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Doctor Who (2005)
#311 : Utopia (1/3)

Jack Harkness, en sautant sur le TARDIS avant sa dématérialisation, suit le vaisseau jusqu'en l'an 100 Billions, sur la planète Malcassario, une époque où aucun Seigneur du Temps ne s'était rendu et où le Docteur n'avait nulle intention de se rendre.

Behind the scenes


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Utopia (1/3)

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Photos promo

Le nouveau trio de choc!

Le nouveau trio de choc!

Le professeur Yana, le Docteur, Jack et Martha

Le professeur Yana, le Docteur, Jack et Martha

Martha travaille sur la console

Martha travaille sur la console

Martha appelle le Docteur

Martha appelle le Docteur

Le trio de choc de la fin de saison

Le trio de choc de la fin de saison

Le professeur Yana est inquiet

Le professeur Yana est inquiet

Le Tardis s'emballe

Le Tardis s'emballe

Les cannibales tentent d'entrer dans le camp

Les cannibales tentent d'entrer dans le camp

Jack apprécie son retour

Jack apprécie son retour

Poster promotionnel du professeur Yana

Poster promotionnel du professeur Yana



Le professeur Yana et son assistante

Le professeur Yana et son assistante

Chantho, l'assistante du Professeur Yana

Chantho, l'assistante du Professeur Yana

Le professeur Yana

Le professeur Yana

Le Docteur et Martha discutent

Le Docteur et Martha discutent

Un réfugié

Un réfugié

A la découverte du camp

A la découverte du camp

L'un des cannibales

L'un des cannibales

Martha s'inquiète de l'attitude du Docteur

Martha s'inquiète de l'attitude du Docteur

Les cannibales attaquent

Les cannibales attaquent

Le Tardis à Cardiff- Utopia

Le Tardis à Cardiff- Utopia

Le Docteur, jack, martha - Utopia

Le Docteur, jack, martha - Utopia

Jack Harkness-Utopia

Jack Harkness-Utopia

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Russell T. Davies
Réalisé par : Graeme Harper



  • David Tennant ... Le Docteur
  • Freema Agyeman ... Martha Jones
  • John Barrowman ... Capitaine Jack Harkness
  • Derek Jacobi ... Professeur Yana
  • Chipo Chung ... Chantho
  • René Zagger ... Padra
  • Neil Reidman ... Lieutenant Atillo
  • Paul Marc Davis ... Le chef des hommes du futur
  • Robert Forknall ... Gardien
  • John Bell ... Creet
  • Deborah Maclaren ... Kistaine
  • Abigail Canton ... La femme nerveuse
  • John Simm ... Le Maître


Références et continuités

  • C'est le premier épisode d'un tryptique terminant cette saison.
  • Le capitaine Jack Harkness fait son retour après sa mort dans le final de la saison 1. Cet épisode se déroule quelques secondes après le final de la saison 1 de Torchwood, lors duquel Jack entend le son du TARDIS et part à sa poursuite.
  • Le Docteur dit d'ailleurs que la faille s'est récemment ouverte, ce qui est le cas effectivement avec la sortie du démon Abaddon.
  • Cet épisode donne la confirmation que la main dans un bocal que l'on voyait durant toute la saison 1 de Torchwood est bel est bien la main perdue par le Docteur lors de l'épisode L'Invasion de Noël.
  • Martha remarque que Cardiff a été atteint par un tremblement de terre quelques années auparavant, et le Docteur dit avoir eu quelques problèmes avec un Slitheen, en référence à l'épisode L'Explosion de Cardiff.
  • Le Docteur explique à Jack qu'il savait qu'il était de nouveau en vie lorsqu'il a quitté le Satellite 5 dans À la croisée des chemins. Dans l'épisode spécial Children in Need, il dit ne pas aller le rechercher car il doit sûrement aider à reconstruire le monde. D'ailleurs, selon lui, le geste de Rose est le dernier acte de la Guerre du Temps.
  • Dans la montre que tient le Professeur Yana, on peut entendre la voix de plusieurs autres acteurs ayant joué le rôle du Maître, entre autres le rire de Anthony Ainley et une parole de Roger Delgado.
  • Yana dit avoir été découvert près de la « Côte de la Dévastation argentée », un lieu que Face de Boe dit avoir visité, dans l'épisode La Fin du monde.
  • Le moment où le Docteur se rappelle Face de Boe en train de lui dire qu'il n'est pas seul et où il voit les lettres Y, A, N et A du nom du professeur YANA ne passe pas en français. La phrase en anglais étant « You are not alone », les initiales forment le mot YANA, chose qui disparaît lors de la traduction.
  • Même s'il n'est là que pour trois épisodes, John Barrowman apparaît pour la première fois au générique de la série.
  • Derek Jacobi a joué le rôle d'un homme qui pensait être le Docteur dans une pièce radiophonique de Doctor Who et donné sa voix au Maître dans le dessin animé Scream of the Shalka.

Résumé épisode 311 "Utopia"

Le Tardis atterrit à Cardiff afin de faire le plein grâce à l'énergie de la faille spatio-temporelle. Cela n'est censé prendre que vingt secondes, durant lesquelles Martha pose des questions au Docteur sur sa précédente visite dans cette ville. Le Seigneur du temps lui répond qu'il a eu quelques problèmes avec un Slitheen ("L'explosion de Cardiff", saison 1).

A ce moment, le Capitaine Jack Harkness, qui a eu connaissance de la présence du Docteur, apparaît sur l'écran de contrôle du Tardis, en train de courir vers lui (fin épisode 113 de Torchwood). Le Docteur le voit et il met sa machine à remonter le temps en marche pour l'empêcher de monter à bord car Jack est devenu un paradoxe temporel, puisqu'il devrait être mort. Mais Jack parvient de justesse à s'accrocher au Tardis, alors que celui-ci, hors de contrôle, se dirige vers la fin de l'univers.

Ils atterrissent sur la planète Malcassairo en l'an 100 trillions. Le Docteur et Martha sortent pour explorer les environs et trouvent Jack, allongé et mort, en apparence. Mais alors que la jeune femme, qui ne le connaît pas, est désolée pour le Docteur et la perte de son ami, l'extraterrestre semble ne pas en être très affecté, ni même très étonné lorsque l'ancien agent du temps revient à la vie. Martha, cependant, a une belle frayeur, avant que le Capitaine ne se présente de manière tout à fait galante, au grand dam du Docteur, qui lui reproche de toujours draguer.

Les trois amis font des commentaires sur ce qui les entoure quand ils aperçoivent un homme poursuivi par une horde d'humanoïdes, mutants et cannibales. Ils tentent alors de le secourir et, ensemble, ils parviennent à pénétrer dans un lieu sûr très bien gardé, non sans avoir été examiné d'abord, pour vérifier qu'ils sont humains. A l'intérieur ils sont guidés par un enfant, Creet, qui n'a plus de parents, mais essaye de vivre pour le mieux dans ce monde cauchemardesque. Comme tout le monde il rêve d'Utopia, présenté comme un lieu de paix, dans lequel ils espèrent un jour se rendre.

