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Doctor Who (2005)
#401 : Partners in crime ... Le retour de Donna Noble

Depuis les évènements du Mariage de Noël, Donna regrette amèrement d'avoir refusé la proposition du Docteur de le rejoindre. Mais elle a décidé de prendre les choses en main et se lance dans une enquête qui va l'amener de surprise en surprise.

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Cet épisode est précédé du mini-épisode Children in Need: Time Crash, et de l'épisode de Noel Une croisière autour de la Terre.


4.63 - 8 votes

Titre VO
Partners in crime

Titre VF
Partners in crime ... Le retour de Donna Noble

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Enfin réunis!

Enfin réunis!


Les Adipose rentrent à la maison

Les Adipose rentrent à la maison


Le Doctor et Donna confrontent Miss Foster

Le Doctor et Donna confrontent Miss Foster


Dans le bureau

Dans le bureau


I just want a mate

I just want a mate


Bande-annonce (fan)

Bande-annonce (fan)


Photos promo

Donna et le Docteur

Donna et le Docteur

Miss Foster

Miss Foster

C'est quoi ce truc

C'est quoi ce truc

La mère de Donna et son grand-père

La mère de Donna et son grand-père

C'est pas ce que vous croyez

C'est pas ce que vous croyez

Le Docteur et Donna

Le Docteur et Donna

Le Docteur réfléchit

Le Docteur réfléchit

Qu'est ce qui se passe ici

Qu'est ce qui se passe ici

Le Docteur et Donna

Le Docteur et Donna

Miss Foster

Miss Foster

Donna Noble

Donna Noble

Le Docteur est dans la place

Le Docteur est dans la place

Partners in crime - Donna et le Docteur

Partners in crime - Donna et le Docteur

Eh c'est moi !

Eh c'est moi !

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Russell T. Davies

Réalisateur : James Strong


Cast :

David Tennant ... Docteur
Catherine Tate ... Donna Noble
Sarah Lancashire ... Miss Foster
Bernard Cribbins ... Wilfred Mott
Jacqueline King ... Sylvia Noble
Verona Joseph ... Penny Carter


Références et continuités

  • Catherine Tate reprend son rôle de Donna Noble un peu plus d'an après sa première apparition dans Le mariage de Noël, cette fois comme compagne officielle.
  • Le Docteur utilise encore une fois son désormais célèbre alias « John Smith ».
  • Il fait référence aux hommes-chats des épisodes Une nouvelle Terre et L'Embouteillage sans fin lorsqu'il dit «Moui, j'ai déjà rencontré des personnes-chat... vous n'avez pas l'profil » (« No, I've met cat people. You're nothing like them »).
  • Le Docteur mentionne la Proclamation de l'Ombre qui semble édicter des lois s'appliquant dans tout l'univers et dont on entend parler dès l'épisode Rose. De plus, comme dans Le Dernier Seigneur du temps et Une croisière autour de la Terre, la Terre est classée comme une planète de « catégorie 5 ».
  • La mère de Donna Noble fait une apparition dans l'épisode Mariage de Noël et son grand-père est l'excentrique qui restait dans les rues de Londres dans Une croisière autour de la Terre. En référence au Mariage de Noël, Sylvia Noble reparle du « pauvre Lance ».
  • Donna explique qu'elle n'a pas cru à cette histoire du « Titanic survolant Buckingham Palace », clin d'œil à Une croisière autour de la Terre.
  • Donna fait remarquer au Docteur que Martha Jones a sans doute dû l'adoucir. En effet, dans Mariage de Noël, il n'hésitait pas à exterminer tous les enfants Racnoss pour sauver la galaxie.
  • La jeune fille blonde à laquelle Donna indique la poubelle où elle laisse ses clés n'est autre que Rose Tyler, compagne du Docteur dans les saisons 1 et 2, et qui est censée être dans un univers parallèle.
  • On peut voir plusieurs véhicules portant le logo A.T.M.O.S. dont quelques taxis (par exemple celui venu chercher Stacie) ou la voiture de la mère de Donna (voir A.T.M.O.S.).

Résumé épisode 401 "Le retour de Donna Noble"

Quelques temps ont passé depuis les évènements du "Mariage de Noël" (saison 3) et depuis, Donna Noble s’en veut. Donna s’ennuie et regrette amèrement d’avoir refusé la proposition du Docteur : monter à bord du Tardis et partager ses aventures.

Alors que sa mère, Sylvia, lui reproche de ne pas trouver de travail et d'être bonne à rien, Donna se confie à son grand-père, Wilfred Mott (Le vendeur de journaux dans "Voyage of the Damned") avec qui elle est très complice. Le vieil homme étant passionné par les étoiles et les observant régulièrement, Donna lui demande de lui faire signe si, un jour, il aperçoit grâce à sa longue vue, une cabine téléphonique bleue, traversant le ciel.

Mais Donna n’est pas de nature à attendre le prince charmant et elle n'en a plus l'âge non plus : qu’à cela ne tienne, s'il ne vient pas à elle, elle viendra à lui. Alors Donna a pris une décision qui va changer sa vie, bien qu'elle ne le sache pas encore : elle commence à enquêter sur des évènements étranges, espérant ainsi croiser la route du Docteur. Et Donna Noble se retrouve à jouer les Sarah Jane, enquêtant sur une entreprise fabriquant des pilules pour mincir : les entreprises Adipose.

Au même moment et à quelques pas de là, le Docteur fait sa propre enquête sur la même entreprise, mais les deux amis se croisent sans jamais se voir.

Tous deux rencontrent des clients des entreprises Adipose qui maigrissent miraculeusement. Cette invention est un vrai progrès. Pourtant, rapidement, ils se rendent compte que la graisse s’en va, littéralement, transformant le corps entier jusqu'à ce qu'il n'en reste rien.

Le Docteur et Donna, ignorant toujours la présence l’un de l’autre, se font enfermer dans les bâtiments d’Adipose. Le Docteur, dans un placard à balai, et Donna dans les toilettes. Elle craint d’être découverte quand les sbires de Miss Foster, la directrice des entreprises Adipose, entrent dans les toilettes à la recherche d'un intrus, mais ils font prisonnière Penny Carter, une jeune journaliste enquêtant également sur les mystérieuses pilules.

