Tyler Martha Jones Donna Noble TARDIS ! Shamble bobble dibble dooble. Oh, Doctor, you're so handsome. Yes I am, thank you. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O...

The Doctor rises.

DOCTOR AND SKY : First she repeats. Then she catches up. What's the next stage ?

DEE DEE AND SKY : Next stage of what ?

JETHRO AND SKY : But that's not her, is it ? That's not Mrs Silvestry any more.

DOCTOR AND SKY : I don't think so, no. I think... the more we talk, the more she learns. Now, I'm all for education, but in this case... maybe not. Let's just... move back. Come on. Come with me. Everyone, get back, all of you, as far as you can.

They walk to the galley.

VAL AND SKY : Doctor, make her stop.

DOCTOR AND SKY : Val, come on, come to the back, stop looking at her, come on, Jethro, you too. Everyone, come on... 50 minutes. That's all we need. 50 minutes till the rescue arrives. And she's not exactly strong, look at her, all she's got is our voices.

VAL AND SKY : I can't look at her. It's those eyes.

DEE DEE AND SKY : "We must not look at goblin men."

All look at her, confused.

BIFF AND SKY : What's that supposed to mean ?

DOCTOR AND SKY : It's a poem. Christina Rossetti.

DEE DEE AND SKY : "We must not look at goblin men. We must not buy their fruits. Who knows upon what soil they fed. Their hungry, thirsty roots ?"

DOCTOR AND SKY : Actually, I don't think that's helping.

PROFESSOR HOBBES AND SKY : She's not a goblin, or a monster, she's just a very sick woman.

JETHRO AND SKY : Maybe that's why it went for her.

PROFESSOR HOBBES AND SKY : There is no 'it' ! 

JETHRO AND SKY : Think about it though. That knocking, it went all the way round the bus until it found her. And she was the most scared, out of all of us. Maybe that's what it needed. That's how it got in.

PROFESSOR HOBBES AND SKY : For the last time ! Nothing can live on the surface of Midnight.

DOCTOR AND SKY : Professor, I'm glad you've got an absolute definition of life in the universe, but perhaps the universe has got ideas of its own, mmm ? Now trust me, I've got previous ! I think there might well be some... consciousness inside Mrs Silvestry, but maybe she's still in there. And it's our job to help her.

BIFF AND SKY : Well, you can help her, I'm not going near.

DOCTOR AND SKY : No, I've got to stay back. If she's copying us, maybe the final stage is becoming us. I don't want her becoming me, or things could get a lot worse.

VAL AND SKY : Oh, like you're so special.

DOCTOR AND SKY : As it happens, yes I am. So that's decided. We stay back, and we wait. When the rescue ship comes, we can get her to hospital.

HOSTESS AND SKY : We should throw her out.

PROFESSOR HOBBES AND SKY : I beg your pardon ?

VAL AND SKY : Can we do that ?

DOCTOR AND SKY : Don't be ridiculous.

HOSTESS AND SKY : That thing, whatever it is, killed the driver, and the mechanic, and I don't think she's finished yet.

DOCTOR AND SKY : She can't even move !

HOSTESS AND SKY : Look at her, look at her eyes ! She killed Joe, and she killed Claude, and we're next.

BIFF AND SKY : She's still doing it. (he walks back to Sky). Just stop it ! Stop talking !!! Stop it !!!

VAL AND SKY : Biff, don't, sweetheart !

BIFF AND SKY : But she won't stop ! (he walks back to the group). We can't throw her out though, we can't even open the doors.

DOCTOR AND SKY : No one is getting thrown out !

DEE DEE AND SKY : Yes, we can. Cos there's an air pressure seal. (to the Hostess) : Like when you opened the cabin door, you weren't pulled out, you had a couple of seconds, cos it takes the pressure-wall about six seconds to collapse. Well, six seconds exactly. That's enough time to throw someone out.

DOCTOR AND SKY (sarcastic) : Thanks, Dee Dee, just what we needed.

VAL : Would it kill her, outside ?

DEE DEE AND SKY : I don't know, but she's got a body now, it would certainly kill the physical form.

DOCTOR AND SKY : No one is killing anyone !

HOSTESS AND SKY : I wouldn't risk the cabin door twice, but we've got that one. (she points to the fire exit behind them). All we need to do is grab hold of her and throw her out.

DOCTOR AND SKY : Now, listen, all of you. For all we know that's a brand new life form over there. And if it's come inside to discover us, than what's it found ? This little bunch of humans, what d'you amount to ? A murder ? Cos this is where you decide. You decide who you are. Could you actually murder her ? Any of you ? Really ? Or are you better than that ?

