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Doctor Who (2005)
#505 : Le labyrinthe des Anges (2/2) ... Flesh and stone

Aucune issue n'est possible pour le Docteur, piégé par une armée d'Anges Pleureurs. Lui et ses compagnons tentent malgré tout de s'échapper à travers les débris du vaisseau spatial "Byzantium". Mais au cœur de la mystérieuse forêt qu'habite le vaisseau, Amy doit faire face à une menace encore plus grande.


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Flesh and stone

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Le labyrinthe des Anges (2/2) ... Flesh and stone

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Series 5 Introducing Flesh and Stone

Series 5 Introducing Flesh and Stone


Photos promo

Le Docteur et Amy-Flesh and stone

Le Docteur et Amy-Flesh and stone

Un ange pleureur-Flesh and stone

Un ange pleureur-Flesh and stone

Le bizantium-Flesh and stone

Le bizantium-Flesh and stone

Le bizantium-Flesh and stone

Le bizantium-Flesh and stone

Des anges pleureurs-Flesh and stone

Des anges pleureurs-Flesh and stone

Le bizantium-Flesh and stone

Le bizantium-Flesh and stone

Le bizantium-Flesh and stone

Le bizantium-Flesh and stone

Le bizantium-Flesh and stone

Le bizantium-Flesh and stone

Le Docteur et Amy-Flesh and stone

Le Docteur et Amy-Flesh and stone

Le Docteur et Amy-Flesh and stone

Le Docteur et Amy-Flesh and stone

Le Docteur, River et Amy-Flesh and stone

Le Docteur, River et Amy-Flesh and stone

Iain Glen est le Père Octavian

Iain Glen est le Père Octavian

Amy est en danger- Flesh and stone

Amy est en danger- Flesh and stone

Amy est en danger- Flesh and stone

Amy est en danger- Flesh and stone

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Steven Moffat

Réalisateur : Andrew Gunn


Cast :

Matt Smith ... Docteur
Karen Gillan ... Amy Pond
Alex Kingston ... River Song
Iain Glen ... Père Octavian
Mark Springer ... Christian
Troy Glasgow ... Angelo
David Atkins ... Bob
Darren Morfitt ... Marco
Mark Monero ... Pedro
George Russo ... Phillip


Références et continuités

  • Les fissures sont enfin expliquées dans cet épisode et ont un grand rôle à jouer dans la série. On apprend qu'elles permettent d'effacer quelque chose de l'espace temps, ce qui est la raison pour laquelle Amy ne se souvient pas des évènements du double épisode La Terre volée /La Fin du voyage. De même, la destruction de Londres par un Cyberman au milieu du XIXe siècle lors de l'épisode Cyber Noël a été complètement oubliée. Il fait aussi mention de la mare au canard sans canard dans Le Prisonnier zéro.
  • Peu de temps après le départ du Docteur, de River Song et d'Octavian, le Docteur revient voir Amy pour la consoler, lui dire qu'il croit en elle et lui demander de se rappeler sa visite lorsqu'elle était plus jeune. Cette séquence un peu curieuse est expliquée quelques épisodes plus tard dans La Pandorica s'ouvre, deuxième partie.
  • Le terme « Pandorica » a été utilisé par le Prisonnier zéro dans Le Prisonnier zéro et lorsque le Docteur dit ne pas savoir ce qui a causé la fissure, les Anges rient, comme l'a fait le Prisonnier zéro en recevant la même réponse.
  • La date citée comme étant le centre de l'explosion temporelle, le 26 juin 2010, est la date de diffusion originelle du dernier épisode de la saison La Pandorica s’ouvre. Cela eut pour effet de mettre fin à un débat sur internet au sujet de l'année où le Docteur a emmené Amy.
  • Pendant sa réflexion sur l'expression Le temps qui file, le Docteur fait référence au Cyber Monarch qui a traversé Londres dans l'épisode Cyber Noël.
  • Les scènes de forêt à l'intérieur du Byzantium ont été filmées à Puzzlewood, dans la forêt de Dean. Les scènes de plage de cet épisode et le précédent ont été filmés à Southerndown, au même endroit où se trouve la fameuse "Baie du Méchant Loup" (« Adieu Rose »)

Résumé épisode 505 "Le labyrinthe des anges" (2/2)

(suite du 504)

Le coup de feu du Docteur était un signal pour ses alliés : celui de sauter en l'air. Profitant de la gravité artificielle encore active du vaisseau, ils ''tombent vers le haut'' sur sa paroi extérieure, puis pénètrent à l'intérieur d'un corridor par une trappe. Mais les Anges ne tarderont pas à rappliquer. Il faut d'abord se réfugier dans le poste de navigation secondaire, et pour cela, ouvrir la porte qui les en sépare. Pour récupérer l'énergie nécessaire à cette ouverture, il faudra se passer de lumière pendant quelques secondes, ce qui est risqué.

Juste avant cette opération délicate, le Père Octavian redemande à River Song si ce Docteur est vraiment digne de confiance. Celle-ci lui répète qu'elle a foi en lui aveuglément. Il lui rappelle alors que cela ne peut valoir que tant et aussi longtemps que le Docteur ignore qui elle est, et il l'avertit que s'il perd d'autres hommes, il lui révèlera la vérité. Pendant que les soldats tirent sans arrêt dans le noir sur les Anges qui se rapprochent, Amy réussit à ouvrir la porte et tous passent de l'autre côté.

Mais une fois dans le poste de navigation, rien ne garantit leur sécurité : les Anges vont réussir à envahir la salle dans quelques minutes et il n'existe pas d'autres sorties. Mais le Docteur répond que si et il découvre le mécanisme qui fait se glisser vers le haut tout un pan de mur. Derrière, une forêt (version Amy), ou une usine à oxygène (version River Song), et peut-être une sortie de secours (version Docteur). Les soldats partent à la recherche de cette sortie.

Amy a commencé, à intervalles réguliers, à dire tout haut un chiffre d'une façon tout à fait inappropriée à la situation : 9 puis 8 puis 7... Le Docteur commence à s'en préoccuper, mais il en est distrait par un appel de l'Ange-Bob. Celui-ci lui demande ce que lui et ses amis espèrent encore. Le Docteur lui renvoie la question. L'Ange lui répond qu'ils sont en fête et que bientôt, ils auront absorbé assez d'énergie pour être en mesure de dévorer le vaisseau, puis le monde, puis les étoiles et tous les autres mondes.  À ce moment, Amy dit : ''6''. Le Docteur demande à l'Ange-Bob ce qu'ils lui ont fait. Il répond qu'ils sont dans son oeil. Le Docteur se précipite sur Amy qui compte : ''5''. Il se rend enfin compte qu'elle fait un compte à rebours, mais de quoi ? Aucune idée.

Ils entendent ensuite des bruits inconnus et très désagréables. L'Ange-Bob explique que les Anges sont en train de rire parce que lui, le Docteur, n'a rien remarqué.