Miss Foster dévoile ses plans à sa prisonnière : chaque pilule contient une étincelle de vie, celle d’un bébé Adipose, qui prend vie grâce à la graisse des personnes qui prennent les pilules. De l'extérieur, Donna et le Docteur s’aperçoivent enfin mutuellement de chaque côté de la pièce. Donna est ravie, le Docteur agréablement surpris.

Par une série de mimiques, la jeune femme lui explique qu’elle le cherchait mais elle est interrompue par Miss Foster qui s'est rendue compte de la présence de ces deux intrus. Cette dernière envoie ses sbires à leur poursuite et les deux amis courent pour leur vie, comme au bon vieux temps.

Le Docteur et Donna confrontent finalement miss Foster et celle-ci leur révèle son véritable nom : elle est la Matrone Cofélia et travaille pour la Première famille d'Adipose. Ces derniers l’ont engagée comme nounou depuis que la planète où ils faisaient venir leurs enfants au monde a été perdue. Confrontant son tournevis sonique au stylo sonique de la super nounou, le Docteur parvient à s’enfuir.

Se sentant menacée par l’évocation faite par le Docteur de la Proclamation des ombres ("Rose", saison 1, "L’invasion de Noël", "Londres 2012", saison 2), interdisant d'utiliser d'autres êtres comme ils le font, Miss Foster décide qu'il est temps pour les bébés de venir au monde, même si c’est prématurément.

Grâce au pendentif donné aux clients des pilules Adipose, le Docteur tente d’arrêter le processus, mais miss Foster double ses efforts et c’est grâce au pendentif volé par Donna que les plans de l’extraterrestre échouent. Échouent, oui, mais un grand nombre de bébés Adipose a vu le jour, d'agréables petites créatures inoffensives, faites de graisses, et le vaisseau de leurs parents arrive afin de les faire rentrer chez eux.

Donna demande au Docteur s’il est toujours tout seul. Le Seigneur du temps lui parle de Martha, qui va bien, même s'il a chamboulé sa vie. Quant à Rose, elle est toujours perdue. Donna lui dit qu’elle regrette de ne pas être venue avec lui mais qu'il lui a donné envie de voyager et de faire de grandes choses. Elle est même allée en Égypte, mais, déçue, elle n'est partie nulle part ailleurs. Elle qui voulait faire le tour du monde est vite retournée à sa vie simple et tranquille. Donna lui dit alors qu'elle veut toujours l’accompagner. Le Docteur tombe des nues.

Bientôt un message des Adiposes se fait entendre et le Seigneur du temps craint le pire pour Miss Foster. En effet, en se servant des humains pour faire naître les bébés, Miss Foster a violé la loi et ses employeurs ne veulent pas être mêlés à cette affaire. Ne voulant pas écouter les avertissements du Docteur, Miss Foster suit les bébés dans le ciel, emportée par une sorte de rayon de transport, jusque dans le vaisseau de leurs parents, mais ses derniers arrêtent le rayon transporteur en plein ciel et Miss Foster fait une chute vertigineuse mortelle.

Remarquant que le Docteur ne fait rien pour arrêter les bébés ou les tuer, Donna se rend compte qu'il a beaucoup changé depuis leur dernière rencontre ("Le Mariage de Noël", saison 3. Le Docteur avait laissé les enfants de l’impératrice Racnoss se noyer). Martha lui a été bénéfique.

Croisant Penny Carter, qui menace d’écrire un article en les accusant de folie, Donna entraîne le Docteur vers le Tardis et sa voiture, où attendent ses valises (et son carton à chapeau). Mais le Docteur n’est pas très enthousiaste. Avec Martha, les choses se sont compliquées. Qu'à cela ne tienne, pour Donna, il n’est qu’un extraterrestre, il ne l’intéresse pas du tout.

Laissant au Docteur le soin de porter ses nombreux bagages à bord du Tardis, Donna s’éloigne, passant un coup de téléphone à sa mère, afin que cette dernière puisse trouver ses clés de voiture. Abordant une jeune femme blonde dans la foule, Donna lui demande de dire à Sylvia où sont ses clés. Donna s’éloigne et la jeune femme se retourne, c’est Rose. Une Rose triste et apparemment fatiguée, qui, sans un mot, s’éloigne avant de disparaître mystérieusement.

À bord du Tardis, le Docteur accueille Donna pour la seconde fois et lui demande où elle veut aller. Première destination : le point d’observation de Wilfred Mott. Là, le vieil homme, toujours les yeux rivés dans l'espace, aperçoit la fameuse cabine bleue. Ne pouvant retenir son enthousiasme, il cherche Donna mais celle-ci, bien entendu, n'est pas là. Il regarde donc de plus près par son télescope et aperçoit le Docteur et Donna. Le vieil homme est tout heureux et excité pour sa petite-fille. Le Docteur et Donna saluent Wilfried, avant de partir vers de nouvelles aventures.



Rédigé par owhar pour hypnoséries

Script VO épisode 401 "Partners in crime"


Holding a red folder, Donna walks along a crowded street. The Doctor walks on another crowded street. Donna looks up to a high building, then walks toward it. The Doctor looks up to the same building from the other side. Donna enters through the main entrance.

EMPLOYEE (voice-over) : Good morning, Adipose Industries.

The Doctor opens a fire exit with the sonic screwdriver and enters the building. Donna flashes a card to the security guard.

DONNA : Donna Noble, Health and Safety.

The Doctor walks on a deserted corridor. He flashes the psychic paper to the security guard.

DOCTOR : John Smith, Health and Safety.

About three dozen people, including Donna, are sitting in a lecture room listening to Miss Foster.

MISS FOSTER : Adipose Industries. The 21st century way to lose weight. No exercise, no diet, no pain. Just lifelong freedom from fat. The Holy Grail of the modern age. And here it is. You just take one capsule, one capsule, once a day, for three weeks. And the fat, as they say...

COMPUTER VOICE : The fat just walks away.

PENNY : Excuse me, Miss Foster, if I could ? I'm Penny Carter, science correspondent for The Observer. There are a thousand diet pills on the market, a thousand con men stealing people's money. How do we know the fat isn't going straight into your bank account ?

MISS FOSTER : Oh Penny, if cynicism burnt up calories, we'd all be as thin as rakes. But if you want the science, I oblige.

COMPUTER VOICE : Adipose Industries. The Adipose capsule is composed of a synthesised mobilising lipase, bound to a large protein molecule.