For a few seconds, they look at each other silently.

HOSTESS AND SKY : I'd do it.

BIFF AND SKY : So would I.

VAL AND SKY : And me.

DEE DEE AND SKY : I think we should.


DEE DEE AND SKY : I want her out.

DOCTOR AND SKY : You can't say that !

DEE DEE AND SKY : I'm sorry, but you said it yourself, Doctor, she is growing in strength.

DOCTOR AND SKY : That's not what I said !

DEE DEE AND SKY : I want to go home. I'm sorry. I want to be safe.

DOCTOR AND SKY : You'll be safe, any minute now, the rescue truck is on its way.

HOSTESS AND SKY : But what happens then, Doctor ? If it takes that thing back to the Leisure Palace, if that thing reaches civilisation, what if it spreads ?

DOCTOR AND SKY : No, when we get back to the base, I'll be there to contain it.

VAL AND SKY : You haven't done much so far !

BIFF AND SKY : You're just standing in the back with the rest of us !

HOSTESS AND SKY : She's dangerous. It's my job to see this vessel is safe, and we should get rid of her.

PROFESSOR HOBBES AND SKY : Now hang on, I think, perhaps we're all going a little bit too far.

DOCTOR AND SKY : At last ! Thank you.

HOSTESS AND SKY : Two people are dead !

DOCTOR AND SKY : Don't make it a third ! Jethro, what d'you say ?

JETHRO AND SKY : I'm not killing anyone.

DOCTOR AND SKY : Thank you.

VAL AND SKY : He's just a boy !

JETHRO AND SKY : What, so I don't get a vote ?

DOCTOR AND SKY : There isn't a vote, it's not happening ! Ever. If you try to throw her out that door, you'll have to get past me first.

For a moment, they just stare at him.


BIFF AND SKY : Fine by me.

DOCTOR AND SKY : Ohh, now you're being stupid. Just think about it ! Could you actually take hold of someone and throw them out of that door ?

BIFF AND SKY : Calling me a coward ?

VAL AND SKY : Who put you in charge, anyway ?

PROFESSOR HOBBES AND SKY : I'm sorry, but... you're a Doctor of what, exactly ?

HOSTESS AND SKY : He wasn't even booked in. Rest of you, tickets in advance. He just turned up out of the blue.

VAL AND SKY : Where from ?

DOCTOR AND SKY : I'm just... travelling, I'm a traveller, that's all.

VAL AND SKY : Like an immigrant ?

HOSTESS AND SKY : Who were you talking to ? Before you got on board, you were talking to someone, who was that ?

DOCTOR AND SKY : Just Donna, just my friend.

BIFF AND SKY : And what were you saying to her ?

VAL AND SKY : He hasn't even told us his name.

JETHRO AND SKY : Thing is, Doctor, you've been loving this.

DOCTOR AND SKY : Oh, Jethro, not you.

JETHRO AND SKY : No, but ever since all the trouble started, you've been loving it.

PROFESSOR HOBBES AND SKY : It has to be said, you do seem to have a certain... glee.

DOCTOR AND SKY : All right, I'm interested, yes, I can't help it, cos whatever's inside her, it's brand new, and that's fascinating !

VAL AND SKY : What, you wanted this to happen ?


BIFF AND SKY : And you were talking to her, all on your own, before all the trouble, right at the front, you were talking to that Sky woman, the two of you together, I saw you.

VAL AND SKY : We all did !

HOSTESS AND SKY : And you went into the cabin !

BIFF AND SKY : What were you saying to her ?

DOCTOR : I was just talking !

BIFF AND SKY : Saying what ?

JETHRO AND SKY : You called us humans like you're not one of us !

VAL AND SKY : He did ! That's what he said !

DEE DEE AND SKY : And the wiring, he went into that panel and opened up the wiring.

DOCTOR AND SKY : That was after !

BIFF AND SKY : But how did you know what to do ?

DOCTOR AND SKY : Because I'm clever !

They all fall silent.

PROFESSOR HOBBES AND SKY : I see. Well. That makes things clear.

BIFF AND SKY : And what are we, then ? Idiots ?

DOCTOR AND SKY : That's not what I meant.

DEE DEE AND SKY : If you're clever then what are we ?

VAL AND SKY : You've been looking down on us from the moment we walked in.

HOSTESS AND SKY : Even if he goes, he's practically volunteered.