Le Docteur ne met que peu de temps à trouver de quoi il s'agit : on aperçoit une immense fissure, de forme similaire à celle dans la chambre d'Amy, en train de s'ouvrir.

Les soldats se réfugient dans la forêt, suivis par River et Amy. Le Docteur, lui, prend des mesures de la fissure avec son tournevis sonique et constate que les nouvelles ne sont pas bonnes. Il s'aperçoit ensuite qu'il est encerclé d'Anges. Il tente de leur échapper mais ils l'attrapent par son veston puis s'immobilisent dans la lumière intense provenant de la fissure. Le Docteur leur demande si c'est la fissure qui les a amenés ici. Il ajoute qu'il s'agit d'énergie temporelle pure et qu'ils ne peuvent pas s'en nourrir. Il en profite ensuite pour se sauver en chemise dans la forêt.

Amy semble hallucinée, et quand River s'en inquiète, elle répond : ''4'', puis s'écroule par terre. Le Docteur arrive et se met à réfléchir à toute vitesse. Amy a regardé un Ange dans les yeux trop longtemps. C'est comme s'il y avait un écran virtuel dans ses centres nerveux, et un Ange est en train d'en sortir pour l'éteindre. ''3''. River confirme qu'Amy est en train de mourir. Le Docteur réfléchit : S'il s'agissait d'un vrai système vidéo, ils le débrancheraient, mais ce n'est pas possible. Il dit à Amy de fermer les yeux. Avec réticence, elle s'exécute. Aussitôt, ses signes vitaux redeviennent normaux. Il lui explique que si elle ouvre les yeux plus d'une seconde, elle risque de mourir. L'Ange à l'intérieur d'elle n'est pas détruit, juste mis sur pause.

Pendant ce temps, les autres Anges se rapprochent du groupe. Le Père Octavian dit qu'il faut s'en aller mais le Docteur a un autre plan. Il lui dit de rester sur place pour protéger Amy tandis que River et lui vont se rendre au poste de pilotage principal, sauver la carcasse du vaisseau, arrêter les Anges et sauver la vie d'Amy. Le Père Octavian n'est pas d'accord. Il dit que ses hommes vont rester avec Amy mais que là où va le Docteur Song, il va. Le Docteur est intrigué et le Père Octavian lui répond en disant qu'en quelque sorte ils sont engagés l'un envers l'autre.

Amy reste assise sur une souche, les yeux fermés. Le Docteur lui dit qu'il revient vite, ce à quoi Amy répond qu'il dit tout le temps ça, et le Docteur lui dit qu'il revient toujours. River, le Père Octavian et lui s'éloignent. Mais bizarrement, on retrouve le Docteur à nouveau en face d'Amy, en veston, lui expliquant qu'il est vital qu'elle lui fasse confiance cette fois-ci. Il parle avec elle, de manière intrigante, et s'en va.

Amy est seule avec ses gardiens, qui constatent que les Anges font disparaître les arbres. Mais voilà qu'une lumière intense envahit la forêt, et soudain, les Anges ont disparus. Intrigués, deux des soldats se dirigent en direction de cette lumière pour savoir de quoi il s'agit.

Rendus au poste de pilotage, le Père Octavian juge bon de faire une mise au point : Il a pris la responsabilité de faire sortir le Docteur Song de la prison de Stormcage pour cette mission, et est légalement responsable d'elle jusqu'à ce qu'elle l'ait accomplie et mérité son pardon.

À l'ordinateur portatif de celle-ci, une date est en train d'être calculée. On y lit : 26.06.2010. C'est la date de l'explosion. Celle où la fissure est apparue. C'est la date d'Amy...

Amy ne peut s'empêcher de regarder cette lumière intense dont on lui parle. Elle reconnaît la forme de la fissure de son mur. Un des deux soldats à ses côtés décide d'aller voir de plus près. Amy demande à l'autre où sont les deux qui y étaient allés tout à l'heure. Celui-ci la regarde, médusé et lui dit qu'il n'y en a jamais eu deux autres. Et déjà, il nie aussi l'existence de celui qui vient juste de les quitter.

Pendant que le Père Octavian trouve une entrée au poste de pilotage principal, le Docteur soliloque à nouveau et en arrive à la conclusion que le Temps peut être "dés-écrit". Il réalise que c'est déjà arrivé : tout le monde a oublié le CyberKing, Amy avait oublié le Dalek... Mais voilà que l'obscurité tombe pendant un instant, et quand la lumière revient, le Docteur voit un Ange derrière le Père Octavian, en train de lui serrer la gorge. Impossible pour lui de se défaire, et si le Docteur arrête de regarder l'Ange, c'est la mort. Octavian accepte son sort avec dignité, mais tient à prévenir le Docteur de se méfier de River Song. Il lui explique enfin que River a tué un homme, un homme bon mais refuse de lui dire de qui il s'agit.

Le dernier soldat a envie d'aller voir la lumière lui aussi, et Amy n'arrive pas à l'en empêcher. Il lui remet une sorte de talkie-walkie, puis disparaît à son tour. Heureusement, le Docteur, qui s'est barricadé dans le poste avec River, l'appelle. Il lui dit qu'elle doit absolument venir les rejoindre. Il lui conseille de s'orienter d'après le son que fera son récepteur.

À tâtons, les yeux toujours fermés, Amy avance pas à pas. Le Docteur lui dit qu'elle est entourée d'Anges mais ils sont effrayés et pensent qu'elle les voit. Il lui dit de marcher comme si elle voyait. À côté de lui, River est pessimiste et se fait durement rabrouer. Par miracle, Amy arrive à se faufiler entre les Anges, mais elle perd l'équilibre et échappe son récepteur. Les Anges réalisent alors son état et se retournent vers elle. À l'instant même où l'un d'eux vient pour la saisir, Amy disparaît et se retrouve dans les bras de River, qui a réussi à la téléporter (elle travaillait là-dessus depuis un petit moment).

Les réjouissances sont de courte durée. Le vaisseau est à court d'énergie, ce qui implique que la gravité artificielle qui lui permettait de rester en équilibre va s'éteindre et que le panneau du poste qui donne sur la forêt va se lever. Derrière, les Anges sont là, alignés. L'Ange-Bob est là pour parlementer. Il dit que le champ temporel arrive et qu'il va faire disparaître toute réalité. Et que, si le Docteur se jette dans la brisure qui s'est produite dans le Temps, elle se refermera et les Anges seront sauvés. En échange, ses amies seront également sauvées. Le Docteur semble trouver que cela a du sens et River, alarmée, le supplie de la laisser se jeter à sa place, mais il fait remarquer aux Anges qu'ils ont drainé toute l'énergie du vaisseau et qu'ils n'ont pas l'air de réaliser la gravité de la situation.

Il crie à Amy et River de s'accrocher solidement et coupe manuellement la gravité artificielle du vaisseau. Aussitôt, ce dernier se met à basculer, et les Anges sont tous soulevés dans les airs et aspirés par la fissure qui se referme progressivement et disparaît.

