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Doctor Who (2005)
#412 : The Stolen Earth ... La Terre volée (1/2)

Les plus grands héros de la Terre forment désormais l'armée secrète du Docteur. Mais peut-elle vaincre le grand empire dalek ? Alors que la Terre est à feu et à sang, le Docteur et Donna doivent défier la Proclamation des ombres afin de découvrir la vérité.


4.88 - 8 votes

Titre VO
The Stolen Earth

Titre VF
The Stolen Earth ... La Terre volée (1/2)

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Calling the Doctor - Doctor Who - BBC

Calling the Doctor - Doctor Who - BBC





Photos promo

Un dalek

Un dalek

Le Docteur et Donna

Le Docteur et Donna

Rose Tyler

Rose Tyler

Sylvia Noble et son père Wilfried Mott

Sylvia Noble et son père Wilfried Mott

Le Docteur et Donna

Le Docteur et Donna

Le Docteur et Donna

Le Docteur et Donna

Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness et Gwen Cooper

Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness et Gwen Cooper

Capitaine Jack Harkness

Capitaine Jack Harkness

Harriet Jones

Harriet Jones

Sarah Jane Smith

Sarah Jane Smith

Donna Noble

Donna Noble

Rose Tyler et le Docteur

Rose Tyler et le Docteur

Le Docteur et Donna

Le Docteur et Donna

Martha Jones

Martha Jones

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Russell T. Davies

Réalisateur : Graeme Harper



David Tennant ... Docteur
Catherine Tate ... Donna Noble
Billie Piper ... Rose Tyler
Freema Agyeman ... Martha Jones
John Barrowman ... Jack Harkness
Elisabeth Sladen ... Sarah Jane Smith
Tommy Knight ... Luke Smith
Gareth David-Lloyd ... Ianto Jones
Eve Myles ... Gwen Cooper
Penelope Wilton ... Harriet Jones
Bernard Cribbins ... Wilfred Mott
Jacqueline King ... Sylvia Noble
Adjoa Andoh ... Francine Jones
Julian Bleach ... Davros
Lachele Carl ... Trinity Wells
Michael Brandon ... Général Sanchez
Richard Dawkins ...  Lui-même
Paul O'Grady ... Lui-même
Kelly Hunter ... L'Architecte des Ombres
Amy Beth Hayes ...  La servante albinos


Références et continuités

  • Cet épisode et le suivant forment un large cross-over avec les deux séries dérivées de Doctor Who: Torchwood et The Sarah Jane Adventures.
  • Tous les personnages des séries spin-off ne pouvant être montrés, ils sont tout de même mentionnés durant l'épisode. Pour The Sarah Jane Adventures, on cite Maria Jackson en vacances et Clyde Langer avec sa mère. Pour Torchwood, on voit Gwen appeler Rhys Williams, et elle et Ianto citent le nom de Owen Harper et de Toshiko Sato morts peu de temps auparavant en héros.
  • Tous les compagnons et amis du Dixième Docteur sont présents pour la première et dernière fois.
  • Cet épisode marque la réapparition de Davros dans la deuxième série. Sa dernière apparition avait lieu dans l'épisode de 1988 Remembrance of the Daleks.
  • Dans un épisode de la seconde saison de la série classique, les Daleks avaient déjà tenté au 22e siècle de voler la Terre (The Dalek Invasion of Earth).
  • Le Capitaine Jack Harkness félicite Sarah Jane Smith de s'être débarrassée des Slitheens (Revenge of the Slitheen et The Lost Boy).



  • Ce final épique en deux parties fut décidé en 2007 comme point d'orgue pour le départ des producteurs Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner et Phil Collinson.
  • Davies voulait que l'arc narratif de la saison comprenne « un élément qui viendrait de chaque épisode, que ce soit une personne, une phrase, une question, une planète ou un mystère qui se construirait dans l'épisode final » et que l'épisode final « trouve ses racines il y a très longtemps, avec quelques références qui le lient avec la première saison». Plusieurs motifs trouvent ainsi des explications lors de cet épisode : la disparition des abeilles, la cascade de la méduse et la proclamation des ombres.
  • David Tennant n'était pas au courant du retour de Billie Piper: la réaction du Docteur à la fin de l"épisode est donc la sienne!

Résumé épisode 412 "La Terre volée" (première partie)

Suite aux évènements précédents, le Docteur et Donna mènent l'enquête au sujet de l'avertissement de Rose, Bad Wolf ou la fin de l'univers ("Le choix de Donna", 411). Soudain quelque chose d'improbable se produit : la Terre disparaît. Le seigneur du temps comprend que l'heure est grave. Il prend contact avec la Proclamation de l'ombre, une force de police universelle qui travaille avec les Judoons ("Smith and Jones", saison 3).

Tous ensemble, ils établissent une liste des planètes ayant disparu et en trouvent 27. Donna mentionne la disparition des abeilles sur Terre, mais elle est ignorée par tous, mise à part une jeune servante qui lui dit être désolée, sans que l'on sache vraiment pourquoi. Le Docteur lui dit qu'en fait, les abeilles sont juste rentrées chez elles, sur leur planète. En disant cela, le Docteur a une idée et réussit à trouver un lien grâce à un signal sonore, pour retrouver ainsi la trace des planètes disparues, cachées dans la Cascade de Méduse.

Sur Terre, une armée de Daleks, conduite par le Dalek suprême et par Davros, leur créateur, a pris le contrôle total. De nombreuses bases militaires, dont l'UNIT et le vaisseau Valiant sont détruits et Torchwood est encerclé.

Davros, qui aurait du mourir pendant la guerre du temps, a été sauvé in extrémis par Dalek Caan ("Adieu Rose", saison 2, "L'expérience finale", "DGM : Dalek Génétiquement Modifié", saison 3). En venant au secours de son créateur, le Dalek vit l'entièreté du temps, ce qui lui donna le don de prédire l'avenir, mais lui fit perdre la raison. C'est lui qui est l'instigateur de tout ceci, mais il a un plan secret qu'il ne révèlera qu'à la fin.

Les anciens compagnons du Docteur se cachent dans divers endroits. Jack Harkness (saison 1 et 3) reste à Torchwood, auprès de ses employés et amis, Ianto Jones et Gwen Cooper, non sans les avoir alarmés sur le danger que représentent les Daleks; Sarah Jane Smith ("L'école des retrouvailles", saison 2) reste chez elle en compagnie de son fils adoptif, Luke, tandis que Martha Jones, sur l'ordre de son supérieur à l'UNIT, utilise un mystérieux "Projet Indigo" pour se télétransporter.

Jack, qui était en contact téléphonique avec la jeune femme à ce moment-là, et qui connaît ce fameux projet, encore à l'état expérimental, dit à ses amis que Martha est morte, désintégrée. En fait, sans savoir comment, juste par la force de la pensée, Martha se retrouve chez sa mère, en pleine forme, avec en poche, la mystérieuse clé d'Osterhagen. Elle a une mission à accomplir et repart immédiatement.