The Doctor is watching the demonstration from the projector room.

COMPUTER VOICE (through the window) : The mobilising lipase breaks up the trigycerides stored in the adipose cells, which then enter...

The Doctor shows the psychic paper to the man handling the projector.

DOCTOR : Health and Safety. Film department.

MISS FOSTER : 100 percent legal, 100 percent effective.

PENNY : But, can I just ask, how many people have taken the pills to date ?

MISS FOSTER : We've already got one million customers within the Greater London area alone. But from next week, we start rolling out nationwide. The future starts here. And Britain will be thin.

In the call center of Adipose Industries, phones keep ringing.

EMPLOYEES : Good morning, I represent Adipose Industries.

Donna goes to an employee, Craig.

CRAIG (talking on the phone) : That's a three-week course of pills for a special price of 45 pounds.

DONNA (whispers) : Donna Noble, Health and Safety. Don't mind me.

The Doctor goes to another employee, Clare.

CLARE (on the phone) : We deliver within three working days.

DOCTOR (whispers) : John Smith, Health and Safety. Don't mind me.

CRAIG (still on phone) : The box comes with 21 days' worth of pills, a full information pack, and our special free gift, an Adipose Industries pendant.

CLARE (on the phone, but looking at the Doctor) : It is made of 18 carat gold, and it's yours for free. No, we don't give away pens, sorry. No, I can't make an exception, no.

DONNA (putting the pendant into her pocket) : I'll just need to keep this for testing. And I just need a list of your customers. Could you print it off ?

CRAIG : Suppose so.

DONNA : Where's the printer ?

CRAIG : Just over there, by the plant.

She stands up, looking for the printer.

DONNA : Which plant, that plant ?

CRAIG : Yeah, that's the one.

DONNA : Lovely.

She sits down. The Doctor stands up.

DOCTOR : That's the printer there ?

CLARE : By the plant, yeah.

DOCTOR : Brilliant.

He sits down. Donna stands up.

DONNA : Does it need a code ? Last place I worked, the printer needed a code.

CRAIG : No, I can do it from here.

She sits down. The Doctor stands up.

DOCTOR : Has it got paper ?

CLARE : Yeah, Jimbo keeps it stocked.

Miss Foster walks in, two bodyguards in tow.

MISS FOSTER : Excuse me, everyone, if I could have your attention.

Everyone stands up, except the Doctor and Donna, who look up and hide in turns as Miss Foster turns to different sides of the room.

MISS FOSTER : On average, you're each selling forty Adipose packs per day. It's not enough. I want one hundred sales per person per day. And if not, you'll be replaced. Cos if anyone is good in trimming the fat, it's me. Now. Back to it.

She leaves.

DOCTOR : Anyway, if you could print that off. Thanks.

DONNA : So if you could just print off that list, I'll get out of your way.

She stands up.

DONNA : Lovely ! Thanks, then. See you !

She walks to the printer.

DOCTOR : Thanks, then. Oh, what's that ?

CLARE : My telephone number.

DOCTOR (confused) : What for ?

CLARE : Health and Safety. You be health, I'll be safety.

DOCTOR (making up an excuse) : Aah. Aah. But. That contravenes ah, paragraph five, subsection C. Sorry.

He stands up and goes to the printer, turning his back to Donna who is already leaving. But something is wrong with the printer, so he goes back to Clare and smiles at her.

DOCTOR : Me again.

Knocking on a door, a fat woman goes to open it. It's Donna.

DONNA : Stacy Campbell ?

STACY : Who wants to know ?

DONNA : My name is Donna, I represent Adipose Industries (she flashes a card) and you're on the list of our valued customers.

Knocking on another door, this time a man answers it.

DOCTOR : Mr Roger Davey, I'm calling on behalf of Adipose Industries (he flashes the psychic paper), just need to ask you a few questions.

STACY : It's been fantastic. I've started the pills on Thursday. Five days later, I've lost eleven pounds !

DONNA : And no side effects or anything ?

STACY : No, I feel fantastic. It's a new lease of life. Now, what d'you think of these earrings, do they work ?

DONNA : Yeah, lovely.

ROGER : I've been on the pills two weeks now, I've lost fourteen kilos.

DOCTOR : That's the same amount every day ?

ROGER : One kilo exactly. You wake up, and it's disappeared overnight. Well, technically speaking, it's gone by ten past one in the morning.

DOCTOR : What makes you say that ?

ROGER : That's when I get woken up. Might as well weigh myself at the same time.

The Doctor looks suspiciously.

DONNA : You go on a date ?

STACY : I'm doing the opposite. I'm dumping him. I can do better than him now. Right, I won't be long. If the taxi beeps, give me a shout.

ROGER : It is driving me mad. Ten minutes past one, every night, bang on the dot without fail, the burglar alarm goes off. I've had experts in, I've had it replaced, I've even phoned Watchdog. But no, ten past one in the morning, off it goes.

DOCTOR : But with no burglars ?

ROGER : Nothing. I've given up looking.

DOCTOR : Tell me Roger, have you got a cat flap ?

They knee by the cat flap.

ROGER : It was there when I bought the house. Never bothered with it. I'm not a cat person.

DOCTOR : No, I've met cat people. You are nothing like them.

ROGER : It's that what it is then ? Cats getting inside the house ?

DOCTOR : Well, thing about cat flaps is that they don't just let things in, they let things out as well.

ROGER : Like what ?

DOCTOR : The fat just walks away.

STACY (shouting from the bathroom) : Won't be long !

DONNA : That's all right !

She pulls out the Adipose pendant and start playing with it, twisting it accidentally. Stacy's belly starts moving and giving out strange noises.

In Miss Foster's office, an alarm goes off.

MISS FOSTER : We have unscheduled parthenogenesis.

DOCTOR : Well, thanks for your help. Tell you what, maybe you could lay off the pills for a week or so. (a device beeps). Ooh, gotta go, sorry.

He runs away, following the signal.

MISS FOSTER (talking to a wrist communicator device) : Send out the collection squad. Bring them home.

An Adipose breaks off from Stacy's belly.

DONNA : You all right up there ?

STACY : Yeah.

MISS FOSTER : The Adipose has been witnessed. Activating full parthenogenesis.

She twists another Adipose pendant. A second Adipose appears and jumps beside the first one to the sink. Both waving at Stacy.

