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Script VO Music of the spheres

Script VO épisode spécial "Music of the Spheres"


THE DOCTOR : Not now, I'm busy... ! And now, what ?

The Doctor moves towards the console and read at the screen : "ALERT TELEPORT BREACH".

THE DOCTOR : What... ? What ?

A Graske appears inside the Tardis.

THE DOCTOR : Oi ! Get out of my TARDIS ! I let down the defenses for one second !

THE GRASKE : I must speak to the Doctor !

THE DOCTOR : I don't care, you're a Graske, and a Graske is trouble. Out !

THE GRASKE : But that noise... Beautiful sound in the air, what is it ?

THE DOCTOR : If you must know, it's the music of the Spheres.

THE GRASKE : Music of the Spheres is what ?

THE DOCTOR : Well... You've got all these planets revolving around suns, and all those suns revolving around in galaxies, and all those galaxies revolving around each other. If you take the gravity patterns and feed them to the TARDIS harmonic filter, that, Mr. Graske, is the sound of the Universe.

THE GRASKE : Universe sounds wonderful.

THE DOCTOR : Yeah. It does, doesn't it ?... But you're still not staying !

THE GRASKE : No, Graske came to warn you.

THE DOCTOR : About what ?

THE GRASKE : About that !

A hole appears suddenly inside the tardis.

THE DOCTOR : Oh ! Now... That looks like a space portal.

THE GRASKE : Told you ! Danger !

THE DOCTOR : Nah, it's harmless. It's just a hole in space. I wonder what's on the other side (talking through the space portal) Hello ? What is that, then ? Who are all those people ? Hold on ! That looks like... Is that the Albert Hall ?... I said "is that the Albert Hall ?"... I said "is that the Albert Hall?"... Oh ! Brilliant ! Hello !... I said "hello! "... No, no, no, sorry, sorry, you'll have to shout. I said "hello! "... Listen, my name is the Doctor, I'm a Time Lord, but that is an awful lot of people ! What are you all doing there ? Oh ! Wait a minute, it's the Proms ! Is that the Proms ? Are you in the Proms ? Oh ! I love the Proms ! I was in the very first Proms, 1895, I played the tuba,I was brilliant. Is that the orchestra down there ? Oh ! Wait a minute ! 'Cause, funny thing is, I've just been composing something myself. I said to Beethoven I could rattle off a tune, he said "pardon"... But ! I've just been inspired by the Music of the Spheres. I've written my own symphony. Yeah. And if I can send these pages through the portal then the orchestra can play it. A brand new piece of music. Composed by me. Ready for this, orchestra ? Stand by ! Three... Two... One... That's it, that's it. There you go, hurry up ! This portal isn't gonna stay open for long, right ! Now ! So ! Er, if you don't mind, Mr. Conductor... Stand out. I'm in charge of this one. Quiet please ! Shhht ! Silence, settle down. Oi ! Settle down. So ! Ladies and Gentlemen and children, this is the world-wide premiere of "Ode to the Universe". And...

The Doctor is conducting the orchestra.

THE DOCTOR : Oh, come on, that was brilliant ! Thank you... I thank you... No, no, I thank you, really, you're too kind. Ah ! (talking to the Graske) You see, Graske, that's the thing about Planet Earth. What ? What ? (tourning aroud the console). Where's he gone ? No ! (talking through the space portal). I've lost a Graske. He must have slipped through the portal. Have you seen him ? Oh ! There he is ! Albert Hall, you've got a Graske on the loose. And he's stolen my waterpistol ! Oi ! Graske ! Stop it, behave ! He wasn't trying to warn me, he was trying to find a shortcut to Earth ! If he escapes, he'll run the whole planet, causing troubles... stealing sweets... making smells... Hold on ! Hold on ! Hold on ! I'm just gonna reverse the polarity of the neutron flow and pull that Graske back into the TARDIS !

THE GRASKE : It's not fair !

THE DOCTOR : I'll give you not fair ! I'm gonna reverse the teleport and send you all the way to the other side of the galaxy ! Well, that was fun. And a little bit mad ! But I've got to close this portal if I don't want anymore trouble. It's nice to see you all. But, one more thing... Just remember... Music isn't just orchestras and popstars and a bunch of people with albums and downloads and concerts... It's you. 'Cause the music of the Spheres is all around you. When you're on your own, just close your eyes and you'll hear it. Music. Inside your head.  Cause everyone's a musician. Everyone's got a song inside them. Every single one of you. Bye.



Ecrit par gus45 

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