De son côté, Rose, arrivée de nulle part, sauve Wilfred Mott et Sylvia Noble des Daleks, bien que le vieil homme ait essayé de leur tenir tête. En retrouvant la famille de Donna, la jeune femme espérait avoir des nouvelles du Docteur, mais malheureusement, Donna n'a plus repris contact avec son grand-père depuis son séjour sur la planète Midnight ("Midnight", saison 4).

À l'exception de Rose et des Noble, qui ne possèdent pas de webcam, les compagnons du Docteur sont contactés par Harriet Jones ("L'humanité en péril", "La troisième guerre mondiale", saison 1, "L'invasion de Noël", saison 2), à l'insu des Daleks, grâce à un network « sub-wave », un réseau basse fréquence, créé par monsieur Copper ("Voyage of the Damned", saison 4). Ensemble, ils tentent de contacter le Docteur, mais au début, cela ne fonctionne pas. Ils y parviennent enfin, après avoir amplifié le signal de leurs GSM, grâce à monsieur Smith, l'ordinateur de Sarah Jane et à la faille spatio-temporelle de Cardiff. Le Docteur, tout heureux de retrouver ses amis reçoit la transmission, et Rose, malheureuse, ne peut que les observer. Mais les Daleks parviennent à découvrir cette communication cachée et débarquent chez Harriet, l'exterminant.

Le Seigneur du temps retrouve la Terre dans un univers « de poche » et alors qu'il se réjouit à l‘idée de revoir tous ses compagnons (à l'exception de Rose), Davros prend contact avec lui.

Le Docteur atterrit sur Terre. Alors que Jack et Sarah Jane partent à sa rencontre, Torchwood est attaqué par un Dalek, mais grâce à un système de bouclier créé par l'ancienne membre, Toshiko Sato, Ianto et Gwen, prêts au combat, sont protégés à l'intérieur de la base.

Dans la rue, le Docteur interroge une nouvelle fois Donna sur les propos énigmatiques de Rose. Mais la rousse lui dit de demander des explications directement à l'intéressée. Rose se tient en effet de l'autre côté de la rue, tout sourire.

Les deux voyageurs du temps, enfin réunis, courent l'un vers l'autre, mais subitement un Dalek apparaît et tire sur le Docteur, qui s'effondre, blessé à mort. Jack apparaît et détruit le Dalek, ordonnant à Rose et à Donna de transporter le Seigneur du temps à bord du Tardis.

Rose est en sanglots, Donna est effondrée. Seul Jack garde son sang froid et demande aux deux jeunes femmes de reculer, le Docteur étant sur le point de se régénérer.


A suivre...

Écrit par hypmatt pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries.

Script VO épisode 412 "The stolen Earth" (part. 1)

The TARDIS lands in an ordinary suburb street. The Doctor bursts out, followed by Donna, looking around frantically to find out what's wrong.

DOCTOR : It's fine... Everything's fine. Nothing's wrong, all fine !

A milk float stops in the street.

DOCTOR : 'Scuse me ! What day is it ?

MILKMAN : Saturday.

DOCTOR : Saturday. Good. Good, I like Saturdays.

DONNA : So, I just met Rose Tyler ?

DOCTOR : Yeah.

DONNA : But she's locked away in a parallel world.

DOCTOR : Exactly. If she can cross from her parallel world to your parallel world, than that means the walls of the universe are breaking down. Which puts everything in danger, everything ! But how ?!

He dashes back to the TARDIS, Donna after him. Outside, the milk bottles begin to rattle. The milkman looks confused as the earth starts to shake.

Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor is fiddling with controls. By his foot, the hand in the jar is bubbling. Donna walks up to the Doctor.

DONNA : Thing is, Doctor. No matter what's happening, and I'm - I'm sure it's bad, I get that. But... Rose is coming back. Isn't that good ?

Full of worrying thoughts, the Doctor just stares at her for a moment - then realising that he might see Rose again, he cheers up.

DOCTOR : Yeah.

There's a loud noise and the TARDIS shakes violently.

DONNA : What the hell was that ?!

DOCTOR : That came from outside.

He runs to the door and looks out - they are in space, with nothing but several asteroids around. Donna joins him and they both stare the empty space outside, confused.

DONNA : But we're in space. How did that happen ?

The Doctor runs back to the console.

DONNA : What did you do ?

DOCTOR (looking at the monitor) : We haven't moved, we're fixed... Can't have ! No !

In disbelief, he runs back to the door.

DOCTOR : The TARDIS is still in the same place. But the Earth has gone. The entire planet. It's gone.

They gaze out in total shock.




A broken cable sparkles and smokes as the ground shakes one last time. Martha is lying on the floor.

MALE VOICE  : ... right now. Confirm all stations still online, can anyone hear me ? We got contact with UNIT base...

Martha lifts up her head.

MARTHA : What was that ?

FEMALE VOICE : ... emergency systems are online...

Other soldiers in the UNIT base are also struggling to their feet. The place is turned upside down, scattered papers and broken glass everywhere.

MARTHA : Was it some sort of earthquake, or... Jalandra, you all right ? 

JALANDRA : Yeah, I'm OK.

MARTHA : Is anyone hurt ? We've lost power, will someone get the lights back on. DaCosta, see to it right now ! Suzanne, are you OK ?

Suzanne is looking out of the window and she is totally shocked by the view.

SUZANNE : Martha. Look at the sky.

Why, what is it ?

SUZANNE : Just look at the sky !



The Torchwood Hub interior is also a mess, Jack struggles to his feet as the ground shakes one last time.

JACK : Whoa ! What happened ? Was it the Rift ? Gwen, Ianto, you OK ?

IANTO : No broken bones. Slight loss of dignity. No change there then.

GWEN : The whole city must've felt that... the whole of South Wales !

JACK : I'm gonna take a look outside.

He runs out while Ianto and Gwen go to a computer terminal. Ianto pushes some keys.

IANTO : Little bit bigger than South Wales...



Sarah Jane's home is all tupsy-turvey too. She gets up and runs to check her son.

SARAH JANE : Luke, are you all right ?

Luke gets to his feet.

LUKE : Felt like some sort of cross-dimensional spatial transference.

Sarah Jane looks at the window and notices that it's dark outside.

SARAH JANE : But it's night ! It wasn't night, it was eight o'clock in the morning... Mr Smith ! I need you !

Her supercomputer comes alive with a loud fanfare.

SARAH JANE : Can you just stop giving that fanfare, you just tell me what happened !

MR SMITH : Sarah Jane, I think you should look outside. I think you'll find the visual evidence most conclusive.



Armed with a baseball bat, Wilf walks to the street, Sylvia in tow.

WILF (looking around) : It's gone dark ! It's them aliens, I'll bet my pension ! What d'you want this time, you green swine ?!

SYLVIA (looking to the sky) : Dad...

WILF : Look, you get back inside, Sylvia. They always want the women !

SYLVIA : No, Dad, just look. Oh, my God. Look at the sky !

Wilf takes her hand as they look at the sky in horror.

Luke and Sarah Jane are shocked by the sky too.

SARAH JANE : That's impossible...

The same shock is on Jack's face.

JACK : That's just impossible...

Martha and the rest of the UNIT are looking out of the window with the same shocked expression.

MARTHA : It can't be...

