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Doctor Who (2005)
#602 : Day of the Moon ... L'impossible astronaute (2/2)

Le Docteur est enfermé dans la prison parfaite. Amy, Rory et River Song sont pourchassés par le FBI à travers l’Amérique. Avec l’aide de leur nouvel ami du FBI infiltré, Canton Everett Delaware III, nos héros sont réunis pour partager leurs découvertes et souvenirs.


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Day of the Moon

Titre VF
Day of the Moon ... L'impossible astronaute (2/2)

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Day of the Moon Trailer

Day of the Moon Trailer


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Le Docteur-Day of the Moon

Le Docteur-Day of the Moon

River Song-Day of the Moon

River Song-Day of the Moon

River Song-Day of the Moon

River Song-Day of the Moon

River Song-Day of the Moon

River Song-Day of the Moon

Amy Pond-Day of the Moon

Amy Pond-Day of the Moon

River Song-Day of the Moon

River Song-Day of the Moon

Le Docteur, amy, rory, Canton Delaware-Day of the Moon

Le Docteur, amy, rory, Canton Delaware-Day of the Moon


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Samedi 23.09.2017 à 14:20

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France (redif)
Lundi 16.01.2017 à 20:10

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Steven Moffat

Réalisateur : Toby Haynes


Cast :

Matt Smith ... Le Docteur
Karen Gillan ... Amy Pond
Arthur Darvill ... Rory Williams
Alex Kingston ... River Song
Mark Sheppard ... Canton Everett Delaware
Stuart Milligan ... Le Président Nixon
Marnix Van Den Broeke ... Le Silence
Sydney Wade ...  La petite fille
Kerry Shale ... Dr Renfrew
Glenn Wrage ... Gardner
Jeff Mash ... Grant
Frances Barber ... La femme au cache-oeil


Références et continuités

  • Le Docteur rencontre le président Richard Nixon et le prévient qu'on se souviendra de lui pendant de nombreuses générations, en référence à l'affaire du Watergate et lui dit de saluer David Frost de sa part, un journaliste britannique qui aura une célèbre série d'entretiens avec lui. Le Docteur suggère par ailleurs à Nixon d'enregistrer toutes ses conversations afin d'être certain qu'il n'est pas influencé par le « Silence », ce qui est une référence aux enregistrements de la Maison Blanche révélés dans cette même affaire.
  • Le Docteur appelle River Song Mrs Robinson, en référence à la protagoniste du film Le Lauréat.

Résumé épisode 602 "L'impossible astronaute" (2/2)

(Suite de l'épisode 601)

Dans l'Utah, dans la Vallée des Dieux, trois mois plus tard (juillet 1969) : Au beau milieu du désert, Amy court désespérément, au risque de dégringoler dans un profond canyon. Elle est vite rattrapée en auto par Canton Delaware III et ses sbires qui l'abattent, malgré sa tentative de lui rappeler ce qu'ils ont vécu ensemble.

Dans le Nevada, dans un entrepôt secret de la Zone 51 : Canton montre des photos du corps d'Amy au Docteur, assis en plein milieu de l'entrepôt en camisole de force, et lui demande ce que représentent toutes ces marques que l'on voit sur son corps. Il ne répond pas.

A New-York : River Song, qui a les mêmes marques sur les bras et s'en ajoute une autre en apercevant deux Silences, est rejointe et mise en joue par Canton au 50ème étage d'un édifice en construction. Elle recule au bord du vide, tente inutilement de convaincre à nouveau celui-ci que l'Amérique est totalement envahie, puis saute dans le vide.

De retour dans l'entrepôt secret : Le Docteur demande avec quel genre de briques on travaille à l'emmurer (un alliage provenant d'une étoile naine, le plus dense matériau de l'Univers ?). Il ajoute, défiant les gens autour de lui, que ce ne sera pas encore suffisant.

Au sommet d'une construction gigantesque (ressemblant à une sorte de barrage hydro-électrique) : Canton coince Rory à son tour, qui ne peut pas s'échapper, et lui tire également dessus.

Dans l'entrepôt secret : Les corps du couple, dans des sacs mortuaires, sont placés par Canton à côté du Docteur dans sa nouvelle prison impénétrable. Aussitôt la porte refermée de l'intérieur, le Docteur se libère de sa camisole, Amy et Rory sortent de leurs sacs, en se plaignant du manque d'aération. Le Docteur claque des doigts, et ils se précipitent tous à la porte du TARDIS qui était en mode camouflage. Le Docteur démarre celui-ci rapidement pour rattraper River dans sa chute, ce qui la mène directement dans la piscine du TARDIS.

En fait, toute cette mise en scène visait à déjouer les Silences, envers lesquels le Docteur se félicite de disposer d'une arme secrète. Les voilà tous à Cap Kennedy, tout près de la fusée Apollo XI. S'agit-il de l'arme secrète ?

Dans le TARDIS, le quatuor explique à Canton la nature un peu particulière des Silences et la difficulté conséquente de les traquer. Les marques sur les bras servent à se remémorer un contact avec eux malgré l'oubli qui s'installe instantanément dès qu'on cesse de les voir. Pendant qu'Amy chuchote au Docteur qu'en fin de compte, elle n'est pas enceinte, celui-ci injecte à chacun d'eux un nano-enregistreur qui se fusionne au cartilage de la main et transmet la voix directement aux centres cérébraux du langage par télépathie. Comme cela, dès qu'ils apercevront un Silence, ils activeront le dispositif. Un clignotement leur indiquera qu'ils ont enregistré quelque chose. Il précise à Canton qu'il ne s'agit pas ici de combattre une invasion extra-terrestre mais d'entamer une guerre révolutionnaire contre un occupant déjà installé.

Canton, un peu estomaqué par tout ça, doit déjà composer avec le fait que son propre clignotant est allumé. Mais il ne s'agit que d'un test fait par le Docteur. Celui-ci leur montre ensuite un hologramme d'un Silence créé à partir de la photo prise par Amy antérieurement. Pourtant, aussitôt l'hologramme éteint, aucun des cinq n'est en mesure de décrire ce qu'il vient de voir. Amy est impressionnée. Ils dirigent donc le monde par suggestion hypnotique.

Le Docteur, lui, pense déjà à l'étape suivante. Il récapitule : Il y avait une petite fille dans un costume d'astronaute. Ils savent où les Silences ont pris le costume. Il s'agit de retrouver la petite fille. Le problème est de savoir où chercher, comme le dit Canton. Le Docteur pense à un orphelinat près de l'entrepôt en Floride où ils l'ont vue la première fois.

A l'orphelinat Greystark Hall : Amy et Canton se présentent comme agents du FBI au directeur, le Docteur Renfrew, au sujet d'un enfant disparu. L'orphelinat a l'air délabré et désert, et le Docteur Renfrew, un peu perdu. Il leur explique que leur maison doit fermer en 1967. Mais Canton réplique qu'ils sont en 1969. L'homme a l'air perplexe. Pendant que Canton le suit dans son bureau, Amy part explorer la bâtisse. Personne dans les salles, et un peu partout sur les murs, d'énormes graffitis : "Allez vous-en !", "Laissez-moi tranquille !"... Amy appelle le Docteur et lui dit qu'ils ont trouvé l'endroit. Il lui répond de fouiller, mais de ne pas s'attarder. Au même moment, le Docteur est surpris en train de traficoter quelque chose à l'intérieur d'Apollo XI par deux techniciens de la NASA.