Sur une plage déserte, Amy, les yeux bien ouverts, essaie de comprendre. Désormais, les Anges n'ont jamais existé pourtant elle se souvient d'eux. Mais la fissure a-t-elle disparue pour toujours ? Le Docteur lui fait remarquer qu'une voyageuse dans le Temps comme elle possède des réflexes différents; quant à la fissure, elle a disparu, mais l'explosion qui l'a produite a toujours lieu, quelque part.

River, qui attend son "ascenseur" menottes aux poignets et espère avoir mérité son pardon, admet au Docteur qu'elle a tué le meilleur homme qu'elle ait jamais connu. Elle lui dit qu'ils vont bientôt se revoir, quand la Pandorica s'ouvrira. Le Docteur s'esclaffe : La Pandorica est un conte de fée. River est téléportée avec tous ses mystères.

Amy veut retourner chez elle. Elle a quelque chose à montrer au Docteur (sa robe de mariée) et une confession à lui faire (celle de sa fuite avec lui face à ce mariage prévu le lendemain matin avec Rory Williams). Du fait de la complexité des voyages temporels, ils ne sont partis que durant cinq minutes, mais entre-temps, elle a eu le temps de réfléchir à ce qu'elle voulait vraiment. Là-dessus, elle lui saute au cou et essaie frénétiquement de l'embrasser. Le Docteur, paniqué, la retient du mieux qu'il peut.

Il la pousse gentiment dans le TARDIS, et remarque que l'horloge indique 23h59 le 25.06.2010.



Écrit par owhar pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries.

Script VO épisode 505 "Flesh and stone" (part 2)

(recap of 504)



Everyone recovers from the jump. Amy is sitting on the ground.

DOCTOR (stands) : Up ! Look up !

RIVER (to Amy) : You OK ?

AMY : What happened ?

RIVER : We jumped.

AMY : Jumped where ?

DOCTOR : Up, up, look up !

AMY : Where are we ?

RIVER : Exactly where we were.

AMY : No we're not.

DOCTOR : Move your feet !

Sonics an indentation on the floor.

AMY (looking around) : Doctor, what am I looking at ? Explain.

DOCTOR : Oh, come on, Amy, think ! The ship crashed with the power still on, yeah ? So what else is still on ?

We see that they are standing on the bottom of the Byzantium.

DOCTOR : The artificial gravity. One good jump, (jumps) and up we fell. Shot out the grav-globe to give us an updraft, and here we are !

Returns to sonic the indentation.

OCTAVIAN : Doctor. The statues, they look more like Angels now.

DOCTOR : They're feeding on the radiation from the wreckage, draining all the power from the ship, restoring themselves. Within an hour, they'll be an army !

The indentation opens up into the ship just as the lights start going out.

DOCTOR : They're taking out the lights. Look at them, look at the Angels. Into the ship, now, quickly all of you !

Slips into the hole.

AMY : But how ? Doctor !

Peers into the hole to see the Doctor standing upright.


DOCTOR : It's just a corridor. The gravity orientates to the floor. Now, in here, all of you., don't take your eyes off the Angels. Move, move, move !

Uses the screwdriver on a keypad.

OCTAVIAN : OK, men, go, go, go ! (joins the Doctor) The Angels, presumably they can jump up too ?

The door closes once everyone is inside.

DOCTOR : They're here. Now. In the dark, we're finished. Run !

A large door behind them closes, blocking their only escape.

OCTAVIAN : This whole place is a death trap.

DOCTOR : No, it's a time bomb. Well, it's a death trap and a time bomb. And now it's a dead end. Nobody panic.

The Angels try to come in the exterior door.

DOCTOR : Oh, just me then. What's through here ?

RIVER : Secondary flight deck.

AMY : OK. so we've basically run up the inside of a chimney, yeah ? So what if the gravity fails ?

River begins to work on bypassing the power.

DOCTOR : I've thought about that.

AMY : And ?

DOCTOR : And we'll all plunge to our deaths. See. I've thought about it. The security protocols are still live. There's no way to override them, it's impossible.

RIVER : How impossible ?

DOCTOR : Two minutes.

The hum of the engines powers down and their way in has reopened and they can see the cavern outside.

OCTAVIAN : The hull is breached and the power's failing.

The lights go out. The arm of an Angel can be seen through the opening.

CLERIC : Sir ! Incoming !

AMY : Doctor ! Lights.

The Doctor uses the sonic to help River. The lights come on briefly and they see an Angel making its way inside. The lights go out again and come on brighter to show four Angels inside the corridor with them.

OCTAVIAN : Clerics, keep watching them.

DOCTOR : And don't look at their eyes. Anywhere else. Not the eyes. I've isolated the lighting grid. They can't drain the power now.

OCTAVIAN : Good work, Doctor.

DOCTOR : Yes. good. Good in many ways, good you like it so far...

AMY : So far ?

DOCTOR : Well, there's only one way to open this door. I guess I'll need to route all the power in this section through the door control.

OCTAVIAN : Good, fine, do it.

DOCTOR : Including the lights. All of them. I'll need to turn out the lights.

OCTAVIAN : How long for ?

DOCTOR : Fraction of a second, maybe longer. Maybe quite a bit longer.

OCTAVIAN : Maybe ?

DOCTOR : I'm guessing. We're being attacked by statues in a crashed ship, there isn't a manual for this !

AMY : Doctor, we lost the torches. We'll be in total darkness.

DOCTOR : No other way. Bishop ?

OCTAVIAN : Dr Song, I've lost good Clerics today. You trust this man ?

RIVER : I absolutely trust him.

OCTAVIAN : He's not some kind of madman then ?

RIVER : I absolutely trust him.

DOCTOR : Excuse me.

Goes back to work on the door.

OCTAVIAN : I'm taking your word, because you're the only one who can manage this guy. But that only works so long as he doesn't know who you are. You cost me any more men, and I might just tell him. Understood ?

RIVER : Understood.

OCTAVIAN : OK. Doctor, we've got your back.

DOCTOR : Bless you. Bishop.

OCTAVIAN (to Clerics) : Combat distance, ten feet. As soon as the lights go down, continuous fire. Full spread over the hostiles. Do not stop firing while the lights are out. Shot gun protocol, we don't have bullets to waste.

DOCTOR : Amy, when the lights go down, the wheel should release. Spin it clockwise, four turns.

AMY : Ten.

DOCTOR : No, four, four turns.

AMY : Yeah, four, I heard you.

Takes position at the door.

DOCTOR : Ready !

Places sonic into the circuit.

OCTAVIAN : On my count then. God be with us all. Three... two... one. (the lights go out). Fire !

The clerics open fire on the Angels. The Doctor, Amy and River try to get the door open.

DOCTOR : Turn !

RIVER : Doctor, quickly !

AMY : It's opening, it's working.

Amy and River slip through the opening.

OCTAVIAN : Fall back !

The Clerics move through the doorway followed by Octavian and the Doctor. They move down a similar corridor to another door. The Doctor holds the door open with the sonic as the others go through.