STACY : What ? What are you ? What are you ?

Bumps appear and disappear all across her body, with more strange noise.

DONNA (walks upstairs) : I like what you've done in the hall. Stacy ? Are you all right ? I wouldn't mind a little visit myself. Everything all right in there ? (Knocking on the bathroom door). Only me. Do you mind if I pop to the loo ? Stacy ?

STACY : Help me ! Oh my God, help me !

DONNA : What is it, what's wrong ?

She tries to get inside, but the door is locked.

DONNA : Stacy !

Stacy screams and then falls apart to about twenty little Adipose. Donna finally manages to break into the room, but Stacy is gone. There's only her clothes left. And the last baby Adipose, waving to her before jumping out of the window.

The collection squad car drives along a street with sirens flashing. The Doctor runs along street holding up the device in front of him. He stops, looks at the device, bangs it, blows on it, then holds it out in front of him again and runs off. Collection car pulls up and two bald men in suits get out and remove a butterfly net from the trunk.

Donna runs along a street. The Doctor runs along another street. He stops, waves the device around, looking for a signal. It dings and he runs on. The bald men close a container and put it in the trunk of the van, then they get in and drive away. The van passes Donna, then it passes the Doctor who runs out into the street. The car honks and passes him. The device dings as the car drives away. The Doctor starts running after it, but the car turns a corner and disappears. A taxi drives up to Donna.

TAXI DRIVER : Stacy Campbell ?

DONNA : No, she's gone.

TAXI DRIVER : Gone where ?

DONNA : She's just gone.

TAXI DRIVER : Aw great, thanks for nothing.

Taxi drives away. The Doctor holds up the device looking disappointed. The taxi drives past him and we see that the Doctor and Donna are just one street away from each other. They both walk away.

Miss Foster puts on her glasses.

MISS FOSTER : It seems that we have a case of industrial espionage. One touch and the capsule bio-tunes itself to it's owner, but someone must have introduced a second raw capsule.

She looks at camera footage of the offices.

MISS FOSTER : Therefore, one of these people is a thief. There, oh yes, there she is. Now... what should we do with her ?

Donna comes in the front door. Her mother's voice comes from another room.

SYLVIA (voice-over) : And what time is this ?

DONNA (rolling the eyes) : How old am I ?

Sylvia comes out into the front hall.

SYLVIA : Not old enough to use a phone.

Sylvia bustles around in the kitchen while Donna sits at a table drinking tea, lost in thoughts.

SYLVIA : I thought you were only moving back for a couple of weeks. Look at you, I mean you're never gonna find a flat, not while you're on the dole. And its no good sitting there, dressed up, looking like you're job hunting, you've got to do something ! It's not like the 1980s, no one's unemployed these days except you ! How long did that job with Health and Safety last ? Two days, and then you walk out. "I have other plans", well I've not seen them. And it's no good sitting there dreaming, no one's gonna come along with a magic wand and make your life all better.

DONNA (rolling her eyes at her mothers nagging) : Where is Grandad ?

SYLVIA : Where do you think he is ! Up the hill. He's always up the hill.

Donna walks up a big hill in to a kind of junk yard. Her grandad walks out of a tin shed.

WILF : Aye, aye here comes trouble. Ha.

DONNA : Permission to board ship, sir ?

WILF : Permission granted. Was she nagging you ?

DONNA : Ha ha. Big time.

Wilf sits down on a camp chair in front of a telescope.

DONNA : Brought you a thermos.

WILF : Oh, ta.

DONNA : You seen anything ?

WILF : Yeah, I've got Venus, there with an apparent magnitude of minus 3.5. At least that's what it says in my little book.

Donna pulls out a tarpin and sits down.

WILF : Here, come and see, come on, here you go.

Donna looks in to the telescope.

WILF : Right ? That's the only planet in the Solar System named after a woman.

DONNA : Good for her. How far away is that ?

WILF : Oh, its about 26 million miles. But we'll get there one day. In a hundred years time we'll be striding out amongst the stars. Jiggling about with all them aliens. Just you wait.

DONNA : You really believe in all that stuff, don't you ?

WILF : It's all over the place these days. If I wait here long enough...

DONNA : I don't suppose you've seen a little blue box ?

WILF : Is that slang for something ?

DONNA : No, I mean it. If you ever see a little blue box flying up there in the sky, you shout for me, Gramps. Oh, you just shout.

WILF : You know, I don't understand half the things you say these days.

DONNA : Not me.

WILF : No, fair dos. You've had a funny old time of it lately. There was poor old what's his name, Lance, bless him... and that barmy old Christmas. I wish you would tell us what really happened.

DONNA : I know. It's just... the things I've seen. Sometimes I think I'm going mad. I mean even tonight I was in a... doesn't matter.

WILF : Well you're not yourself, I'll give you that. You just... you seem to be drifting, sweetheart.

DONNA : I'm not drifting. I'm waiting.

WILF : What for ?

DONNA : The right man.

WILF : Oh, ho, ho same old story. A man ! Haha.

DONNA : Ha, ha, no, I don't mean like that. But, he's real. I've seen him. I've met him, just once. And then... I let him fly away.

WILF : Well there you are, go and find him !

DONNA : I've tried. He's nowhere.

WILF : Oi, not like you to give up. You know, remember when you were about six years old, your mother said no holiday this year. So off you toddled, all on your own and you got on a bus to Strathclyde ! Hah ! We had the police after you and everything ! Ha, where's she gone then, where's that girl, hey ?

DONNA : You're right. Cos he's still out there, somewhere. And I'll find him Gramps, even if I have to wait a hundred years. I'll find him.

The Doctor is in the TARDIS looking at the golden Adipose Industries capsule through a magnifying glass.

DOCTOR : Ohh, fascinating. Seems to be a bio-flip digital stitch, specifically for...

He looks up. No one is there in the TARDIS. He stands up, looking lonely. Donna walks out to a blue car outside her house. Sylvia comes out in a dressing gown and hair curlers.

SYLVIA : It's my turn for the car. What you need it for ?

Donna gets in to the car and turns it on.

DONNA : A quick getaway.

The Doctor is running around the TARDIS pulling and pushing buttons. Donna parks the car, gets out and locks it and walks away. The TARDIS materializes a few meters behind. Donna goes in a revolving door. The Doctor sonics the fire exit door and goes inside. Donna walks through the call center, and waves at Craig.