Une porte se referme brusquement derrière Amy. En essayant de l'ouvrir, elle aperçoit son clignotant s'activer dans sa main. Sur l'enregistrement, elle s'entend dire : "Je peux les voir, mais je crois qu'ils sont endormis. Il faut que je parte d'ici". Enfermée et paniquée, elle réalise en plus que ses mains et son visage sont remplis de marques. Levant les yeux vers le plafond, elle aperçoit une bonne douzaine de Silences, pendus un peu à la manière de chauves-souris. Ils ont l'air endormi. Amy se prend les pieds dans une poubelle, détourne le regard, et semble avoir tout oublié alors que la porte s'ouvre à nouveau.

À Cap Kennedy, le Président Nixon doit intervenir personnellement pour arracher le Docteur à ses interrogateurs.

Dans son bureau, le Docteur Renfrew se souvient de quelque chose et dit à Canton qu'ils avaient dit que c'était très important de prendre soin de l'enfant. Amy explore un nouveau corridor. Dans l'une des portes latérales, un panneau s'ouvre, laissant apparaître le visage d'une femme portant un bandeau noir sur un œil. Amy lui demande qui elle est, mais la femme ne semble ni la voir ni l'entendre, et dit à quelqu'un dans la pièce derrière elle qu'Amy doit être en train de rêver, avant de refermer le panneau. Amy s'approche de la porte, l'ouvre, s'apprête à expliquer ce qu'elle vient de voir mais le panneau n'existe plus dans la porte.

Il s'agit d'une chambre de petite fille, meublée, avec jouets et peluches, mais vide. Plusieurs photos de cette petite fille à différents âges sont encadrées sur une commode, dont l'une où on voit Amy souriant à un bébé dans ses bras. Elle se demande comment cela peut-être possible. Aussitôt, le costume d'astronaute fait son entrée dans la pièce, sa visière se lève et laisse entrevoir la même petite fille que dans l'entrepôt en Floride. Amy, bouleversée, s'excuse de lui avoir tiré dessus et insiste pour savoir qui elle est. Mais la petite fille n'a que le temps de lui répondre le même "S'il-vous-plaît aidez-moi !" avant que deux Silences n'entrent à leur tour derrière elle. Amy se met à crier, la porte se referme.

Dans le bureau du Docteur Renfrew, on frappe lourdement à la porte. Celui-ci va l'entrouvrir et dit : "Ce ne sont que quelques questions". Puis : "Oui. Je vois". Quelques instants plus tard, un Silence entre. Canton lui demande qui il est, le Silence répond que ce monde est le leur. Ils le gouvernent depuis l'âge de pierre. Et ils n'ont pas besoin d'armes pour cela. Entendant Amy appeler à l'aide, Canton tire trois coups de revolver en direction du Silence qui s'écroule.

Dans le Bureau ovale, à Washington, le Docteur insiste auprès du Président pour qu'il lui fasse entièrement confiance, juste avant que River lui apprenne que Canton a besoin de lui.

Canton s'apprête à défoncer la porte de la chambre d'enfant, lorsque le Docteur s'interpose pour l'ouvrir avec son tournevis. Ils s'y précipitent tous, et dans l'angle du corridor, on voit la petite fille, en pyjama cette fois, essoufflée, qui se cache d'eux. La chambre n'a pas changé, sauf pour le costume d'astronaute qui git à terre, vide. On entend toujours la voix d'Amy geignant qu'elle est dans l'obscurité, ne sachant où elle se trouve, et appelant toujours à l'aide. C'est par le nano-enregistreur d'Amy, sur le tapis, qu'ils l'entendent.

Le Docteur Renfrew arrive en disant que quelqu'un s'est fait tirer dessus et a besoin d'aide. Le Docteur se précipite et découvre le Silence, blessé, mais toujours vivant. Celui-ci lui dit qu'ils sont le Silence et que le silence va tomber. Le Docteur retrouve alors en lui des souvenirs récents, dont l'avertissement du prisonnier Zéro qui avait évoqué ce nom et cette curieuse menace.

Dans l'entrepôt secret : La porte de la prison impénétrable s'ouvre, laissant sortir d'abord Canton, aussitôt mis en joue par les soldats tout autour, car cela fait plusieurs jours qu'il y est enfermé, puis, à la stupéfaction des soldats, le Président Nixon en personne sort. Par ailleurs, le décompte du lancement d'Apollo XI à la télé se poursuit : plus que deux minutes avant le lancement.

A l'orphelinat, River et le Docteur examinent le costume d'astronaute. D'origine humaine sans aucun doute, il semble cependant avoir été très perfectionné. Son système de communication est programmé pour appeler par défaut la plus haute autorité disponible. Mais rien de tout ça ne donne d'indices sur les liens entre les Silences et la petite fille, ni sur qui elle est. River déduit du fait qu'elle ait réussit à sortir du costume qu'elle doit être incroyablement forte. Mais où la chercher ? Le Docteur a le pressentiment que c'est plutôt elle qui va les trouver. Et puisque le Silence manipule les humains depuis si longtemps, y compris en leur faisant faire tout ce dont il a besoin, il se demande pourquoi ils agissent justement au moment où les humains sont si pressés d'aller sur la Lune, sinon parce que le Silence a besoin d'un costume d'astronaute ? Sur ce, Apollo XI décolle.

Dans la prison de la Zone 51, le Silence capturé s'étonne que Canton ait fait soigner ses blessures. Intrigué, Canton lui demande pourquoi. Le Silence lui répond qu'ils les dominent depuis toujours et qu'ils devraient alors tous les tuer à vue. Canton est ravi de le lui entendre dire, puisqu'il filme la conversation avec la caméra d'un téléphone (sans trop savoir ce qu'est cet appareil, au juste). Il transmet l'enregistrement au Docteur.

A l'orphelinat, Rory écoute encore le nano-enregistreur d'Amy. Elle supplie toujours qu'on lui vienne en aide, mais tient aussi des propos qui confessent un amour dont elle n'a jamais osé parler ouvertement pour un certain ''stupide visage''. L'ambiguïté de sa formulation laisse cependant croire à Rory qu'elle s'adresse au Docteur. Rory demande à celui-ci s'il ne peut vraiment rien faire pour elle. Le Docteur répond qu'il pourrait sans doute la retrouver, mais après ? Que faire contre un adversaire solidement implanté partout comme chez lui ?

On voit Amy attachée et à moitié aveuglée dans l'antre des Silences. L'un d'eux lui dit que c'est elle qui va amener le silence et que son rôle sera bientôt terminé. Alors qu'elle est persuadée d'être sur place depuis peu, il la détrompe en affirmant qu'elle y est depuis plusieurs jours. À ce moment, apparaît derrière lui le TARDIS qui se matérialise.