Le Docteur, Jack et Martha apprennent que la seule chance des derniers humains serait donc la légendaire planète Utopia. Le responsable des lieux et, accessoirement, de tous les humains présents, le Professeur Yana, aidé par une assistante alien, Chantho, a dédié sa vie à tenter d'atteindre cette planète mais ils ont besoin d'aide car le professeur est arrivé au bout de ses connaissances pour faire fonctionner leur vaisseau spatial.

En effet le vaisseau qui est censé emporter les humains sur Utopia a des problèmes avec le système expérimental de conduite et pour l'instant, les recherches de Yana ont été vaines. C'est sans compter sur le Docteur, qui résout le problème en un instant, sous l'oeil intrigué du professeur. Jack, quant à lui, utilise son immortalité afin de pénétrer dans une pièce fortement irradiée et d'où il est le seul à pouvoir faire les dernières préparations pour le départ.

Du dehors de la pièce, le Docteur l'observe et Jack lui demande depuis quand il le sait immortel. Le Seigneur lui dit qu'il sait depuis le Satellite 5. Rose lui a donné la vie éternelle mais le Docteur l'a abandonné car il considérait que son ami était devenu un "point fixe dans le temps", contraire aux lois du Temps. ("A la croisée des chemins", saison 1). Mais il dit ne pas en savoir plus quand Jack lui demande s'il restera toujours ainsi, s'il vieillira...

Martha, quant à elle, se lie d'amitié avec Chantho, qui, malgré une timidité et une manière de parler très particulière, se montre très agréable. Son discours révèle vite qu'elle ressent de profonds sentiments pour le professeur, ce qui ramène Martha à ce qu'elle éprouve pour le Docteur, rapprochant ainsi les deux femmes.

Alors que le Docteur et Jack parlent du bon vieux temps et des exploits de Rose, mettant fin à la guerre du temps, Martha, Chantho et Yana écoutent leur conversation et le Professeur semble très troublé par les mots qu'il entend : "guerre du temps, dalek, régénération, vortex...". Il entend le son d'un tambour dans sa tête, de plus en plus fort.

Finalement, la fusée est partie et ils sont désormais seuls sur la base, avec pour seuls compagnons leurs ennemis cannibales. Mais, alors que Martha s'inquiète de l'état de Yana qui a l'air d'empirer, la jeune femme remarque sa montre, une montre identique à celle du Docteur lorsqu'il était humain ("Human Nature", "The Family of Blood", saison 3). L'étudiante se précipite auprès du Docteur et de Jack pour les en informer et le Seigneur du temps se rend compte que Yana est un acronyme pour "You Are Not Alone" ("Vous n'êtes pas seul"), les derniers mots de Face de Boe à son propos ("Gridlock", saison 3).

Au même instant, Yana, poussé par les murmures de la montre, l'ouvre et libère le Seigneur du temps qui est en lui. Derrière la porte le Docteur supplie Yana de ne pas l'ouvrir, qu'il va l'aider, mais il est trop tard. Yana ferme les portes, permettant aux cannibales d'entrer dans la base.

Chantho, alertée par le changement radical de comportement de son cher professeur, l'interroge. Il lui révèle qu'il est le "Maître" et reproche à son assistante de ne pas l'avoir libéré, avant de la blesser mortellement. Chantho a cependant le temps de tirer sur le Maître avant de rendre l'âme.

Le Docteur réussit à entrer dans le laboratoire mais le Maître s'échappe en trouvant refuge dans le TARDIS (avec la main que le Docteur avait perdu lors de son combat contre les Sycorax et que Jack avait emporté). Le Maître enrage d'avoir été mortellement blessé par une femme, un insecte, et puisque le Docteur est désormais jeune et fort, il en sera de même pour lui.

Alors, à l'intérieur du TARDIS, hors de vue et de portée, le Maître régénère. Martha reconnaît sa voix sans parvenir à mettre un nom dessus.

Après avoir demandé au Docteur de le nommer, le Maître met en marche le Tardis, abandonnant le Docteur, Jack et Martha à la fin de l'univers.


A suivre...

Écrit par owhar pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries.

Script VO épisode 311 "Utopia"

The TARDIS materialises in Cardiff in front of the water tower in Roald Dahl Plass. The Doctor is at the console, Martha watching.

DOCTOR : Cardiff.

MARTHA : Cardiff ?

DOCTOR : Ah, but the thing about Cardiff is that it's built on a rift in time and space-just like California and the San Andreas Fault. The rift bleeds energy. Every now and then I need to open up the engines, soak up the energy and use it as fuel.

MARTHA : So it's a pit stop.

DOCTOR : Exactly.

We see someone running through the Plass.

MARTHA : Wait a minute. They had an earthquake in Cardiff a couple years ago. Was that you ?

DOCTOR : Bit of trouble with the Slitheen.

The runner is revealed to be Captain Jack Harkness. [Spin-off Torchwood].

DOCTOR : Long time ago. Lifetimes. I was a different man back then.

JACK (drawn out) : Doctor !

Nears the TARDIS.

DOCTOR : Finito. All powered up.

Jack appears on the TARDIS monitor. The Doctor sees him and a look of panic appears on his face. He starts the TARDIS. Jack leaps. Inside the TARDIS the console sparks and the Doctor and Martha are thrown to the floor.

MARTHA (clings to console) : What's that ?

DOCTOR : We're accelerating into the future. The year one billion. Five billion. Five trillion. 50 trillion. What ? The year 100 trillion. That's impossible !

MARTHA : Why ? What happens then ?

DOCTOR : We're going to the end of the universe.

Jack is clinging to the TARDIS as it travels through the vortex.

JACK (drawn-out yelling) : Doctor !

A man with facial tattoos, piercings, ritual scarring and pointed teeth raises his head. Fires are burning behind him. He is the Chieftan of the Futurekind.

CHIEFTAN : Hu-mans.

Others with wild hair, pointed teeth and some tattooing look at him.

CHIEFTAN : Humans are coming.

They all sniff the air and snarl.


A lone man, Padra is out in a dark, barren wasteland. He stumbles and woman of the Futurekind jumps out at him, snarling.

PADRA : I just... I just wanna go. Please, let me go.

WOMAN : Human !

SENTRY : Human !

Padra runs.

WOMAN : Human !

SENTRY : Human !

Back at the camp, the Chieftan is driving the others into a hunting frenzy.

CHIEFTAN : Hunt ! Hunt ! Hunt !

What looks to be a sonar machine has picked up the hunt. An older man, Professor Yana, turns to look at it.

YANA : There’s movement on the surface. Another human hunt. God help him.

His assistant, a blue insectoid woman named Chantho turns to him.

CHANTHO : Chan... should I alert the guards... tho ?

YANA : No, no, we can’t spare them. Poor beggar’s on his own. (Crosses the lab heading for a small sitting area and we see it is filled with machines of mixed technology). One more lost soul dreaming of Utopia.

CHANTHO : Chan, you mustn’t talk as if you’ve given up, tho.

YANA : No, no, indeed. Here’s to it. Utopia. (Drinks from a mug). Where it is hope the coffee is a little less sour. Will you join me ?