DOCTOR AND SKY : Oh come on, just listen to yourself, please !

BIFF AND SKY : What d'you mean - we throw him out as well ?

HOSTESS AND SKY : If we have to.

DOCTOR AND SKY : Look, just... Right, sorry, yes, hold on, just... I know, you're scared, and so am I, look at me, I am. But we have all got to calm down and cool off and think.

PROFESSOR HOBBES AND SKY : Perhaps you could tell us your name.

DOCTOR AND SKY : What does it matter ?

HOSTESS AND SKY : Then tell us.

DOCTOR AND SKY : John Smith.


BIFF AND SKY : He's lying, look at his face.

VAL AND SKY : His eyes are the same as hers.

JETHRO AND SKY : Why won't you tell us ?!

VAL AND SKY : He's been lying to us, right from the start !

BIFF AND SKY : No-one's called John Smith ! Come off it !

Again, all are talking at once.

DOCTOR AND SKY : Now listen to me. Listen to me right now ! Because you need me, all of you, if we're gonna get out of this, then you need me.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : So you keep saying ! You've been repeating yourself more than her.

VAL : If anyone's in charge, it should be the Professor, he's the expert !

JETHRO : Mum, stop, just look...

BIFF : You keep out of this, Jethro.

JETHRO : Look at her !

DEE DEE : She's stopped...

They all turn around to look at Sky, still sitting motionless.

DOCTOR AND SKY : When did she... ? No, she hasn't, she's still doing it.

VAL : She looks the same to me... No, she's stopped ! Look, I'm talking, and she's not !

BIFF : What about me, is she...? Look ! Look at that ! She's not doing me, she's let me go !

HOSTESS : Mrs Silvestry ?... Nor me ! Nothing !

DOCTOR AND SKY : Sky ? What are you doing ?

DEE DEE : She's still doing him !

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Doctor, it's you. She's only copying you.

DOCTOR AND SKY : Why me ? Why are you doing this ?

DEE DEE : She won't leave him alone !

VAL : D'you see ?! I said so, she's with him.

BIFF : They're together !

PROFESSOR HOBBES : How d'you explain it, Doctor ? If you're so clever.

DOCTOR AND SKY : I don't know. Sky, stop it. I said stop it. Just stop it !!

He walks closer to Sky.

VAL : Look at the two of them !

Again, the Doctor crouches down to look into Sky's eyes.

DOCTOR AND SKY : Mrs Silvestry. I'm trying to understand. You've captured my speech, what for ? What d'you need ? You need my voice in particular. The cleverest voice in the room. Why ? Cos I'm the only one who can help ? Ohh, I'd love that to be true. But your eyes. They're saying something else. Listen to me. Whatever you want, if it's life, or form, or consciousness, or voice, you don't have to steal it. You can find it without hurting anyone. And I'll help you. That's a promise. So. What d'you think ?

SKY : Do we have a deal ?

DOCTOR : Do we have a deal ?

There's a shocked silence as they start realising what has just happened.

DEE DEE : Hold on, did she... ?

JETHRO : She spoke first.

VAL : She can't have.


JETHRO : She spoke first !

SKY : Oh, look at that, I'm ahead of you.

DOCTOR : Oh, look at that, I'm ahead of you.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Did you see ? She spoke before he did ! Definitely !

JETHRO : He's copying her.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Doctor, what's happening ?

SKY : I think it's moved.

DOCTOR : I think it's moved.

SKY : I think it's letting me go.

DOCTOR : I think it's letting me go.

DEE DEE : What do you mean ? Letting you go from what ?

BIFF : But he's repeating now, he's the one doing it ! It's him !

JETHRO : They're separating.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Mrs Silvestry ? Is that you ?

SKY : Yes, yes, it's me.

DOCTOR : Yes, yes, it's me.

SKY : I'm coming back, listen.

DOCTOR : I'm coming back...

SKY : It's me !

DOCTOR : ... listen. It's me !

Now, the Doctor is crouching there motionless, while Sky slowly starts to move her head and hands.

JETHRO : Like it's passed into the Doctor. It's transferred. Whatever it is, it's gone inside him.

DEE DEE : No, that's not what happened.

VAL : But look at her !

SKY : Look at me, I can move...

DOCTOR : Look at me...

SKY : I can feel again...

DOCTOR : I can move... I can feel again...

SKY : I'm coming back to life...

DOCTOR : I'm coming back to life...

SKY : And look at him, he can't move.

DOCTOR : And look at him, he can't move.