DONNA : Morning.

The Doctor walks along a deserted corridor. He opens a storage closet and sonics the door shut. Donna walks into a washroom. She goes into a stall, sits down and looks at her watch. Miss Foster walks along through the office cubicles, flanked by her two bodyguards.

MISS FOSTER : Keep an eye out. She'll come back and then she's mine.

Camera looks at clock which says 9:30. Clock changes to 6:10. Everyone is packing up to go home.

CLARE : See you tomorrow !

The Doctor sonics the door open and walks out. Donna is stretching in her stall. She opens the door and walks out. Her phone rings and she goes back into the stall and answers it.

DONNA (whispering) : Not now !

SYLVIA : I need the car ! Where are you ?

DONNA : I can't. I'm busy.

SYLVIA : Why are you whispering ?

DONNA : I'm in church.

SYLVIA : What are you doing in church ?

DONNA : Praying !

SYLVIA : Bit late for that, madam.

WILF : What's she in church for ?

SYLVIA : Hush, you. Go up the hill ! (To Donna) : But I need the car. I'm going out with Susette. She's asked all the Wednesday girls, apparently shes been on those Adipose pills. She says she looks marvelous.

Miss Foster comes in to the bathroom with her bodyguards. Donna hangs up, scared.

MISS FOSTER : We know you're in here, so why don't you make this nice and easy and show yourself ?

Donna pulls up her legs.

MISS FOSTER : I'm waiting. I warn you, I'm not a patient woman. Now, out you come. Right. We'll do it the hard way. Get her !

The bodyguards start to kick open the stall doors. But before reaching to Donna, they find Penny.

MISS FOSTER : There you are.

PENNY : I've been through the records, Foster, and all of your results have been faked. There's something about those pills you're not telling us.

MISS FOSTER : Oh, I think I'll be conducting this interview, Penny.

They leave, Donna sneaks out and follows them. The Doctor is on the roof. He gets into a window cleaner's cradle and switches it to descend.

PENNY : You've got no right to do this. Let me go !

They arrive to Miss Foster's office. The Doctor is in the cradle outside the office. He uses a stethoscope to hear the conversation inside.

PENNY : This is ridiculous.

MISS FOSTER : Sit there.

PENNY : I'm phoning my editor.

MISS FOSTER : I said sit.

Penny is pushed down to the chair and tied to it by a bodyguard.

PENNY : You can't tie me up. What sort of a country do you think this is ?

MISS FOSTER : Oh, it's a beautifully fat country. And believe me, I've travelled a long way to find obesity on this scale.

PENNY : So come on then, Miss Foster, those pills. What are they ?

Donna sneaks to the door of Miss Foster's office.

MISS FOSTER : Well, you might just as well have a scoop, since you'll never see it printed. This (she lifts a capsule) is the spark of life.

PENNY : And what's that supposed to mean ?

MISS FOSTER : Officially, the capsule attracts all the fat cells and flushes them away. Well, it certainly attracts them, that part's true. But it binds the fat together and galvanises it to form a body.

PENNY : Well, what d'you mean "a body" ?

MISS FOSTER : I am surprised you never asked about my name. I chose it well. Foster, as in foster mother. And these (she puts an Adipose to the table) are my children.

PENNY : You're kidding me. What the hell is that ?

Donna rises to look in through the door window. The Doctor also rises to look in through the window.

MISS FOSTER : Adipose. It's called an Adipose. Made out of living fat. Stripped from ordinary human...

The Doctor and Donna look at each other. Both are stunned by surprise.

DOCTOR (mouthing through the window) : Donna ?

DONNA (mouthing too) : Doctor !!!

DOCTOR : But... what ? Wha... What ?!

DONNA : Oh my God !

DOCTOR : But... how ?

DONNA : It's me !

DOCTOR : Well, I can see that !

DONNA : Oh this is brilliant !

DOCTOR : But what are you doing there ?

DONNA : I was looking for you !

DOCTOR : What for ?!

DONNA (miming) : I, came here, trouble, read about it, internet, I thought, trouble = you ! And this place is weird ! Pills ! So I hid. Back there. Crept along. Heard this lot. Looked. You ! 'Cos they...

She gestures and looks toward Miss Foster. Who is staring at her. Just like Penny and the guards. Donna freezes.

MISS FOSTER (loud) : Are we interrupting you ?

DOCTOR (mouthing) : Run !

MISS FOSTER : Get her !

The Doctor locks the office door with the sonic screwdriver, then uses it to elevate the cradle back to the roof.

MISS FOSTER : And him !

Donna runs up the stairs. The Doctor enters the building and heads downstairs. The guards shoot the office door open. Penny screams. They run after Donna, followed by Miss Foster.

PENNY : What about me ?

The Doctor and Donna meet. Big hug.

DONNA : Oh my God ! I don't believe it ! You've even got the same suit ! (Aghast). Dont you ever change ?

DOCTOR : Yeah thanks Donna, not right now.

He looks down and sees the guards coming.

DOCTOR : Just like old times !

They head upstairs and go out to the roof.

DONNA (excited babbling) : Cos I thought, how do I find the Doctor ? And then I just thought, look for trouble and then he'll turn up ! So I looked everywhere, you name it : UFOs, sightings, crop circles, sea monsters. I looked, I found them all. Like that stuff about the bees disappearing, I thought, I bet he's connected. Cos the thing is, Doctor, I believe it all now. You opened my eyes. All those amazing things out there, I believe them all. Well, apart from that replica of the Titanic flying over Buckingham Palace on Christmas Day, I mean that's gotta be a hoax !

During this, the Doctor is busy working on the cradle controls with the sonic.

DOCTOR : What d'you mean, the bees are disappearing ?

DONNA : I don't know. That's what it says on the internet.

The Doctor climbs into the cradle.

DONNA : Well on the same site, there was all the conspiracy theories about Adipose Industries, I thought let's take a look !

DOCTOR : In you get !

DONNA : Well in that thing ?

DOCTOR : Yes in that thing !

DONNA : But if we go down in that, they'll just call us back up again.

DOCTOR : No no no, cos I've locked the controls with a sonic cage. I'm the only one who can control it. Not unless she's got a sonic device of her own. Which is very unlikely.

Miss Foster approaches the roof door with a sonic pen in hand.