CHANTHO : Chan, I am happy drinking my own internal milk, tho.

YANA : Yes, well, that’s quite enough information, thank you.

The voice of LT Atillo comes over the tannoy

ATILLO : Professor, I don’t mean to rush you, but how are we doing ?

YANA : Uh, yes… uh… uh, yes. Working. Yes. Almost there.

ATILLO : How’s it looking on the footprint ?

YANA : It’s good. Yes. Fine. Excellent.

Looks to Chantho and motions for her to continue.

CHANTHO : Chan, there’s no problem as such. We’ve accelerated the calculation matrix but it’s going to take time to harmonize, tho. Chan, we’re trying a new reversal process. We’ll have a definite result in approximately two hours, tho.

Yana walks off and put his had to his head as if suffering a headache. In a close-up, we hear drums. Faintly in the background, Chantho is calling but the sound of the drums drowns her out.

CHANTHO : Chan, Professor, tho !

YANA : Yes, yes, yes, yes. Working.

CHANTHO : Chan, It’s the surface scanner, Professor. It seems to be picking up a different signal, tho.

YANA : Well, that’s not a standard reading.

The scanner is showing a green square.

YANA : It would seem something new has arrived.

The TARDIS arrives with a thud and the Doctor looks at Martha questioningly.

THE DOCTOR : Well, we’ve landed.

MARTHA : So what’s out there ?

THE DOCTOR : I don’t know.

MARTHA : Say that again. That’s rare.

THE DOCTOR : Not even the Time Lords came this far. We should leave. We should go. We should really, really… go. (Looks at Martha and grins widely before heading for the door). Outside is a bleak landscape.

As they step out, Martha sees Jack on the ground.

MARTHA : Oh my God ! (Taps the Doctor’s arm before rushing over). Can’t get a pulse. Hold on, you’ve got that medical kit thing.

Runs into the TARDIS.

THE DOCTOR (saunters over) : Hello again. Oh, I’m sorry.

MARTHA (rushes back) : Here we go. Out of the way. (Shoves the Doctor). It’s a bit odd, though. Not very 100 trillion, that coat’s more like World War II.

THE DOCTOR : I think he came with us.

MARTHA : How d’you mean ? From Earth ?

THE DOCTOR : Must’ve been clinging to the outside of the TARDIS all the way through the vortex. Well, that very him.

MARTHA : What ? Do you know him ?

THE DOCTOR : Friend of mine. Used to travel with me. Back in the old days.

MARTHA : But he’s, I’m sorry, there’s no heartbeat. There’s nothing. He’s dead.

Jack gasps as he comes back to life, grabbing Martha who screams.

MARTHA : Oh well, so much for me. It’s all right. Just breathe deep. I’ve got you now.

JACK : Captain Jack Harkness. And who are you ?

MARTHA : Martha Jones.

JACK : Nice to meet you, Martha Jones.

THE DOCTOR : Oh, don’t start !

JACK : I was just saying hello.

MARTHA : I don’t mind.

Martha helps Jack stand. Jack and the Doctor stare at each other coldly.

JACK : Doctor.

THE DOCTOR : Captain.

JACK : Good to see you.

THE DOCTOR : And you. Same as ever… although… have you had work done ?

JACK : You can talk !

THE DOCTOR : Oh yes, the face. Regeneration. How did you know this was me ?

JACK : The police box kinda gives it away. I’ve been following you for a long time. You abandoned me.

THE DOCTOR : Did I ? Busy life. Move on.

JACK : Just gotta ask. The Battle of Canary Wharf. I saw the list of the dead. It said Rose Tyler.

THE DOCTOR : Oh no ! Sorry ! She’s alive !

JACK : You’re kidding ?!

THE DOCTOR : Parallel world safe and sound. And Mickey ! And her mother !

JACK : Oh yes !

Jackhugs the Doctor and they laugh. Martha is none too happy to hear Rose’s name again and see what she meant to both men.

MARTHA (softly) : Good old Rose.

Padra is still running from the Futurekind. Jack is walking alongside Martha, the Doctor in front of them.

JACK : So there I was, stranded in the year 200,100, ankle-deep in Dalek dust, and he goes off without me. But I had this. (Taps the machine on his wrist). I used to be a Time Agent. It’s called a vortex manipulator. He’s not the only one who can time travel.

THE DOCTOR : Oh, excuse me. That is not time travel. It’s like I’ve got a sports car and you’ve got a space hopper.

MARTHA (laughs) : Boys and their toys.

JACK : All right, so I bounced. I thought : 21st century, best place to find the Doctor, except that I got it a little wrong. I arrived in 1869 and this thing burnt out so it was useless.

THE DOCTOR : Told you.

JACK : I had to live through the entire 20th century waiting for a version of you that would coincide with me.

MARTHA : That makes you more that 100 years old.

JACK : And looking good, doncha think ? So I went to the time rift, based myself thing 'cause I knew you'd come back to refuel. Until finally I get a signal on this detecting you and here we are.

MARTHA : But the thing is, how come you left him behind, Doctor ?

THE DOCTOR : I was busy.

MARTHA : Is that what happens, though ? Seriously ? Do you just get bored with us one day and disappear ?

JACK : Not if you’re blonde.

MARTHA (sarcastic) : Oh, she was blonde ? Oh, what a surprise ?

THE DOCTOR : You two ! We’re at the end of the universe. All right ? We’re at the edge of knowledge itself and you’re busy… blogging ! Come on.

The Doctor walks to the edge of a canyon that looks like it once held a city of some sort.

MARTHA : Is that a city ?

THE DOCTOR : A city or a hive. Or a nest. Or a conglomeration. Looks like it was grown. But look there. That’s like pathways, roads… Must have been some sort of life. Long ago.

MARTHA : What killed it ?

THE DOCTOR : Time. Just time. Everything’s dying now. All the great civilizations have gone. This isn’t just night. All the stars have burned up and faded away into nothing.

JACK : It must have an atmospheric shell. We should be frozen to death.

THE DOCTOR : Well, Martha and I, maybe. Not so sure about you, Jack.

Looks knowingly at Jack.

MARTHA : What about the people ? Does no one survive ?

THE DOCTOR : I suppose we have to hope. Life will find a way.

JACK : Well, he’s not doin’ too bad.

Jack points to Padra who is running along one of the pathways barely ahead of the Futurekind.

THE DOCTOR : Is it me, or does that look like a hunt ? Come on !

Padra runs as the Futurekind chase him. The Doctor, Martha and Jack run along a roadway.

JACK (laughs) : Oh, I’ve missed this !

They reach Padra and Jack gets a hold of him.

JACK : I’ve got you.

PADRA : We’ve gotta run ! They’re coming ! They’re coming !

Jack passes Padra to the Doctor then pulls out his revolver and aims it at the Futurekind.

THE DOCTOR : Jack, don’t you dare !

Jack fires into the air and the Futurekind stop.

MARTHA : What the hell are they ?

PADRA : There’s more of them. We’ve got to keep going.

THE DOCTOR : I’ve got a ship nearby. It’s safe. It’s not far, it’s just over there. (Looks back the way they came to see more of the Futurekind). Or maybe not.

PADRA : We’re close to the silo. If we get to the silo, then we’re safe.

THE DOCTOR (to Jack and Martha) : Silo ?

JACK : Silo.

MARTHA : Silo for me.

The four run to the silo followed by the Futurekind. They arrive at a gated area with watchtowers and guards.

PADRA : It’s the Futurekind ! Open the gate !

GUARD : Show me your teeth ! Show me your teeth ! Show me your teeth !

PADRA : Show them your teeth.

The Doctor, Martha, Jack and Padra grit their teeth in wide smiles.

GUARD : Human ! Let 'em in ! Let 'em in !

They open the gate and the four run inside.

GUARD : Close ! Close ! Close !

The guard fires his gun at the ground in front of the Futurekind.

CHIEFTAN : Humans. Humani. Make feast.

GUARD : Go back to where you came from. I said go back ! Go back !

Aims gun.

JACK : Oh, don’t tell him to put down his gun.

THE DOCTOR : He’s not my responsibility.

JACK : And I am ? (scoffs). That makes a change.

CHIEFTAN : Kind watch you. Kind hungry.

The chieftan signals the others and they back away.

THE DOCTOR (to guard) : Thanks for that.

GUARD : Right. Let’s get you inside.

PADRA : My name is Padrafet Shafekane. Please tell me, can you take me to Utopia ?

GUARD : Oh yes, sir. Yes, I can.

The guard leads them into a large tunnel carved into a mountain, the silo. Yana and Chantho are working in his lab when Atillo’s voice comes over the tannoy.

ATILLO : Professor ! We’ve got four new humans inside. One of them is calling himself a doctor.

YANA : Of medicine ?

ATILLO : He says of everything.

YANA : A scientist ! Oh my word ! Just... just, Chantho… oh, I don’t know ! I’m coming !

Leaves. The Doctor, Martha, Jack and Padra are standing with LT Atillo.

THE DOCTOR : It’s a box, a big blue box. I’m sorry, but I really need it back. It’s stuck out there.

PADRA : I’m sorry, but my family were heading for the silo. Did they get here ? My mother is Kistane Shafekane. My brother is Beltone.

ATILLO : The computers are down but you can check the paperwork. Creet ! (A young boy of about 10 sticks his head around a corner). Passenger needs help.

CREET : Right. What d’you need ?

Padra walks over to Creet and looks at his clipboard.

ATILLO : A blue box, you said.

THE DOCTOR : Big, tall, wooden. Says "Police".

ATILLO : We’re driving out for a last water collection. I’ll see what I can do.

THE DOCTOR : Thank you.

CREET (to Padra) : Come on.

MARTHA : Sorry, but how old are you ?

CREET : Old enough to work. This way.

They follow Creet through corridors lined with people camping.

CREET (calling) : Kistane Shafekane. Kistane Shafekane. Kistane and Beltone Shafekane ? Looking for a Kistane and Beltone Shafekane.

PADRA : The Shafekanes anyone ?

CREET : Anyone ? Kistane and Beltone Shefkane ? Anyone know the Shefkane family ? Anyone called Shafekane ?

MARTHA : It’s like a refugee camp.

JACK : Stinking. (Passes a rather large man who stares). Ooh, sorry. No offence.

THE DOCTOR : Don’t you see that ? The ripe old smell of humans. You survived. Oh, much better than a million years evolving into clouds of gas. And then another million as downloads, but you always revert tp the same basic shape. The fundamental humans.

CREET : Kistane Shafekane.

THE DOCTOR : End of the universe and here you are. Indomitable ! That’s the word ! Indomitable ! Ha !

CREET : Is there a Kistane Shafekane ?

KISTANE (stands) : That’s me.

Gasps when she sees Padra.

PADRA : Mother ?

KISTANE : Oh my God.

PADRA : Beltone ?

Runs to embrace his family.

MARTHA : It’s not all bad news.

As Jack walks down the corridor, a good-looking man passes by.

JACK : Captain Jack Harkness. (Shakes the man’s hand). And who are you ?

The Doctor is examining a door, using his sonic screwdriver to try and open it.

THE DOCTOR : Stop it. Give us a hand with this. (Jack reluctantly lets go of the man’s hand before he and Martha join the Doctor). It’s half deadlocked. See if you can overwrite the code. (Jack sets to work on the keypad while the Doctor continues to use his sonic screwdriver). Let’s find out where we are.

The door slides open and the THE DOCTOR almost falls into the silo.

JACK (grabs the Doctor) : Gotcha.

THE DOCTOR : Thanks.

JACK : How did you cope without me ?

MARTHA : Now that is what I call a rocket.

THE DOCTOR : They’re not refugees, they’re passengers.

MARTHA : He said they were going to Utopia.

THE DOCTOR : The perfect place. 100 trillion years, it’s still the same old dream. Do you recognize those engines ?

JACK : Nope. Whatever it is, it’s not rocket science. But it’s hot, though.

THE DOCTOR : Boiling. (They step back and Jack closes the door). But if the universe is falling apart, what does Utopia mean ?

Yana runs up to them and looks between the Doctor and Jack.

YANA (to Jack) : The Doctor ?

THE DOCTOR : That’s me.

YANA (takes the Doctor’s hand and leads him away) : Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good.

THE DOCTOR (looks back to the others) : It’s good apparently.

As the Doctor, Jack and Martha follow Yana, there is a close-up on a woman sitting along the wall revealing her to be one of the Futurekind.

CHANTHO : Chan, welcome, tho.

YANA (showing the Doctor) : This is the gravitissimal accelerator. It’s part of the...


CHANTHO : Chan, welcome, tho.

YANA : And over here is the footprint impellor system. If you know anything about endtime gravity...


MARTHA : Hello. Who are you ?

CHANTHO : Chan, Chantho, tho.

YANA : But we can’t get it to harmonize !

JACK : Captain Jack Harkness.

THE DOCTOR : Stop it.

JACK : Can’t I say hello to anyone ?

CHANTHO : Chan, I do not protest, tho.

JACK : Maybe later, Blue. (winks) So, what have we got here ?

Martha follows Jack, curious about a sound coming from his pack.

THE DOCTOR : And all this feeds into the rocket ?

YANA : Yeah, except without a stable footprint we’ll never achieve escape velocity. If only we could harmonize the five impact patterns and unify them, well, we might yet make it. What do you think, Doctor ? Any ideas ?

THE DOCTOR : Well, um, basically… sort of… not a clue.

YANA : Nothing ?

THE DOCTOR : I’m not from around these parts. I’ve never seen a system like it. Sorry.

YANA (dejected) : No, no. I’m sorry. It’s my fault. There’s been so little help.

In the sitting area, Martha is examining Jack’s bag and pulls out a bubbling container with a hand in it.

MARTHA : Oh my God. (Sets the hand on a table and the others come over). You’ve got a hand. A hand in a jar. A hand in a jar in your bag.

THE DOCTOR : That’s, that’s my hand !

JACK : I said I had a Doctor detector.