SKY : Help me.

DOCTOR : Help me.

SKY : Professor ?

DOCTOR : Professor ?

SKY : Get me away from him.

DOCTOR : Get me away from him.

SKY : Please.

DOCTOR : Please.

Cautiously avoiding to touch the Doctor, the Professor moves forward and takes Sky's hand, then leads her to the others in the rear of the shuttle.

SKY : Ohh thank you.

DOCTOR : Ohh thank you.

JETHRO : They've completely separated.

BIFF : It's in him, d'you see ? I said it was him all the time.

VAL : She's free ! She's been saved !

SKY : Oh, it was so cold.

DOCTOR : Oh, it was so cold.

SKY : I couldn't breathe.

DOCTOR : I couldn't breathe.

SKY : I'm sorry.

DOCTOR : I'm sorry.

SKY : I must've scared you so much.

DOCTOR : I must've scared you so much.

Val goes to hug her.

VAL : No, no, it's all right, I've got you, ohh, there you are my love, it's gone, everything's all right now.

DEE DEE : I wouldn't touch her.

BIFF : But it's gone, she's clean, it passed into him.

DEE DEE : That's not what happened.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : Thank you for your opinion, Dee, but clearly, Mrs Silvestry has been released.

DEE DEE : No...

VAL : Just leave her alone ! She's safe, isn't she ? Jethro ? It's let her go, hasn't it ?

JETHRO : Think so, yeah. Looks like it. Professor ?

PROFESSOR HOBBES : I'd say, from observation... the Doctor can't move, and when she was possessed, she couldn't move, so...

BIFF : Well, there we are then ! Now the only problem we've got is this Doctor.

SKY : It's inside his head.

DOCTOR : It's inside his head.

SKY : It killed the driver.

DOCTOR : It killed the driver.

SKY : And the mechanic.

DOCTOR : And the mechanic.

SKY : And now it wants us.

DOCTOR : And now it wants us.

VAL : I said so !

SKY : He's waited so long.

DOCTOR : He's waited so long.

SKY : In the dark. And the cold.

DOCTOR : In the dark. And the cold.

SKY : And the diamonds.

DOCTOR : And the diamonds.

SKY : Until you came.

DOCTOR : Until you came.

SKY : Bodies so hot.

DOCTOR : Bodies so hot.

SKY : With blood.

DOCTOR : With blood.

SKY : And pain.

DOCTOR : And pain.

VAL : Stop, oh, my God, make him stop, someone make him stop !

DEE DEE : But she's saying it !

VAL : And you can shut up !

DEE DEE : But it's not him, it's her, he's just repeating !

BIFF : But that's what the thing does, it repeats !

HOSTESS : Just let her talk !

BIFF : What do you know ? Fat lot of good you've been !

HOSTESS : Just let her explain.

DEE DEE : I think... I mean, from what I've seen... it repeats, then it synchronises, then it goes on to the next stage and that's exactly what the Doctor said would happen !

BIFF : What, and you're on his side ?

DEE DEE : No !

JETHRO : The voice is the thing !

DEE DEE : And she's the voice ! She stole it ! Look at her ! It's not possessing him, it's draining him !

HOSTESS : She's got his voice...

VAL : But that's not true, cos it can't, because I saw it pass into him, I saw it with my own eyes !

BIFF : So did I !

DEE DEE : You didn't !

VAL : It went from her, to him. You saw it, didn't you ?

JETHRO : I don't know.

VAL : Oh, don't be stupid, Jethro, of course you did !

JETHRO : I suppose... he was right next to her.

BIFF : Everyone saw it, everyone !

DEE DEE : You didn't, you're just making it up ! I know what I saw, and I saw her stealing his voice.

VAL : She's as bad as him, someone shut her up !

PROFESSOR HOBBES : I think you should be quiet, Dee.

DEE DEE : Well, I'm only saying...

PROFESSOR HOBBES : And that's an order ! You're making a fool of yourself ! Pretending you're an expert in mechanics and hydraulics, when I can tell you, you are nothing more than average, at best ! Now shut up !

During the row, they don't notice Sky's satisfied smile.

SKY : That's how he does it.

DOCTOR : That's how he does it.

SKY : He makes you fight.

DOCTOR : He makes you fight.

SKY : Creeps into your head.

DOCTOR : Creeps into your head.

SKY : And whispers.

DOCTOR : And whispers.

SKY : Listen.

DOCTOR : Listen.

SKY : Just listen.

DOCTOR : Just listen.