Le Docteur en sort avec un téléviseur dans les mains, suivi de River, armée, et de Rory. Le Docteur explique aux Silences que River est capable de tuer au moins sept d'entre eux avant qu'ils n'aient le temps de réagir. Pendant que Rory détache Amy, le Docteur fait regarder à tous, comme des millions de téléspectateurs sur la planète, la sortie de l'astronaute Neil Armstrong sur le sol lunaire. Suite à un signal envoyé à Canton, l'image laisse soudain place à la diffusion en boucle de la scène du Silence capturé disant : Vous devriez tous nous tuer à vue. Le Docteur triomphe : Vous venez de lever une armée entière contre vous partout dans le monde et de lui donner l'ordre de vous abattre. Comme de fait, on assiste à une sorte de réveil de plusieurs humains qui mettent des Silences en joue. C'est alors que River se déchaîne dans un ballet tournoyant en tirant sur tous les Silences présents dans la pièce, secondée avec plus ou moins de succès par le Docteur muni de son tournevis. Pendant ce temps, Amy s'impatiente face à Rory, qui met du temps à la délivrer, en le traitant de ''stupide visage''. Tous se réfugient dans le TARDIS mais Rory est sous le choc de s'être fait appeler ainsi par Amy. Apercevant son nano-enregistreur dans la main de ce dernier, Amy réalise qu'il a tout entendu de ce qu'elle disait et qu'il croyait que ses mots s'adressaient au Docteur. Elle l'embrasse pour effacer tout malentendu.

Dans le Bureau ovale, le Docteur refuse de rassurer le Président américain que toute menace est maintenant écartée. Mais, en réponse à l'autre préoccupation de ce dernier, il lui promet solennellement, par contre, que, dans le futur, ses concitoyens n'oublieront jamais ''tricky Dick''.

À sa demande, le Docteur reconduit River à sa prison, tout en lui rappelant qu'elle aurait pu continuer le voyage en leur compagnie. Elle répond qu'elle a une promesse à tenir et qu'il comprendra très bientôt. Mais elle l'embrasse avec passion, alors que lui ne sait pas trop comment réagir car c'est la première fois pour lui. Il ajoute qu'il y a une première fois pour tout. River, attristée, ajoute pour elle-même : ''Une dernière fois aussi''.

Dans le TARDIS, le Docteur prend Amy à part et lui pose des questions sur son état. Elle a des trous de mémoire, rapporte-t-elle. Elle a faussement pensé qu'elle était enceinte. Elle n'a pas osé en parler à Rory, de crainte que cet enfant, ayant trop voyagé dans le TARDIS, aurait pu naître avec une ''tête du Temps'' (peu importe ce que ça puisse être). Rory, toujours avec le nano-enregistreur, entend la conversation et lui reproche de ne pas lui en avoir parlé, à lui, un infirmier, et son mari. La conversation se termine dans les rires, Rory promettant de toujours continuer à faire sa ''stupide face''. Mais le Docteur, lui, est préoccupé par son ordinateur qui semble incapable de fixer son opinion sur le test de grossesse d'Amy, variant à tout moment entre le positif et le négatif.

Six mois plus tard, dans une ruelle de New-York, la petite fille du costume erre, apparemment fort mal en point. Un clochard présent lui demande si ça va. Elle lui répond que oui, qu'elle est en train de mourir, mais est capable d'arranger ça. Et aussitôt, alors que le clochard s'enfuit, terrifié, la petite fille entre en processus de régénération...



Écrit par jthib pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries

Script VO épisode 602 "Day of the moon" (2/2)

(Recap of “The impossible astronaut”).


Three months later... July, 1969.

Amy is running through the desert, two cars chasing her. She has a pen on a lanyard around her neck.

AGENT 1 : Suspect directly ahead.

CANTON DELAWARE III : Coming to you now. Over.

Amy stops at the edge of a small ledge. The two cars converge behind her and a number of agents step out, Canton in front.

AMY : Canton.

CANTON : Miss Pond.

Canton motions to one of the other agents who spreads something out on the ground.

AMY : Is that a body bag ?

CANTON : Yes, it is.

AMY : It's empty.

CANTON : How about that.

AMY : Do you even know why you're doing this, eh ? Can you even remember ? The warehouse ?



Amy helps Canton while Amy stares at the girl in the spacesuit.

DOCTOR : Amy ! Amy !

Rory and River climb up from the tunnels and they all rush for the TARDIS.

CANTON : What the hell's going on ?

DOCTOR : Look behind you.

CANTON : There's nothing behind me !

DOCTOR : Look ! Canton, look !

Canton turns and sees one of the aliens walking towards him.

End flashback.

Canton fires and Amy falls to the ground. There are tally marks in pen on her arm.


Inside a large hanger, there are armed guards stationed around an open area in the middle. Canton walks up to it, past signs that read : Do Not Approach The Prisoner. The prisoner in question is the Doctor. His hair is longer and he now has a beard. He is in a straightjacket and is chained to a chair. There is a yellow circle painted around him.

PA : All visitors to remain behind the yellow line. All visitors to remain behind the yellow line.

CANTON : We found Amy Pond. She had strange markings on her arm. (holds up photo). Do you know what they are ?

Throws the folder closer so the Doctor can see it.

DOCTOR : Why don't you ask her ?

Canton doesn’t answer and the Doctor realizes what happened.


River is in an office under construction. She also has tally marks on her arms. She walks through nervously and gasps when she hears a pipe fall. There are more aliens.

RIVER : I see you ! (takes out pen and marks her arm). I see you !

Canton and his fellow agents arrive.

CANTON : Doctor Song.

River turns around.

CANTON : Doctor Song ?

River looks back and the aliens are gone. She runs.

CANTON : Go, go, go !

River stops when she reaches the open side of the building.

CANTON : Don't move ! It's over !

RIVER : They're here, Canton. They're everywhere.

CANTON : I know. America's being invaded.

RIVER : You were invaded a long time ago. America is occupied.

CANTON : You're coming with us, Dr Song. There's no way out, this time.

RIVER : There's always a way out.

Arms outstretched, River falls backwards out of the building.


Two scientists are building a wall of black stone around the Doctor. He watches with some interest.

CANTON : We found Doctor Song.

DOCTOR(watches builders) : These bricks, what are they made of ? Where is she ?

CANTON : She ran. Off the 50th floor.

DOCTOR : I'd say zero balanced dwarf star alloy. The densest material in the universe. Nothing gets through that. You're building me the perfect prison. (faces Canton). And it still won't be enough.


Rory bursts out of a door onto the road across the dam to find both sides blocked by agents. His face, arms and neck are covered with tally marks. He looks over the side, contemplating a jump. He puts up his hands and turns to face Canton.

RORY : What are you waiting for ?

CANTON : I'm waiting for you to run. (Rory lowers his arms). It'll look better if I shot you while you were running. Then again, looks aren't everything.

Canton raises his gun as Rory closes his eyes. There is a gunshot and Rory falls to the ground.


Canton walks into the hanger, two soldiers dragging body bags. The Doctor's cell is complete. The soldiers drag the bags inside.

DOCTOR : Is there a reason you're doing this ?

CANTON : I want you to know where you stand.

DOCTOR : In a cell.

CANTON : In the perfect cell. (the soldiers leave). Nothing can penetrate these walls. Not a sound, not a radio wave. (inserts his fingers into holes in the wall and the door slides shut). Not the tiniest particle of anything. In here, you are literally cut off from the rest of the universe. So I guess they can't hear us, right ?

DOCTOR : Good work, Canton. Door sealed ?

CANTON : You bet.

The Doctor stands and shakes off the chains and removes the straightjacket just as the body bags sit up. The Doctor unzips Rory's bag.


Canton helps Amy.

AMY : Finally.

RORY : These things could really do with air holes.

CANTON : Never had a complaint before.

The Doctor stretches his arms as Amy climbs out of the bag.

AMY : Isn't it going to look odd that you're staying in here with us ?

CANTON : Odd, but not alarming. They know there's no way out of this place.

DOCTOR : Exactly. Whatever they might think we're doing in here, they know we're not going anywhere.

With a snap of his braces, the Doctor leans to the side and on the TARDIS. He snaps his fingers and the doors open.

DOCTOR : Shall we ?

With a smile, Amy follows Rory into the TARDIS.

CANTON (following Amy) : What about Doctor Song ?


CANTON : She dove off a rooftop !

DOCTOR : Don't worry. She does that. (closes TARDIS doors and runs to the console). Amy, Rory, open all the doors to the swimming pool.

Amy and Rory go to do as they’re told.


River turns her fall into a dive and goes through the open TARDIS doors. Water splashes up.


The Doctor walks around the console, using the controls.

DOCTOR : So, we know they're everywhere. Not just a landing party, an occupying force. And they've been here a very, very long time. But nobody knows that, cos no one can remember them.

River arrives, drying her hair.

CANTON : So what are they up to ?

DOCTOR : No idea. But the good news is... we've got a secret weapon.

The Doctor runs to the door.


The Doctor steps out onto the wetlands followed by the others.

RIVER : Apollo 11's your secret weapon ?

DOCTOR : No, no, it's not Apollo 11, that would be silly. It's Neil Armstrong's foot.



In a thunderstorm, a black sedan enters the grounds and pulls up in front of the large building that has seen better days. The radio is on.

RADIO : In just a few days mankind will set foot on the moon for the first time. Today the President reaffirmed America's commitment...


Canton turns off the radio and looks to Amy in the passenger seat. She is dressed like an agent in a black suit.

CANTON : Ready. Check ?

Amy looks at the palm of her left hand.

AMY : Clear.

CANTON (looks at palm) : Clear.

As Amy gets out of the car, Canton rubs his left palm with his right index finger.


The Doctor injects something into Canton's hand.


DOCTOR : So, three months, what have we found out ?

RORY : Well, they are everywhere. Every state in America. (the Doctor injects his hand). Ow !

DOCTOR : Not just America, the entire world.

RIVER : There's a greater concentration here though.

The Doctor injects Amy.

AMY : Ow !


AMY : All better.

DOCTOR : Better ?

AMY : Turns out I was wrong. I'm not pregnant.

Rory walks over.

RORY : What's up ?

AMY : Nothing. Really, nothing, seriously.

CANTON : So you've seen them, but you don't remember them.

RIVER : You've seen them too. That night at the warehouse, remember ? While you were pretending to hunt us down we saw hundreds of those things. We still don't know what they look like.

RORY : It's like they edit themselves out of your memory as soon as you look away. The exact second you're not looking at them, you can't remember anything.

AMY : Sometimes you feel a bit sick though, but not always.

CANTON : So that's why you marked your skin ?

AMY : Only way we'd know if we'd had an encounter.

CANTON : How long have they been here ?

AMY : That's what we've spent three months trying to find out.

RORY : Not easy, if you can't remember anything you discover.

CANTON : But how long do you think ?

DOCTOR : As long as there's been something in the corner of your eye, or creaking in your house, or breathing under your bed, or voices through a wall. They've been running your lives for a very long time now, so keep this straight in your head. We are not fighting an alien invasion, we're leading a revolution. And today the battle begins.

CANTON : How ?

DOCTOR : Like this.

Reaches back and injects River.

RIVER : Ow !

DOCTOR : Ha-ha ! Nano recorder. Fuses with the cartilage in your hand. (injects himself). Ow ! Then it tunes itself directly to the speech centres in your brain. It'll pick up your voice, no matter what. Telepathic connection. So the moment you see one of the creatures, you activate it. (his palm glows red). And describe aloud exactly what you're seeing.

He presses his palm again and playback begins.

DOCTOR (recording) : And describe aloud exactly what you're seeing.

DOCTOR : Because the moment you break contact, you're going to forget it happened. The light will flash if you've left yourself a message. You keep checking your hand. If you've had an encounter that's the first you'll know about it.

CANTON : Why didn't you tell me this before we started ?

DOCTOR : I did. But even information about these creatures erases itself over time. (presses a few buttons on the console). I couldn't refresh it, cos I couldn't talk to you.

Canton glances over his shoulder and then straightens the Doctor's tie. The others watch him.

CANTON : What ? What are you staring at ?

RIVER : Look at your hand.

Canton looks at his palm which is flashing red.

CANTON : Why's it doing that ?

DOCTOR : What does it mean if the light's flashing ? What did I just tell you ?

CANTON : I haven't...

DOCTOR : Play it.

Canton presses his palm.

CANTON (recording) : My God, how did it get in here ?

DOCTOR (recording) : Keep eye contact with the creature and when I say, turn back, and when you do, straighten my bow tie.

Canton slowly turns around.

CANTON (recording) :What ? What are you staring at ?

RIVER (recording) : Look at your hand.

Standing in the TARDIS is one of the aliens.

DOCTOR : It's a hologram, extrapolated from a photo on Amy's phone. Take a good long look. (hologram dissipates). You just saw an image of one of the creatures we're fighting. Describe it to me.

Snaps his fingers.

CANTON : I can't.

DOCTOR : No. Neither can I. You straightened my bow tie because I planted the idea in your head while you were looking at the creature.

AMY : So they could do that to people. You could be doing stuff and not really knowing why you're doing it.

RORY : Like post hypnotic suggestion.

AMY : Ruling the world with post hypnotic suggestion.

DOCTOR : Now then, a little girl in a space suit. They got the suit from NASA, but where did they get the girl ?

CANTON : Could be anywhere.

DOCTOR : Except they probably stayed close to that warehouse, cos why bother doing anything else ? And they take her from somewhere to cause the least amount of attention. But you'll have to find her. I'm off to NASA.

The Doctor uses the scanner to zoom in on possible coordinates in Florida.

CANTON : Find her ? Where do we look ?

DOCTOR : Children's homes.


There’s a knock on the door and a man opens it to reveal Amy and Canton on the doorstep.

MAN : Hello.

CANTON (holds up ID) : FBI. You must be Doctor Renfrew. Can we come in ?

RENFREW : The children are asleep.

AMY : We'll be very quiet.

RENFREW : Is there a problem ?

CANTON : It's about a missing child.

RENFREW : What are you... ? Yes, yes, come in, please.


Amy pushes the door open and they follow Renfrew inside. The architectures shows the house was once beautiful but it is now very dilapidated with paint chipping from the walls as well as signs of damp. Painted on the walls in large red letters are demands such as “GET OUT” and “LEAVE NOW”.

RENFREW : This way. (leads them upstairs). Please excuse the writing. It keeps happening. I try to clean it up.

AMY : It's the kids, yeah ? They do that ?

RENFREW : Yes. The children. It must be, yes.

Renfrew reaches out to wipe the wall and Amy and Canton see “GET OUT” written on his wrist.

RENFREW : Anyway, my office is this way.

CANTON : We nearly didn't come to this place. I understood Graystark Hall was closed in '67.

RENFREW : That's the plan, yes.

AMY : The plan ?

RENFREW : Not long now.

CANTON : It's 1969.

RENFREW : No, no. We close in '67. That's the plan, yes.

CANTON : You misunderstood me, sir. It's 1969 now.

RENFREW : Why are you saying that ? Of course, it isn't.

CANTON : July.

RENFREW : My office is this way, this way.

Veers off to a smaller stairway.

AMY : I'll check upstairs.

CANTON : Be careful.

Canton follows Renfrew and Amy continues upstairs.


Amy pushes the door open to a dorm room. There are a number of bed frames lined on either side of the room. Painted on the wall is the message “LEAVE ME ALONE”.


The Doctor is working on a myriad of wires when his phone rings. He puts on the earpiece so he can keep working.

DOCTOR : Amy ?


AMY : I think we've found the place she was taken from.

DOCTOR : How do you know ?

AMY (over phone) : Cos those things have been here. But the whole place is deserted.

AMY : There's just one guy here and I think he's lost it.

DOCTOR : Repeated memory wipes fry your head eventually. Find out what you can, but don't hang around.

AMY : Where are you ?

DOCTOR : Gotta go ! Got company !

The Doctor ends the call and sits up. The door is open and men are looking in on him.

DOCTOR : Don't worry. I put everything back the way I found it. (there’s a piece in his hand). Except this. There's always a bit left over, isn't there ?

The camera pulls out to reveal he is in the Apollo 11 module. We then see the component he was working on give off a steady beep.


Amy puts away her phone and continues to walk through the window. The door slams shut behind her and she whirls around wondering of she’s alone. She runs for the door and, as she tries the knob, she sees markings on her hand. She turns her hand over and sees red flashing. She presses her palm with her other thumb.

AMY (recording) : I can see them, but I think they're asleep. Get out ! Just get out !

Amy tries the door again then tries the windows. She sees more markings on her hands and the reflection in the window shows marks on her face. She turns around and slowly looks up. There is a mass of the creatures hanging upside-down from the ceiling like bats. She walks towards the door, not taking her eyes off them, and kicks a pail there to catch water. One of the creatures hisses at the noise. Amy reaches her hand to her mouth to leave a message when the door opens. She looks away and all thoughts of the aliens hanging above her are gone. As she leaves the room, one of the aliens stands in the room.


The Doctor is sitting in a chair, legs crossed even though he is handcuffed. An MP stands behind him as two men question him.

MAN 1 : One more time, sir. How the hell did you get into the command module ?

DOCTOR : I told you ! I'm on a top secret mission for the President.

Bites the chain of the cuffs.

MAN 1 : Well, maybe if you just get President Nixon to assure us of that, sir, that would be swell.

DOCTOR : I sent him a message.

The man scoffs just as the double doors behind him open and Nixon walks into the room. Rory and River (in period dress) are acting as his aids. Behind them is the TARDIS.

NIXON : Hello, I believe it's Mr Gardner, is that correct ? Head of security ?

Shakes his hand.

GARDNER : Ah, yes, sir. Yes, Mr President.

NIXON (to man 2) : Mr Grant, is it ?

GRANT : Yes, Mister President.

Shakes hands.

NIXON : The hopes and dreams of millions of Americans stand here today, at Cape Kennedy, and you are the men who guard those dreams. On behalf of the American people, I thank you.

GARDNER : You're welcome, Mister President.

NIXON : I understand you have a baby on the way, Mister Grant ?

GRANT : Yes, Mister President.

NIXON : What are you hoping for, a boy or a girl ?

GRANT : Just a healthy American, sir.

NIXON : A healthy American will do just nicely. (gives Grant a friendly shoulder punch). Now, fellas, listen. This man here, codename The Doctor, is doing some work for me, personally. Could you cut him a little slack ?

GARDNER : Er, Mister President, he did break into Apollo 11.

The Doctor mouths “Sorry”.

NIXON : Well, I'm sure he had a very good reason for that. But I need you to release him now, so he can get on with some very important work for the American people. Could you do that for me ?

GRANT : Well...

NIXON : Son, I am your Commander-in-Chief.

GARDNER : Then I guess that would be fine, Mister President.

NIXON : Glad to hear it.

The MP unlocks the handcuffs and the Doctor stands.

DOCTOR : Thank you ! (shakes Grant's hand). Bye-bye.

Shakes Gardener's hand and heads for the TARDIS.

NIXON : Carry on, gentlemen.

Follows the Doctor and River. Rory accidentally breaks off a piece of the model lunar module sitting on the desk. When he can’t fit it back on, he slips the piece on the desk.

RORY (clears throat) : America salutes you.

Rory salutes them in the British fashion (palm facing outwards) before joining the others and closing the doors.


As Renfrew sits at his desk, Canton searches the filing cabinets.

CANTON : This place, it's been closed for years. What have you been doing ?

RENFREW : Oh, the child, she must be cared for. It's important. That's what they said.

CANTON : That's what who said ?


Amy searches the halls upstairs, shining her torch. She hears a metal clink and looks ahead. A woman with an eye patch peers through an opening in the door.

AMY : Hello. Who are you ?

WOMAN (possibly to someone inside) : No, I think she's just dreaming.

The window slides shut. After a slight pause, Amy goes to the door and opens it to find a small nursery that still looks like it’s been occupied recently.

AMY : Hello ? I saw you, looking through the hatch...

Amy looks back at the door and there is no sign of a small hatch. She rubs her hand along the door and checks the back of it.


Amy walks inside and sees stuffed animals on the bed, a mobile hanging from the light and framed photographs on the bureau. All of them are of the girl at various ages. One hidden in the back catches Amy's eye. She picks it up. It is her holding a baby.

AMY : How ? How can that be me ?

She puts the picture down with shaking hands and turns just as the astronaut enters the room.

AMY : Who are you ? I don't understand, so just tell me who you are !

The astronaut lifts the visor and it is still the girl. The inner visor is cracked from the bullet when Amy shot her.

AMY : I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shoot you. I'm glad I missed. But you killed The Doctor. You're going to kill him. But who are you ? Just please tell me, because I don't understand !

GIRL : Please help me. Help me, please.

Two of the creatures enter the room. Amy screams and the door slams shut.


There is a thumping and Renfrew goes to answer the door. He opens it a crack and speaks to the person outside.

RENFREW : It's just some questions. Yes, I see.

Closes door and sits back down.

CANTON : Who was that ? Doctor Renfrew ? Who was that ?

RENFREW : Who was who ?

Canton walks to the door but stops when it opens and a creature enters.

CANTON : What are you ? You can tell me. (activates recorder). Cos I won't remember. You invaded us. You're everywhere.

AMY (distant) : Help me ! Canton, please will you help me ?!

CANTON : Are you armed ?

CREATURE : This world is ours. We have ruled it since the wheel and the fire. We have no need of weapons.

CANTON : Yeah ? (takes out revolver and shoots it three times). Welcome to America. (Heads down the hall). Amy !


Nixon is sitting and his desk and the Doctor is walking to the TARDIS.

DOCTOR : You have to tape everything that happens in this office, every word, or we won't know if you're under the influence.

NIXON : Doctor, you have to give me more than this. What were you doing to Apollo 11 ?

DOCTOR : A thing. A clever thing. No more questions. You have to trust me and nobody else.

River opens the TARDIS door.

RIVER : Doctor, it's Canton ! Quick, he needs us !

The Doctor runs into the TARDIS and it dematerializes.


Canton has arrived in the same upstairs hallway.

AMY : Help me ! Please, I can't, I can't see ! Somebody help me !

Canton tries to break down the door.

CANTON : Amy ! (pounds on the door). Amy, can you hear me ? Amy, I'm going to try to blow the lock. I need you to stand back.

Just as Canton raises his gun, the Doctor, Rory and River arrive.

DOCTOR : OK, gun down, I've got it ! Amy, we're here. Are you OK ?

Uses the sonic on the lock.

AMY : I can't see !

The Doctor opens the door and they go in. Down the hall, hiding, pressed against the wall, is the girl.


They enter the room but Amy isn’t there. On the floor is the spacesuit.

RORY : Where is she, Doctor ?

The Doctor scans the suit with the sonic and River opens the visor.

RIVER : It's empty.

AMY : It's dark, it's so dark. I don't know where I am. Please, can anybody hear me ?

The Doctor looks down and finds the nanorecorder blinking on the floor. Rory picks it up.

RORY : They took this out of her ? How did they do that, Doctor ?

Amy sobs come over the recorder.

RORY : Why can I still hear her ?

RIVER : Is it a recording ?

DOCTOR (scans the recorder) : It defaults to live. This is current. Wherever she is right now, this is what she's saying.

RORY (speaks into recorder) : Amy, can you hear me ? We're coming for you. Wherever you are, we're coming, I swear.

DOCTOR : She can't hear you. I'm so sorry. It's one way.

RORY : She can always hear me, Doctor. Always, wherever she is. She always knows that I am coming for her, do you understand me ? Always.

AMY (recorder) : Doctor, are you out there ? Can you hear me ? Doctor ? Oh, God. Please, please, Doctor, just get me out of this.

RORY (into recorder) : He's coming. I'll bring him, I swear.

RENFREW : Hello, is someone in there ? Who ? I think someone has been shot. I think we should help. We... I can't... I can't remember.


Renfrew leads them back to his office where the creature is on the floor. It backs away as the Doctor kneels and reaches out.

DOCTOR : OK. Who and what are you ?

SILENCE : Silence, Doctor. (holding its wound). We are the Silence.

The Doctor flashes back to his past where the Silence has been mentioned (“The Eleventh Hour” “Vampires of Venice”).

SILENCE : And silence will fall.


The cell door opens and the soldiers aim their guns. Canton strolls out.

CANTON : Hello again.

SOLDIER : Sir, you've been in there for days. What the hell have you been doing ?

CANTON : Doesn't matter. I need Doctor Shepherd here right now.

SOLDIER : Sir, I need to talk to Colonel Jefferson right now !

CANTON : No, you really don't.

Nixon steps out of the cell and the soldiers snap to attention.

NIXON : Hi, fellas. I'm President Nixon. I want to tell you, on behalf of the American people, how much we appreciate all of your hard work.


The Doctor and River are examining the spacesuit. A small black-and-white TV is playing the news.

TV : The target for the Apollo 11 astronauts, the moon, at lift off, will be at a distance of 218,096 miles away. We're just past the two minute mark on the countdown. T minus one minute 54 seconds and counting...

RIVER : It's an exo-skeleton. Basically, life support. There's about 20 different kinds of alien tech in here.

DOCTOR : Who was she ? Why put her in here ?

RIVER : Put this on, you don't even need to eat. The suit processes sunlight directly. It's got built in weaponry and a communications system that can hack into anything.

DOCTOR : Including the telephone network ?

RIVER : Easily.

DOCTOR : Why phone the President ?

RIVER : It defaults to the highest authority it can find. The little girl gets frightened, the most powerful man on Earth gets a phone call. The night terrors with a hotline to the White House.

River looks up to see the Doctor sniffing her envelope and then licking it.

RIVER : You won't learn anything from that envelope, you know.

DOCTOR : Purchased on Earth, perfectly ordinary stationery, TARDIS blue. Summoned by a stranger who won't even show his face. That's a first for me. How about you ?

RIVER : Our lives are back to front. Your future's my past, your firsts are my lasts.

DOCTOR : Not really what I asked.

RIVER : Ask something else then.

DOCTOR : What are the Silence doing ? Raising a child ?

RIVER : Keeping her safe. Even giving her independence.

DOCTOR : The only way to save Amy is to work out what the Silence are doing.

RORY : I know.

DOCTOR : Every single thing we learn about them brings us a step closer.

RORY : Yeah, Doctor, I get it, I know.

DOCTOR : Of course, it's possible she's not just any little girl.

RIVER : Well, I'd say she's human, going by the life support software.

DOCTOR : But ?

RIVER : She climbed out of this suit. Like she forced her way out. She must be incredibly strong.

DOCTOR : Incredibly strong and running away. I like her.

RIVER : We should be trying to find her.

DOCTOR : Yes, I know, but how ? Anyway, I have the strangest feeling she's going to find us.

TV : This is Houston, do you read ? Over.

RORY : Why does it look like a NASA space suit ?

DOCTOR (walks to TV) : Because that's what the Silence do. Think about it. They don't make anything themselves. They don't have to. They get other life forms to do it for them.

RIVER : So they're parasites then ?

DOCTOR : Super parasites. Standing in the shadows of human history since the very beginning. We know they can influence human behaviour any way they want. If they've been doing that on a global scale for thousands of years...

RORY : Then what ?

DOCTOR : Then why did the human race suddenly decide to go to the moon ?

TV : Ten, nine, ignition sequence start, six, five, four...

DOCTOR : Because the Silence needed a space suit.

TV : ...one, zero, all engines on. Lift off. We have a lift off. 32 minutes past the hour, lift off on Apollo 11.


Doctor Shepherd examines the Silence.

SHEPHERD : My God ! What is it ?

CANTON : It's just an alien, Doctor Shepherd.

SHEPHERD : Someone's already been treating it.

CANTON : Yeah. You've been treating it.

SHEPHERD : Does Colonel Jefferson know this thing is here ?