RIVER : Doctor, quickly.

AMY : Doctor !

The Doctor runs to join them as the door closes quickly behind him.


The flight deck is in major disrepair with exposed wires all over the console. The Doctor immediately goes to one of the controls.

AMY : Doctor !

The hatch lock spins shut and Octavian places a device on the door.

AMY : What are you doing ?

OCTAVIAN : Magnetized the door. Nothing could turn that wheel now.

DOCTOR : Yeah ?

The wheel begins to turn behind him.

OCTAVIAN : Dear God !

DOCTOR : Ah, now you're getting it ! You've bought us time though, that's good. I am good with time.

AMY : Doctor !

Another door wheel is spinning.

OCTAVIAN : Seal that door. Seal it now !

A cleric places a magnetic device on the second door.

RIVER : We're surrounded !

The third door begins to spin open.

OCTAVIAN : Seal it, seal that door.

A second cleric places a device on the door.

OCTAVIAN : Doctor, how long have we got ?

DOCTOR : Five minutes, max.

AMY : Nine.

DOCTOR (looks at Amy) : Five.

AMY : Five, right yeah.

DOCTOR : Why do you say nine ?

AMY : I didn't.

RIVER : We need another way out of here.

OCTAVIAN : There isn't one.

DOCTOR : Yeah, there is, course there is. This is a galaxy class ship, goes for years between planet-falls. So (snaps fingers) what do they need ?

RIVER : Of course.

The Doctor snaps his fingers again.

AMY : Of course, what ? What do they need ?

OCTAVIAN : Can we get in there ?

DOCTOR : Well, it's a sealed unit, but they must have installed it somehow. This whole wall should slide up. (presses against the rear wall). There're clamps. Release the clamps !

Uses the sonic on the clamps.

AMY : What's through there ? What do they need ?

RIVER : They need to breathe.

The door slowly rises. The Doctor smiles and Amy is awestruck.

AMY : But that's... That's a...

The door opens fully and we see lush vegetation and trees.

RIVER : It's an oxygen factory.

AMY : It's a forest.

RIVER : Yeah, it's a forest, it's an oxygen factory.

DOCTOR : And, if we're lucky, an escape route.

AMY : Eight.

RIVER : What did you say ?

AMY : Nothing.

DOCTOR : Is there another exit ? Scan the architecture, we don't have time to get lost in there.

OCTAVIAN : On it ! (steps into forest). Stay where you are until I've checked the Rad levels.

AMY : But trees ! On a space ship ?

DOCTOR : Oh, more than trees, way better than trees. You're going to love this. (steps into forest). Treeborgs... (opens a section of peat moss to reveal circuitry). Trees plus technology. Branches become cables, become sensors on the hull. A forest sucking in starlight, breathing out air. It even rains. There's a whole mini-climate. It is an eco-pod running through the heart of the ship. A forest in a bottle, on a space ship, in a maze. Have I impressed you yet, Amy Pond ?

AMY (chuckles) : Seven.

DOCTOR : Seven ?

Joins her back on the flight deck.

AMY : Sorry, what ?

DOCTOR : You said seven.

He studies her face.

AMY : No. I didn't.

RIVER : Yes, you did.

OCTAVIAN : Doctor ! There's an exit, far end of the ship, into the Primary Flight Deck.

DOCTOR : Good, that's where we need to go.

OCTAVIAN : Plotting a safe path.

DOCTOR (still studying Amy) : Quick as you like !

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : Doctor ? Excuse me. Hello, Doctor ? Angel Bob here, sir.

DOCTOR (into radio, sits in command chair) : Ah. there you are, Angel Bob. How's life ? Sorry, bad subject.

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : The Angels are wondering what you hope to achieve.

DOCTOR (into radio) : Achieve ? We’re not achieving anything. We're just hanging. It's nice in here, consoles, comfy chairs, a forest. How's things with you ?

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : The Angels are feasting, sir. Soon we will be able to absorb enough power to consume this vessel, this world, and all the stars and worlds beyond.

DOCTOR (into radio) : Well, we've got comfy chairs, did I mention ?

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : We have no need of comfy chairs.

DOCTOR : I made him say comfy chairs !

AMY (laughs) : Six.

DOCTOR (into radio, stands quickly) : Okay, well, enough chat. Here’s what I want to know: what have you done to Amy ?

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : There is something in her eye.

DOCTOR (into radio) : What's in her eye ?

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : We are.

AMY : What's he talking about ? Doctor, I'm five. (everyone stares). I mean, five. Fine ! I'm fine.

RIVER : You're counting.

AMY : Counting ?

DOCTOR : You're counting down. From ten. You have been for a couple of minutes.

AMY : Why ?

DOCTOR : I don't know.

AMY : Well, counting down to what ?

DOCTOR : I don't know.

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : We shall take her. We shall take all of you. We shall have dominion over all time and space.

DOCTOR (into radio, sits) : Get a life, Bob. Oops, sorry again. There's power on this ship, but nowhere near that much.

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : With respect, sir, there is more power on this ship than you yet understand.

There is a loud, horrible screeching.

RIVER : Dear God, what is it ?

OCTAVIAN : They're back.

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : It's hard to put in your terms, Dr Song, but as best I understand it, the Angels are laughing.

DOCTOR (into radio) : Laughing ?

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : Because you haven't noticed yet. The Doctor in the TARDIS hasn't noticed.

OCTAVIAN : Doctor !

DOCTOR (stands) : No, wait, there's something.. .I've... (slowly turns to see glowing crack high in the wall) missed.

The Doctor runs back to the wall.

AMY : That's... That's like the crack from my bedroom wall from when I was a little girl.


Flashback to 5x1 “The Eleventh Hour”, the Doctor is examining the crack in Amelia's wall.

DOCTOR : Two parts of space and time that should never have touched.

End flasback.

OCTAVIAN : OK, enough, we're moving out !

RIVER : Agreed. Doctor ?

DOCTOR : Yeah. Fine !

Uses sonic on the crack.

RIVER : What are you doing ?

DOCTOR : Right with you.

RIVER : We're not leaving without you !

DOCTOR : Oh. yes you are. Bishop ?

OCTAVIAN : Miss Pond, Dr Song, now !

River grabs Amy and pulls her to the forest.

AMY : Doctor, come on !

DOCTOR : So, what are you ? (looks at the readings from the screwdriver). Oh, that's bad. Ah, that's extremely very not good. (presses ear against the wall and when he turns back, he’s surrounded by Angels). Do not blink.

Climbs over console to get past them and is grabbed by his jacket collar.


Octavian and the clerics are walking slowly through the forest, keeping River and Amy safely in the center. Amy begins to walk slower and has a strange, almost sickly look on her face. River notices something is wrong.

RIVER : Amy ? (walks over and grips Amy's arms). Amy, what's wrong ?


The Doctor is still in the grip of the Angels.