MISS FOSTER (to the bodyguards) : Out of my way.

They go to the edge of the roof. She looks down and sees the Doctor and Donna in the cradle, still descending.

MISS FOSTER : Oh, I don't think so.

She uses her sonic pen to accelerate the cradle. The Doctor stops it with the screwdriver. He and Donna fall to the floor, then get up. He tries to open the nearest window with the sonic.

DOCTOR : Hold on. Hold on, we can get in through the window.

MISS FOSTER (talking into her wrist communicator) : Deadlock the building.

DOCTOR : Can't get it open !

DONNA (lifting a huge spanner from the cradle) : Well smash it then !

They can't break the safety glass. Miss Foster smiles and points her sonic to the cradle cable, it starts to sparkle and smoke. Donna looks up.

DONNA : Cutting the cable !

The cable breaks. The Doctor manages to hold inside the cradle, but Donna falls out.

DOCTOR : Donna !

DONNA : Doctor !

She is clinging to the broken cable, hanging high in the air.

DOCTOR : Hold on !

DONNA : I am !

The Doctor tries to pull her up by the cable, but he can't.

DONNA : Doctor !

MISS FOSTER : And now, for the other one.

She lifts up the sonic pen again, pointing it to the second cable. The Doctor points his screwdriver to her hand, the pen sparkles and she drops it.


The Doctor catches the second sonic, then climbs up the cable to another window. Now he manages to open it.

DONNA : I'm going to fall !

Her feet hang just in front of the windows of the office where Penny sits, still tied to the chair.

PENNY : What the hell is going on ?

DONNA : This is all your fault. I should've stayed at home !

DOCTOR : I won't be a minute !

He climbs into the building.

MISS FOSTER (rubbing her sore hand) : Yes he's slippery, that one. Time we found out who he is.

The Doctor runs downstairs into Miss Foster's office and opens the window.

PENNY : Is anyone gonna tell me what's going on ?

DOCTOR : What, you're a journalist ?

PENNY : Yes.

DOCTOR : Well, make it up !

He tries to grab Donna's legs.

DONNA : Get off !

DOCTOR : I've got you ! I've got you. Stop kicking !

He manages to pull her inside.

DONNA : I was right. It's always like this with you, innit ?

DOCTOR (huge grin) : Oh yes ! And off we go !

They grin at each other and run out, leaving Penny behind.

PENNY : Oi !

The Doctor pops back.

DOCTOR : Sorry !

He uses the sonic to release her and runs off again. Then pops back again.

DOCTOR : Now do yourself a favour, get out.

He and Donna run across the call center area - meeting Miss Foster and the guards.

MISS FOSTER : Well then (she takes off her glasses) at last.

DONNA : Hello.

DOCTOR : Nice to meet you, I'm the Doctor.

DONNA : And I'm Donna.

MISS FOSTER : Partners in crime. And evidently off-worlders, judging by your sonic technology.

DOCTOR : Oh yes, I've still got your sonic pen. Nice, I like it. Sleek, it's kinda sleek.

He shows it to Donna.

DONNA : Oh it's definitely sleek.

DOCTOR : Yeah, and if you were to sign your real name that would be... ?

MISS FOSTER : Matron Cofelia of the Five-Straighten Classabindi Nursery Fleet. Intergalactic Class.

DOCTOR : A wet nurse, using humans as surrogates.

MISS FOSTER : I've been employed by the Adiposian First Family to foster a new generation after their breeding planet was lost.

DOCTOR : What do you mean lost ? How do you lose a planet ?

MISS FOSTER : Oh, politics are none of my concern. I'm just here to take care of the children on behalf of the parents.

DONNA : What, like an outer space super-nanny ?

MISS FOSTER : Yes, if you like.

DONNA : So... so those little things they're, they're made out of fat yeah, but that woman, Stacy Campbell, there was nothing left of her.

MISS FOSTER : Oh, in a crisis the Adipose can convert bone and hair and internal organs. Makes them a little bit sick, poor things.

DONNA : What about poor Stacy ?

DOCTOR : Seeding a level 5 planet is against galactic law.

MISS FOSTER : Are you threatening me ?

DOCTOR : I'm trying to help you, Matron. This is your one chance; cos if you don't call this off, then I'll have to stop you.

MISS FOSTER : I hardly think you can stop bullets.

The bodyguards aim.

DOCTOR : No, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, one more thing, before... dying. Do you know what happens if you hold two identical sonic devices against each other ?

MISS FOSTER (after a short pause) : No.

DOCTOR : Nor me, lets find out !

The Doctor points the sonic screwdriver and the sonic pen at each other. It creates an awful noise, Miss Foster and her guards squirm in agony and a glass pane shatters. Donna pushes the Doctor so that he stops.

DONNA : Come on !

They run off. Miss Foster talks into her wrist communicator.

MISS FOSTER : I'm advancing the birth plan. We're going into premature labour.

Miss Foster and her guards hurry away. Penny is collecting binders from Miss Foster's office.

PENNY : Cellular ossification.

Miss Foster walks in with the guards.

MISS FOSTER : Tie her up.

The guards grab Penny.

PENNY : Ah, you're kidding me.

The Doctor and Donna run along a deserted corridor. They arrive at the storage cupboard and the Doctor starts throwing the supplies out.

DONNA : Well, that's one solution. Hide in a cupboard. I like it.

The Doctor opens the back of the cupboard to reveal a big green machine built into the wall.

DOCTOR : Hacking in to this thing, cos the matron's got a computer core running through the center of the building. Triple deadlocked. And now I've got this (holds up the sonic pen) I can get into it.

Miss Foster opens a wall panel to reveal another green machine.

PENNY : What does that thing do ?

MISS FOSTER : It's the inducer. We had planned to seed millions, but if that man's an alien then he's alerted the Shadow Proclamation, so the first one million humans will have to do. (To the guards) : Find him, and the woman. Don't waste time, just kill them.

The guards run off.

DOCTOR : She's wired up the whole building. We need a bit of privacy.

He holds two sparking plugs together and lightning comes out of the walls and stuns the guards.

DOCTOR : Just enough to stop them. Why's she wired up the tower block ? What's it all for ?

He starts fiddling with cables.

COMPUTER VOICE : Inducer online.

DONNA : You look older.

DOCTOR : Thanks.

DONNA : Still on your own ?