SHEPHERD : Then I'm going to tell him right now !

Gets up and looks away from the Silence.

CANTON : Again ?

SHEPHERD : Sorry, what ?

CANTON : Exactly.

SHEPHERD : Sergeant, why was I called in here for no reason ?

Exits cell.

SILENCE : You tend to my wounds. You are foolish.

Canton has taken out Amy's phone and is using it to record.

CANTON : Why ? What you do in my place ?

SILENCE : We have ruled your lives since your lives began. You should kill us all on sight, but you will never remember we were even here. Your will is ours.

CANTON : Well, sorry to disappoint you, but thanks, it's exactly what I needed to hear. This is a video phone, whatever a video phone is.

Canton ends the recording and sends the file to the Doctor.


The Doctor opens the video on River's handheld.

SILENCE (video) : You should kill us all on sight.

Rory is off to the side listening to Amy's sobs over the nano-recorder. River scans the spacesuit and the hand/glove twitches.

RIVER : This suit, it seems to be repairing itself. How is it doing that ?

Rory sits on the floor, his back against a packing crate.

RIVER : Doctor, a unit like this, would it ever be able to move without an occupant ?

DOCTOR : Why ?

RIVER : Well, the little girl said the space man was coming to eat her. Maybe that's exactly what happened.

Amy begins to speak and Rory lifts his head. The Doctor also hears but leaves Rory alone.

AMY (recorder) : I love you. I know you think it's him. I know you think it ought to be him. But it's not, it's you. And when I see you again, I'm going tell you properly, just to see your stupid face. My life was so boring before you just dropped out of the sky. (Rory drops his head). So just get your stupid face where I can see it. OK ? OK ?

The Doctor sits beside Rory.

DOCTOR : She'll be safe for now. No point in a dead hostage.

RORY : Can't you save her ?

DOCTOR : I can track that signal back. Take us right to her.

RORY : Then why haven't you ?

DOCTOR : Because then what ? I find her, and then what do I do ? This isn't an alien invasion. They live here. This is their empire. This is kicking the Romans out of Rome.

RORY : Rome fell.

DOCTOR : I know. I was there.

RORY : So was I.

DOCTOR : Personal question.

RORY : Seriously ? You ?

DOCTOR : Do you ever remember it ? 2,000 years, waiting for Amy ? The Last Centurion ?

RORY : No.

DOCTOR : Are you lying ?

RORY : Course I'm lying.

DOCTOR : Course you are. Not the sort of thing anyone forgets.

RORY : But I don't remember it all the time. It's like there's... a door in my head. I can keep it shut.

AMY (recorder) : Please come and get me. Come and get me.

Sobs. The Doctor stands and listens.


One of the aides switches on the TV and the Apollo 11 broadcast.

TV : Just five days since Apollo 11 blasted off from Cape Kennedy, ...


The patrons are gathered around the TV.

TV : ...this unprecedented journey is reaching its crucial moment. Armstrong and Aldrin are making their descent to the surface of the moon. On the ground, you've got a bunch of guys about to turn blue.


Amy wakes, a bright light in her eyes. She is strapped to one of the tables tilted upright.

AMY : Where am I ? Where is this ?

One of the Silence turns to face her.

SILENCE : You are Amelia Pond.

AMY : You're ugly, has anyone mentioned that to you ?

SILENCE : We do you honour. You will bring the Silence. But your part will soon be over.

AMY : Whatever that means, you've made a big mistake bringing me here, because wait till you see what's coming for you now.

SILENCE : You have been here many days.

AMY : No. I just got here. You just put me in here.

SILENCE : Your memory is weak. You have been here many days.

AMY : No. No, I can't have been.

SILENCE : You will sleep now. Sleep.

Leans over her.

AMY : No ! No ! Get off me !

SILENCE : Sleep.

AMY : No ! No !

The TARDIS materializes. The Silence turn to stare at it as the Doctor, River and Rory step out. The Doctor is carrying a TV. River has her gun out.

DOCTOR : Oh ! Interesting. Very Aickman Road, seen one of these before. Abandoned, wonder how that happened. Oh, well ! I suppose I'm about to find out. Rory, River, keep one Silent in eyeshot at all times. Oh, hello, sorry. You're in the middle of something. Just had to say though, have you seen what's on the telly ? Hello, Amy, you all right ? Want to watch some television ? (sets the TV on the console). Ah, now, stay where you are. Because look at me, I'm confident. You want to watch that, me, when I'm confident. Oh, and this is my friend, River. Nice hair, clever, has own gun, and unlike me, she really doesn't mind shooting people. I shouldn't like that. Kind of do.

RIVER : Thank you, sweetie.

DOCTOR : I know you're team players and everything, but she'll definitely kill at least the first three of you.

River moves so that she and the Doctor are standing back-to-back.

RIVER : The first seven, easily.

DOCTOR : Seven, really ?

RIVER : Oh, eight for you, honey.

DOCTOR : Stop it.

RIVER : Make me !

DOCTOR : Yeah, well, maybe I will.

AMY : Is this really important, flirting ? I feel like I should be higher on the list right now.

DOCTOR : Yes, right, sorry. As I was saying, my naughty friend here is going kill the first three of you to attack, plus him behind. So maybe you want to draw lots, or have a quiz.

Rory is trying to free Amy.

AMY : What's he got ?

RORY : Something, I hope.

DOCTOR (walks around the console) : Or maybe you could just listen a minute, because all I really want to do is accept your total surrender, and then I'll let you go in peace. You've been interfering in human history for thousands of years. People have suffered and died. But what's the point in two hearts, if you can't be a bit forgiving now and then. (stares into the leader’s face). Ooh ! The Silence. You guys take that seriously, don't you ? OK, you got me, I'm lying. I'm not really going to let you go that easily. Nice thought, but it's not Christmas. First, (turns on TV) you tell me about the girl. Who is she ? Why is she important ? What's she for ? Guys, sorry. But you're way out of time. Now, come on, a bit of history for you. Aren't you proud, because you helped ? (pulls out the TV antennae). Do you know how many people are watching this live on the telly ? Half a billion, and that's nothing, because the human race will spread out among the stars, you just watch them fly. Billions and billions of them, for billions and billions of years. And every single one of them, at some point in their lives, will look back at this man, taking that very first step, and they will never, ever forget it.

The Doctor stops and watches as the moon landing unfolds.

DOCTOR : Oh. (takes out phone). But they'll forget this bit. (into phone). Ready ?


CANTON : Ready.

Canton presses Amy's phone against the phone the Doctor had given him.


The device the Doctor hooked up earlier is triggered.


TV : It's one small step for man...

The broadcast is interrupted with the video of the Silence that Canton had shot earlier. It is on a loop and keeps repeating. Those in the Oval Office and the bar see the recording and remember.

DOCTOR : You've given the order for your own execution, and the whole planet just heard you.

TV : One giant leap for mankind.

DOCTOR : And one whacking great kick up the backside for the Silence !


The patrons turn on the Silence in the bar.

DOCTOR (v.o.) : You just raised an army against yourself.


Peterson turns and draws on the Silence standing in the doorway.