DOCTOR : Why am I not dead then ? (turns nervously and sees the Angels have their hands up to the crack as if worshipping it). Good, and not so good. Oh, this isn't even a little bit good. I mean, is that it ? Is that the power that brought you here ? That's pure time energy, you can't feed on that. That's the power, that’s the fire at the end of the universe. I'll tell you something else... (there’s a loud rumbling). Never let me talk !

Runs into the forest leaving his jacket in the hands of the Angels.


RIVER : Amy, what's wrong ?

AMY : Four.

Curls up on a moss-covered rock.

RIVER : Med-scanner, now !

One of the clerics gives it to her.

OCTAVIAN : Dr Song, we can't stay here, we've got to keep moving.

RIVER : We wait for the Doctor.

Uses the scanner on Amy.

OCTAVIAN : Our mission is to make this wreckage safe and neutralize the Angels. Until that is achieved...

RIVER : Father Octavian, when the Doctor is in the room, your only mission is to keep him alive long enough to get everyone else home. And trust me. It's not easy. Now, if he's dead back there, I'll never forgive myself, and if he's alive, I'll never forgive him. And, Doctor, you're standing right behind me, aren't you ?

DOCTOR : Oh, yeah.

RIVER (faces the Doctor) : I hate you !

DOCTOR : You don't. Bishop, the Angels are in the forest.

Goes to Amy's side.

OCTAVIAN : We need visual contact on every line of approach.

RIVER : How did you get past them ?

DOCTOR : Found a crack in the wall and told them it was the end of the universe.

AMY : What was it ?

DOCTOR : The end of the universe. Let's have a look then.

Checks the med-scanner.

AMY : So. what's wrong with me ?

RIVER : Nothing. you're fine.

DOCTOR : Everything, you're dying.

RIVER : Doctor !

DOCTOR : Yes, you're right, if we lie to her, she'll get all better ! Right. Amy ! Amy. what's the matter with Amelia ? Something's in her eye. What does that mean ? Doesn’t mean anything.

AMY : Doctor.

DOCTOR : Busy.

AMY : Scared !

DOCTOR : Course, you're dying, shut up !

RIVER : OK, let him think.

DOCTOR (stands) : What happened ? She stared at the Angel, she looked into the eyes of an angel for too long...

CLERIC : Sir ! Angel, incoming !

An Angel is watching from the trees.

CLERIC #2 : And here.

OCTAVIAN : Keep visual contact, do not let it move !

The Doctor paces and slaps sides of his head.

DOCTOR : Come on, come on, wakey, wakey ! She watched an Angel climb out of the screen. She stared at the Angel and... and...

AMY : The image of an Angel is an Angel.

DOCTOR : A living image in a human mind. We stare at them to stop them getting closer, we don't even blink and that's exactly what they want, 'cos as long as our eyes are open, they can climb inside. There's an Angel in her mind.

Puts hand over his mouth. In a close-up of Amy's face, we see an Angel in her eye.

AMY : Three. Doctor, it's coming. I can feel it. I'm going to die !

DOCTOR : Please just shut up, I'm thinking. Now counting, what's that about ? (into radio) Bob, why are they making her count ?

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : To make her afraid, sir.

DOCTOR (into radio) : OK. but why. what for ?

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : For fun, sir.

The Doctor growls in frustration and throws away the radio. One of the clerics watches the Doctor and turns back to look at the Angel when he hears a branch crack.

AMY : Doctor, what's happening to me ? Explain !

DOCTOR : Inside your head, in the vision centers of your brain, there's an Angel. (sits by Amy). It's like there's a screen, a virtual screen inside your mind, and the Angel is climbing out of it, and it's coming to shut you off.

AMY : Then what do I do ?

DOCTOR (stands) : If it was a real screen, what would we do, we'd pull the plug. but we can't just knock her out, the Angel would take over !

RIVER : Then what ? Quickly !

DOCTOR : We’ve got to shut down the vision centers of her brain. We've got to pull the plug, starve the Angel.

RIVER (looks at scanner) : Doctor, she's got seconds.

DOCTOR : How would you starve your lungs ?

RIVER : I'd stop breathing.

DOCTOR : Amy, close your eyes !

AMY : No, no, I don't want to.

DOCTOR : Good, because that's not you, that's the Angel inside you, it's afraid ! Do it ! Close your eyes !

Amy hesitates but closes her eyes when the Doctor nods his head. The scanner beeps and the readings return to green.

RIVER : She's normalizing. (sighs). You did it ! You did it !

CLERIC : Sir ? Two more incoming.

CLERIC #2 : Three more over here.

RIVER (putting away scanner) : Still weak, dangerous to move her.

AMY (sitting up) :; So, can I open my eyes now ?

DOCTOR (bends down in front of Amy) : Amy, listen to me. If you open your eyes now for more than a second, you will die. The Angel is still inside you. We haven't stopped it, we've just sort of... paused it. You've used up your countdown. You cannot open your eyes.

OCTAVIAN : Doctor, we're too exposed here. We have to move on.

DOCTOR (straightens) : We're exposed everywhere, and Amy can't move, and anyway, that's not the plan.

RIVER : There's a plan ?

Sits next to Amy, comforting her.

DOCTOR : I don't know yet, I haven’t finished talking. Right ! Father, you and your Clerics will stay here, look after Amy. If anything happens to her, I'll hold each of you personally responsible, twice. River, you and me, we're going to find the Primary Flight Deck which is... (licks his finger and holds it up to test the air) a quarter mile straight ahead. We'll stabilize the wreckage. stop the Angels, and cure Amy.

RIVER : How ?

DOCTOR : I'll do a thing.

RIVER : What thing ?

DOCTOR : I don’t know, it's a thing in progress. Respect the thing. Moving out !

OCTAVIAN : Doctor, I'm coming with you. My Clerics can look after Miss Pond. These are my best men, they'd lay down their lives in her protection.

DOCTOR : I don't need you.

OCTAVIAN : I don't care. Where Dr Song goes, I go.

River comes over to them.

DOCTOR : What ? (looks at River and then back to Octavian). You two engaged or something ?

OCTAVIAN : Yes, in a manner of speaking. Marco, you're in charge till I get back.

Starts off with River.

MARCO : Sir !

AMY : Doctor... Please, can't I come with you ?

OCTAVIAN : You'd slow us down, Miss Pond.

AMY : I don't want to sound selfish, but you'd really speed me up.

DOCTOR (sits next to Amy) : You'll be safer here. We can't protect you on the move. I'll be back for you soon as I can. I promise.

AMY : You always say that.

DOCTOR : I always come back. (stands). Good luck everyone. Behave. Do not let that girl open her eyes. And keep watching the forest. Stop those Angels advancing. Amy, later ! (taps her on the head). River, going to need your computer.


AMY : Yeah. Later.

Amy fidgets nervously with her hands. A masculine pair of hands grip hers. It’s the Doctor, but this one is wearing a jacket.

DOCTOR : Amy. you need to start trusting me, it's never been more important.

AMY : But you don't always tell me the truth.

DOCTOR : If I always told you the truth, I wouldn't need you to trust me.

AMY : Doctor, the crack in my wall, how can it be here ?