SKY : That's him.

DOCTOR : That's him.

SKY : Inside.

DOCTOR : Inside.

BIFF : Throw him out !

VAL : Get him out of my head !

BIFF : Yeah, we should throw him out !

VAL : Well, don't just talk about it ! Just, you're useless ! Do something !

BIFF : I will ! You watch me ! I'm gonna throw him out !

The Doctor still can't move but his eyes tell everything, his fear, and his fight against the thing possessing him.

SKY : Yes !

DOCTOR : Yes !

SKY : Throw him out !

DOCTOR : Throw him out !

SKY : Get rid of him !

DOCTOR : Get rid of him !

SKY : Now !

DOCTOR : Now !

Biff grabs the Doctor and starts to drag him towards the door.

DEE DEE : Don't !

VAL : It'll be you next !

HOSTESS : Don't think we should do this !

BIFF : It was your idea ! Professor, help me.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : I can't... I - I'm not...

BIFF : What sort of a man are you ? Come on !

VAL : Throw him out !

BIFF : Come on !

VAL : Just do it, throw him out !

BIFF : Help ! Professor, help me !

VAL : Get him out !

BIFF : Grab hold of him !

Awkwardly, the Professor grabs the Doctor's hand.

BIFF : Not like that !! Are you stupid ?!

SKY : Cast him out !

DOCTOR : Cast him out !

SKY : Into the sun !

DOCTOR : Into the sun !

VAL : I want him out !

SKY : And the night !

DOCTOR : And the night !

VAL : Get him out !

BIFF : Come on ! Don't just stand there ! Do something say !!

VAL : Get him out !

SKY : Do it !

DOCTOR : Do it !

SKY : Do it now !

DOCTOR : Do it now !

SKY : Faster !

DOCTOR : Faster !

VAL : Just do it !

SKY : That's the way !

DOCTOR : That's the way !

Jethro joins Biff and the Professor, pulling the Doctor towards the door.

SKY : You can do it !

DOCTOR : You can do it !

SKY : Molto bene !

VAL : Throw him out !

DOCTOR : Molto bene !

VAL : Get him out !

SKY : Allons-y !

DOCTOR : Allons-y !

HOSTESS (realisation dawning on her) : That's his voice.

SKY : The starlight waits !

HOSTESS : She's taken his voice !

DOCTOR : The starlight waits !

SKY : The emptiness !

DOCTOR : The emptiness !

VAL : Get him out !

SKY : The Midnight sky !

DOCTOR : The Midnight sky !

HOSTESS : It's her. She's taken his voice !

She grabs Sky and pushes the button that opens the fire exit. Blinding light gets into the shuttle, making everyone stop and scream. The Hostess stands in the door, holding Sky.

HOSTESS : One, two, three, four, five, six.

As the pressure wall collapses the Hostess and Sky are sucked outside, then the door slides closed. The men let go of the Doctor who falls to the ground, gasping.

DOCTOR : It's gone, it's gone... It's gone, it's gone, it's gone... It's gone. It's gone... It's gone, it's gone, it's gone... It's gone, it's gone, it's gone...

He slowly sits up and leans to a seat, still panting. The others are breathing heavily too - with the fright gone, they are realising what they were about to do.

VAL (making a feeble excuse) : I said it was her.


The Doctor is still sitting on the floor. The other passengers are spread out in the cabin, everyone sits alone, all lost in their own dark thoughts.

VOICE VIA INTERCOM : Repeat, Crusader 50, rescue vehicle coming alongside in three minutes, door-seals set to automatic. Prepare for boarding, repeat, prepare for boarding.

DOCTOR : The Hostess... what was her name ?

They just look away, ashamed.

PROFESSOR HOBBES : I don't know.

Back in the Leisure Palace, the Doctor walks slowly to Donna. She hugs him without a word.

DONNA : What d'you think it was ?

DOCTOR : No idea.

DONNA : D'you think it's still out there ?

The Doctor doesn't answer.

DONNA : Well, you'd better tell 'em. This lot.

DOCTOR : Yeah. They can build a Leisure Palace somewhere else. Let this planet keep on turning, round an Xtonic star. In silence.

DONNA : Can't imagine you, without a voice.

DOCTOR (with a weak smile) : Molto bene.

DONNA (teasing) : Molto bene !

DOCTOR : No, don't do that. Don't. Don't...




Source : twiztv

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chrismaz66  (01.11.2016 à 18:44)

Un de mes préférés, superbe face-à-face! 


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !