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Doctor Who (2005)
#509 : La révolte des intra-terrestres (2/2) ... Cold blood

Le Docteur cherche par tous les moyens à retrouver Amy, prise au piège au centre de la Terre par les Siluriens. Malheureusement, tout ne se passe pas comme prévu et une guerre est sur le point d'éclater.


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Cold blood

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La révolte des intra-terrestres (2/2) ... Cold blood

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Photos promo

Malohkeh-Cold blood

Malohkeh-Cold blood

Siluriens-Cold blood

Siluriens-Cold blood

Rory-Cold blood

Rory-Cold blood

Cold blood: Eldane

Cold blood: Eldane

Rory-Cold blood

Rory-Cold blood

Le Docteur -Cold blood

Le Docteur -Cold blood

Rory-Cold blood

Rory-Cold blood

Siluriens-Cold blood

Siluriens-Cold blood

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Chris Chibnall

Réalisateur : Ashley Way


Cast :

Matt Smith ... Docteur 
Karen Gillan ... Amy Pond
Arthur Darvill ... Rory Williams
Neve Mc Intosh ... Alaya/Restac
Meera Syal ... Nasreen Chaudhry
Robert Pugh ... Tony Mack
Nia Roberts ... Ambrose
Alun Raglan ... Mo
Samuel Davies ... Elliot
Richard Hope ... Malohkeh
Stephen Moore ... Eldane


Références et continuités

  • La fissure apparaît à la fin de l'épisode, près de l'endroit où est situé le TARDIS, et efface le corps de Rory. Le Docteur récupère un morceau du TARDIS à l'intérieur.
  • Lorsque le scientifique silurien arrête la décontamination après avoir failli tuer le Docteur, celui-ci lui demande s'il n'a pas du céleri pour se revigorer. Le Cinquième Docteur portait une tige de céleri sur son costume et explique dans The Caves of Androzani qu'il lui permet de détecter certains gaz auxquels il est allergique, et que s'il rencontrait les gaz en question, il mangerait le céleri.
  • De nombreuses scènes de cet épisode ont été tournées à Plantasia, le jardin botanique de Swansea où avait été aussi tourné La Fille du Docteur.

Résumé épisode 509 "La révolte des intra-terrestres" (2/2)

(Suite de l'épisode 508).

Nasreen et le Docteur se font encercler et enfumer par des soldats siluriens. Amy s'est fait décontaminer et doit affronter la dissection. Mais au moment où le chirurgien va commencer, un appel général retentit suite à l'intrusion de deux étrangers et le silurien va rejoindre les autres. Amy a eu le temps et l'habileté de lui faire les poches, et la voilà en mesure de se détacher et de délivrer Mo. Son plan : rejoindre le Docteur. En chemin, ils découvrent Elliot dans une sorte de glacière, relié à des machines, mais impossible de l'en sortir. Cependant, l'enfant n'a pas l'air mal en point.

En surface, Ambrose interroge Rory sur son identité et sur celle du Docteur. Il tente de la persuader de faire confiance à ce dernier et d'agir en fonction de son plan. Mais en bas, le Docteur est en train de se faire scanner et décontaminer à son tour, ce qui n'a pas l'air de lui plaire. La chef militaire Restac blâme le chirurgien de l'évasion de Mo et d'Amy. Il est évident qu'ils ne sont pas sur la même longueur d'onde.

Sur Terre, Alaya reçoit la visite du père d'Ambrose et s'étonne qu'il soit toujours vivant. Celui-ci est venu lui offrir de l'aider à s'évader en échange de sa guérison. Elle rejette cette proposition avec dédain.

Le Docteur n'a guère plus de succès auprès de Restac, qui le menace d'exécution. Amy et Mo, de leur côté, découvrent des cubicules dans lesquels des soldats siluriens semblent en état de vie suspendue. Au-dessus d'eux, des ouvertures dans le plafond laissent penser à Amy que la sortie serait par là. Ils subtilisent l'arme de deux d'entre eux, mais découvrent ensuite une immense salle où se tiennent, également immobiles, des centaines de soldats.

Nasreen demande au Docteur pourquoi les Siluriens se mettent en hibernation. Il explique que des astronautes siluriens avaient prédit l'écrasement d'une planète sur la Terre (en fait, ce n'était que la Lune en train de se mettre en orbite). Prévoyant une apocalypse, les Siluriens se sont réfugiés au centre de la Terre et ont hibernés pendant des milliers d'années. Le Docteur confesse ensuite aux gardes qui les escortent au tribunal militaire qu'il a rencontré une autre tribu de Siluriens dans le passé mais qu'ils ont été détruits par les humains. ("Doctor Who and the Silurians", saison 7 épisode 3, ancienne série). Ce qui ne fait rien pour améliorer les sentiments de Restac face aux Primates.

A la surface, Ambrose a pris conscience de l'état de santé de son père. Elle va voir Alaya à son tour, en se faisant menaçante. Essuyant un refus méprisant de la part d'Alaya, elle lui tire dessus, comme Alaya l'avait prédit, et la silurienne meurt, apparemment enchantée de devenir ainsi le déclencheur de la guerre.

Au tribunal, Amy et Mo tentent un sauvetage de leurs amis, mais sont rapidement désarmés. Restac prépare l'exécution des prisonniers malgré la désapprobation du chirurgien Malohkeh.

En surface, consternés par la mort d'Alaya, Rory, Ambrose et son père voient apparaître Restac sur l'écran d'un ordinateur. Elle leur montre ses quatre otages et demande à voir Alaya. Ambrose explose de colère, et Restac ordonne l'exécution immédiate d'Amy. Au même moment, l'autorité suprême des Siluriens, Eldane (réveillé par Malohkeh), fait son entrée dans la salle, ordonne la libération des otages et renvoie Restac, plutôt contrariée. Le Docteur envoie comme message aux trois habitants à la surface de descendre le rejoindre avec Alaya.

Malohkeh remet à Mo un Elliot en bon état. Le Docteur organise aussitôt les négociations. D'un côté, Eldane, de l'autre, Amy et Nasreen (qui se retrouvent subitement "représentantes de l'humanité"). Séance ouverte sur-le-champ mais les pourparlers s'avèrent laborieux. Comme le constate Eldane, les deux races ont trop à perdre. Tout de même, une première piste prometteuse apparait : en échange des espaces inhabités à la surface, les Siluriens pourraient faire profiter les humains d'avances technologiques prodigieuses : sources d'énergie, réserves en eau, progrès médicaux...

La situation se gâte rapidement. Restac est allée réveiller toute une garnison de soldats pour mener sa guerre et Malohkeh devient sa première victime. Le trio à la surface arrive avec le cadavre d'Alaya. Ambrose avoue sa reponsabilité et doit subir les regards réprobateurs de tous à son égard, même celui de son fils. Arrivent Restac et son armée, qui découvrent également le cadavre d'Alaya. Le Docteur se démène pour essayer de rétablir les choses, mais Ambrose enfonce le clou. Elle a remis la foreuse en marche avant de descendre, ce qui va tout faire sauter dans quinze minutes si on ne répond pas à ses conditions. Ne reste plus au Docteur et aux humains qu'à prendre la fuite devant les tirs des Siluriens.

Eldane les a suivis. "Le temps de la réconciliation n'est pas encore venu", admet-t-il. Il utilisera un programme de fumigation d'urgence qui épargnera tous ceux qui seront en hibernation (mais peut-être pas Restac et son groupe). Il tentera une décontamination sur le père d'Ambrose pour essayer de le sauver, et celui-ci choisit de rester sur place. Pendant ce temps, le Docteur tentera d'éviter le désastre que pourrait causer la foreuse. Les soldats préfèrent abandonner Restac et courent aux abris. Nasreen décide de rester sur place elle aussi, à cause de ses sentiments pour le vieil homme, et de son intérêt pour l'aventure. Tous les autres se précipitent dans le TARDIS.

Mais juste avant d'entrer à leur tour, le Docteur, Amy et Rory aperçoivent une fissure qui s'ouvre en face d'eux. Le Docteur se sent humilié : tout le monde savait (le prisonnier zéro, les Anges, etc), sauf lui. Il passe son bras à travers la fissure, et en retire un morceau de TARDIS calciné.

Cachée dans un coin, Restac veut se venger, elle vise le Docteur, mais Rory s'interpose, reçoit la décharge, et meurt. Déjà, l'énergie temporelle provenant de la fissure l'envahit : trop tard pour le transporter dans le TARDIS. Il n'aura donc jamais existé. Le Docteur fait entrer Amy de force et décampe. Elle pourra ne pas oublier Rory, à condition de se battre avec acharnement pour conserver son souvenir en elle. Mais déjà, les images s'effacent graduellement de sa mémoire.

Tous ces événements ont pris trop de temps. La foreuse explose. Ambrose demande au Docteur pourquoi il l'a sauvée. Il lui explique que ce qu'elle n'a pas été capable d'être, Elliot peut le devenir.

Avant de repartir, Amy s'aperçoit à nouveau elle-même dix ans plus vieille de l'autre côté du champ; mais cette fois, elle est seule...




Écrit par owhar pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries.

Script VO épisode 509 "Cold blood" (2/2)

(Recap of 508).



The Earth spins on its axis.

ELDANE (v.o.) : This is the story of our planet, Earth, of the day 1,000 years past when we came to share it with a race know as Humanity. It is the story of the Doctor who helped our races find common ground and the terrible losses he suffered. It is the story of our past and must never be forgotten.


The Doctor and Nasreen are walking along pathways in a cavern above molten magma and past buildings.

DOCTOR : This place is enormous and deserted. The majority of the race are probably still asleep. (takes out sonic screwdriver). We need to find Amy, looking for heat signature anomalies.

NASREEN : But, Doctor, how can all this be here ? I mean, these plants.


DOCTOR : Must be getting closer to the centre of the city.

NASREEN : You're sure this is the best way to enter ?

DOCTOR : Front door approach ! Definitely. Always the best way...

An alarm sounds and a female voice is heard over a speaker system.

TANNOY : Hostile life force detected, area 17.

The Doctor and Nasbeen stop.

DOCTOR : Apart from the back door approach, that's also good, (turns around) sometimes better.

TANNOY : Hostile life force detected, area 17.

A door slides open in front of Nasreen.

NASREEN : Doctor !

Armed Silurian soldiers come through the door as the warning repeats. More arrive through the tunnel behind them. The Doctor raises his hands.

DOCTOR : We're not hostile, we're not armed ! (pulls up Nasreen’s arm). We're here in peace !

The Silurians shoot gas from their weapons. The Doctor and Nasreen fall to the floor, unconscious.


The Silurian doctor, Malokeh approaches Amy as she struggles.

AMY : Don't you come near me with that !

Malokeh lowers his mask, revealing his face, and turns on a recording device.

MALOKEH : From the clothing, the human female appears to be more resistant to the cold than the male.

AMY : I dressed for Rio !

MO : Leave her alone ! You got me !

Malokeh takes a small device from his pocket and presses a button. Clamps lock into place at Amy's wrists.

MALOKEH : Decontamination complete. Commencing dissection.

Gets ready to start.

TANNOY : Area 17 incursion, species diagnostic requested. Area 17 incursion, species diagnostic requested.

Malokeh sighs and leaves the lab.

AMY : Yeah ! And stay out !

After Malokeh is gone, Amy looks down at her hand where she is holding the device. She presses the button and frees herself before going to Mo.

MO : How did you get that ?

AMY : You never picked a lizard man's pocket ? Come on, before he gets back.


MO : That creature, do you think it was an alien ? Any more of them do you think ? Do you think the Earth's been invaded ?

AMY : Don't know. But I know someone who could have some answers. We need to get back to the surface and find him. (stops at a door). I wonder where this leads.

MO : Maybe it's a way out of here.

Amy puts her hand on the panel next to the door. Mo looks inside as the lights come on and sees Elliot. The boy is attached to wires, in some sort of stasis.

MO : Oh, my God, no.

AMY : What is it ?

MO (tries to force door) : It's my son. It's Elliot. What've they done to him ?

Amy looks through the window as Mo tries the panel at the door.

MO : No ! He's in there ! We have to get him out ! Elliot ! Elliot, it's Dad !

TANNOY :  Access denied. Unauthorised genetic imprint.

AMY (holds Mo's arms) : Seriously. We can't get in.

MO : That's my boy in there !

AMY : These screens, they're monitoring something. I think they're vital signs - heartbeats, pulses. Why else would he be wired up ? He's still alive.

MO : All right. We find weapons, get that creature from the lab and force it to release Elliot, yeah ?

AMY : Yeah, trust me we'll get him out.

They continue down the tunnel. The light in Elliot's room goes out.


Ambrose is kneeling on the ground, holding Elliot's headphones. Rory joins her.

RORY : Ambrose.

AMBROSE : You lied. You told us you were the police.

RORY : It was a misunderstanding...

AMBROSE : Who are you ? You and the Doctor ? Why is this happening to us ? What did we ever do ?

RORY : The Doctor'll get your son back, I promise. In the meantime, we take turns guarding the creature.

AMBROSE : So that's it ? We sit and wait.

RORY : And then we exchange her for your family. I promise you Ambrose, I'd trust the Doctor with my life. We stick to his plan. We keep that creature safe.


The Doctor is clamped down like Amy and Mo had been. He is crying out in pain as a machine scans him. A female Silurian, warrior class, questions Malokeh.

FEMALE : How can they have escaped ? This proves all prisoners should remain under military guard.

MALOKEH : I'm sure you'd prefer to be in charge of everything and everyone, Restac. But we rank the same. Is there any word from Alaya ?


Turns to watch the Doctor writhe in pain.

MALOKEH : It's fine to show concern, you know. She's part of your gene-chain. I'm Decontaminating now.

DOCTOR : Decontamination ! No, no, no !

Writhes in agony.


Alaya is on the floor, meditating, when Tony walks in.

ALAYA : Why aren't you dead ? You're carrying my venom in your blood. But you should have died. Why aren't you dead ? Show me.

Tony walks forward, unbuttoning his shirt. He pulls it open to show the contaminated area.

ALAYA (hisses in pleasure) : How does it feel, ape ?

TONY : Like it's burning in my blood. Please. If you help me, I can help you. If you could cure me, I could help you escape.

ALAYA : You see ? You beg, and offer betrayal, so early ! Why would I want to escape when I can watch you die ? The first ape death of the coming war.

Returns to her meditation.


The Doctor is still undergoing decontamination.

MALOKEH : It’s all right. It won't harm you. I'm only neutralising all your ape bacteria.

DOCTOR : I'm not an ape ! Look at the scans ! Two hearts ! Totally different ! Totally not ape ! Remove all human germs, you remove half the things keeping me alive.

Malokeh checks the scans and then shuts down the machine.

RESTAC : No, complete the process.

DOCTOR : Oh, that's much better, thanks ! Not got any celery, have you ? No, no, not really the climate, tomatoes, though, you'd do a roaring trade in those. I'm the Doctor, oh, and there's Nasreen, good !

Malokeh has gone over to examine Nasreen.

NASREEN (wakes) : Oh, a green man.

DOCTOR : Hello, who are you ?

RESTAC : Restac. Military commander.

DOCTOR : Oh, dear, really ? There's always a military, isn't there ?

MALOKEH : Your weapon was attacking the oxygen pockets above our city.

DOCTOR : Oxygen pockets ! Lovely ! Oooh, but not so good with an impending drill ! Now it makes sense !

Malokeh nods and continues to examine Nasreen.

RESTAC : Where is the rest of your invasion force ?

DOCTOR : Invasion force ? Me and lovely Nasreen ? No ! We came for the humans you took. And... to offer the safe return of Alaya. Oh, wait, you and she, what is it, same genetic source ? Of course you're worried, but don't be, she's safe.

RESTAC : You claim to come in peace, but you hold one of us hostage.

Restac motions for soldiers to take position by the Doctor and Nasreen.

DOCTOR : Wait, wait, we all want the same thing here.

RESTAC : I don't negotiate with apes. (to Malokeh) I'm going to send a clear message to those on the surface.

DOCTOR : What's that ?

RESTAC : Your execution.

DOCTOR : Yes...


Amy and Mo are exploring and come across a chamber with glass-covered alcoves on either side.

AMY : These chambers are all over the city.

Amy puts her hand over a sensor and the alcoves light up, showing masked warriors inside. Mo steps back in surprise.

MO : Uh ! Turn it off quick !

Amy puts her hand on the sensor again and the lights go off.

MO : They're not moving.

AMY : Maybe they're asleep. Let's have another look.

MO : No, Amy, don't !

This time the doors slide open. Amy cautiously walks into one.

MO : Amy, what are you doing ? Get out of there.

AMY (whisper) : Some sort of suspended animation. (notices they are standing on small round discs). I wonder what these are. The Doctor would know. The Doctor always knows.

MO (looking up) : Hey, look.

Amy looks as well as sees a chute above each container.

AMY : Wait... I've got it. It's how they came up to the surface. Some sort of powered transport discs. It's our way out of here.

MO : Even better, weapons. (takes the gun from the soldier). Come on, now we can fight back.

Amy takes one as well. They close the containers.

MO : Which way now ?

AMY : Door at the end.

MO : Are you sure ?

AMY : Nope !

They continue down the tunnel and through another sliding door. Below them is a large chamber filled with soldiers in suspended animation.

MO : Wow.

AMY : Yeah.

MO : We don't stand a chance.

AMY : We have to find the Doctor.

They leave the chamber.


Tony searches a closet until he finds a first-aid kit and pulls out a bottle of aspirin.

AMBROSE : Dad, are you all right ? Dad !

TONY : Ambrose, I'm fine ! Leave me alone.


AMBROSE (helps him sit) : You are not fine. Let me... Let me look.

Reaches out.

TONY (bats her hand away) : Get off !

AMBROSE (determined) : Let me look. (unbuttons shirt). Oh, my God, Dad.

TONY : I don't know what's happening to me.

AMBROSE : It's going to be fine. First thing is bring this temperature down, get you resting.



The Doctor and Nasreen are being escorted through the city, in a section that most likely acts like a park.

DOCTOR : These must be the only ones awake, the others must still be in hibernation.

NASREEN : So, why did they go into hibernation in the first place ?

DOCTOR : Their astronomers predicted a planet heading to Earth on a crash course. They a built life underground and put themselves to sleep for millennia in order to avert what they thought was the apocalypse. When in reality, it was the moon, coming into alignment with the Earth.

Restac stops and looks at the Doctor.

MALOKEH : How can you know that ?

DOCTOR : Long time ago, I met another tribe of homo reptilia, similar, but not identical.

RESTAC : Others of our species have survived ?

DOCTOR : The humans attacked them. They died, I'm sorry.

RESTAC : A vermin race.

The escort continues.


Ambrose comes down the stairs

AMBROSE : What's the cure ?

ALAYA : What ?

AMBROSE : I saw what you've done to my dad. What's the cure ?

ALAYA : Why would I tell you ?

AMBROSE : Cos if you don't, I'm going to have to use this on you.

Holds up a taser.

ALAYA : Now you reveal yourselves.

AMBROSE : First you take my son, now you hurt my dad. I'm just protecting my family here. That's all. I don't want to use it. I want you to put things right.

ALAYA : Use it.

AMBROSE : What ?

ALAYA : Use it on me. But you're too afraid. (walks up to Ambrose). A woman who can't even protect her own child must be too weak to...

Walks into the taser and falls to her knees with a shriek.

AMBROSE : I didn't want to do that. Are you all right ? Tell me, what's the cure for my dad ?

ALAYA : He's vermin. He deserves a painful death.

AMBROSE : I'm giving you a chance.

ALAYA : I knew it would be you. The one with the most to lose, the weakest.

Ambrose puts the taser to Alaya's chest and the Silurian shudders and falls to the floor.


Rory tends to Tony.

RORY : I'm a nurse, you should've told me.

They hear screaming in the distance.


Rory and Tony rush down the stairs to see Alaya lying on the floor, wheezing. Ambrose is standing there, taser in her hand. Rory rushes to Alaya to see if there is anything he can do.

TONY : Ambrose... What've you done ?

AMBROSE : She kept taunting me about Mo and Elliot and you.

TONY : We have to be better than this !

Takes the taser from her.

AMBROSE : She wouldn't tell me anything. I thought sooner or later, she'd give in. I would've done. I just... I just want my family back, Dad.

RORY : I'm sorry. How do we help you ? Tell us what to do.

ALAYA : I knew this would come. And soon the war.

RORY : You're not dying. I'm not going to let you, not today...

Alaya moans and then dies.


Restac and Malokeh enter the courtroom followed by the soldiers escorting the Doctor and Nasreen.

MALOKEH : You're not authorised to do this !

RESTAC : I'm authorised to protect the safety of our species while they sleep.

DOCTOR : Oh, lovely place, very gleaming.

RESTAC : This is our court and our place of execution.

Amy enters through another door, aiming her gun at Restac.

AMY : Let them go !

DOCTOR : Amy Pond, there's a girl to rely on.

Mo enters through the main door.

AMY : You're covered both ways, so don't try anything clever, buster.


AMY : Now let them go, or I shoot. (Restac moves closer). I'm warning you !

Restac takes the gun from Amy, pushing her to the ground.

DOCTOR : Don't you touch her !

RESTAC : And you.

Soldiers approach Mo and he gives up his gun.

MALOKEH : All right, Restac. You've made your point.

RESTAC (walks up to Malokeh) : This is now a military tribunal. Go back to your laboratory, Malokeh.

One of the soldiers jabs Malokeh in the back.

MALOKEH (looks at Amy) : This isn't the way.


RESTAC : Prepare them for execution.

The Doctor, Amy, Nasreen and Mo are tied to pillars.

AMY : OK, sorry, as rescues go, didn't live up to its potential.

DOCTOR : I'm glad you're OK.

AMY : Me too ! Lizard men, though !

DOCTOR : Homo reptilia... They occupied the planet before humans. Now they want it back.

NASREEN : After they've wiped out the human race.

AMY : Right, preferred it when I didn't know, to be honest.

The soldiers have lined up like a firing squad.

NASREEN : Why are they waiting ? What do you think they're going to do with us ?


Rory, Tony and Ambrose stand in the basement not knowing what to do.

AMBROSE : I didn't know it would go like that, Dad.

TONY : Oh, my little girl, what have you done ?

Hugs Ambrose.

AMBROSE : What happens now ?

There is a buzzing electrical sound and the lights flash. An old computer monitor flares to life. It is Restac.

AMBROSE : Oh, my God.

RESTAC (over monitor) : 'Who is the ape leader ?'

AMBROSE : It's them. How are they doing that ? How do they know that we're in here ?

Covers Alaya's body with a tarp.

RESTAC (over monitor) : 'Who speaks for the apes ?'

The three humans look at each other.

TONY (to Rory) : Don't tell them what's happened.


We see Restac's view of the church basement as a large projection in the middle of the room. Rory steps forward.

RORY (over projection) : I speak for the... humans. Some of us, anyway.


RESTAC (over monitor) : 'Do you understand who we are ?'

RORY : Sort of. A bit. Not really.

RESTAC (over monitor) : 'We have ape hostages.'

The view zooms out to show the hostages toed to the pillars.


RORY (over projection) : Doctor ! Amy !

Rushes towards the screen.

AMBROSE (over projection) : Mo ! 'Mo, are you OK ?'


MO (over monitor) : 'I'm fine, love ! I've found Elliot. I'm bringing him home !'


RORY (over projection) : 'Amy ! I thought I'd lost you !'

AMY : Maybe they're asleep. Let's have another look.


AMY (over monitor) : 'What, cos I was sucked into the ground ? You're so clingy.’

NASREEN (over monitor) : ‘Tony Mack !'

TONY : Having fun down there ?

DOCTOR (over monitor) : 'Not to interrupt, but just a quick reminder to stay calm.'

RESTAC (over monitor) : 'Show me Alaya. 'Show me and release her, immediately, unharmed, or we kill your friends...'


RESTAC : ...one by one.

AMBROSE (over projection) : 'No !’


RORY : Ambrose...

DOCTOR (over monitor) : 'Steady now, everyone.'


TONY (over projection) : ‘Ambrose, stop it !’

AMBROSE (over projection) : ‘Get off me, Dad !'


AMBROSE : We didn't start this !


DOCTOR : Let Rory deal with this Ambrose, eh !


AMBROSE : We're not doing what you say any more. Now, give me back my family !

Everyone waits tensely for Restac's reply.


The Doctor and Amy exchange glances.


RESTAC (over monitor) : 'No. Execute the girl.'

The camera angle changes to show the soldiers moving Amy.

RORY (pushes Ambrose aside) : No ! No, wait !

AMY (over monitor) : 'Rory !'


RORY (over projection) : 'She's not speaking for us !'

Amy is pushed to the center of the room in front of the soldiers.

DOCTOR : There's no need for this...

RORY (over monitor) : Listen ! Listen ! Whatever you want... we'll do it !


RORY (over monitor) : Amy !

AMY : Rory !

DOCTOR : Don't do this !


RORY : No !

They lose the connection and the screen shows static.


RESTAC : Fire !

Amy closes her eyes.

MALE : Stop !

Malokeh enters with a Silurian elder, Eldane.

ELDANE : You want to start a war, while the rest of us sleep, Restac ?

RESTAC : The apes are attacking us !

ELDANE : You're our protector, not our commander, Restac. Unchain them.

RESTAC : I do not recognize your authority at this time, Eldane.

ELDANE : Well, then, you must shoot me.

Frustrated, Restac approaches Malokeh.

RESTAC : You woke him to undermine me.

MALOKEH : We're not monsters. And neither are they.

RESTAC : What is it about apes you love so much ? Mmm ?

MALOKEH : While you slept, they've evolved. I've seen it for myself.

RESTAC : We used to hunt apes for sport. When we came underground, they bred and polluted this planet.

ELDANE : Shush now, Restac. Go and play soldiers. I'll let you know if I need you.

RESTAC : You'll need me, then we'll see.


Rory hits the monitor, trying to get the connection back.

RORY : Nothing ! I've got to get down there.

Starts to walk away.

DOCTOR (over monitor) : 'Rory ! (the picture comes back). Hello !'

RORY : Where's Amy ?

DOCTOR (over monitor) : 'She's fine, look, here, she is.'

Moves aside so Rory can see.

RORY : Oh, thank God.

AMY (over monitor) : 'Keeping you on your toes !'

DOCTOR (over monitor) : 'No time to chat. Listen, you need to get down here... Go to the drill storeroom, there's a large patch of earth in the middle of the floor. The Silurians are going to send up transport discs to bring you back down using geothermal energy and gravity bubble-technology. It's how they travel and frankly it's pretty cool. Bring Alaya. We hand her over, we can land this after all. All going to work, promise. Got to dash ! Hurry up !'

Signal ends.

TONY : The moment we get down there, everything will fall apart.

RORY : We have to return her. They deserve at least that.


Peace talks have begun. Amy and Nasreen are seated on one side of the table with Eldane on the other. The Doctor, Mo and Malokeh are standing.

DOCTOR : I'd say, you've got a fair bit to talk about.

ELDANE : How so ?

DOCTOR : You both want the planet. You both have a genuine claim to it.

ELDANE (to Doctor) : Are you authorised to negotiate on behalf of humanity ?

DOCTOR : Me ? No ! But they are !

NASREEN : What ?!

AMY : No, we're not !

DOCTOR : Course you are ! Amy Pond and Nasreen Chaudhry, speaking for the planet ! (stands behind them). Humanity couldn't have better ambassadors. Come on, who has more fun than us ?

Moves to the opposite end of the table. Amy goes over to him.

AMY : Is this what happens, in the future, the planet gets shared ? Is that what we need to do ?

Nasreen hears them and walks over.

NASREEN : What are you talking about ?

DOCTOR : Oh, Nasreen, sorry, probably worth mentioning at this stage, Amy and I travel in time, a bit.

NASREEN : Anything else ?

DOCTOR : There are fixed points through time, where things must always stay the way they are. This is not one of them. This is an opportunity, a temporal tipping point. Whatever happens today, will change future events, create its own timeline, its own reality. The future pivots around you. Here. Now. So do good. For humanity, and for Earth.

AMY : Right. No pressure there, then.

Heads back to the table.

NASREEN : We can't share the planet. Nobody on the surface is going to go for this idea. It is just too big a leap !

DOCTOR : Come on. Be extraordinary.

NASREEN : Oh... you...

Sits back at the table.

DOCTOR : OK. (slaps the table). Bringing things to order - the first meeting of representatives of the human race and homo reptilian is now in session. Ha ! Never said that before, that's fab ! Carry on ! (points). Now, Mo, let's go and get your son. (walks towards Mo and the door). Oh, you know, humans, and their predecessors, shooting the breeze. Never thought I'd see it.


Rory gently places Alaya's body on the ground. Four “discs” are waiting for them.

TONY : So we get on those, and they take us down through the Earth ?

RORY : Geothermal gravity bubbles, or something.

AMBROSE : They sent four. She was our only bargaining chip.

RORY : We have to hand her back.

AMBROSE : Wait. Before we go down, there's something I've got to do... Dad, I need your help.

Ambrose leads Tony to the side of the room. We only get part of the conversation. Tony is arguing against her idea.

TONY : No ! No way.

AMBROSE : Please, Dad... just a precaution.

TONY : I've told you, I won't do it.

AMBROSE : Look at what they did to you !

TONY : This isn't about me or you.

AMBROSE : No, it's about your grandson. If you won't do it for me, do it for Elliot. I know I did wrong. But I can't lose him, Dad.



The Doctor, Mo and Malokeh are outside the room containing Elliot.

DOCTOR : Elliot, there you are.

Malokeh uses the panel outside to revive Elliot.

MO : If you've harmed him in any way...

MALOKEH : Of course not ! I only store the young.

DOCTOR : But why ?

MALOKEH : I took samples of the young, slowed their lifecycles to a millionth of their normal rate. So I could study how they grew, what they needed, how they lived on the surface.

DOCTOR : You've been down here, working by yourself, all alone ?

MALOKEH : My family, through the millennia... For the last 300 years, just me. (to Mo) I never meant to harm your child.

DOCTOR : Malohkeh, I rather love you. (fist bump). It's safe. We can wake him.

Malokeh enters the room and removes the “wires”.

MALOKEH (beckons Mo) : Come.

Malokeh steps out. Mo enters and stands before his son as he slowly blinks.

MO : Elliot ? Ell, it's Dad.

ELLIOT : What... ? Dad.

Father and son hug.

MO : You're safe now.

ELLIOT : Where are we ?

MO: Well, I've got to be honest with you, son. We're in the centre of the Earth... and there are lizard men.

Elliot looks to the doorway where he sees the Doctor and Malokeh.


The Doctor enters the room.

DOCTOR : Elliot, I'm sorry. I took my eye off you.

ELLIOT : It's OK. I forgive you.

Shake hands. They start down the hallway.

MALOKEH : You go on, Doctor. I'll catch up.

The Doctor, Mo and Elliot continue on. Malokeh keys in something on the panel.

TANNOY : 'Storage facility 19 operational.'

With a thoughtful look, Malokeh heads in the opposite direction.


Tony is sitting at the controls, hesitating. He then presses a button.


Eldane, Nasreen and Amy are sitting at the table.

ELDANE : We lived on the surface of the planet, long before you did. Our sole purpose has been to return to our rightful place.

NASREEN : And we've got a planet that can't already sustain the people who live there. And you want to add a whole other species, to drain resources...

ELDANE (v.o.) : 'As I sat there that day across the table from the humans the future of both species and of our beloved planet Earth rested in our hands, but as the discussions went on, I began to despair about whether we would ever find any common ground, as ambassadors for our species we all had too much to lose.'

Eldane brings up a projection of the Earth. Amy stands.

AMY : So, erm, what about the areas that aren't habitable to us ? Australian outback, Sahara desert, Nevada plains... They're all deserted.

Nasreen tugs Amy down by her arm.

NASREEN : Yes, fine, but what happens when their population grows and breeds and spreads ? And anyway, what benefit does humanity get, and how would we ever sell this to people on the surface ?

ELDANE : If I could get a word in, maybe I could tell you. You give us space, we can bring new sources of energy, new methods of water supply, new medicines, scientific advances. We were a great civilisation. You provide a place for us on the surface, we'll give you knowledge and technology beyond humanity's dreams. We work together, this planet could achieve greatness.

NASREEN : OK. Now I'm starting to see it.

AMY : Oh, yeah.

There is applause and they turn to see the Doctor clapping. With him are Mo and Elliot.

DOCTOR : Not bad for a first session. More similarities than differences.

There is a whooshing sound.

ELDANE : The transport has returned. Your friends are here.


Malokeh is walking through one of the tunnels and one of the sliding doors is already open.

MALOKEH : That's not right. (steps forward and sees Restac reviving soldiers). What are you doing ?!

RESTAC : Protecting our race against the apes.

MALOKEH : You can't do this !

RESTAC : You're a good scientist, Malohkeh, but this is war.

Shoots him.


Rory finds them.

DOCTOR : Here they are.

Waves. Ambrose enters next.

ELLIOT (runs to Ambrose) : Mum !

AMY : Rory !

Rory's mouth moves like he’s trying to find the words.

DOCTOR : Something's wrong...

Tony enters carrying the shrouded body of Alaya.

AMY : Doctor, what's he carrying ?

The Doctor steps forward.

DOCTOR : No. Don't do this. Tell me you didn't do this.

Tony lays his burden on the floor. The Doctor squats down and pulls the cloth away from Alaya's face. Everyone gets a good look before he puts it back in place. The Doctor glares at Tony.

DOCTOR : What did you do ?

AMBROSE : It was me. I did it.

ELLIOT : Mum ?

AMBROSE : I just wanted you back.

Elliot walks away from her. Everyone else looks at her with pity and shame. The Doctor walks up to Eldane.

DOCTOR : I'm sorry. I didn't know. You have to believe me, they're better than this.

AMBROSE : This is our planet !

DOCTOR : We had a chance here.

AMBROSE : Leave us alone.

The Doctor strides over to Ambrose.

DOCTOR : In future, when you talk about this, you tell people there was a chance but you were so much less than the best of humanity.

Armed soldiers enter the room. Restac enters.

RESTAC : My sister. (she sees the body, uncovers it and wails before gently replacing the shroud). And you want us to trust these apes, Doctor ?

DOCTOR (wagging finger) : One woman. She was scared for her family. She's not typical.

RESTAC (faces Ambrose) : I think she is.

DOCTOR (pleads with Eldane) : One person let us down. But there's a whole race of dazzling, peaceful human beings up there. You were building something, here, come on... an alliance could work.

AMBROSE : It's too late for that, Doctor.

The Doctor looks at Ambrose questioningly. Tony runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

DOCTOR : Why ?

AMBROSE : Our drill is set to start burrowing again in... (checks stopwatch) 15 minutes.

NASREEN : What ?

TONY : What choice did I have ? They had Elliot.

DOCTOR : Don't do this, don't call their bluff.

AMBROSE : Let us go back. And you promise to never come to the surface ever again. We'll walk away, leave you alone.

RESTAC : Execute her !!

DOCTOR : No ! (pulls Ambrose to safety as the soldiers fire). Everybody, back to the lab ! Run !

The humans run for the exit.

RESTAC : Execute all the apes !

The Doctor pulls out the sonic screwdriver and uses it on the guns, causing them to explode.

DOCTOR : This is a deadly weapon - stay back.

One of the soldiers approaches from the seats and lashes out at the Doctor with her tongue. He backs out of the way and runs out of the room.


The humans run through the tunnel, the Doctor following.

DOCTOR (to Rory) : Take everyone to the lab ! (dodges a beam from a gun). I'll cover you ! Go ! Go !

The Doctor takes a stand as the others run. Restac and her warriors arrive. The Doctor uses the sonic on their guns.

DOCTOR : Ah-ah ! Stop right there ! Or I'll use my very deadly weapon again. One warning, that's all you get. If there can be no deal, you go back into hibernation. All of you. Now. This ends here.

RESTAC : No. It only ends with our victory.

DOCTOR : Like I said... one warning.

He disables the last two guns and runs away. With a growl, Restac gives chase.


The Doctor uses the sonic screwdriver on the doors and they slide shut.

DOCTOR : Elliot, you and your dad keep your eyes on that screen. Let me know if we get company. Amy, (tosses the stopwatch) keep reminding me how much time I haven't got.

Mo and Elliot watch the screen showing the tunnel outside.

AMY : OK, 12 minutes till drill impact.

Tony is sitting down, Nasreen standing next to him.

DOCTOR : Tony Mack, sweaty forehead, dilated pupils, what're you hiding ?

Tony opens his shirt to show the infection has spread across his chest.

NASREEN : Tony ! What happened ?!

The Doctor uses the screwdriver as a scanner on the infected area.

TONY : Alaya's sting. She said there's no cure. I'm dying, aren't I ?

The Doctor moves to the control panel and checks his readings.

DOCTOR : You're not dying, you're mutating. How can I stop it ? Decontamination program ! Might work - don't know. Eldane, can you run the program on Tony ?

MO : Doctor, shedload of those creatures coming our way ! We're surrounded in here !

Eldane helps Tony to the decontamination chamber as the Doctor speaks.