CHANTHO : Chan, is this a tradition amongst your people, tho ?

MARTHA : Not on my street. What d’you mean that’s your hand ? You’ve got both your hands, I can see them.

THE DOCTOR : Long story. I lost my hand Christmas Day. In a swordfight.

Clip of the swordfight against the Sycorax Leader from "The Christmas Invasion".

MARTHA : What ? And you grew another hand ?

THE DOCTOR : Um yeah. Yeah I did. Yeah. Hello.

Waves fingers.

YANA : Might I ask what species are you ?

THE DOCTOR : Time Lord. Last of. Heard of them ? Legend or anything ? Not even a myth ? Blimey, end of the universe is a bit humbling.

CHANTHO : Chan, It is said that I am the last of my species too, tho.

THE DOCTOR : Sorry, what was your name ?

YANA : My assistant and good friend, Chantho. A survivor of the Malmooth. This was their planet, Malcassairo, before we took refuge.

THE DOCTOR : The city outside, that was yours ?

CHANTHO : Chan, the conglomeration died, tho.

THE DOCTOR : Conglomeration ! That’s what I said !

JACK : You’re supposed to say sorry.

THE DOCTOR : Oh, yes. Sorry.

CHANTHO : Chan, most grateful, tho.

MARTHA : You grew another hand ?

THE DOCTOR (waves fingers) : Hello again. It’s fine. Look. Really, it’s me.

Holds out his hand and wiggles his fingers before shaking Martha’s hand.

MARTHA (laughs nervously) : All this time and you’re still full of surprises.

The Doctor clicks his tongue and winks.

CHANTHO : Chan, you are most unusual, tho.

THE DOCTOR : Well...

JACK : So what about those things outside ? The Beastie Boys. What are they ?

YANA : We call them the Futurekind. Which is a myth in itself, but, uh, it is feared they are what we will become. Unless we reach Utopia.

THE DOCTOR : And Utopia is...

YANA : Oh, every human knows of Utopia. Where have you been ?

THE DOCTOR : Bit of a hermit.

YANA : A hermit with friends ?

THE DOCTOR : Hermits United. We meet up every ten years. Swap stories about caves. It’s good fun... for a hermit. So, um, Utopia ?

Yana crooks his finger and leads them to a computer that shows a navigational chart with a blinking red dot.

YANA : The call came from across the stars over and over again. Come to Utopia. Originated from that point.

THE DOCTOR : Where is that ?

YANA : Oh, it’s far beyond the Condensate Wilderness. Out towards the wildlands and the dark matter reefs. Calling us in. The last of the humans. Scattered across the night.

THE DOCTOR : What do you think’s out there ?

YANA : I don’t know. A colony, a city, some sort of haven ? The Science Foundation created the Utopia Project thousands of years ago to preserve mankind, to find a way of surviving beyond the collapse of reality itself. Now perhaps they found it. Perhaps not. But it’s worth a look, don’t you think ?

THE DOCTOR : Oh yes. (The Doctor’s voice fades as the drums in Yana’s head become louder). And the signal keeps modulating, so it’s not automatic. There’s a good sign. Someone’s out there. And that’s... ooh, that’s a navigation matrix, isn’t it ? So you can fly without stars to guide you. (The Doctor notices something is wrong with Yana). Professor ? Professor ?

YANA : I... Right, that’s enough talk. There’s work to do. Now if you could leave. Thank you. Walks away.

THE DOCTOR : You all right ?

YANA : Yes. I’m fine ! And busy !

THE DOCTOR : Except that rocket’s not going to fly, is it ? This footprint mechanism thing, it’s not working.

YANA : We’ll find a way !

THE DOCTOR : You’re stuck on this planet. And you haven’t told them, have you ? That lot out there, hey still think they’re gonna fly.

YANA : Well, it’s better to let them live in hope.

THE DOCTOR : Quite right, too. And I must say, Professor... (Removes his coat and Jack takes it as he passes). Um, what was it ?

YANA : Yana.

THE DOCTOR : Professor Yana. This new science is well beyond me, but all the same, a boost reversal circuit, in any time frame, must be a circuit which reverses the boost. So, I wonder, what would happen if I did this ?

Picks up the circuit and uses the sonic screwdriver on it before switching it on giving them power.

CHANTHO : Chan, it’s working, tho !

YANA : But how did you do that ?

THE DOCTOR : Oh, we’ve been chatting away. I forgot to tell you, I’m brilliant.

Shot of the rocket in the silo.

ATILLO (voice over) : All passengers prepare for immediate boarding.

Families are getting their items together.

ATILLO (voice over) : I repeat, all passengers prepare for immediate boarding.

In the lab, everyone is working away at different controls.

ATILLO (voice over) : Destination : Utopia.

In the engine control room, Atillo hits some switches on the banks of machinery. Above, the gates open to allow the water tanker in.

ATILLO (voice over) : All troops fall back to the silo. I repeat, all troops fall back to the silo.

Outside the gates, the Futurekind watch.

GUARD : Inside ! Everyone inside ! C’mon ! Move, move, move !

Down in the engine room, Atillo looks into a second room containing five cylinders. Padra and his family are in a queue heading for the rocket.

ATILLO (voice over) : I repeat, all passengers prepare for immediate boarding.

Martha and Chantho are heading in the opposite direction from the queues carrying circuit boards.

MARTHA : Excuse me. Hey, what was your name ? Creet.

CREET : That’s right, miss.

MARTHA : Who are you with, Creet ? You got family ?

CREET : No, miss. There’s just me.

MARTHA : Well, good luck. What do you think it’s going to be like in Utopia ?

CREET : My mum used to say the skies are made of diamonds.

MARTHA : Good for her. Go on, off you go. Get your seat.

Creet continues on. After Martha and Chantho pass, the Futurekind infiltrator steps out and watches them leave. The Doctor and Yana are working on either side of a large clear circuit board in the centre of the lab.

THE DOCTOR (sniffs the cord in his hands) : Is this... ?

YANA : Yes, gluten extract. Binds the neutralino map together.

THE DOCTOR : But that’s food. You’ve built this system out of food and string and staples. Professor Yana, you’re a genius.

YANA : Says the man who made it work.

THE DOCTOR : Ooh... it’s easy coming in at the end but... you’re stellar. This is... this is magnificent. I don’t often say that 'cause... well, 'cause of me.

YANA : Well, even my title is an affectation. There hasn’t been such a thing as a university for over a thousand years. I’ve spent my life going from one refugee ship to another.

THE DOCTOR : If you had been born in a different time, you’d be revered. (Yana chuckles). I mean it. Throughout the galaxies.

YANA : Oh, those damned galaxies. They had to go and collapse. Some admiration would have been nice. Just a little. Just once.

THE DOCTOR : Well you’ve got it now. But that footprint engine thing. You can’t activate it from onboard. It’s gotta be from here. You’re staying behind.

YANA : With Chantho. She won’t leave without me. Simply refuses.

THE DOCTOR : You would give your life so they could fly.

YANA : Oh, I think I’m a little too old for Utopia. Time I had some sleep.

ATILLO (over tannoy) : Professor, tell the Doctor we’ve found his blue box.