The milkman is watching the sky in total shock, too. Then he hears a strange noise and turns around to see Rose appearing in the middle of the street, like from a teleport, toting an enormous gun.

ROSE (looking up to the sky without a bit of surprise) : Right, now we're in trouble... (she cocks the gun). It's only just beginning.

The camera finally shifts to the sky : it is dark and filled with planets, impossibly near to the Earth.




DONNA : But if the Earth's been moved, they've lost the sun ! What about my Mum ? And Grandad ? They're dead, aren't they ? Are they dead ?

DOCTOR (looking at a monitor) : I don't know, Donna, I just don't know, I'm sorry, I don't know...

DONNA : That's my family. My whole world.

DOCTOR : There's no readings. Nothing. Not a trace. Not even a whisper. Oh, that is fearsome technology !

DONNA : So what do we do ?

DOCTOR : We've got to get help.

DONNA : From where ?

DOCTOR : Donna... I'm taking you to the Shadow Proclamation. Hold tight !


AMNN NEWSREADER : The United Nations has issued an edict, asking the citizens of the world not to panic. So far, there has been no explanation of the 26 planets which have appeared in the sky...

The TV is switched to another channel.

RICHARD DAWKINS : ... but it's an empirical fact ! The planets didn't come to us, we came to them ! Just look at the stars. We're in a completely different region of space, we've travelled.

Switch to yet another channel.

PAUL O'GRADY : D'you know what, I look up, and there's all these moons and things ! Have you seen them ? Did you see them ? (cheer from the audience). I thought, what was I drinking last night ? Furniture polish ?

Cuts to the Hub. Ianto bursts out laughing. Jack, working on his own computer, looks over at him disapprovingly.

JACK : Ianto. Time and a place.

IANTO (still laughing) : He is funny, though.

JACK : Gwen, come and see !

GWEN (talking on the phone while walking to Jack) : Rhys, I have no idea, just stay indoors. And can you phone my mother, tell her, um, oh I dunno, just tell her to take her pills and go to sleep. I'm gonna come home as soon as I can, I promise. I love you, you big idiot.

She hangs up.

JACK : Someone's established an artificial atmospheric shell. Keeping the air and holding in the heat.

IANTO : Whoever's done this, wants the human race alive. That's a plus. (pause) 27 planets, including the Earth.

On the monitor, they can see the all planets, then a big, blinking, red dot appears in the middle.

GWEN : No, but what's that ? That's not a planet...

A similar picture is displayed on Sarah Jane's computer.

MR SMITH : The reading seems to be artificial in construction.

SARAH JANE : Some sort of space station. Sitting at the heart of the web.

Luke appears with his mobile in hand.

LUKE : They're fine. Maria and her dad, they're still in Cornwall. I told them to stay indoors. And Clyde's all right, he's with his mum.

MR SMITH : Sarah Jane, I have detected movement. Observe.

Now, there are many small red dots on the screen.

LUKE (thrilled) : Spaceships !



GENERAL SANCHEZ : Tracking 200 objects. Earthbound trajectory ! Geneva is calling a Code Red. Everyone to battle positions !

He looks at Martha who is trying to make a call on her mobile.

GENERAL SANCHEZ (sarcastic) : Dr Jones, if you're not too busy.

MARTHA : I'm trying to phone the Doctor, sir.


MARTHA : There's no signal ! This number calls anywhere in the universe, it never breaks down. They must be blocking it. Whoever 'they' are.

They both look at the screen, displaying the same picture as the ones seen in the Hub and at Sarah Jane's.

GENERAL SANCHEZ : We're about to find out. They're coming into orbit.

Streets are chaotic, alarms wailing, people running around, screaming in fear or with drunken delight. Rose walks through the anarchy, looking sad but determined.

DRUNKEN MAN : The end of the world, darlin' ! End of the stinkin' world !

ROSE : Have one on me, mate.

She walks into an electronics store that two young men are just about to loot.

ROSE : Right, you two ! You can put that stuff down, or run for your lives. (she cocks her huge gun). D'you like my gun ?

The men run away terrified. Rose sits down to a screen that shows the same picture we've seen : the 27 planets, and the spaceships moving towards the Earth.

Sylvia is watching the news on telly.

NEWSREADER : We're now getting confirmed reports of spaceships. The Pentagon has issued an emergency report...

SYLVIA : Dad ? Come and see !

NEWSREADER : ... and now heading towards Earth in a regular pattern...

SYLVIA : They're saying spaceships !

Wilf has been trying to phone Donna.

SYLVIA : Did you find her ?

WILF : No, no, there's no reply. Where are you, Donna ? Where are you, sweetheart ?

GWEN : 3,000 miles and closing... But who are they ?!

Jack's mobile rings.

JACK : Martha Jones! Voice of a nightingale ! Tell me you put something in my drink.

MARTHA : No such luck, have you heard from the Doctor ?

JACK : Not a word. Where are you ?

MARTHA : New York.

JACK : Oh, nice for some.

MARTHA : I've been promoted. Medical Director on Project Indigo.

JACK : Did you get that thing working ?

MARTHA (brow furrowed) : Indigo's top secret, no-one's supposed to know about it.

JACK : I met a soldier in a bar, long story.

IANTO (jealously) : When was that ?

JACK (to Ianto) : Strictly professional !

GWEN (looking at the monitor) : 1,500 miles, boys, and accelerating. They're almost here.

MR SMITH : I'm receiving a communication from the earthbound ships. They have a message for the human race.

SARAH JANE : Put it through, let's hear it.

THE MESSAGE : Exterminate ! Exterminate ! Exterminate !

The same message is played in the Hub.

DALEK MESSAGE : Exterminate !

The message reaches the UNIT base too, Martha hears it and her eyes widen in fear.

DALEK MESSAGE : Exterminate ! Exterminate !



DALEK MESSAGE : Exterminate !

JACK : No...

DALEK MESSAGE : Exterminate ! Exterminate !

JACK : Oh, no.

GWEN : What is it ? Who are they ? D'you know them Jack ?

Jack puts his arms around Ianto and Gwen and kisses them both on the forehead.

Sarah Jane listens the message, her eyes full of tears.

DALEK MESSAGE : Exterminate, exterminate, exterminate, exterminate...


JACK (holding Gwen and Ianto tight) : There's nothing I can do. I'm sorry. We're dead.

DALEK MESSAGE : Exterminate...

SARAH JANE (she hugs Luke, sobbing) : Oh god, you're so young.

In the store, Rose is listening to the message too, not surprised, but fearful.

DALEK MESSAGE : Exterminate, exterminate...

She goes out of the shop and looks up to the sky. A Dalek spaceship is flying over the city, shooting at the streets. She walks away with an air of determination. A missile explodes behind her but she doesn't even look back.

On the Dalek mother ship, Daleks are gathering around a piece of machinery.

DALEK #1 : Dalek fleet in battle formation !

DALEK #2 : All systems locked and primed !

DALEK #3 : Crucible at 90% efficiency !

DALEK #4 : The human harvest will commence !

GENERAL SANCHEZ : Battle stations ! Geneva declaring Ultimate Code Red ! Ladies and gentlemen, we are at war !

The UNIT base shakes from an explosion. Martha runs to the window. Outside, she sees the Dalek fleet descending and firing missiles at New York.

DALEK : Supreme Dalek on the Bridge !

A door opens and a red Dalek appears.

SUPREME DALEK : Soon, the Crucible will be complete ! We have waited long for this ultimate destiny. Now the Daleks are the masters of Earth !

The spaceship is teeming with Daleks.

DALEKS : Daleks are the masters of Earth ! Daleks are the masters of Earth !

The TARDIS is shaking violently as it is heading towards the Shadow Proclamation.

DONNA : So go on then, what is the Shadow Proclamation anyway ?

DOCTOR : Posh name for police. Outer space police. Here we go !

The TARDIS materialises inside a building. As the Doctor and Donna step out, they are greeted by several Judoon pointing guns at them.

JUDOON : Sco bo tro no flo jo ko fo. To to !

DOCTOR : No bo ho sho ko ro to so. Bo-ko-do-zo-go-bo-fo-po-jo ! (the Judoon lower their guns). Mo ho.

SHADOW ARCHITECT : Time Lords are the stuff of legend. They belong in the myths and whispers of the Higher Species. You cannot possibly exist.

DOCTOR : Yeah, more to the point, I've got a missing planet !

SHADOW ARCHITECT : Then you're not as wise as the stories would say. The picture is far bigger than you imagine. The whole universe is in outrage, Doctor. 24 worlds have been taken from the sky.

DOCTOR : How many ?! Which ones ?! Show me !

He runs to a computer.

SHADOW ARCHITECT : Locations range far and wide. But all disappeared at the exact same moment. Leaving no trace.

DOCTOR (browsing through the files on the lost planets) : Callufrax Minor. Jahoo. Shallacatop. Woman Wept... Clom ! Clom's gone ! Who'd want Clom ?!

SHADOW ARCHITECT : All different sizes, some populated, some not. But all unconnected.

DONNA : What about Pyrovillia ?

SHADOW ARCHITECT (condescending) : Who is the female ?

DONNA : Donna ! I'm a human being. Maybe not the stuff of legend but every bit as important as Time Lords, thank you.

The Doctor watches her with a proud smile.

DONNA : Way back when we were in Pompeii, Lucius said Pyrovillia had gone missing.

JUDOON : Pyrovillia is cold case. Not relevant !

DONNA : How d'you mean, cold case ?

SHADOW ARCHITECT : The planet Pyrovillia cannot be part of this, it disappeared over 2,000 years ago.

DONNA : Yes, yes, hang on... But there's the Adipose breeding planet too, Miss Foster said that was lost, but that must've been a long time ago.

DOCTOR : That's it ! Donna, brilliant ! Planets are being taken out of time as well as space... Let's put this into 3-D... (he fiddles with the computer and holograms of the lost planets appear in the air). Now, if we add Pyrovillia... And Adipose 3... Something missing. Where else, where else, where else, where else... lost, lost, lost, lost... Oh ! The Lost Moon of Poosh !

As he adds the last one, the holograms suddenly move and rearrange themselves.

SHADOW ARCHITECT : What did you do ?

DOCTOR : Nothing. The planets rearranged themselves into the optimum pattern. Oh, look at that ! 27 planets in perfect balance. Come on, that is gorgeous !

DONNA : Oi, don't get all spaceman, what does it mean ?

DOCTOR : All those worlds fit together like pieces of an engine. It's like a powerhouse ! What for ?

SHADOW ARCHITECT : Who could design such a thing ?

DOCTOR (to himself) : Someone tried to move the Earth once before. Long time ago... can't be...

Daleks are attacking the Valiant.

DALEKS : Maximum extermination !

CAPTAIN OF VALIANT : The shields are down ! There's so many of them, abandon ship !



In the Hub, the Torchwood team is following the events.

JACK : The Valiant's down...

IANTO : Air force retreating over North Africa ! Daleks landing in Japan.

GWEN : We've lost contact with the Prime Minister's plane... Jack ! Manhattan !

JACK (over the phone) : Martha, get out of there !

Martha is bandaging a wounded soldier.

MARTHA : I can't Jack, I've got a job to do.

JACK : They're targeting military bases and you're next on the list !

GENERAL SANCHEZ : Doctor Jones, you will come with me. Project Indigo is being activated. Quick march !

They walk through an empty corridor, followed by a UNIT private.

MARTHA : But we can't use Project Indigo, it hasn't been tested, sir, we don't even know if it works !

Daleks break into the UNIT base.

DALEK #1 : UNIT forces will be exterminated.

DALEK #2 : Annihilate UNIT !

The UNIT soldiers fire at the Daleks but their guns are no use against them.

DALEK #1 : Exterminate !

The private opens a vault. Inside, there's a strange device, like a computer built into a backpack.

GENERAL SANCHEZ (to Martha) : Put it on. Fast as you can !

JACK (over the phone) : Martha, I'm telling you, don't use Project Indigo, it's not safe !

GENERAL SANCHEZ : You take your orders from UNIT, Doctor Jones, not from Torchwood.

MARTHA : But why me ?

GENERAL SANCHEZ : You're our only hope of finding the Doctor. But failing that, if no help is coming, then with the power invested in me by the Unified Intelligence Taskforce, I authorise you to take this - the Osterhagen Key.

He gives her something that looks like a microchip in a plastic case.

MARTHA (fearfully) : I can't take that, sir.

GENERAL SANCHEZ : You know what to do. For the sake of the human race.

Reluctantly, she takes the Key. An explosion shakes the building.

DALEK #1 : Daleks one five reaching north corridor.

DALEK #2 : Exterminate !

GENERAL SANCHEZ (salutes) : Doctor Jones... good luck.

DALEKS : Exterminate, exterminate, exterminate...

He and the private face the Daleks to buy time for Martha.

MARTHA : Bye, Jack.

JACK : Martha, don't do it !

She pulls the cords on the backpack and disappears.

JACK : Don't !!!

Jack kicks his desk in frustration and despair.

IANTO : What's Project Indigo ?

JACK : Experimental teleport. Salvaged from the Sontarans. But they haven't got coordinates, or stabilisation.

GWEN : So where is she ?

JACK : Scattered into atoms. Martha's down.

SUPREME DALEK : Commence the landings. Bring the humans here ! Prepare the Crucible !

DAVROS (via intercom) : Supreme Dalek, is there news ?

SUPREME DALEK : Earth has been subjugated !

DAVROS : I mean, is there news of him ?

SUPREME DALEK : Negative ! No reports of Time Lord. We are beyond the Doctor's reach !

DAVROS : Fascinating. If I had not elevated you beyond crude emotions, I could almost mistake that tone for one of victory. Beware your pride.

SUPREME DALEK : The Doctor cannot stop us !

DAVROS : And yet, Dalek Caan is uneasy.

He flicks a switch and reflectors light Dalek Caan - the top of his armour has been blown off, and the Dalek creature sits there in the open.

SUPREME DALEK : The Abomination is insane.

DAVROS : Show respect. Without Dalek Caan, none of this would be possible. And he speaks only the truth.

DALEK CAAN (sing-song voice) : He is coming. The threefold man, he dances in the lonely places. Oh, creator of us all. The Doctor is coming...

Caan bursts into an insane laugh.

At the Shadow Proclamation, the Doctor and the Shadow Architect are beside the computer but obviously they came to a dead end. Donna sits on a staircase, gazing into space while she listens to a strange heartbeat echoing in her head.

ALBINO SERVANT (offering Donna a cup) : You need sustenance. Take the water, it purifies.

DONNA : Thanks.

ALBINO SERVANT : There was something on your back.

DONNA : How d'you know that ?

ALBINO SERVANT : You are something new.

DONNA : Not me. I'm just a temp. Shorthand, filing, 100 words per minute, fat lot of good that is now. I'm no use to anyone.

ALBINO SERVANT : I'm so sorry for your loss.

DONNA : Yeah. My whole planet's gone.

ALBINO SERVANT (whispering) : I mean the loss that is yet to come. God save you.

The servant hurries away, leaving Donna confused and scared. The Doctor walks to her.

DOCTOR : Donna ! Come on, think - Earth ! There must've been some sort of warning. Was there anything happening back in your day, like, electrical storms, freak weather, patterns in the sky ?

DONNA : Well, how should I know ? Um... no, I don't think so, no.

DOCTOR : Oh, OK, never mind.

DONNA : Although... there were the bees disappearing.

DOCTOR : The bees disappearing... The bees disappearing. (realising something). The bees, disappearing !

He runs back to the computer.

SHADOW ARCHITECT : How is that significant ?

Donna follows the Doctor to the computer.

DONNA : On Earth we have these insects. Some people said it was pollution, or mobile phone signals.

DOCTOR : Or - they were going back home !

DONNA : Back home where ?

DOCTOR : Planet Melissa Majoria !

DONNA : Are you saying bees are aliens ?!

DOCTOR : Don't be so daft. Not all of them. But if the migrant bees felt something coming, some sort of danger, and escaped... Tandocca !

SHADOW ARCHITECT : The Tandocca Scale !

DOCTOR : Tandocca Scale is the series of wavelengths used as a carrier signals by migrant bees. Infinitely small, no wonder we didn't see it ! Like looking for a speck of cinnamon in the Sahara, but look ! There it is. The Tandocca trail. The transmat that moved the planets was using the same wavelength, we can follow the path !

DONNA (running towards the TARDIS) : And find the Earth ?! Well, stop talking and do it !

DOCTOR (running too) : I am ! (He bursts into the TARDIS and fiddles with controls). We're a bit late, the signal's scattered. But it's a start !

He runs back to the door to talk to the Shadow Architect waiting outside.

DOCTOR : I've got a blip ! It's just a blip ! But it's definitely a blip !

SHADOW ARCHITECT : Then according to the Strictures of the Shadow Proclamation, I will have to seize your transport and your technology.

DOCTOR (taken aback) : Oh, really, what for ?

SHADOW ARCHITECT : The planets were stolen with hostile intent. We are declaring war, Doctor. Right across the universe. And you will lead us into battle !

DOCTOR : Right, yes, course I will. I'll just go and... get you the key...

He closes the door and runs back to the console, grinning at Donna. He pulls a lever and the TARDIS starts to dematerialise.

SHADOW ARCHITECT : Doctor ! Come back ! By the Holy Writ of the Shadow Proclamation, I order you to stop !

DALEK : All humans will leave their homes.

The humans come out from their houses with their hands behind their head in surrender.

DALEK : The males, the females, the descendants. You will come with us. Resistance is useless.

MAN : Where are you taking us ?

DALEK : Daleks do not answer human questions. Stand in line.

The Dalek moves to reveal Wilf and Sylvia peering with terror from around the side of a house.

SYLVIA : Dad, please, come home, they're leaving our street alone.

WILF : Yeah, I've got a weapon.

SYLVIA : It's a paint-gun.

WILF : Exactly. Them Dalek things, they've only got one eye. A good splodge of paint, they'd be blinded !

MAN (to the Dalek) : We're not going. D'you hear me ? (turning to his wife). Laura, get back inside the house. Simon, get inside. Go !

His wife and little boy hurry back into their house. The man picks up a brick and lobs it at the Dalek.

MAN : Get back in the sky !

The brick bounces off the Dalek, causing no damage.

MAN : Get back where you came from and leave us alone !

He runs into the house.

DALEK : Dalek attack formation seven.

Three Daleks line up on the walkway outside the man's house.

DALEK : Maximum extermination !

The three Daleks each shoot a different window of the house, and the whole building goes up in flames.

WILF : They're monsters.

SYLVIA : Please, Dad, come home.

With a small yelp, Wilf allows her to pull him away. They hurry around the back of the houses, but they are stopped by a lone Dalek.

DALEK : Halt ! You will come with me.

WILF : Will I 'eck !

He aims the paint-gun at the Dalek and fires, a splodge of yellow paint lands on the eyepiece. For a moment, it looks like it has worked - but then the paint boils away.

DALEK : My vision is NOT impaired.

SYLVIA : I warned you, Dad !

DALEK : Hostility will not be tolerated ! Exterminate ! Exterminate ! Exter...

Suddenly, the whole top half of the Dalek is blown off. Rose stands behind it with her massive gun.

WILF : D'you wanna swap ?

ROSE : You're Donna Noble's family, right ? (Wilf nods). I'm Rose Tyler, and I need you.



Wilf is talking with Rose while Sylvia is making tea in the background.

WILF : Yeah, I've tried calling her, but I can't get through ! But she's still with the Doctor, I know that much and the last time she phoned, it-it was from a planet called Midnight, made of diamonds !

SYLVIA : What the hell are you two on about ?

WILF : Look, she's out there, sweetheart. Your daughter. She's travelling the stars, with that Doctor, she always has been !

SYLVIA : Don't be ridiculous.

WILF : Oh come on, open your eyes ! Look at the sky ! Look at - look at the Daleks ! You can't start denying things now !

ROSE : You're my last hope. If we can't find Donna, can't find the Doctor... (pause). Where is he ?!

The rota rises and falls as the TARDIS is in flight. Then it stops suddenly.

DOCTOR : It's stopped.

DONNA : What d'you mean ? Is that good or bad ? Where are we ?

DOCTOR (staring at the screen) : The Medusa Cascade. I came here when I was just a kid. 90 years old. It was the centre of a rift in time and space...

DONNA : So, where are the 27 planets ?

DOCTOR : Nowhere. The Tandocca Trail stops dead. (pause). End of the line.

DONNA : So what do we do ? Doctor ? What do we do ?

But the Doctor just stares into space, defeated.

DONNA : Now don't do this to me. No, don't, don't do this to me. Not now. Tell me, what are we going do ? (pause). You never give up. Please.

But she gets no response.



The Torchwood team listens to a transmission in the Hub, all deep in despair.

COMMANDER GENERAL : This is the Commander General of the United Nations calling the Dalek Fleet. We surrender, repeat, we surrender. Planet Earth surrenders.

DALEK : Humans selected for testing will follow Dalek instructions...

Cuts to Sarah Jane and Luke, hugging each other for comfort.

DALEK : The Daleks reign supreme. All hail the Daleks.

Cuts to the Nobles : Wilf is holding his sobbing daughter in his arms. Rose sits in the background, looking like she lost all hope too.

DALEK : You will obey Dalek instructions without question. You will obey your Dalek ma...

The Dalek transmission is cut off by a beep and then a female voice from the computer.

A WOMAN VOICE : Can anyone hear me ? The Subwave Network is open. You should be able to hear my voice... Is there anyone there ?

ROSE (walking to the computer) : I know that voice.

Cuts to Sarah Jane and Luke who also hear the woman.

LUKE : Who's that ?

SARAH JANE : Some poor soul calling for help.

THE WOMAN : ...can anyone hear me ?

SARAH JANE : There's nothing we can do.

LUKE : But look at Mr Smith.

MR SMITH : Processing incoming sound wave.

The screen is all white noise but slowly the outlines of a figure start to appear.

Cuts to the Hub.

THE WOMAN : This message is of the utmost importance. We haven't much time... Can anyone hear me ?

Gwen walks to a terminal.

GWEN : Someone's trying to get in touch.

JACK : The whole world's crying out. Just leave it.

THE WOMAN : Captain Jack Harkness, shame on you ! Now stand to attention, sir !

JACK : What ?! (He runs to the terminal). Who is that?

Finally, the image clears and shows Harriet Jones in her home, flashing her ID card.

HARRIET : Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister.

JACK : Yeah, I know who you are.

Cuts to the Noble household.

ROSE : Harriet ! It's me, it's me. Oh, she can't hear me... Have you got a webcam ?

WILF (gesturing to Sylvia) : No, she wouldn't let me, she said they're naughty.

ROSE : I can't speak to her then, can I ?

Cuts to Harriet.

HARRIET : Sarah Jane Smith, 13 Bannerman Road...

Cuts to Sarah Jane.

HARRIET : ... are you there ?

SARAH JANE : Yeah. Yeah I'm here ! Yeah, that's me !

HARRIET : Good...

Cuts to Harriet.

HARRIET : Now, let's see if we can talk to each other.

She pushes some keys and the screen gets divided to four parts, Harriet, the Hub and Sarah Jane appearing on one part each, while there's just white noise on the fourth place.

HARRIET : The fourth contact seems to be having some trouble getting through.

ROSE (unheard by the others) : That's me ! Harriet ! That's me !

HARRIET : I'll just boost the signal...

Martha appears on the screen.

MARTHA : Hello ?

JACK (laughing with relief) : Martha Jones !

ROSE (unheard by the others) : Who's she ? I want to get through !

JACK : Martha, where are you ?!

MARTHA : I guess Project Indigo was more clever than we thought. One second I was in Manhattan...

Flashback to Martha teleporting off the UNIT base.

MARTHA (VO) : Next second...

Another flashback : Martha lying on the floor of her mother's house.

MARTHA (VO) : Maybe Indigo tapped into my mind. Cos I ended up in the one place that I wanted to be.

MARTHA : Mum !

Francine runs to hug her. The flashback ends. Cuts to Martha and Francine sitting in front of her laptop.

FRANCINE : You came home... At the end of the world, you came back to me.

MARTHA : But then all of a sudden, it's like the laptop turned itself on.

HARRIET : It did. That was me. (she flashes her ID again). Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister.

MARTHA : Yes, I know who you are.

HARRIET : I thought it was about time we all met. Given the current crisis. Torchwood, this is Sarah Jane Smith.

JACK : I've been following your work. Nice job with the Slitheen.

SARAH JANE : Yeah, well I've been staying away from you lot. Too many guns !

JACK : All the same, might I say, looking good, ma'am.

SARAH JANE (flattered) : Really ? Oh.

HARRIET : Not now, Captain. And Martha Jones, former companion to the Doctor.

ROSE (unheard by the others) : Oi ! So was I !

MARTHA : But how did you find me ?

HARRIET : This, ladies and gentlemen, this is the Subwave Network. A sentient piece of software, programmed to seek out anyone and everyone who can help to contact the Doctor.

MARTHA : What if the Daleks can hear us ?

HARRIET : No, that's the beauty of the Subwave, it's undetectable.

SARAH JANE (impressed) : A-and you invented it ?

HARRIET : I developed it. It was created by the Mr Copper Foundation.

JACK : Yeah, but what we need right now is a weapon. Martha, back there at UNIT, what - what did they give you, what was that key thing ?

MARTHA : The Osterhagen Key.

HARRIET : That key is not to be used, Doctor Jones. Not under any circumstances !

JACK : But what is an Osterhagen Key ?

HARRIET : Forget about the key and that's an order ! All we need is the Doctor.

SARAH JANE : Oh excuse me, Harriet, but, well the thing is, if you're looking for the Doctor... didn't he depose you ?

HARRIET : He did. And I've wondered about that for a long time. Whether I was wrong, but I stand by my actions, to this day. Because I knew, I knew that one day, the Earth would be in danger, and the Doctor would fail to appear. I told him so myself. And he didn't listen.

MARTHA : But I've been trying to find him. The Doctor's got my phone on the TARDIS, but I can't get through.

ROSE (annoyed) : Nor me, and I was here first !

HARRIET : That's why we need the Subwave. To bring us all together, combine forces. The Doctor's secret army.

JACK : Wait a minute... we boost the signal ! That's it ! We transmit that telephone number through Torchwood itself, using all the power of the Rift...

LUKE : And we've got Mr Smith ! He can link up with every telephone exchange on the Earth. He can get the whole world to call the same number, all at the same time ! Billions of phones, calling out, all at once !

JACK : Haha, brilliant ! Who's the kid ?

SARAH JANE : That's my son !

IANTO (stepping in front of the screen) : Excuse me, sorry, sorry, hello, Ianto Jones. Um, if we start transmitting, then this Subwave Network is going to become visible. I mean, to the Daleks.

HARRIET : Yes, and they'll trace it back to me. But my life doesn't matter. Not if it saves the Earth.

JACK (salutes) : Ma'am.

HARRIET : Thank you, Captain. But there are people out there dying, on the streets.

WILF : Marvellous woman. I voted for her.

SYLVIA : You did not.

HARRIET : Now enough of words. Let's begin !

Everyone starts to work frantically.

JACK : Rift power activated !

GWEN : All terminals coordinated !

IANTO : National grid online... giving you everything we've got !

SARAH JANE : Connecting you to Mr Smith !

LUKE : All telephone networks combined !

MARTHA : Sending you the number... now !

HARRIET : Opening Subwave Network to maximum.

SARAH JANE : Mr Smith... make that call !

MR SMITH : Calling the Doctor.

ROSE : So am I !

JACK : Aaand sending !

The signal is beamed out to the space.

Inside the TARDIS, Martha's mobile rings, snapping the Doctor out of lethargy.

DOCTOR : Phone !

DONNA : Doctor, phone !

DOCTOR (answering it) : Martha, is that you ?! It's a signal !

DONNA : Can we follow it ?

DOCTOR : Oh, just watch me !

DALEK : Emergency ! Unknown network detected ! Subwave frequency !