DOCTOR : So, question is, how we do stop the drill, given we can't get there in time ? Plus also, how do we get out, given that we're surrounded ? Nasreen, how d'you feel about an energy pulse, channelled up through the tunnels to the base of the drill ?

NASREEN : To blow up my life's work ?

DOCTOR : Yes. Sorry. No nice way of putting that.

NASREEN : Right, well, you're going to have to do it before the drill hits the city, in...

AMY : 11 minutes, 40 seconds...

DOCTOR : Yes ! Squeaky bum time !

NASREEN : Yes, but the explosion is going to cave in all the surrounding tunnels so we have to be on the surface by then.

RORY : But we can't get past Restac's troops.

ELDANE : I can help with that... Toxic Fumigation - an emergency failsafe meant to protect my species from infection. A warning signal to occupy cryo-chambers. After that, citywide fumigation, by toxic gas. Then the city shuts down.

AMY : You could end up killing your own people.

ELDANE : Only those foolish enough to follow Restac.

DOCTOR : Eldane, are you sure about this ?

ELDANE : My priority is my race's survival. The Earth isn't ready for us to return yet.


AMY : 10 minutes, Doctor.

DOCTOR : But maybe it should be. So here's the deal. Everybody listening ? Eldane, you activate shutdown... I'll amend the system, set your alarm for 1,000 years' time. (Eldane goes to the controls). 1,000 years, to sort the planet out. To be ready. Pass it on. As legend, or prophesy, or religion, but somehow, make it known. This planet is to be shared.

ELLIOT : Yeah. I get you.

AMY : Nine minutes, seven seconds.

DOCTOR (joins Eldane at controls) : Yes, fluid controls, my favourite ! Energy pulse timed, primed and set. Before we go, energy barricade, need to cancel it out - quickly.

Uses the sonic on the controls and barricade comes down.

ELDANE : Fumigation pre-launching.

RORY : There's not much time for us to get from here to the surface, Doctor !

DOCTOR : Ah-ha, super-squeaky bum time ! Get ready to run for your lives. Now...

ELDANE : But the decontamination program on your friend hasn't started yet.

Everyone looks to Tony in the chamber.

TONY : Well, go. All of you ! Go.

AMBROSE : No, we're not leaving you here !

ELLIOT : Granddad !

Runs to Tony and hugs him.

AMY : Eight minutes, 10 seconds.

TONY (to Elliot) : Now you look after your mum. You mustn't blame her. She only did what she thought was right.

ELLIOT : I'm not going to see you again, am I ?

TONY : I'll be here. (touches Elliot's heart). Always. I love you, boy. (hugs him tightly). (to Ambrose) You be sure he gets home safe !

Elliot goes to Mo who pulls him close.

AMBROSE : This is my fault.

TONY : No, I can't go back up there. I'd be a freak show. The technology down here's my only hope.

Hugs Ambrose.

AMBROSE : I love you, Dad.

TONY : Go. Go. Come on. Go on.

Eldane activates the fumigation.

TANNOY : Toxic fumigation initiated.


TANNOY : Return to cryo-chambers.

The soldiers with Restac head to the chambers.


TANNOY : Toxic fumigation initiated.


TANNOY : Return to cryo-chambers.

RESTAC : This is not the order !


TANNOY : Toxic fumigation initiated...

AMY : They're going ! We're clear !

DOCTOR : OK. Everyone follow Nasreen. Look for a blue box. Get ready to run. (uses sonic on door and it slides open). (to Eldane) I'm sorry.

ELDANE : I thought for a moment, our race, and the humans...

DOCTOR : Yeah. Me too.

AMY : Doctor ! We've got less than six minutes.

DOCTOR : Go ! Go ! I'm right behind you !

The others rush from the room.

DOCTOR (to Nasreen) : Let's go.

NASREEN : I'm not coming either.

DOCTOR : What ?


Ambrose, Elliot, Mo, Rory and Amy run through the tunnels. Amy sees the Doctor isn’t following.

AMY : Oh, for goodness' sake !

She runs back.


NASREEN (stands by Tony, hand on his arm) : We're going to hibernate with them, me and Tony.

ELDANE : Doctor, you must go !

TONY (looks at Nasreen) : I can be decontaminated when we're woken. All the time in the world.

DOCTOR : But... Nasreen... you...

NASREEN (walks to the Doctor) : No. This is perfect. I don't want to go. I've got what I was digging for. I can't leave when I've only just found it.

AMY (runs in) : Doctor !

NASREEN : Thank you, Doctor.

DOCTOR : The pleasure was all mine.

Hugs her then grabs Amy's hand and heads for the door.

NASREEN : Come and look for us.

The doors to the lab slide closed.


As the alarm blares, the soldiers enter the cryo-chambers.

ELDANE (v.o.) : So, the Doctor sent our warriors back to their rest on the promise of future harmony with humans.

Fumes begin pumping through the tunnel and the larger chamber Mo and Amyhad discovered earlier. In a different tunnel, the Doctor and Amy meet up with Rory, running towards them.

TANNOY : 'Immediate evacuation...'

AMY (to Rory) : Other way, idiot !

TANNOY : 'Toxic fumigation is about to commence.'


Mo, Elliot and Ambrose pause at the sight in front of them. The Doctor, Amy and Rory join them and keep running. The tannoy repeats its announcement.

DOCTOR : Come on !


They arrive in the tunnel where the TARDIS is.

DOCTOR : No questions, just get in ! And yes, I know it's big ! (unlocks it and ushers the family inside). Ambrose, sickbay up the stairs, left, then left again... get yourself fixed up. Come on ! Five minutes and counting...

The Doctor stops when he sees the crack in the tunnel wall, the same crack from Amy's childhood bedroom.

DOCTOR : Not here. Not now. It's getting wider.

AMY : The crack on my bedroom wall.

Flashback to “The Eleventh Hour”. The Doctor runs his fingers along the crack in the wall.

DOCTOR : Two parts of space and time that should never have touched right here.

End flashback.

DOCTOR (walks up to the wall and squats down) : And the Byzantium. All through the universe - rips in the continuum.

Flashback to “Flesh and Stone”. Amy sees the crack in the wall of the Byzantium.

AMY : How could it be following me ?

End flashback.

DOCTOR : Some sort of space-time cataclysm. An explosion, maybe. Big enough to put cracks in the universe. But what ?

Studies the crack, fascinated.