JACK : Doctor.

The Doctor and Yana join Jack by the monitor that shows the TARDIS safely inside the silo.

THE DOCTOR (pats Yana on the shoulder) : Professor, it’s a wild stab in the dark, but I may just have found you a way out.

Heads into the TARDIS. A close-up of Yana looking at the TARDIS, the drums beating in his head. The Doctor brings out a long power line from the TARDIS out into the lab.

THE DOCTOR : Extra power. (Inserts it into outlet). Little bit of a cheat, but who’s counting ? Jack, you’re in charge of the retro-feeds.

Martha and Chantho return.

MARTHA (on seeing the TARDIS) : Oh, am I glad to see that thing.

Chantho goes to Yana who is sitting down.

CHANTHO : Chan, Professor, are you all right, tho ?

YANA : Yes, I’m fine. I’m fine. (Stronger). I’m fine. Just get on with it.

JACK : Connect those circuits into the spar, same as that last lot. But quicker.

MARTHA : Yes, sir.

The Doctor goes to Yana.

THE DOCTOR : You don’t have to keep working. We can handle it.

YANA : It’s just a headache. Just... Just noise inside my head, Doctor. Constant noise inside my head.

THE DOCTOR : What sort of noise ?

YANA : It’s the sound of drums. More and more as though it’s getting closer.

THE DOCTOR : When did it start ?

YANA : Oh, I’ve had it all my life. Every waking hour. Still, no rest for the wicked.

Stands and goes back to work. Martha and Chantho are working on the circuits.

MARTHA : How long have you been with the professor ?

CHANTHO : Chan, 17 years, tho.

MARTHA : Blimey. A long time.

CHANTHO : Chan, I adore him, tho.

MARTHA : Oh right, and he...

CHANTHO : Chan... I don’t think he even notices, tho.

MARTHA : Tell me about it.

CHANTHO : Chan, but I am happy to serve, tho.

MARTHA : Do you mind if I ask ? Do you have to start every sentence with "chan" ?

CHANTHO : Chan, yes, tho.

MARTHA : And end every sentence with...

CHANTHO : Chan, tho, tho.

MARTHA : What would you happen if you didn’t ?

CHANTHO : Chan, that would be rude, tho.

MARTHA : What, like swearing ?

CHANTHO : Chan, indeed, tho.

MARTHA : Go on, just once.

CHANTHO (nervously) : Chan, I can’t, tho.

MARTHA : Oh, do it for me.


Giggles. Atillo is in the control room.

ATILLO : Professor ! (No connection). Systems are down. (Types Yana into the system). Professor, are you getting me ?

Yana comes into focus.

YANA : I’m here ! We’re ready ! Now all you need to do is connect the couplings. Then we can launch. (Loses connection with Atillo). God sakes ! This equipment ! Needs rebooting all the time !

MARTHA : Anything I can do ? I’ve finished that lot.

YANA : Yes, if you could. (Gets up so Martha can have his seat). Just press the reboot key every time the picture goes out.

MARTHA : Certainly, sir. Just don’t ask me to do shorthand.

ATILLO (onscreen) : Are you still there ?

YANA : Ah, present and correct. Send your man inside. We’ll keep the levels down from here.

In the control room, Atillo slides open the door for one of his men in a hazmat suit, Jate.

ATILLO : He’s inside. And good luck to him.

YANA (to Jack) : Captain, keep the levels below the red.

THE DOCTOR : Where is that room ?

YANA : It’s underneath the rocket. Fix the couplings and the footprint can work. But the entire chamber is flooded with stet radiation.

THE DOCTOR : Stet ? Never heard of it.

YANA : You wouldn’t want to. But it’s safe enough. We can hold the radiation back from here.

They watch on the monitor as Jate works on the couplings. Atillo watches through the window in the door. An alarm begins to sound.

YANA : It’s rising... 0.2. Keep it level !

JACK : Yes, sir !

Jate moves on to the second coupling. The Futurekind woman finds the power room and switches off fuses causing more alarms to go off.

CHANTHO : Chan, we’re losing power, tho !

The Futurekind woman finds a weight and throws it at the fuse box causing irreparable damage.

THE DOCTOR : Radiation’s rising !

JACK : We’ve lost control !

YANA : The chamber’s going to flood.

THE DOCTOR : Jack ! Override the vents !

Jate keeps working.

ATILLO : Get out ! Get out of there ! Jate !

The woman laughs at the flames. Two armed guards find her.

GUARD 1 : Oi ! You !

The woman turns.

BOTH : Go !

They fire their weapons. In the lab, Jack takes hold of two live cables.

JACK : We can jump start the override !

Holds both cables together.

THE DOCTOR : Don’t ! It’s going to flare !

Jack screams as the power courses through him. The others watch helpless as he then falls to the floor.

ATILLO : Jate, get out of there ! Get out !

Within the suit, Jate’s body disintegrates and the suit falls to the floor.

ATILLO (screams) : No !

MARTHA (rushes to Jack) : I’ve got him.

CHANTHO : Chan, don’t touch the cables, tho.

Pushes them aside. While everyone rushes to check on Jack, the Doctor watches, unperturbed.

YANA : Oh, I’m so sorry.

THE DOCTOR : The chamber’s flooded with radiation, yes ?

Martha starts mouth-to-mouth on Jack.

YANA : Without the couplings, the engines will never start. It was all for nothing !

THE DOCTOR : Oh, I don’t know. (Walks forward). Martha, leave him.

Pulls her up gently.

MARTHA : You’ve gotta let me try.

THE DOCTOR : Come on. Come on. Just listen to me. Now leave him alone. It strikes me, Professor, you’ve got a room a man can’t enter without dying. Is that correct ?

YANA : Yes.

THE DOCTOR : Well... (Jack gasps for breath as he comes back to life. The Doctor removes his glasses). I’ve got just the man.

JACK : Was someone kissing me ?

Jack and the Doctor race through the silo to the control room.

THE DOCTOR (to Atillo) : Lieutenant, get onboard the rocket ! I promise you’re gonna fly.

ATILLO : The chamber’s flooded !

THE DOCTOR : Trust me. We’ve found a way of tripping the system. Run ! (Atillo leaves. Jack is removing his shirt). Wh... What are you taking your clothes off for ?

JACK : I’m going in.

THE DOCTOR : Well by the looks of it, I’d say that stet radiation doesn’t affect clothing, only flesh.

JACK : I look good though. (Stops at door). How long have you known ?

THE DOCTOR : Ever since I ran away from you. Good luck.

Jack enters the room and goes straight to the couplings. The Doctor watches from the window.

MARTHA (at computer) : We lost picture when that thing flared up. Doctor, are you there ?

THE DOCTOR : Receiving, yeah. He’s inside.

MARTHA : And still alive ?

THE DOCTOR : Oh, yes.

YANA : But he should evaporate. What sort of a man is he ?

MARTHA : I’ve only just met him. The Doctor sort of travels through time and space and picks people up. God, I make us sound like stray dogs. Maybe we are.

YANA : He travels in time ?

Looks away distractedly.