SUPREME DALEK : Find the point of origin. Find and exterminate !

DAVROS (via intercom) : I warned you, Supreme One... Just as Dalek Caan foretold. The Children of Time are moving against us. But everything is falling into place.

Sparkles fly in the Hub.

JACK : I think we've got a fix !

SARAH JANE : Mr Smith, now at 200 per cent !

Sparkles from Mr Smith too.

SARAH JANE : Oh, come on, Doctor !

Rose, Wilf and Sylvia are phoning too.

ROSE (holding her mobile high) : Find me, Doctor. Find me.

DOCTOR : Got it ! Locking on !

He pulls a lever and the TARDIS shakes violently.

GWEN : Harriet ! A saucer's locked on to your location, they've found you...

HARRIET : I know. I'm using the Network to mask your transmission. Keep going !

DALEK (just outside the house) : Exterminate !

The TARDIS is lit by red lights again and there are flames everywhere.

DOCTOR : We're travelling through time. One second in the future ! The phone call's pulling us through !

HARRIET : Captain, I'm transferring the Subwave Network to Torchwood. You're in charge now. And tell the Doctor from me... he chose his companions well. It's been an honour.

She stands up to face the three Daleks smashing their way into her house.

HARRIET (flashing her ID card) : Harriet Jones. Former Prime Minister.

DALEK : Yes, we know who you are.

HARRIET : Oh, you know nothing of any human. And that will be your downfall.

DALEK : Exterminate !

The others watch in horror as the part of the screen that was transmitted from Harriet's house turns into white noise.

DOCTOR : Three ! Two ! One !

One by one, the lost planets appear around the TARDIS. The console room is back to normal and the Doctor and Donna watch the screen, now showing all planets.

DONNA : 27 planets - and there's the Earth ! Why couldn't we see them ?!

DOCTOR : The entire Medusa Cascade has been put a second out of sync with the rest of the universe. Perfect hiding place, tiny little pocket of time. But we found them ! Oh, oh, what's that ? Hold on, hold on, some sort of Subwave Network...

The Subwave Network appears on the TARDIS monitor, now with the Doctor and Donna where Harriet used to be.

JACK : Where the hell have you been ?! Doctor, it's the Daleks !

GWEN : He's a bit nice, I thought he'd be older.

IANTO : He's not that young.

SARAH JANE : It's the Daleks, they are taking people to their spaceship...

Sarah Jane and Martha are talking at once.

MARTHA : ... it's not just Dalek Caan !

SYLVIA : That's Donna !

WILF : That's my girl !

DOCTOR (looking the people on the screen) : Sarah Jane ! Who's that boy ? That must be Torchwood. Aren't they brilliant ? Look at you all, you clever people !

DONNA : That's Martha. And who's... (pointing at Jack) he ?

DOCTOR : Captain Jack. Don't. Just... don't.

ROSE (so said that she can't get in touch) : Doctor, it's me, I came back.

DONNA : It's like an outer space Facebook.

DOCTOR : Everyone except Rose...

DALEK CAAN (giggling) : He is here. The Dark Lord is come.

DAVROS : Supreme one, this Subwave Network, I would address it, give me access.

The screen in the TARDIS turns to white noise.

DOCTOR : Ah...

DONNA : We've lost them !

DOCTOR (fiddling with controls) : No, no, no, no, there's another signal coming through, there's someone else out there. (he whacks the top of the monitor). Hello ? Can you hear me ? (hopefully). Rose ?

DAVROS : Your voice is different. And yet, its arrogance is unchanged.

Though the screen is still all white noise, the Doctor freezes, recognising the voice.

SARAH JANE (horrified) : No. But he's dead...

Davros appears on the screen.

DAVROS : Welcome to my new Empire, Doctor. It is only fitting that you should bear witness to the resurrection, and the triumph, of Davros. Lord and creator of the Dalek Race !

The Doctor is breathing heavily, speechless, terrified.

DONNA (worried) : Doctor ?

DAVROS : Have you nothing to say ?

DONNA (reassuring) : Doctor, it's all right. We're-we're in the TARDIS. We're safe.

DOCTOR : But you were destroyed. In the very first year of the Time War. At the Gate of Elysium. I saw your command ship fly into the jaws of the Nightmare Child. I tried to save you.

DAVROS : But it took one stronger than you. Dalek Caan himself.

DALEK CAAN (sing-song voice) : I flew into the wild and fire, I danced and died a thousand times.

DAVROS : Emergency Temporal Shift took him back into the Time War itself.

DOCTOR : But that's impossible ! The entire War is timelocked !

DAVROS : And yet he succeeded. Oh, it cost him his mind. But imagine, a single, simple Dalek succeeded where Emperors and Time Lords have failed. A testament, don't you think, to my remarkable creations ?

DOCTOR : And you made a new race of Daleks ?

DAVROS : I gave myself to them. Quite literally. Each one grown from a cell of my own body. (He opens his tunic to reveal that his flesh is ripped off, his ribs and heart are visible). New Daleks. True Daleks. I have my children, Doctor. What do you have, now ?

DOCTOR : After all this time. Everything we saw... everything we lost.... I have only one thing to say to you... (suddenly in a cheery tone). Bye !

He pulls a lever and the TARDIS flies off towards the Earth.

SUPREME DALEK : Emergency ! Locate the TARDIS ! Find the Doctor !

DAVROS : He will go to the Earth to find his precious Human allies !

DALEK CAAN : And death is coming. Oh, I can see it. Everlasting death for the most faithful companion !

DALEK : Subwave Network rerouted. New location - Torchwood.

SUPREME DALEK : Then exterminate them, at once ! Exterminate Torchwood !

IANTO : Gwen, Dalek saucer heading for the Bay. They've found us.

JACK (on the phone) : Martha, open that Indigo device... Now listen to me, lift the central panel, there's a string of numbers that keep changing. But the fourth number keeps oscillating between two different digits, tell me what they are.

MARTHA : It's a four and a nine, we could never work out what that was.

While Jack talks, Ianto helps him into his coat.

JACK : Yeah, that's the teleport base code. And that's all I need, to get this thing working again ! (he pushes keys on his wrist device). Oscillating four... and nine. Thank you, Martha Jones !

He hangs up. Gwen hands him his gun.

JACK (knowing nothing about the Daleks heading for the Hub) : I've gotta go, I've gotta find the Doctor. I'll come back. I'm coming back !

GWEN : Don't worry about us. Just go.

IANTO : We'll be fine.

JACK : You'd better be !

He teleports. The Hub shakes as the Daleks make their way inside.

DALEK (from above) : Exterminate ! Exterminate !

GWEN : They're here...

MR SMITH : TARDIS heading for Vector 7, grid reference 665.

LUKE : But there are Daleks out there !

SARAH JANE : I know, I'm sorry, but I have got to find the Doctor... Don't move, don't leave the house, don't do anything.

MR SMITH : I will protect the boy, Sarah Jane.

SARAH JANE (looking at her son) : I love you. Remember that.

She runs to her car and drives off.

ROSE (talking on phone) : Control ? I need another shift. Lock me onto the TARDIS. Now !