DOCTOR (v.o.) : And now, for a thousand generations, you're going to be ordering them to destroy you every day.


DOCTOR : How fast can you run ? Because today's the day the human race throw you off their planet. (the leader advances on the Doctor who backs away). They won't even know they're doing it. I think, quite possibly the word you're looking for right now is, "Oops !" Run ! Guys, I mean us ! Run !

The Silence begin to draw on their engery. River starts to fire. The Doctor uses his sonic to keep them back.

RORY : I can't get her out !

AMY : Go, just go !

RORY : We are not leaving without you !

AMY : Will you just get your stupid face out of here ?!

Rory stops and looks up at Amy.

RIVER : Right, into the TARDIS, quickly !

The Doctor uses the sonic on the straps and frees Amy. Rory helps Amy to the TARDIS while River and the Doctor cover them.

DOCTOR : Don't let them build to full power !

RIVER : I know. There's a reason why I'm shooting, honey ! What are you doing ?

DOCTOR : Helping.

RIVER : You've got a screwdriver. Go build a cabinet !

DOCTOR : That's really rude !

RIVER : Shut up and drive !

The Doctor goes into the TARDIS and River spins and fires at the Silence, killing them all. She ends in a crouch. She slowly stands. Rory is in the TARDIS doorway, staring at her in amazement. She twirls her gun into its holster.

RIVER : My old fella didn't see that, did he ? He gets ever so cross.

RORY : So, what kind of doctor are you ?

RIVER : Archaeology.

Without looking, River pulls out her gun and fires at the Silence behind her.

RIVER : Love a tomb.

Enters TARDIS.


River pushes the Doctor out of the way and works the controls.

DOCTOR : You can let me fly it !

RIVER : Or we could go where we're supposed to.

Amy walks down to steps to Rory by the door.

AMY : What's the matter with you ?

RORY : You called me stupid.

AMY : I always call you stupid.

RORY : No, but... my face.

Amy reaches out and opens Rory's hand to reveal her recorder.

RORY : I wasn't sure who you were talking about. You know, me, or...

AMY : Him ?

RORY : Well, you did say, "Dropped out of the sky."

AMY : It's a figure of speech, moron !

Amy pulls Rory into a kiss.

RORY : Thanks.

AMY : You're welcome.


Nixon shakes the Doctor's hand.

NIXON : So we're safe again.

DOCTOR : Safe ? No, of course you're not safe. There's a billion other things out there, waiting to burn your whole world. But if you want to pretend you're safe, just so you can sleep at night, OK, you're safe. But you're not really. (turns to Canton). Canton. Till the next one, eh ?

Shake hands.

CANTON : Looking forward to it.

DOCTOR (to Nixon) : Canton just wants to get married. Helluva reason to kick him out of the FBI.

NIXON : I'm sure something can be arranged.

DOCTOR : I'm counting on you.

NIXON : Er, Doctor... Canton here tells me you're... from the future. Hardly seems possible, but I was wondering...

DOCTOR : Should warn you, I don't answer a lot of questions.

NIXON : But I'm a President at the beginning of his time. Dare I ask ? Will I be remembered ?

DOCTOR : Oh, Dickie. Tricky Dickie. They're never going to forget you. (heads for the TARDIS). Say hi to David Frost for me.

NIXON : David Frost ?

Nixon and Canton watch as they enter the TARDIS and it dematerializes.

NIXON : This person you want to marry. Black ?


NIXON : Hmm. I know what people think of me, but perhaps I am a little more liberal.

CANTON : He is.

NIXON : I think the moon is far enough for now, don't you, Mister Delaware ?

CANTON : I figured it might be.


The TARDIS is in the hall as the Doctor says goodbye to River by her open cell.

DOCTOR : You could come with us.

RIVER : I escape often enough, thank you. And I have a promise to live up to. You'll understand, soon enough.

DOCTOR : OK, up to you. (walks to the TARDiS). See you next time. Call me.

RIVER : What, that's it ? What's the matter with you ?

DOCTOR (walks back) : Have I forgotten something ?

RIVER : Oh, shut up.

River kisses him and the Doctor waves his arms about as if he doesn’t know what to do.

DOCTOR : Right. OK. Interesting.

RIVER : What's wrong ? You're acting like we've never done that before.

DOCTOR : We haven't.

RIVER : We haven't ?

DOCTOR : Oh, look at the time, must be off. (backs away to the TARDIS). But it was very nice. It was good. It was unexpected. You know what they say, there's a first time for everything.

Enters TARDIS.

RIVER : And a last time.


DOCTOR : Rory, I'm going to need thermo couplings. The green ones and the blue ones.

RORY : OK, hold on.

Heads off.


AMY : So ?

DOCTOR : You're OK ?

AMY : Fine. Head's a bit weird. There's lots of stuff I can't quite remember.

Flashes to the photo and what happened in the orphanage.

DOCTOR : After effect of the Silence. Natural enough. That's not what I was asking. You told me you were pregnant.

AMY : Yes.

DOCTOR : Why ?

AMY : Because I was. I thought I was. Turns out I wasn't.

DOCTOR : No. Why did you tell me ?

AMY : You're my friend. You're my best friend.

DOCTOR : Did you tell Rory ?

In another section of the TARDIS, Rory still has Amy’s recorder and can hear everything.

AMY (recorder) : No.

DOCTOR (recorder) : Amy, why tell me and not Rory ?

AMY : Why do you think ? I travelled with you in this TARDIS for so long. All that time. If I was pregnant for some of it, wouldn't it have had an effect ?

AMY (recorder) : I don't want to tell Rory, this baby might have three heads, or like a time head or something.

DOCTOR : What's a time head ?

AMY : I don't know, but what if it had one ?

DOCTOR : A time head ?

AMY : Shut up, all right !

They laugh.

AMY (recorder) : Oi ! Stupid face.

RORY (makes his way back to the console) : Er, yeah. Hello.

AMY (sees the recorder) : Taking that away from you, if you're going to listen in all the time.

RORY : OK, that's a fair point. But you should've told me that you thought you were pregnant. I'm a nurse, I'm good with pregnancy.

AMY : Not, as it turns out, that good. So can you stop being stupid ?

Hugs Rory.

RORY : Er, no. Never. I'm never, ever going to stop being stupid !

DOCTOR : So, this little girl, it's all about her. Who was she ? Or we could just go off and have some adventures. Anyone in the mood for adventures ? I am. You only live once.

Amy and Rory share a look as the Doctor fiddles with the scanner controls. He smiles at Amy and looks back to the scanner. The TARDIS is performing a full-body scan on Amy, testing for pregnancy. The results keep switching between positive and negative.


Six months later...

A homeless man is searching through dumpsters. The girl appears wearing a thin coat. She coughs. The man turns at the sound of her cough.

MAN : Are you OK ? Little girl... are you OK ?

GIRL : It's all right. It's quite all right. I'm dying... but I can fix that. It's easy, really. See ?

The girl holds her hands out and they begin to glow. She giggles and the man runs away. The glow spreads and she throws her arms out and her head back as she regenerates.




Source : jpgr.livejournal.com

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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