DOCTOR : I don't know yet, but I'm working it out. Now, listen. Remember what I told you when you were seven ?

AMY : What did you tell me ?

DOCTOR (rests his forehead against hers) : No, no... That's not the point. You have to remember.

Kisses her on the head and leaves.

AMY : Remember what ? Doctor ? Doctor ?


Octavian is leading River and the Doctor through the forest. There is a beeping and the Doctor checks the device.

RIVER : What's that ?

DOCTOR : Readings from a crack in a wall.

RIVER : How can a crack in the wall be the end of the universe ?

DOCTOR : Here's what I think. One day there'll be a very big bang, so big every moment in history - past and future - will crack.

RIVER : Is that possible ? How ?

DOCTOR : How can you be engaged in a manner of speaking ?

RIVER : Well... sucker for a man in uniform.


OCTAVIAN (walks over) : Dr Song is in my personal custody. I released her from the Stormcage Containment Facility four days ago and I am legally responsible for her until she has accomplished her mission and earned her pardon. Just so we understand each other.

DOCTOR : You were in Stormcage ?

Device beeps.

RIVER : What ? What is that ?

DOCTOR : The date ! The date of the explosion where the crack begins.

RIVER : And for those of us who can't read the base code of the universe ?

The date appears on the bottom as 26/06/2010.

DOCTOR : Amy's time !


Bored, Amy is still sitting with her eyes closed.

AMY : So, what's happening ? Anything happening out there ?

MARCO : The Angels are still grouping.

One of the Angels reaches into a tree and pulls at the wires causing the lights to flicker.

MARCO : Are you getting this too ?

CLERIC #3 :The trees ? Yeah.

AMY : What's wrong with the trees ?

CLERIC #2 : Here too, sir. They're ripping the Treeborgs apart.

CLERIC #3 : And here. They're taking out the lights.

AMY : What is it ? What's happening ? Tell me. I can't see.

MARCO : It's the trees, ma'am. The trees are going out.

The Angels take advantage of the flickering lights and begin to advance.


The Doctor takes readings from the handheld as Octavian looks for a way in. River stands guard.

OCTAVIAN : It doesn't open it from here, but it's the Primary Flight Deck. This has got to be a service hatch or something.

RIVER : Hurry up and open it, time's running out.

DOCTOR : What ? What did you say ? Time's running out, is that what you said ?

RIVER : Yeah. I just meant...

DOCTOR : I know what you meant. hush ! But what if it could ?

RIVER : What if what could ?

DOCTOR : Time. What if time could run out ?

OCTAVIAN : Got it !


CLERIC #4 : Angels advancing, sir.

CLERIC #2 : Over here, again.

MARCO : Weapons primed. Combat distance five feet. Wait for it !

AMY (stands) : What is it ? What's happening, just tell me !

MARCO : Keep your position and, ma'am, keep your eyes shut ! (Angels advance). Wait !

A bright light appears and spreads. Marco looks away towards the light.

MARCO : The ship's not on fire. Is it ?

CLERIC #2 (turns to light) : It can't be. The compressors would have taken care of it. (turns back). Marco, the Angels have gone. Where'd they go ?

AMY : What, the Angels ?

CLERIC #3 (stands) : This side's clear too, sir.

AMY : The Angels have gone ?

MARCO (reads handheld) : There's still movement out there, but away from us now. It's like they're running.

AMY : Running from what ?

MARCO : Phillip, Crispin, need to get a closer look at that. The two clerics head towards the light.

AMY : What are you all looking at ? What's there ?

Phillip and Crispin disappear behind some trees.


DOCTOR : Cracks in time, time running out... No, couldn't be. How is a duck pond a duck pond if there aren't any ducks ? And she didn't recognise the Daleks ! OK, time can shift. Time can change. Time can be rewritten. Ah ! Oh !


MARCO : It's like, I don't know... a curtain of energy, sort of shifting. Makes you feel weird, sick.

AMY : And you think it scared the Angels ?

CLERIC #2 : What could scare those things ?

Amy turns nervously.

MARCO : What are you doing ?

AMY : Point me at the light.

MARCO : You can't open your eyes.

AMY : Not for more than a second, that's what the Doctor said. Still got a bit of countdown left.

MARCO : Ma'am. you can't.

AMY : I need to see it. Am I looking the right way ? I have to be quick.

MARCO (points her the right way) : Very quick !

AMY : OK. (opens eyes). It's the same shape ! It's the crack in my wall.

MARCO : Close your eyes. Now !

AMY : It's following me ! How can it be following me ?

Amy falls to her knees and Marco is there to support her, holding his hand over her eyes, forcing her to close them.

MARCO : Are you OK ?

AMY : Yeah. It was the same shape !

CLERIC #2 : Marco, you want me to get a closer look at that ?

MARCO : Go for it. Don't get too close.

AMY : Hang on, what about the other two ? Why not just wait ‘til they're back ?

MARCO : What other two ?

AMY : The ones you sent before.

MARCO : I didn't send anyone before.

AMY : You did. I heard you. Crispin and Phillip.

MARCO : Crispin and who ?


OCTAVIAN : Dr Song, get through, now. (helps River through hatch). Doctor ? Doctor ?

DOCTOR (doing calculations in the air) : Time can be unwritten.


MARCO : Amy, there never was a Crispin or a Phillip on this mission, I promise you.

AMY : No, I heard you. Before you sent Pedro, you sent Crispin and Phillip, and now you can't even remember them. Something happened. I don't know what, and you don't even remember !

MARCO : Pedro ?

AMY : Yeah, before you sent Pedro.

MARCO : Who's Pedro ?


DOCTOR : It's been happening and I haven't even noticed !

OCTAVIAN : Doctor, we've have to move.

DOCTOR : The CyberKing ! A giant cyberman walks over all of Victorian London and no-one remembers.

OCTAVIAN : We have to move it ! The Angels could be here any second.

Puts a hand on the Doctor's shoulder.

DOCTOR (shrugs off Octavian's hand) : Never mind the Angels. There's worse here than Angels !

The lights go out and the Doctor turns to see and Angel has its arm around Octavian’s neck.

OCTAVIAN : I beg to differ, sir.

DOCTOR (uses screwdriver on Angel) : Let him go.

OCTAVIAN : Well, it can't let me go, sir, not while you're looking at it.

DOCTOR : I can't stop looking at it, it'll kill you.

OCTAVIAN : It'll kill me anyway. There's no way out of this. You have to leave me !

DOCTOR : Can't you wriggle out ?

OCTAVIAN : No. it's too tight. There's nothing you can do.


AMY : Something's happening ! Pedro was here a second ago and now you can't even remember him !

MARCO : There never was a Pedro. There's only ever been the two of us here !

AMY : No, there were five of us. Why can't you remember ?

MARCO : Listen, listen. I need to get a closer look at that light, whatever it is. Don't worry, I won't get too close.

AMY : No, you can't. You mustn't.

MARCO : Here, spare communicator. (presses the device into Amy's hand). I'll stay in touch the whole time.