MARTHA : Don’t ask me to explain it. That’s a TARDIS. The sports car of time travel, he says.

Yana hears Martha’s voice echoing in his head.

MARTHA : That’s a TARDIS. That’s a TARDIS. That’s a TARDIS.

THE DOCTOR : When did you first realize ?

JACK : Earth 1892. Got in a fight in Ellis Island. A man shot me through the heart. Then I woke up. Thought it was kinda strange. But then it never stopped. Fell off a cliff, trampled by horses, World War I, World War II, poison, strangulation, a stray javelin... (The Doctor winces). In the end, I got the message, I’m the man who can never die. And all that time you knew.

THE DOCTOR : That’s why I left you behind. It’s not easy even just... just looking at you Jack, 'cause you’re wrong.

JACK : Thanks.

THE DOCTOR : You are, I can’t help it. I’m a Time Lord. It’s instinct. It’s in my guts. You’re a fixed point in time a space. You’re a fact. That’s never meant to happen. Even the TARDIS reacted against you, tried to shake you off. Flew all the way to the end of the universe just to get rid of you.

JACK : So what you’re saying is that you’re, uh, (finishes third coupling) prejudiced ?

THE DOCTOR : I never thought of it like that.

JACK : Yeah.

In the lab, Martha and Chantho are listening, Yana standing behind them, staring at the TARDIS.

JACK : Last thing I remember back when I was mortal... I was facing three Daleks. Death by extermination. And then I came back to life. What happened ?


JACK : I thought you sent her back home.

THE DOCTOR : She came back. Opened the heart of the TARDIS and absorbed the time vortex.

JACK : What does that mean, exactly ?

THE DOCTOR : No one’s ever mean to have that power. If a Time Lord did that, he’d become a god, a vengeful god. But she was human.

Rose in "Parting of the Ways" glowing with vortex energy.

ROSE : I bring life.

Jack gasps and opens his eyes as he comes back to the for the first time.

THE DOCTOR : Everything she did was so human. She brought you back to life but she couldn’t control it. She brought you back forever. That’s something, I suppose. The final act of the Time War was life.

Close-up of Yana, “Time War” echoing in his head.

JACK : Do you think she could change me back ?

THE DOCTOR : I took the power out of her. She’s gone, Jack. She’s not just living on a parallel world, she’s trapped there. The walls have closed.

JACK : I’m sorry.


JACK : I went back to her estate, in the 90s, just once or twice. Watched her growing up. Never said hello, timelines and all that.

THE DOCTOR : Do you wanna die ?

JACK (struggling with coupling) : Oh, this one’s a little stuck.


JACK : I thought I did. I dunno. But this lot, you see them out here surviving and that’s fantastic. Moves onto last coupling.

THE DOCTOR : You may be out there somewhere.

JACK : I could go meet myself.

THE DOCTOR : Well, the only man you’re ever gonna be happy with.

JACK : This new regeneration, it’s kinda cheeky.


Close-up on Yana, "regeneration" echoing in his head.

MARTHA : I never understand half the things he says. (turns and sees Yana). What’s wrong ?

CHANTHO : Chan, Professor, what is it, tho ?

YANA : Time travel. They say there was time travel back in the old days. I never believed. But what would I know ? I’m just a stupid old man. Never could keep time. Always late, always lost. Even this thing never worked.

Pulls out a fobwatch from his waistcoat pocket. Scene from "Human Nature".

THE DOCTOR : Martha, this watch is me. I’m going to become human.

YANA : Time and time and time again. Always running out on me.

MARTHA : Can I have a look at that ?

YANA : Oh, it’s only an old relic. (Chuckles). Like me.

MARTHA : Where did you get it ?

YANA : Hm ? I was found with it.

MARTHA : What do you mean ?

YANA : An orphan in the storm. I was a naked child found on the coast of the Silver Devastation. Abandoned with only this.

MARTHA : Have you opened it ?

YANA : Why would I ? It’s broken.

MARTHA : How do you know it’s broken if you never opened it ?

YANA : It’s stuck. It’s old. It’s not meant to be. I don’t know.

Martha takes the watch and turns it over. It bears the same engravings as the Doctor’s. She steps back and breathes nervously.

YANA : Does it matter ?

MARTHA : No. It’s... nothing. It’s... Listen, everything’s fine up here. I’m gonna see if the Doctor needs me.

Jack releases the last coupling.

JACK : Yes !

THE DOCTOR : Now get out of there ! Come on !

Martha runs through the corridors. Jack re-enters the control room as the Doctor calls Atillo.

THE DOCTOR : Lieutenant, everyone on board ?

ATILLO : Ready and waiting.

THE DOCTOR : Stand by ! Two minutes to ignition.

Hangs up.

ATILLO (voice over) : Ready to launch. Outer doors sealed. Countdown commences T minus 99... 98...

Jack and the Doctor are at the controls. Martha runs in.

THE DOCTOR : Ah, nearly there. The footprint is a gravity pulse. It stamps down, the rocket shoots up. Bit primitive. It’s gonna take the both of us to keep it stable.

Martha moves in front of him as he works.

MARTHA : Doctor, it’s the professor. He’s got this watch. He’s got a fobwatch. It’s the same as yours. Same writing on it. Same... everything.

THE DOCTOR : Don’t be ridiculous.

MARTHA : I asked him. He said he’s had it all his life.

JACK : So he’s got the same watch.

MARTHA : Yeah, but it’s not a watch. It’s this chameleon thing.

THE DOCTOR (flustered) : No, no, no. It’s this... This thing, this device, it rewrites biology, changes a Time Lord into a human.

MARTHA : And it’s the same watch.

THE DOCTOR : It can’t be.

An alarm blares and the Doctor tries to fix it.

JACK : That means he could be a Time Lord. You might not be the last one.

THE DOCTOR : Jack, keep it level !

MARTHA : But that’s brilliant, isn’t it ?

THE DOCTOR : Yes, it is. Course it is. Depends which one. Brilliant, fantastic, yeah. But they died, the Time Lords. All of them, they died.

JACK : Not if he was human.

THE DOCTOR : What did he say, Martha ? (Yells). What did he say ?

MARTHA (gasps) : He looked at the watch like he could hardly see it. Like that perception filter thing.

THE DOCTOR : What about now ? Can he see it now ?

Yana is holding his watch, different voices echoing in his head.

THE DOCTOR : The TARDIS. The time vortex.

A low evil laugh.

JACK : Regeneration. Regeneration.

MALE VOICE 1 : The drums, the drums, the drums. The never-ending drumbeat. Open me, you human fool. Open the light and summon me and receive my majesty.

MALE VOICE 2 : Destroy him ! And you will give your power to me !

CHANTHO : Chan, Yana, won’t you please take some rest, tho ?

The countdown continues.

ATILLO : 13, 12, 11, 10...

JACK : If he escaped the Time War then it’s the perfect place to hide. The end of the universe.

MARTHA : Think of what the Face of Boe said. His dying words. He said...

The Doctor launches the rocket. Up in his lab, Yana opens the watch and releases its contents. In the control room, the Doctor knows what’s happened. He remembers the Face of Boe’s words and makes the connection. The Face of Boe’s last words from "Gridlock".