AMY (checks the stopwatch) : Four minutes 50... We have to go !

DOCTOR : The Angels laughed, when I didn't know. Prisoner Zero knew, everybody knows, except me !

AMY : Doctor, just leave it.

DOCTOR : But where there's an explosion, (pulls a red hankie from an inside pocket) there's shrapnel.

Walks to the crack.

RORY : Doctor, you can't put your hand in there !

DOCTOR : Why not ?

The Doctor reaches in with the hand holding the hankie. He cries in pain as the light gets brighter. Rory and Amy watch nervously, not knowing what to do.

DOCTOR : I've got something !

AMY : What is it ?

The Doctor falls to the ground, clutching the item wrapped in the hankie. It sizzles with heat and energy.

DOCTOR : I don't know.

RORY : Doctor !

A dying Restac crawls into the tunnel. The Doctor jumps up off the ground

AMY : She was there, when the gas started... She must've been poisoned.

RESTAC : You !

DOCTOR (to Amy and Rory) : OK, get in the TARDIS, both of you.

Reaches into a jacket pocket.

RESTAC : You did this.

Aims her gun.

RORY : Doctor !

Pushes the Doctor out of the way and is shot.

AMY : Rory !

Rory groans in pain on the ground. Restac dies.

DOCTOR : Rory, can you hear me ?

Uses sonic on him.

RORY : I don't understand.

AMY : Shh-shh. Don't talk. (strokes his face). Doctor, is he OK ? We have to get him into the TARDIS !

RORY : We were on the hill. I can't die here.

AMY (tearful) : Don't say that.

RORY : You're so beautiful... I'm sorry.


AMY : Doctor, help him.

The Doctor looks towards the crack and sees tendrils of light reaching out, touching Rory's feet.

Flashback to “Flesh and Stone”. The Doctor is on the primary flight deck, using the radio to talk to Amy.

DOCTOR : If the time energy catches up with you, you'll never have been born. It will erase every moment of your existence. You will never have lived at all.

End flashback.

DOCTOR (stands) : Amy, move away from the light, if it touches you you'll be wiped from history. Amy, move away now.

AMY : No ! I am not leaving him ! We have to help him !

DOCTOR (grips Amy gently by the shoulders) : The light's already around him, we can't help him.

AMY : I am not leaving him !

DOCTOR : We have to.

AMY : No !

DOCTOR : Sorry !

AMY : Get off me !

DOCTOR : Sorry !

Lifts her up and drags her to the TARDIS.

AMY : Get off me !

The Doctor pushes her inside the TARDIS.


AMY : No ! (Rushes back to the door to get out). No ! No !

The Doctor uses the sonic on the door to prevent Amy from going outside. She shouts and pounds on the door.

AMY : Let me out, please let me out... I need to get Rory.

The Doctor walks determinedly to the console. Amy turns around, tears streaming down her cheeks. She sees the monitor.

AMY : That light, if his body's absorbed I'll forget him. He'll never have existed. You can't let that happen.

The Doctor pulls on a lever on the console.

AMY : What are you doing ? (runs to the console). Doctor ! No !

The TARDIS begins to dematerialize.


As the TARDIS dematerializes, we see Rory's body is wrapped in the light.


Amy begins to beat her hands against the Doctor's chest as he hugs her.

AMY : No ! No ! Doctor, we can't just leave him there !

DOCTOR : Keep him in your mind. Don't forget him. If you forget him, you'll lose him forever.

AMY : On the Byzantium, I still remembered the Clerics because I am a time traveller, now you said.

DOCTOR (grips her head in his hands) : They weren't part of your world. This is different... this is your own history changing.

AMY : Don't tell me it's going to be OK. You have to make it OK.

DOCTOR : It's going to be hard, but you can do it, Amy. (takes her to the jump seat and kneels in front of her). Tell me about Rory. Fantastic Rory, funny Rory, gorgeous Rory. Amy, listen to me. Do exactly as I say. Amy, please. Keep concentrating. You can do this.

AMY : I can't.

DOCTOR : You can. You can do it. I can't help you unless you do. Come on. We can still save his memory. Come on, Amy. Please…

Flashback to scenes of Amy and Rory together from “The Eleventh Hour”, “The Hungry Earth” and “Vampires of Venice”.

End flashback.

DOCTOR : Come on, Amy, come on. Amy, please. Don't let anything distract you.

Flashback to scenes of Amy and Rory together from “Vampires of Venice”, Amy and Rory in the park and his death.

End flashback.

DOCTOR: Remember Rory. Keep remembering, Rory is only alive in your memory. You must keep hold of him. Don't let anything distract you. Rory still lives in your mind.

The TARDIS jars upon materializing, knocking both of them to the floor. The box containing the engagement ring falls in front of the Doctor and he stares at it.

AMY (brightly) : What were you saying ?

The Doctor can only stare at her. Mo and Elliot walk down the stairs.

MO : I have seen some things today, but this is beyond mad.

AMY (looks at stopwatch) : Doctor ! Five seconds till it all goes up !


The TARDIS has materialized in the graveyard overlooking the drill site. They watch as it explodes. Later, Elliot, Amy and Mo walk through the graveyard as the Doctor and Ambrose stand at the entry to the church.

AMY : All Nasreen's work just erased.

MO : Good job she's not here to see it. She's going to give Tony hell when they wake up.

AMBROSE : You could've let those things shoot me. You saved me.

DOCTOR : An eye for an eye. It's never the way. Now you show your son how wrong you were. How there's another way. You make him the best of humanity... in the way you couldn't be.

Looks at her with a gentle smile before leaving.


AMY : You're very quiet. Oh ! Hey ! Look ! There I am again ! Hello, me !

Waves to her future self who is alone.

DOCTOR : Are you OK ?

AMY : I thought I saw someone else there for a second. I need a holiday. Didn't we talk about Rio ?

DOCTOR : You go in. Just fix this lock, keeps jamming.

Unlocks the door for her.

AMY : You boys and your locksmithery.

Enters and closes door.

ELDANE (v.o.) : 'Now as my people awaken from their 1,000 year sleep ready to rise to the surface my thoughts turn back to the Doctor, the losses he suffered then and the greater loses that were still to come.'

The Doctor unwraps the item he took from within the crack. It is a piece of something with words written on it, very familiar words. He holds it up to the TARDIS sign and it matches.




Source : jpgr.livejournal.com

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