DOCTOR : Yup. Well no, I had this friend, Martha she was called. Martha Jones. She was brilliant... and I destroyed half her life. But she's fine. She's good. She's gone.

DONNA : What about Rose ?

DOCTOR : Still lost. (Pause). I thought you were going to travel the world ?

DONNA : Easier said then done. It's like I had that one day with you and I was gonna change. I was gonna do so much. Then I woke up next morning, same old life. It's like you were never there. And I tried. I did try, I went to Egypt. I was gonna go barefoot and everything. And then it's all bus trips and guidebooks and don't drink the water and two weeks later you're back home. It's nothing like being with you. I must have been mad turning down that offer.

DOCTOR : What offer ?

DONNA : To come with you.

DOCTOR : You'd come with me ?

DONNA : Oh yes, please !

DOCTOR : Right.

COMPUTER VOICE : Inducer activated.

DONNA : What's it doing now ?

DOCTOR : She's started the program.

Miss Foster pulls a lever.

COMPUTER VOICE : Inducer transmitting.

MISS FOSTER : Mark the date, Miss Carter. Happy birthday. One million birthdays.

Sylvia and her friends are at a restaurant having dinner.

SUZETTE : I swear that Adipose treatment is fabulous. Just look at my chin. And it's very good for back fat. I'm down two sizes !

SYLVIA : It's like a miracle. All that from just one little pill !

SUZETTE : And I've been eating like normal.

Her back starts twitching.

SYLVIA : You all right, love ?

SUZETTE : Yeah, I'm just... funny sort of feeling like a...

Other people in the restaurant start feeling strange too.

WOMAN : What's happened ?

MAN : I'm not sure, seems to be...

SUZETTE : Better pop to the loo.

Suzette's back starts bulging out.

SYLVIA : Oh, my God, Suzette !

SUZETTE : What ?

Roger is reading at home. He stands up and starts to feel his side.

SUZETTE (panicking) : What is it ? Get it off me !

Sylvia runs and pulls down the back of her shirt to reveal an Adipose. Fat people all over the restaurant start getting bumps too. An Adipose bursts out of Rogers belly, waves and jumps out the cat flap. Suzette's Adipose runs along the restaurant floor, dodging people's feet. Out on the street Adipose are everywhere. Marching along in a scattered mob. They all seem to be heading in the same direction.

MISS FOSTER : Come to me children. Come to me.

FEMALE VOICE : All right, everyone get back, don't touch them, and stay away.

The street is swarming with Adipose. Police are trying to help but with no avail.

DOCTOR : So far they're just losing weight, but the Matron has gone up to emergency pathogenesis.

DONNA : That's when they convert...

DOCTOR : Skeletons, organs, everything. A million people are gonna die !

Suzette is on the ground, moving about.

DOCTOR : Gotta cancel the signal !

He pulls out the golden capsule and takes off one end to reveal a chip.

DOCTOR : This contains the primary signal. If I can switch it off the fat goes back to being just fat.

He hooks the capsule up to the machine.

MISS FOSTER : A nice try. Double strength.

She pushes the lever completely down.

COMPUTER VOICE : Inducer increasing.

DOCTOR (tense) : No no no no no, she's doubled it, I need... Haven't got time ! It's too far, I can't override it ! They're all gonna die !

Fat people still wriggling in pain.

DONNA : Is there anything I can do ?

DOCTOR (near panic) : Sorry, Donna, this is way beyond you ! Gotta double the base pulse, I can't...

DONNA (sternly) : Doctor, tell me what do you need.

DOCTOR : I need a second capsule to boost the override, but I've only got the one. I can't save them !

He fiddles with the switches. Donna holds up her gold capsule. The Doctor looks at her in shock. They both burst out laughing. He takes it and plugs it in and the green lights go off.

SUZETTE : It's stopped ! They've gone.

Miss Foster flicks the switches. Her lights are off too. Nothing works.

PENNY : What's happened ?

MISS FOSTER : I think the Doctor happened. But we've still given birth to ten thousand Adipose. And the nursery is coming.

A loud horn sounds.

DONNA : What the hell was that ?

MISS FOSTER : It's my lift home !

Miss Foster leaves.

PENNY : You can't just leave me here !

SUZETTE : It just stopped.

They all hear the big horn.

SYLVIA : What on earth this is now ? Oh my god !

Everyone looks up as a big circular spaceship flies over London. People are screaming. But Wilf is listening to music while looking through his telescope, oblivious of the spaceship flying past behind him. It flies over the Adipose Industries building and thousands of Adipose cheer.

DONNA : Fine. When you say nursery you don't mean a creche in Notting Hill.

DOCTOR : Nursery ship.

The computer unit lights up.

COMPUTER VOICE : Incoming signal.

It starts to talk in an alien language.

DONNA : Hadn't we better go and stop them ?

DOCTOR : Hang on, instructions from the Adiposian First Family.

Miss Foster is on the street, talking to the Adipose babies with Eva Peron-style gestures.

MISS FOSTER : Children ! Oh my children, behold. I am taking you home.

The Adipose cheer.

MISS FOSTER : Far across the galaxy, your new mummies and daddies are waiting. And you will fly !

Blue levitation beams reach out from the nursery ship.

MISS FOSTER : Up you go, babies. Up you go !

The Adipose babies step into the beams and start elevating.

MISS FOSTER : That's it, fly away home !

DOCTOR : She's wired up the tower block to convert it into a levitation post. (Listens to the computer instructions). Oh. Ooh. We're not the ones in trouble now. She is !

He runs up to the roof, followed by Donna.

MISS FOSTER : Take me ! The children need me !

The Doctor and Donna reach the roof and watch the Adipose babies flying toward the nursery ship.

DONNA : What you gonna do then ? Blow them up ?

DOCTOR : They're just children. They can't help where they come from.

DONNA : Oh, that makes a change from last time. That Martha must've done you good.

DOCTOR : Ah, she did, yeah. Yeah, she did. She fancied me.

DONNA (smiling) : Mad Martha, that one. Blind Martha. Charity Martha.

An Adipose waves at them and they wave back.

DONNA : I'm waving at fat.

DOCTOR : Actually, as a diet plan, it sort of works. There she is !

They run to the edge. Miss Foster is now soaring in the air, the same height as they are.

DOCTOR : Matron Cofelia, listen to me !