FACE OF BOE : You (Y typed into the computer), are (A), not (N), alone (A).

"YANA" blinks on the computer screen. The Futurekind watch as the rocket lifts off and howl.

CHANTHO : Chan, Professor Yana, tho ?

Yana turns from the TARDIS to face Chantho and he no longer seems the genial man he was before.

THE DOCTOR (on phone to rocket) : Lieutenant, have you achieved velocity ? Have you done it ? Lieutenant ! Have you done it ?

ATILLO : Affirmative. We’ll see you in Utopia.

THE DOCTOR : Good luck.

Hangs up phone and runs from the control room. Martha and Jack follow. Yana throws a lever that closes and locks a main door before the Doctor gets there.

CHANTHO : Chan, but you’ve locked them in, tho.

The Doctor gets out his sonic screwdriver while Jack tries the keypad.

THE DOCTOR (yelling) : Get it open ! Get it open !

YANA : Not to worry, my dear. As one door closes, another must open. (Throws another switch). The power goes down at the main gate and the Futurekind realise they can get in.

CHANTHO : Chan, you must stop, tho !

Yana ignores her as he works various controls around the lab.

CHANTHO : Chan, but you’ve lowered the defences ! The Futurekind will get in, tho !

The Futurekind rush the gates. Jack gets the door open and they run through.

CHANTHO : Chan, Professor, I’m so sorry but I must stop you. You’re destroying all our work, tho.

Yana turns and sees Chantho holding a gun on him.

YANA : Oh... now I can say I was provoked.

Holds out one of the live cables. Going down the halls, the Doctor, Jack and Martha run into the Futurekind forcing them to backtrack.

YANA (still holding sparking cable) : Did you never think, in all those years standing beside me, to ask about that watch ? Never ? Did you never think, not ever, that you could set me free ?

CHANTHO (whimpers) : Chan, I’m sorry, tho. Chan, I’m so sorry.

YANA : And you with your "chan" and your "tho" driving me insane.

CHANTHO : Chan, Professor, please...

YANA : That is not my name ! The Professor... was an invention. So perfect a disguise that I forgot who I am.

CHANTHO : Chan, who are you, tho ?

YANA (low whisper) : I am the Master.

Thrusts the cable forward. The Futurekind chase the Doctor, Martha and Jack through the corridors. Jack stops at an intersecting hallway.

JACK : This way !

The Master kneels and reaches out to take the canister containing the Doctor’s hand. The Doctor, Martha and Jack arrive at the locked lab door. Jack works on the keypad. The Doctor looks through the window.

THE DOCTOR : Professor ! (Pounds on window). Professor, let me in ! Let me in ! Jack, get the door open !

The Master walks to the computer displaying the navigational chart for Utopia.

THE DOCTOR : Professor ! Professor, where are you ?! Professor ! Professor, are you there ?! Please, I need to explain ! Whatever you do, don’t open that watch !

The Master removes the circuit board.

THE MASTER (condescending) : Utopia.

MARTHA : They’re coming !

THE DOCTOR : Professor !

The Master pulls the cables from the TARDIS.

THE DOCTOR : Open the door, please ! I’m begging you, Professor ! Please ! Listen to me !

Chantho, lying on the floor, reaches for her gun.

THE DOCTOR : Open the door, please !

The Master turns and Chantho fires. The Master groans and staggers back against the TARDIS. Jack hits the keypad with the butt of his revolver and the door opens. The Doctor rushes inside and stops, facing the Master. The Doctor moves forward but the Master backs into the TARDIS, locking it. The Doctor tries his key but the Master flicks a switch so a key won’t work. He then heads up to the console. The Doctor pulls out the sonic screwdriver. Inside, the Master presses a button on the console to prevent that from working as well.

THE MASTER : Deadlocked.

THE DOCTOR (pounds on TARDIS) : Let me in ! Let me in !

MARTHA (by CHANTHO) : She’s dead.

JACK (at the door) : I’ve broken the lock ! Give me a hand !

THE DOCTOR : I’m begging you ! Everything’s changed ! It’s only the two of us ! We’re the only ones left !

Martha goes to help Jack at the door.

THE DOCTOR : Just let me in !

THE MASTER : Killed by an insect ! A girl ! How inappropriate. Still, if the Doctor can be young and strong, then so can I. The Master... reborn.

The Master stands in front of the console, head and arms flung back, and the regeneration starts. Bright golden lights pours out from his neck and arms. He screams. Outside, the Doctor can see the light and hear the scream. The Futurekind arrive at the door and Martha and Jack try to hold them back as the door isn’t fully closed.

JACK : Doctor ! You’d better think of something !

Inside the TARDIS, a younger Master, looking to be in his early 30s, wakes next to the Doctor’s hand. He stands slowly, amazed.

MASTER : Ha, ha ! Ha, ha, ha ! (Runs about the console). Ha, ha, ha ! (Opens speaker). Doctor... ooh, new voice. (Low), Hello, (high), hello, (normal), hello. Anyway, why don’t we stop and have a nice little chat while I tell you all my plans and you can work out a way to stop me ? I don’t think !

MARTHA : Hold on ! I know that voice !

The Futurekind Chieftan reaches an arm through the door.

THE DOCTOR : I’m asking you really properly ! Just stop ! Just think !

MASTER : Use my name.

THE DOCTOR : Master. I’m sorry.

MASTER : Tough !

Starts controls. The Doctor holds out his sonic screwdriver.

JACK : I can’t hold out much longer, Doctor !

The console sparks.

MASTER : Oh, no you don’t ! (Gets control column moving again). End of the universe. Have fun. Bye bye !

MARTHA (yells) : Doctor, stop him !

Martha and Jack fight off the Futurekind while the Doctor can only watch as the TARDIS dematerialises.


To be continued...

Écrit par drogba pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 99 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

30.10.2021 vers 14h

31.08.2021 vers 10h

19.08.2021 vers 15h

27.06.2021 vers 22h

29.03.2021 vers 23h

22.01.2021 vers 12h

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chrismaz66  (01.11.2016 à 18:41)

Jaaaack ! Ok j'arrête ;-)


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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Doctor Who (2023), S01E08 (inédit)
Samedi 22 juin à 01:00

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Doctor Who (2023), S01E08 (inédit)
Samedi 22 juin à 18:40

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Doctor Who (2023), S01E06 (inédit)
Samedi 8 juin à 18:45
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Doctor Who (2023), S01E05 (inédit)
Samedi 1 juin à 18:50
3.38m / 0.0% (Part)

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Doctor Who (2023), S01E04 (inédit)
Samedi 25 mai à 18:50
4.06m / 0.0% (Part)

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Doctor Who (2023), S01E03 (inédit)
Samedi 18 mai à 18:50
3.57m / 0.0% (Part)

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Doctor Who (2023), S01E02 (inédit)
Samedi 11 mai à 19:05
3.91m / 0.0% (Part)

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Doctor Who (2023), S01E01 (inédit)
Samedi 11 mai à 18:20
4.01m / 0.0% (Part)

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