AMY : You won't. If you go back there what happened to the others will happen to you !

MARCO : There weren't any others !

AMY : There won't be any YOU if you go back there.

MARCO : Two minutes, I promise.


AMY : Please, just listen to me !

Amy is alone in the clearing.


OCTAVIAN : Sir, there's nothing you can do.

DOCTOR : You're dead if I leave you.

OCTAVIAN : Yes, yes, I'm dead. And before you go...

DOCTOR : I'm not going !

OCTAVIAN : Listen to me. It's important ! You can't trust her.

DOCTOR : Trust who ?

OCTAVIAN : River Song. You think you know her, but you don't. You don't understand who or what she is.

DOCTOR : Then tell me.

OCTAVIAN : I've told you more than I should. Now, please, you have to go. It's your duty to your friends.

DOCTOR : Just tell me why she was in Stormcage ?

OCTAVIAN : She killed a man, a good man, a hero to many.

DOCTOR : Who ?

OCTAVIAN : You don't want to know, sir. You really don't.

DOCTOR : Who did she kill ?

OCTAVIAN : Sir, the Angels are coming. You have to leave me.

DOCTOR : You'll die.

OCTAVIAN : I will die in the knowledge that my courage did not desert me at the end. For that, I thank God and bless the path that takes you to safety.

DOCTOR : I wish I'd known you better.

OCTAVIAN : I think, sir, you know me at my best.

DOCTOR : Ready ?

OCTAVIAN (closes eyes) : Content.

The Doctor runs for the hatch and closes it behind him.


RIVER : There's a teleport ! If I can get it to work, we can beam the others here. Where's Octavian ?

DOCTOR : Octavian's dead, so is that teleport. You're wasting your time. I'm going to need your communicator.

Takes communicator.


AMY (into radio, softly) : Hello, are you there ? Hello ? Hello ?

MARCO (over radio) : I'm here. I'm fine. I'm quite close to it now.

AMY (into radio) : Then come back ! Come back now, please.

MARCO (over radio) : It's weird looking at it. It feels really...


AMY (into radio) : Really what ? Hello ? Really what ? Hello ? Hello ? Hello ? Please say you're there. Hello ? Hello !

DOCTOR (over radio) : Is that you ?


AMY (over radio) : Doctor ?

DOCTOR (into radio) : Where are you ? Are the Clerics with you ?


AMY (into radio) : They've gone. There was a light and they walked into the light. Doctor, they didn't even remember each other.


DOCTOR (into radio) : No. They wouldn't.

RIVER : What is that light ?

DOCTOR : Time running out. (into radio) Amy. I'm sorry. I should never have left you there.


AMY (into radio) : Well, what do I do now ?


DOCTOR (into radio) : You come to us. Primary Flight Deck, other end of the forest.


AMY (into radio) : I can't see ! I can't open my eyes.


DOCTOR (into radio, uses screwdriver on communicator) : Turn on the spot.

AMY (over radio) : Sorry. what ?

DOCTOR (into radio) : Just do it. Turn on the spot.


DOCTOR (over radio) : When the communicator sounds like my screwdriver, you're facing the right way. Follow the sound.

Amy turns in a circle and listens to the whirring sound the communicator makes.

DOCTOR (over radio) : You have to start moving now.


DOCTOR (into radio) : There's time energy spilling out of that crack and you have to stay ahead of it.


AMY (into radio) : But the Angels, they're everywhere.


DOCTOR (into radio) : I'm sorry, I really am, but the Angels can only kill you.


AMY (into radio, starts walking) : What does the Time Energy do ?


DOCTOR (into radio) : Just keep moving !


AMY (into radio) : Tell me !


DOCTOR (into radio) : If the Time Energy catches up with you, you'll never have been born.


DOCTOR (over radio) : It will erase every moment of your existence. You will never have lived at all.


DOCTOR (into radio) : Now, keep your eyes shut and keep moving !

RIVER : It's never going to work.

DOCTOR (shouts) : What else have you got ? River, tell me !


Amy walks slowly along the dirt path.


There is a loud whooshing and clanging.

RIVER : What's that ?

DOCTOR : The Angels running from the fire. They came here to feed on the time energy. Now it's going to feed on them.

DOCTOR (into radio) : Amy, listen to me.


DOCTOR (over radio) : I'm sending a bit of software to your communicator. It's a proximity detector. It'll beep if there's something in your way. You just manoeuvre till the beeping stops.


DOCTOR (into radio) : Because, Amy, this is important.


DOCTOR (over radio) : The forest is full of Angels.


DOCTOR (into radio) : You're going to have to walk like you can see.


AMY (into radio) : Well, what do you mean ?

DOCTOR (over radio) : Look, just keep moving.


RIVER : That time energy, what's it going to do ?

DOCTOR : Er, keep eating.

RIVER : How do we stop it ?

DOCTOR : Feed it.

RIVER : Feed it what ?

DOCTOR : A big complicated space-time event should shut it up for a while.

RIVER : Like what, for instance ?

DOCTOR (shouts) : Like me, for instance !

A high-pitched beeping echoes through the flight deck.


AMY (into radio) : What's that ?


DOCTOR (into radio) : It's a warning. There are Angels ‘round you now.


The lights flash and Amy is surrounded by Angels.

DOCTOR (over radio) : Amy. listen to me. This is going to be hard but I know...


DOCTOR (into radio) : ... you can do it. The Angels are scared


DOCTOR (over radio) : ... and running and right now they're not that interested in you. They'll assume you can see them and their instincts will kick in. All you've got to do is walk like you can see.


DOCTOR (into radio) : Just don't open your eyes. Walk like you can see. You're not moving. You have to do this.


Amy stands between two Angels.

DOCTOR (over radio) : Now.


The Doctor into radio, bangs his hand against the instrument panel.

DOCTOR : You have to do this !


The communicator beeps slowly. As Amy turns unknowingly towards an Angel, it beeps quickly and she turns to face the way she was. She slowly walks forward and turns again only to hear the beeping speed up once more. She changes direction and moved forward until she trips over a root and falls, dropping the communicator. She feels about in the dirt but can’t find it.

AMY : Doctor, I can't find the communicator ! I dropped it ! I can't find it. Doctor ! (keeps feeling in the dirt). Doctor... (the Angels begin to move). Doctor ! Doctor...

Stands and turns only to come face-to-face with an Angel as it reaches for her. Amy is engulfed in a bright light.


Amy appears on the flight deck and is supported by River.

RIVER : Don't open your eyes. You're on the Flight Deck, the Doctor's here. I teleported you. (to Doctor) See ? Told you I could get it working.

DOCTOR : River Song, I could bloody kiss you.

RIVER : Ah well, maybe when you're older. (an alarm blares) What's that ?

DOCTOR : The Angels are draining the last of the ship's power, which means... the shield's going to release !

The shield to the forest opens and they are confronted by a large number of Angels. The Doctor steps forward.

DOCTOR : Angel Bob, I presume.