MISS FOSTER : Oh, I don't think so, Doctor. And if I never see you again, it will be too soon.

DOCTOR : Oh, why does no one ever listen ? I'm trying to help ! Just get across to the roof. Can you shift the levitation beam ?

MISS FOSTER : What, so that you can arrest me ?

DOCTOR : Just listen. I saw the Adiposian instructions, they know it's a crime, breeding on Earth. So what's the one thing they want to get rid of ? Their accomplice !

MISS FOSTER : I'm far more than that. I'm nanny to all these children.

In the meantime, the baby Adipose have all reached the ship, now it's only Miss Foster who is still in the air.

DOCTOR : Exactly ! Mum and Dad have got the kids now, they don't need the nanny anymore !

Suddenly, the blue light vanishes. Bewildered, Miss Foster looks down, and she falls with a scream. Donna hides her face to the Doctor's shoulder. Then they look up again and see the Adipose waving goodbye through the windows of the leaving ship. Down on the street there's sirens, an ambulance, police tapes. The Doctor, lost in thoughts, throws the sonic pen into a bin.

PENNY : Oi, you two !

They turn to look at Penny. She crept out of the building, still tied to the chair.

PENNY : You're just mad. Do you hear me ? Mad ! And I'm gonna report you... for madness !

She creeps away.

DONNA : You see, some people just can't take it.


DONNA : But some people can. So, then, TARDIS ! Come on !

She grabs his hand and pulls him away. They walk to the alley where the TARDIS and Donna's car are left.

DONNA : That's my car ! That is like destiny ! And I've been ready for this.

She opens the boot : it's full of suitcases.

DONNA : I packed ages ago, just in case. Cos I thought, hot weather, cold weather, no weather...

She starts to load her luggage to the arms of the stunned Doctor.

DONNA : ... he goes anywhere, I've gotta be prepared.

She throws a striped hatbox on top of the rest.

DOCTOR : You've got a... a... hatbox ?!

DONNA : Planet of the Hats, I'm ready !

The Doctor stands in front of the TARDIS surrounded by suitcases, quite serious. Donna is babbling in the door, beaming, oblivious of his mood.

DONNA : Do I need injections though, do I ? Like when you go to Cambodia, is there any of that ? Cos my friend Veena went to Bahrain, and...

She suddenly notices that he doesn't look happy.

DONNA : You're not saying much.

DOCTOR : No, it's just... It's a funny old life, in the TARDIS.

DONNA (quiet, and very sad) : You don't want me.

DOCTOR : I'm not saying that.

DONNA : But you asked me.

The Doctor just stares at her, so sad.

DONNA : Would you rather be on your own ?

DOCTOR : No. Actually, no. But...

He throws the bags to the ground.

DOCTOR : The last time, with Martha, like I said it... it got complicated. And that was all my fault. I just want a mate.

DONNA (shocked disgust) : You just want to mate ???

DOCTOR : I just want a mate !

DONNA : You're not mating with me, sunshine !

DOCTOR : A mate, I want a mate !

DONNA : Well just as well, because I'm not having any of that nonsense. I mean you're just a long streak of... nothing. You know, alien nothing.

DOCTOR : There we are, then. OK.

DONNA : I can come ?

DOCTOR : Yeah. Course you can, yeah.

They smile at each other.

DOCTOR : I'd love it.

DONNA : Ohh, that's just...

She runs to hug him, but then stops, remembering the previous conversation. But she is so happy !

DONNA : Car keys !

DOCTOR : What ?

DONNA : I've still got my mum's car keys ! I won't be a minute !

She runs away. The Doctor looks after her, then starts to carry her luggage to the TARDIS. Donna is back to the crowded street with police cars and co, talking on the phone.

DONNA : I know, Mum, I saw it, little fat people. Listen, I've got to go. I'm going to stay with Veena for a bit.

SYLVIA (voice-over) : ... it was in the sky !

DONNA : Yeah. I know. Spaceship. But, I've still got the car keys. Look. There is a bin on Brook Street, about thirty feet from the corner, I'm going to leave them in there.

She throws the keys into the bin.

SYLVIA (voice-over) : What ? A bin ?

DONNA : Yes, that's it, a bin.

SYLVIA (voice-over) : You can't do that.

DONNA : Oh, stop complaining, the car's just down the road a bit. Got to go, really got to go. Bye.

SYLVIA (voice-over) : But Donna, you can't...

She hangs up. Several people are standing by a fence, she starts talking to one of them, a blond woman.

DONNA : Listen, there is this woman that's going to come along, a tall blond woman called Sylvia, tell her that bin there. Right, it'll all make sense. That bin there.

She heads back to the TARDIS, happiest woman in the world. The blonde she was talking to turns back towards the camera, she is Rose Tyler. Looking worn, depressed. She walks away several steps and then simply vanishes into thin air... Donna enters to the TARDIS.

DONNA : Off we go, then !

DOCTOR : Here it is, the TARDIS. It's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside...

DONNA : Oh, I know that bit. Although frankly, you could turn the heat up.

DOCTOR : So, whole wide universe, where do you want to go ?

DONNA : Oh, I know exactly the place.

DOCTOR : Which is ?

DONNA : Two and a half miles, that way.

Wilf is on the hill again. Suddenly he freezes, as he sees the TARDIS flying above his head.

WILF : There ! Donna ! It's... it's the flying blue box !

He looks into the telescope and sees his granddaughter waving from the open TARDIS door !

WILF : Huh, what ?! That's Donna ! Yeah, that's Donna.

Standing behind Donna, the Doctor is waving too.

WILF : And that's him ! That's him ! Hey ! That's him ! Ha-ha-ha ! Go on girl ! Go on, get up there ! Hey !

He does a merry little dance as he watches the TARDIS zooming away.




Source : twiztv.

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Kiraven  (05.04.2017 à 19:49)

Non je savais pas. Mais c'est génial! Un coup de génie de la part de Catherine. laughing

choup37  (05.04.2017 à 10:03)

Savais-tu qu'elle a été totalement improvisée :D ? A la base, il n'y avait écrit dans le script que 'ils se reconnaissent et se saluent', et Catherine est partie dans un délire total que David a bien sûr suivi :)

Kiraven  (04.04.2017 à 19:48)
Message édité : 04.04.2017 à 19:48

La scène où ils se saluent à travers les fenêtres: INOUBLIABLE! laughing


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