She hangs up and turns to Wilf and Sylvia.

ROSE : Right, I'm gonna find him. Wish me luck !

SYLVIA : Oh, good luck !

WILF : Yeah, good luck, sweetheart !

Rose disappears in a flash of blue light.

The TARDIS lands on a deserted, post-battle street full of abandoned cars, broken bicycles, scattered rubbish. The Doctor and Donna get out.

DONNA : Like a ghost town...

DOCTOR : Sarah Jane said they were taking the people. What for ? Think, Donna, when you met Rose in that parallel world, what did she say ?

DONNA : Just... the darkness is coming.

DOCTOR : Anything else ?

Donna looks away, thinking - then she spots something behind the Doctor.

DONNA (smiling) : Why don't you ask her yourself ?

The Doctor turns around - and there is Rose, at the other end of the street, looking at him with a bright smile. The Doctor stares at her, not believing his eyes for a moment. Then Rose starts to run towards him and so does the Doctor. Oblivious to anything but each other, they don't notice the Dalek until it's too late.

DALEK : Exterminate !

It shoots at the Doctor, the death ray only skims his chest but it's enough to make him fall. Jack, appearing in the very moment, blasts the Dalek while Rose and Donna run to the Doctor. Rose gets there first, she kneels beside him and takes his head in her arms.

ROSE : I've got you, it missed you. Look, it's me.

DOCTOR (barely conscious but still smiling to see her again) : Rose...

ROSE : Hi.

DOCTOR : Long time no see.

ROSE : Yeah, been busy, y'know.

He yells in pain.

ROSE : Don't die, oh, my God, don't die. Oh, my god, don't die...

Donna and Jack reach to them.

JACK : Get him into the TARDIS, quick. Move !

Rose and Donna support the Doctor to the TARDIS while Jack picks up Rose's gun and covers the way.


Gwen appears with two machine guns and hands one of them to Ianto.

IANTO : But, they don't work against Daleks !

GWEN : Yeah ? Well, I'm going out fighting. Like Owen. Like Tosh. How about you ?

IANTO : Yes, ma'am !

DALEKS : ... exterminate, exterminate...

The Doctor is on the TARDIS floor, groaning and convulsing in pain. Donna and Rose are beside him while Jack puts down the guns to the seat.

DONNA : What - what do we do ?! There must be some medicine or something !

JACK : Just step back. Rose ! Do as I say, and get back ! He's dying and you know what happens next.

DONNA : What d'you mean ?

ROSE (in tears) : Oh, no, I came all this way.

DONNA (walking to Jack) : What d'you mean ? What happens next ?

The Doctor lifts up his hand and watches it starting to glow.

DOCTOR : It's starting...

Sarah Jane's car is stopped by two Daleks.

DALEK #1 : All Human transport is forbidden !

SARAH JANE (terrified) : I surrender ! I'm sorry !

DALEK #1 : Daleks do not accept apologies ! You will be exterminated !

DALEK #2 : Exterminate !

DALEK #1 : Exterminate !


A Dalek appears in the Hub.

DALEK : Exterminate ! Exterminate !

Gwen and Ianto open fire.


Jack pulls Rose away from the Doctor.

JACK : Here we go. Good luck, Doctor !

DONNA : Will someone please tell me what is going on ?!

ROSE : When he's dying, his-his body... it-it repairs itself. It changes. (desperately). But you can't !

DOCTOR (struggles to his feet, panting) : I'm sorry, it's too late. I'm regenerating.

Energy bursts out from his skin through the sleeves and neck of his suit. Jack puts his arms around Donna and Rose as they hide their face from the blinding light.


To be continued...


Source : twiztv

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choup37  (14.06.2017 à 16:33)

Le Tardis ne peut pas être téléporté de force, il peut être envoyé au loin en urgence (comme le final de la saison 1), mais pas téléporté de force, il peut se protéger, ce qu'on constate lorsque le Tardis se secoue de partout^^

ladyhawke7  (12.06.2017 à 09:29)

   Je l'ai regardé samedi matin et me voilà que je me demande pourquoi le TARDIS n'est pas parti avec la Terre... Il n'y aurait pas eu les rencontres nécessaires. En gros, il n'y aurait pas eu d'histoire !

   Sinon, bon épisode, on retrouve tous les amis du Docteur, qu'il a, sans doute sans le vouloir, transformé en arme. On retrouve Rose avec plaisir. Et on découvre un "nouveau" Docteur et une régénération s'amorce...


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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Doctor Who (2023), S01E06 (inédit)
Samedi 8 juin à 18:45
3.52m / 0.0% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne BBC 1

Doctor Who (2023), S01E05 (inédit)
Samedi 1 juin à 18:50
3.38m / 0.0% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne BBC 1

Doctor Who (2023), S01E04 (inédit)
Samedi 25 mai à 18:50
4.06m / 0.0% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne BBC 1

Doctor Who (2023), S01E03 (inédit)
Samedi 18 mai à 18:50
3.57m / 0.0% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne BBC 1

Doctor Who (2023), S01E02 (inédit)
Samedi 11 mai à 19:05
3.91m / 0.0% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne BBC 1

Doctor Who (2023), S01E01 (inédit)
Samedi 11 mai à 18:20
4.01m / 0.0% (Part)

Toutes les audiences

Anniversaires !!!

Anniversaires !!!
Aujourd'hui nous souhaitons un bon anniversaire à Millie Gibson alias Ruby Sunday, compagne de...

SPOILERS : Interview de Gabriel Woolf

SPOILERS : Interview de Gabriel Woolf
ALERTE SPOILERS ! Si vous n'avez pas vu The Legend of Ruby Sunday, cette interview risque de vous...

Jonathan Groff reçoit son premier Tony Awards

Jonathan Groff reçoit son premier Tony Awards
Jonathan Groff a reçu, dimanche soir, son tout premier Tony Awards. Après de nombreuses nominations,...

SPOILERS : Le Docteur et Ruby dans le prochain épisode de Tales of the Tardis

SPOILERS : Le Docteur et Ruby dans le prochain épisode de Tales of the Tardis
Alerte Spoilers !!!! Si vous n'avez pas vu l'épisode de samedi dernier, The Legend of Ruby Sunday,...

Joyeux Anniversaire à Carol Ann Ford

Joyeux Anniversaire à Carol Ann Ford
En ce 16 juin, c'est l'anniversaire de Carol Ann Ford, interprète de Susan Foreman. C'est la...


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Locksley, 17.06.2024 à 19:08

Le quartier Fire Country est ouvert ! Bonne inauguration à sabby et bonne visite !

langedu74, Avant-hier à 22:27

Nouveau design pour le quartier The Handmaid's Tale ! N'hésitez pas à passer le voir

cinto, Aujourd'hui à 10:32

Si vous avez la majorité (en âge, pas à l'Assemblée, hein!)venez voter chez Queer as Folk, clichés gays obligent...

sanct08, Aujourd'hui à 12:35

Bonjour, venez voter au sondage culinaire de Star Trek :=)

sanct08, Aujourd'hui à 12:35

Et n'oubliez pas les forums et sondages de X-Files et Le Caméléon !

Viens chatter !