ANGEL BOB : The Time Field is coming. It will destroy our reality.

DOCTOR : Yeah, and look at you, all running away. What can I do for you ?

ANGEL BOB : There is a rupture in time. The Angels calculate that if you throw yourself into it, it will close and they will be saved.

DOCTOR : Yeah, yeah, yeah. Could do, could do that. But why ?

ANGEL BOB : Your friends would also be saved.

DOCTOR : Well, there is that.

RIVER (steps up to the Doctor) : I've travelled in time. I'm a complicated space-time event, too. Throw me in.

DOCTOR : Oh, be serious ! Compared to me, these Angels are more complicated than you and it would take every one of them to amount to me, so get a grip.

RIVER : Doctor, I can't let you do this.

DOCTOR : No, seriously, get a grip.

RIVER : You're not going to die here !

DOCTOR : No, I mean it. River, Amy, get a grip.

RIVER (realizes his plan) : Oh, you genius !

Goes to Amy.

ANGEL BOB : Sir, the Angels need you to sacrifice yourself now.

DOCTOR : Thing is, Bob, the Angels are draining all the power from this ship, every last bit of it. And you know what ? I think they've forgotten where they're standing. I think they've forgotten the gravity of the situation. Or to put it another way, Angels...

RIVER (to Amy) : You hold on tight and don't you let go for anything.

Places Amy's hands on a handle attached to the panel before gripping one herself.

DOCTOR : Night-night.

As the gravity fails due to the loss of power, the Doctor casually turns to grip a handle himself. The deck turns to its side and the Doctor, Amy and River hang on for dear life as the Angels are sucked into the crack. The is a burst of light and the crack in the secondary flight deck closes.


Amy is leaning on a rock, wrapped in a blanket. The Doctor stands next to her with a cleric behind them.

AMY : Ah, Bruised everywhere.

DOCTOR : Me too.

AMY : You didn't have to climb out with your eyes shut.

DOCTOR : Neither did you, I kept saying. The Angels all fell into the time field. The Angel in your memory never existed. It can't harm you now.

AMY : Then why do I remember it at all ? Those guys on the ship didn't remember each other.

DOCTOR : You're a time traveller now, Amy. Changes the way you see the universe forever. Good, isn't it ?

AMY : And the crack. Is that gone too ?

DOCTOR : Yeah, for now. But the explosion that caused it is still happening... somewhere out there, somewhere in time.

Looks out at the ocean before walking over to River.

RIVER : You, me... handcuffs. (holds out her hands encased in cuffs). Must it always end this way ?

DOCTOR : What now ?

RIVER : The prison ship's in orbit. They'll beam me up any second. I might have done enough to earn a pardon this time. We'll see.

DOCTOR : Octavian said you killed a man.

RIVER : Yes. I did. A good man. A very good man. The best man I've ever known.

DOCTOR : Who ?

RIVER : It's a long story, Doctor, can't be told. It has to be lived. No sneak previews. Well, except for this one: you'll see me again quite soon, when the Pandorica opens.

DOCTOR : The Pandorica, ha ! (whispers in her ear). That's a fairy tale.

RIVER (laughs) : Oh, Doctor, aren't we all ? I'll see you there.

DOCTOR : I look forward to it.

RIVER : I remember it well.

The Doctor chuckles and walks away.

Amy walks up to River.

AMY : Bye. River.

RIVER : See you. Amy. (handcuffs beep). Oh ! I think that's my ride.

DOCTOR : Can I trust you. River Song ?

RIVER : If you like, but where's the fun in that ?

Laughs and is teleported away. The Doctor turns and looks out at the ocean.

AMY : What are you thinking ?

DOCTOR : Time can be rewritten.


The Doctor is at the console while Amy sits on the jump seat, arms crossed.

AMY : I want to go home.

DOCTOR (quietly) : OK.

AMY (smiles and joins him) : No, not like that ! I just... I just want to show you something. You're running from River. I'm running too.


We hear the TARDIS materialize and see a light go on in Amy's room.


The TARDIS has materialized in a corner of the room. The Doctor and Amy are sitting on her bed, looking at the closet where her wedding gown is hanging.

DOCTOR : Well !

AMY : Yeah !

DOCTOR : Blimey !

AMY : I know. This is the same night we left, yeah ?

DOCTOR : (checks watch) : We've been gone five minutes.

AMY (leans over, gets ring box and opens it) : I'm getting married in the morning.

DOCTOR (takes box) : Why did you leave it here ?

AMY : Why did I leave my engagement ring when I ran away with a strange man the night before my wedding ?

DOCTOR : Yeah.

AMY : You really are an alien, aren't you ?

DOCTOR : Who's the lucky fella ?

AMY : You met him.

DOCTOR : Ah, the good looking one or the other one ?

Mimes a large nose.

AMY : The other one.

DOCTOR : Well, he was good too.

AMY : Thanks. So, do you comfort a lot of people on the night before their wedding ?

DOCTOR : Why would you need comforting ?

AMY : I nearly died. I was alone in the dark and I nearly died. And it made me think.

DOCTOR : Well, yes, natural. I think sometimes. Well, lots of times...

AMY : About what I want. About who I want. You know what I mean ?

DOCTOR : Yeah... No.

AMY : About who... I want.

DOCTOR : Oh, right, yeah... No, still not getting it.

AMY : Doctor, in a word, n one very simple word even you can understand...

Practically climbs on top of him. The Doctor nervously pushes her away and clambers over the foot rail.

DOCTOR : Uh... ! You're getting married in the morning !

AMY (walks around) : The morning's a long time away. (pushes him back against the TARDIS). What are we going to do about that ?

Starts to undress him.

DOCTOR (pulls braces back up) : Listen to me. I'm 907 years old. Do you understand what that means ?

Pushes away.

AMY : It's been awhile ?

DOCTOR : No. no. no! I'm 907, and look at me. I don't get older, I just change. You get older. I don't, and this can't ever work.

Pushes away from her again, his back to the TARDIS.

AMY : Oh, you are sweet, Doctor. But I really wasn't suggesting anything quite so... long term.

Kisses him.

DOCTOR (pushes her away) : But you're human ! You're Amy ! You're getting married in the morning ! (realization). In the morning.

AMY (pulls back) : Doctor ?

DOCTOR : It's you. It's all about you. Everything. It's about you.

AMY : Hold that thought !

Lies seductively on the bed.

DOCTOR : Amy Pond... Mad, impossible Amy Pond. I don't know why, I have no idea, but quite possibly the single most important thing in the history of the universe is that I get you sorted out right now.

AMY : That's what I've been trying to tell you !

DOCTOR (pulls her off the bed) : Come on !

AMY (flirty) : Doctor !

The Doctor pushes her into the TARDIS before turning to look at her clock. It changes from “11:59 6/25” to “12:00 6/26”.

Flashback to River in the forest on the Byzantium when the communicator showed the date of the origin of the cracks.

RIVER : ... And for those of us who can't read the base code of the universe ?



Écrit par gus45 pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !