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Doctor Who (2005)
#601 : The Impossible Astronaut ... L'impossible astronaute (1/2)

Quatre enveloppes contenant chacune une date, une heure et un point sur une carte, non signées, mais du même bleu que le TARDIS sont expédiées. Cette étrange injonction réunit le Docteur, Amy, Rory et River Song au fin fond de l’Utah et dévoile un terrible secret que les amis du Docteur ne doivent jamais lui révéler.

Cet épisode est précédé de l'épisode de Noel Le fantôme des Noels passés.


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The Impossible Astronaut

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The Impossible Astronaut ... L'impossible astronaute (1/2)

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Doctor Who The Impossible Astronaut Prequel VOSTFR

Doctor Who The Impossible Astronaut Prequel VOSTFR


The Impossible Astronaut trailer

The Impossible Astronaut trailer


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L'astronaute-The Impossible Astronaut

L'astronaute-The Impossible Astronaut

L'enfant dans le scaphandre-The Impossible Astronaut

L'enfant dans le scaphandre-The Impossible Astronaut

Le Docteur et l'astronaute-The Impossible Astronaut

Le Docteur et l'astronaute-The Impossible Astronaut

Le Docteur, les Pond, River et  Canton Everett Delaware-The Impossible Astronaut

Le Docteur, les Pond, River et Canton Everett Delaware-The Impossible Astronaut

Le Docteur et les Pond-The Impossible Astronaut

Le Docteur et les Pond-The Impossible Astronaut

Le Docteur, les Pond, River -The Impossible Astronaut

Le Docteur, les Pond, River -The Impossible Astronaut


Logo de la chaîne France 4

France (redif)
Samedi 23.09.2017 à 13:35

Logo de la chaîne France 4

France (redif)
Lundi 16.01.2017 à 19:25

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Steven Moffat

Réalisateur : Toby Haynes


Cast :

Matt Smith ... Le Docteur
Karen Gillan ... Amy Pond
Arthur Darvill ... Rory Williams
Alex Kingston ... River Song
Mark Sheppard ... Canton Everett Delaware
William Morgan Sheppard ... Canton Delaware âgé
Stuart Milligan ... Le Président Nixon
Chuk Iwuji ... Carl
Mark Griffin ... Phil
Marnix Van Den Broeke ... Le Silence
Sydney Wade ...  La petite fille
Nancy Baldwin ... Joy


Références et continuités

  • Ayant aussi écrit l'épisode suivant, L'Impossible Astronaute, deuxième partie, Moffat voulait que la saison 2011 démarre avec une histoire en deux parties afin de commencer avec une intrigue aux enjeux et à l'ampleur plus importants. En écrivant la scène de la mort du futur Docteur, Moffat voulait que les téléspectateurs réalisent que les Seigneurs du Temps ne sont pas invincibles, et pourraient mourir de façon permanente s'ils sont tués avant l'issue de leur régénération. La question de la mort du Docteur et du secret à conserver plane une partie de la saison.
  • Les Silences avaient pour objectif d'être moins effrayants que les précédents monstres du passé. Ironiquement, ils sont devenus l'un des monstres les plus craints des fans. 
  • La grossesse d'Amy Pond est un axe majeur de l'arc narratif de la saison.
  • Le roi anglais Charles II fait une apparition dans un flash-back: le Docteur se cache sous les jupes d'une peintre pour échapper à son courroux.


Tournage et production

  • Mark Sheppard, qui incarne Canton, devait à l'origine jouer sa version plus âgée, vieilli par des prothèses et du maquillage; il a suggéré avec succès que son père joue à sa place.
  • C'est la première fois qu'un épisode a été tourné aux Etats-Unis: le téléfilm Le Seigneur du Temps de 1996 avait été réalisé au Canada. Quelques vues de contexte de New York et de la Statue de la Liberté ont été filmés sur Liberty Island pour  L'Expérience finale, mais aucun des acteurs de l'épisode n'avait été impliqué dans le tournage.
  • La scène de la gifle a due être tournée plusieurs fois, laissant un pauvre Matt à la joue brulante.

Résumé épisode 601 "L'impossible astronaute" (1/2)

Dans l'Angleterre du 17ème siècle, le capitaine Simmons et ses hommes font irruption dans la chambre de la fille de son employeur, Mathilde, et exigent de savoir où elle cache le Docteur. Elle jette un regard coupable à une peinture qu'elle a faite du Docteur, nu, posant comme Poséidon, mais persiste à dire que le Docteur n'est pas là. Toutefois, Simmons entend un éternuement et soulève le bord de sa jupe. Le Docteur se cache dessous, nu. Le Seigneur du Temps précise que les choses ne sont pas aussi mauvaises qu'elles semblent l'être.

En 2011, Amy et Rory sont chez eux et Amy est en train de lire l'histoire de cet incident. Rory n'est pas convaincu qu'il s'agisse du Docteur, jusqu'à ce qu'ils découvrent qu'il s'est échappé de la Tour de Londres dans un ballon. Amy trouve une autre entrée sur les exploits du Docteur.

Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le Docteur aide Charles et plusieurs autres soldats britanniques à s'échapper d'un camp de prisonniers de guerre allemands.

Amy soupçonne le Docteur d'exécuter des actes évidents dans le passé pour attirer leur attention dans le présent. Elle se demande pourquoi il n'a pas pris contact avec eux depuis deux mois, depuis qu'il les a laissés, et ils reçoivent immédiatement une enveloppe, de couleur bleue TARDIS, avec date, heure, latitude et longitude.

Dans l'avenir, River Song est dans sa cellule de prison où elle trouve une enveloppe similaire sur sa couchette. Quelques minutes plus tard, l'un des gardes sonne l'alerte : River fait ses bagages pour aller dans un endroit appelé l'Amérique.

Amy et Rory arrivent sur une route près du district de San Juan School dans l'Utah, aux États-Unis. Le Docteur les attend, allongé sur une voiture et portant un Stetson. Alors qu'ils s'étreignent, River arrive et tire sur le chapeau du Docteur, une manière comme une autre de faire son entrée. Ils vont ensuite dans un  café-restaurant et River et le Docteur synchronisent leurs agendas, puis le Docteur leur dit ce qu'il a fait pendant tout ce temps et qu'il prévoit un nouveau voyage : l'espace, en 1969.

D'abord, ils vont pique-niquer près d'un lac, le lac Silencio. Alors qu'ils parlent, le Docteur dit de façon désinvolte qu'il a 1103 ans, et Amy note que la dernière fois qu'il a mentionné son âge, il en avait 908. Elle voit alors un extraterrestre chauve dans un costume noir debout sur une colline voisine. Cependant, quand elle se tourne vers les autres pour leur en parler, elle a oublié son existence.

Alors que le Docteur et ses compagnons dégustent du vin et du fromage, un vieil homme arrive dans une camionnette. Il fait signe au Docteur, puis le groupe se retourne et tous voient quelqu'un dans un scaphandre spatial de 1969 émerger du lac. Le Docteur dit à ses compagnons de rester en arrière et va saluer le cosmonaute. Il parle au nouveau venu, qui lève la main et tire sur lui avec un faisceau d'énergie. River et Rory retiennent Amy dès que le Docteur chancelle sur ses pieds et commence à se régénérer. L'astronaute lui tire à nouveau dessus au milieu de son cycle de régénération et le Docteur s'effondre au sol, puis l'astronaute se retourne et marche vers le lac. Amy et les autres courent vers le corps du Seigneur du Temps et confirment qu'il est mort. River tire sur le cosmonaute, qui continue d'avancer dans le lac et disparaît.

Alors que le trio se regarde en état de choc, le vieil homme se lève et explique que le Docteur lui avait dit d'apporter un bidon d'essence. River explique aux autres qu'ils ont besoin de détruire le corps du Docteur pour l'empêcher de tomber entre des mains ennemies, car même un petit morceau de lui serait dangereux. Rory prend une barque sur le lac à proximité, ils mettent le corps du Docteur dedans, y mettent le feu, et la poussent dans le lac.

Alors qu'ils regardent, affligés, le vieil homme explique qu'il est venu là pour la même raison qu'eux et leur montre une troisième enveloppe bleu TARDIS avec le numéro 4 dessus. Il est clair qu'il sait tout d'eux déjà, et il leur dit qu'il s'appelle Canton Everett Delaware III. Le vieil homme dit qu'il ne les reverra plus mais qu'ils vont le voir à nouveau, puis il leur donne son enveloppe et part.

De retour au café-restaurant, les compagnons essayent de comprendre ce qu'il faut faire ensuite. River remarque que leurs enveloppes ont également des chiffres, 2 et 3, et ils se demandent qui a reçu la première enveloppe. River dit que le Docteur doit avoir envoyé l'enveloppe la plus importante pour la personne en qui il a le plus confiance. A ce moment-là, le Docteur sort de l'arrière-salle et ils le regardent avec surprise et incrédulité. River le gifle, en supposant que c'est une blague, mais ils découvrent rapidement que ce Docteur a 909 ans, et que le Docteur qu'ils ont vu mourir est une version du futur. Quand le Docteur lui demande pourquoi ils sont là, River raconte des mensonges et dit qu'ils sont venus en visite et rencontrer Canton Delaware. Quand le Docteur demande qui les a invités, River refuse de répondre, en disant qu'il s'agit de «spoilers». En effet, le Docteur ne doit rien savoir sur sa propre mort.

Le groupe retourne au TARDIS et le Docteur utilise les banques de données pour localiser Canton, dont il n'a jamais entendu parler. Pendant ce temps, River explique aux autres qu'ils ne peuvent pas lui parler de tout ce qu'ils ont vu dans son avenir. Amy pense que la situation est suffisamment grave pour justifier le risque d'altérer l'avenir du Docteur, mais River dit qu'il y a quelque chose de pire à venir, d'après elle, que son décès ou celui du Docteur. En attendant, le Docteur découvre que Canton est à Washington, DC, le 8 avril 1969. Toutefois, il refuse de s'impliquer et dit qu'il va les ramener tous chez eux à moins qu'ils ne lui disent ce qui se passe. Ses compagnons refusent de révéler son avenir, et River dit qu'il peut leur faire confiance. Le Docteur fait remarquer qu'il n'a aucune raison de leur faire confiance, et lui demande qui elle est vraiment et qui elle a tué pour finir dans une prison. River refuse de répondre, et Amy demande au Seigneur de temps de lui faire confiance à elle. Il lui demande si elle est menacée et lui demande de jurer sur quelque chose de sacré, et Amy jure sur les bâtonnets de poisson et la crème anglaise (petit clin d'oeil à leur première rencontre) qu'ils ont une bonne raison de le garder dans l'obscurité. Le Docteur accepte sa parole et commence son voyage vers 1969.

La version de Canton de 1969, bien plus jeune, est dans un bar lorsque deux agents des services secrets arrivent et lui disent que le Président des États-Unis exige qu'il vienne avec eux.

Alors qu'ils voyagent en 1969, le Docteur vérifie les documents historiques et confirme que Canton Delaware était un agent du FBI qui a été congédié en 1969, mais a rencontré le Président six semaines plus tard pour une réunion privée dans le Bureau Ovale.

En route, Canton reçoit un appel téléphonique de Nixon, qui lui explique qu'il a besoin d'une personne extérieure au FBI. Chaque nuit, depuis les deux dernières semaines, une mystérieuse personne l'a appelé au téléphone sur sa ligne directe, malgré la sécurité prise pour éviter ce genre de chose.

Le Docteur actionne le dispositif de dissimulation du TARDIS qui se matérialise dans le Bureau ovale. Le scanner ne fonctionne pas car ils sont en mode camouflage, de sorte que le Docteur doit sortir seul et dit aux autres d'attendre jusqu'à ce qu'il soit sûr que c'est sans danger. Il se retrouve dans le bureau ovale alors que Nixon fait écouter un enregistrement de l'un des appels téléphoniques à Canton. C'est la voix d'un enfant, on dirait une petite fille, mais le Président dit qu'il s'agit d'un garçon. Aucun d'eux ne s'aperçoit de la présence du Docteur, et celui-ci prend des notes alors que la voix de l'enfant dit qu'il a peur du cosmonaute. Quand Nixon lui demande où il se trouve et son nom, l'enfant lui dit : "Jefferson Adams Hamilton". Canton se demande pourquoi le Président n'a pas mis le FBI sur l'enquête, et Nixon explique que le FBI pourrait être responsable, et les appels viennent à lui, peu importe où il est. Ils remarquent finalement le Docteur, qui tente de partir rapidement, mais bute sur le TARDIS masqué et tombe au sol.

River parvient à faire marcher le scanner et ils regardent Canton et les agents des services secrets s'attaquer au Docteur. Réalisant qu'elle a activé le scanner, le Docteur lui dit de dévoiler le TARDIS. Quand elle le fait, les agents des services secrets sont distraits assez longtemps pour que le Docteur puisse aller s'asseoir au bureau du Président, comme s'il était chez lui. Alors que les autres entrent dans la pièce, sous les armes des agents de sécurité, le Docteur dit qu'il va s'occuper de l'affaire et se présente, lui-même et ses compagnons, comme des agents d'infiltration de Scotland Yard. Il dit aussi que l'appelant est une petite fille, et qu'il n'y a qu'un seul endroit d'où elle aurait pu appeler. Toutefois, il refuse de le leur dire à moins qu'ils ne lui donnent cinq minutes. Canton, amusé par la confiance en lui du Docteur, suggère qu'ils le fassent malgré les protestations de l'agent secret spécial Carl. Nixon accepte et le Docteur explique que celle qui a appelé est en Floride parce que c'est là que l'on trouve des astronautes.

Alors que le Docteur commence à examiner des cartes de la Floride, Amy remarque le même extraterrestre que celui vu en Utah, debout dans le couloir à l'extérieur du Bureau ovale. Quand elle regarde ailleurs, elle l'oublie et commence à se sentir mal. Canton lui permet d'aller aux toilettes, suivie par un agent, Phil.

Quand elle entre, le laissant devant l'entrée, Amy découvre que le même extraterrestre l'attend, déclenchant ses souvenirs de leurs deux derniers rencontres. Une femme, membre du personnel de la Maison Blanche, Joy, entre à son tour et voit l'extraterrestre. Elle suppose que c'est un collègue qui porte un masque de Star Trek. Quand Joy se retourne vers Amy, elle oublie l'extraterrestre derrière elle, jusqu'à ce qu'elle se tourne à nouveau. Amy lui dit de prendre garde mais la femme ne comprend pas. Cette fois, l'extraterrestre génère une explosion d'énergie et réduit Joy en cendres, tandis qu'Amy prend une photo de lui avec son téléphone portable. Quand elle lui demande pourquoi il a tué Joy, puisqu'elle n'allait pas se souvenir de lui, l'extraterrestre dit le nom de Joy et d'Amy. Il lui dit de dire au Docteur ce qu'il doit savoir, et ce qu'il ne doit jamais savoir.

L'extraterrestre se déplace alors vers Amy, qui sort des toilettes en courant. Phil l'attend et lui demande si tout va bien. Amy a encore une fois oublié l'étranger ainsi que la photo qu'elle a prise de lui et dit que tout va bien, qu'elle doit dire quelque chose au Docteur, mais elle ne sait plus de quoi il s'agit.

Le Docteur identifie enfin l'emplacement de l'enfant, tandis que le téléphone privé du Président sonne. Canton demande à Nixon de répondre, et la fillette demande leur aide, en disant : le cosmonaute va me manger. Le Docteur pousse ses compagnons dans le TARDIS pour aller à l'emplacement choisi, et Canton se glisse derrière eux tandis que Nixon raconte à la fille qu'il envoie ses meilleurs agents.

Alors qu'ils partent, le Docteur explique à River que "Jefferson Adams Hamilton" sont les noms de trois Présidents américains, et que la fillette a essayé de leur dire où elle était. Ils arrivent en Floride dans un entrepôt de la NASA, à la jonction des rues Hamilton, Jefferson et Adams. Rory est occupé à rassurer Canton (oui, ils ont voyagé dans l'espace), et le Docteur découvre que le téléphone ne fonctionne plus. Il présume qu'ils ont été attirés dans un piège, mais insiste pour aller explorer les lieux, ignorant que le cosmonaute les observe dans l'ombre.

Après avoir exploré les environs, le groupe trouve des boîtes de technologie extraterrestre, ainsi que des scaphandres américains. Amy se demande pourquoi des extraterrestres capables de voyager dans l'espace auraient besoin de scaphandres relativement primitifs. Quand elle a un moment seul avec River, Amy lui demande pourquoi ils ne peuvent pas simplement avertir le Docteur de ce qui se passera dans son avenir et sauver sa vie. River l'avertit qu'ils ne peuvent pas créer un paradoxe, basé sur ce que le Docteur lui a dit dans son passé.

Le groupe suit les conduits d'alimentation aliens vers une plaque d'égout et River se porte volontaire pour aller l'explorer. Sous l'entrepôt, il y a un vaste ensemble de tunnels, et il y a des extraterrestres comme celui qui a parlé à Amy. Quelques minutes plus tard, effrayée et inquiète, River sort de ces tunnels, mais sans aucun souvenir. Elle veut explorer les tunnels supplémentaires et le Docteur envoie Rory avec elle. Alors que les deux regardent autour d'eux, River commence à se sentir mal, mais réussit à utiliser son scanner et découvre que ces tunnels sont très anciens. Ils trouvent une trappe de maintenance et River travaille pour l'ouvrir. Rory lui demande de s'expliquer sur son commentaire précédent "quelque chose de pire est en train d'arriver", et River explique qu'elle et le Docteur se sont rencontrés dans l'ordre inverse. Comme elle continue de voyager à l'envers dans la vie du Docteur, elle va bientôt atteindre un point où il ne la connaîtra pas et elle pense que ça la tuera.

Une fois que River a ouvert la porte, elle et Rory découvrent une grande pièce avec une console dans le centre qui ressemble quelque peu à celle du TARDIS. Une alarme se déclenche et Rory vérifie le tunnel d'où ils sont arrivés. Les aliens sont en train d'avancer vers eux, mais dès que Rory se tourne pour avertir River, il oublie qu'ils arrivent. River examine la console et confirme que les tunnels parcourent le sous-sol de la planète entière. La lumière vacille et les aliens tirent sur Rory et River se tourne avec horreur.

Pendant qu'ils attendent, Amy demande à Canton pourquoi il a été renvoyé du FBI, et il explique qu'il n'a pas été autorisé à se marier. Alors qu'ils discutent du Docteur, Amy commence à se rappeler le message que l'extraterrestre lui a demandé de transmettre. Avant qu'elle se souvienne, ils entendent la fillette crier au secours. Canton part et Amy commence à courir après lui, mais s'effondre de douleur. Elle essaie de dire au Docteur d'attendre, mais il insiste pour rejoindre Canton.

L'ancien agent du FBI est couché sur le sol, inconscient, et Amy obtient finalement du Docteur qu'il l'écoute, et elle lui dit qu'elle est enceinte. Avant que le Docteur ne puisse faire un geste, le cosmonaute entre dans la pièce et avance vers eux, pointant sa main vers le Docteur. Il ouvre la visière du casque et on découvre qu'il s'agit d'une petite fille. Amy ne l'a pas vu, et, ne souhaitant pas que le Docteur meurt, elle attrape l'arme de Canton et tire sur le cosmonaute avant que le Docteur ne puisse l'arrêter, tout en réalisant qu'il s'agit d'une enfant; et elle crie, horrifiée...


A suivre...

Écrit par owhar pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries

Script VO épisode 601 "The impossible astronaut" (1/2)


We see a man in Restoration dress stride through the door, pushing a servant to the side.

MAN : Out of my way !!

He reaches another set of doors and pulls on them only to find them locked. We then switch to the other side of the doors to see the Doctor's clothing cast over a stool.

MAN (through door) : Doctor !

We pan over to see paints and a palette.

MAN (through door) : Doctor !

We pan again to see a painting of the Doctor in a god-like pose in the clouds, He is holding a trident on his right hand and his left is on his hip. A red swath of cloth is all that protects his modesty.

MAN (through door) : Doctor !

The man finally bursts through the door, sword drawn. Two others are behind him.

MAN : Where's the Doctor ?!

The artist, a woman, laughs nervously.

WOMAN : Doctor who ?

There is a muffled sneeze and the man uses the tip of his sword to lift the hem of the woman's dress. A naked Doctor peers out.

DOCTOR : You know, this isn't nearly as bad it looks.


Rory is unpacking groceries while Amy reads aloud from a book.

AMY : "At the personal intervention of the King, the unnamed doctor was incarcerated without trial in the Tower of London."

RORY : OK, but it doesn't have to be him.

AMY : "Two nights later a magical sphere some 20 feet across was seen floating away from the tower, bearing the mysterious doctor aloft."

RORY : OK... it's him.

AMY : There's more.


A British POW, dressed in his underclothes, is lying on his stomach on a dolly. He looks up.

POW : Doctor, what can you see ?

The Doctor pops his head through the hole in the tunnel roof.

DOCTOR : Is the commandant's office painted a sort of green colour with a big flag on the wall ?

Alarms blare and beams from the search lights make it through the tunnel.

DOCTOR : I think the answer's probably yes.

The Doctor pulls back as we hear shouts in German and barking dogs.


They are lying side-by-side on the couch. Amy slams the book closed.

AMY : It's like he's being deliberately ridiculous, trying to attract our attention. Are you watching this again ?

Laurel and Hardy’s “Sons of the Desert” plays on the TV.

RORY : I've explained the jokes.

Amy gets up and goes to the door as the doorbell rings.

RORY : So what are you saying ? Do you really think he's back there trying to wave to us out of history books ?

As Rory looks down at the book, he misses seeing the Doctor appear onscreen in the movie waving at the camera before joining Laurel and Hardy in a small dance.

AMY : It's the sort of thing he'd do. Thanks.

Takes a letter from the postman and returns.

RORY : Yeah, but why ?

AMY : He said he'd be in touch.

RORY : Two months ago.

AMY : Two months is nothing. He's up to something, I know he is, I know him.

Opens letter.

RORY : What is it ? Amy ?

AMY : A date, a time, a map reference. I think it's an invitation.

RORY : From who ?

AMY : It's not signed. Look, TARDIS blue !

Tosses it at him.


A similar envelope lands on a bed. A female hand reaches down to pick it up and we see it is River Song. She opens the letter and smiles as she reads the contents.


Alarms blare as men race down the hall. A guard is on the phone.

GUARD : You'd better get down here, sir. She's doing it again. Dr Song, sir. She's... packing.


A yellow school bus drives down the road.

GUARD (v.o.) : Says she's going to some planet called... America.

The bus stops and Amy and Rory step off, both carrying backpacks.

AMY : Thanks !

DRIVER : You're very welcome.

AMY : Uh ! This is it, yeah ? The right place ?

The bus drives off.

RORY : Nowhere, middle of ? Yeah, this is it.

We see the Doctor's face.

DOCTOR : Howdy !

Amy and Rory turn around and we see the Doctor lying on the hood of a red 1960s station wagon.

AMY : Doctor !

DOCTOR : Ha-ha ! It's the Ponds ! (gets off the car). Pond One and Pond Two ! (hugs Amy). Hello, Ponds, come here !

AMY : So someone's been a busy boy then, eh ?

DOCTOR : Did you see me ?

AMY : Of course ! Stalker !

DOCTOR : Flirt !

RORY : Husband.

DOCTOR : And Rory the Roman ! Oh, come here !

Hugs him.

RORY : Hey, nice hat.

DOCTOR : I wear a Stetson now, Stetsons are cool.

A gun fires and the Stetson is blown off the Doctor's head. The three of them turn around and see a figure silhouetted against the sun. The figure moves slightly and we see it is River.

RIVER (blows on the muzzle) : Hello, sweetie.


In a booth, the Doctor and River compare notes while Amy and Rory get Cokes at the counter.

RIVER : Right then, where are we ? Have we done Easter Island yet ?

DOCTOR : Yes, I've got Easter Island !

RIVER : They worshipped you there ! Have you seen the statues ?

Rory and Amy join them.

DOCTOR : Jim the Fish.

RIVER : Oh, Jim the Fish ! How is he ?

DOCTOR : Still building his dam.

RORY : Sorry, what are you two doing ?

AMY : They're both time travellers, so they never meet in the right order. They're syncing their diaries. So what's happening, then ? Because you've been up to something.

DOCTOR : I've been running... faster than I've ever run, and I've been running my whole life. Now it's time for me to stop. And tonight I'm going to need you all with me.

AMY : OK, we're here, what's up ?

DOCTOR : A picnic ! And then a trip. Somewhere different, somewhere brand-new.

AMY : Where ?

DOCTOR : Space... 1969.



The Doctor is stretched out on a large picnic blanket. Amy, Rory and River are sitting around the edges.

DOCTOR (toasts) : Salut !

ALL : Salut !

RORY : So when are we going to 1969 ?

AMY : And since when do you drink wine ?

DOCTOR: I'm 1,103 - I must have drunk it some time. (drinks from the bottle and spits it out). Oh, wine's horrid ! I thought it would taste more like the gums.

AMY : 1,103 ? You were 908 the last time we saw you.

DOCTOR : You've put on a couple of pounds. I wasn't going to mention it.

Amy looks up to the dunes and sees a figure silhouetted against the sun.

AMY : Who's that ?

RORY : Who's who ?

AMY (looks at Rory) : Sorry, what ?

RORY : What did you see ? You said you saw someone.

AMY : No, I didn't.

DOCTOR : Ah ! The moon, look at it ! Of course, you lot did more than look, didn't you ? Big silvery thing in the sky, you couldn't resist it. Quite right.

RORY : The moon landing was in '69. Is that where we're going ?

DOCTOR : Oh, a lot more happens in '69 than anyone remembers. Human beings... I thought I'd never get done saving you.

A pickup truck pulls onto the sand behind them and an older man steps out. The Doctor stands and holds up a hand in a wave.

AMY : Who's he ?

Rory and River stand.

RIVER : Oh, my God !

Amy stands and looks with the others as an astronaut stands in the lake.

DOCTOR : You all need to stay back. Whatever happens now, you do not interfere. Clear ?

Walks to astronaut.

RORY : That's an astronaut. That's an Apollo astronaut in the lake. Look.

The Doctor stands in front of the astronaut on the beach.

DOCTOR : Hello. It's OK, I know it's you.

The astronaut opens its visor but we do not see the face.

DOCTOR : Well then...

They watch silently as the Doctor speaks with the astronaut. He then bows his head as the astronaut raises its arm.

AMY (whispers) : What's he doing ?

The astronaut fires and the Doctor staggers backwards.

AMY : Doctor !

Amy rushes towards the Doctor but Rory and River hold her back.

RIVER : Amy ! Stay back ! The Doctor said stay back !

The astronaut fires again and the Doctor falls to his knees.

AMY : No !

RIVER : You have to stay back !

AMY : No !

The Doctor stands as regeneration energy begins to waft from his hands.

AMY : Doctor !

The Doctor looks over to his friends.

DOCTOR : I'm sorry.

The Doctor tilts his head back as the regeneration starts in earnest. The astronaut fires again and the Doctor collapses to the ground.

RIVER : No ! Doctor !

The three run to the Doctor's body as the astronaut slowly walks back into the lake.

AMY : Doctor, please !

River and Amy kneel beside the Doctor’s body and River takes readings of the Doctor's vital signs with her handheld device.

AMY : River... River !

The device whirs and beeps. Amy looks at River.

AMY : River...

River stands and fires her gun at the astronaut until she runs out of ammunition.

RIVER : Of course not.

AMY (crying) : River, he can't be dead. This is impossible.

RIVER : Whatever that was, it killed him in the middle of his regeneration cycle. His body was already dead. He didn't make it to the next one.

AMY (sobbing) : Maybe he's a clone or a duplicate or something.

The man from the truck has walked down to them.

MAN : I believe I can save you some time. That most certainly is the Doctor, and he is most certainly dead. He said you'd need this.

Sets a gas tank at the Doctor’s feet.

RORY : Gasoline ?

RIVER : A Time Lord's body is a miracle. Even a dead one. There are whole empires out there who'd rip this world apart for just one cell. We can't leave him here. Or anywhere.

AMY (strokes the Doctor's face) : Wake up ! Go on, wake up, you stupid bloody idiot ! (rests her head on his chest). What do we do, Rory ?

RIVER : We're his friends. We do what the Doctor's friends always do. (picks up gas can). As we're told.

RORY (looks around) : There's a boat. If we're going to do this... let's do it properly.


The Doctor’s body burns in the boat as it floats in the lake. The four of them stand on the shore and watch.

RIVER (to man) : Who are you ? Why did you come ?

MAN : Same reason as you.

The man pulls envelope from pocket. After a moment’s hesitation, River pulls out hers and looks at him.

MAN : Dr Song... Amy... Rory. I'm Canton Everett Delaware III. I won't be seeing you again. But... you'll be seeing me.

Picks up gas can and heads back to his truck. River watches him go before turning to Amy and Rory.

RIVER : Four.

RORY : Sorry, what ?

RIVER : The Doctor numbered the envelopes.


River, Amy and Rory enter the diner. River is continuing her explanation. Amy is still in shock.

RIVER : You got three, I was two, Mr Delaware was four.

RORY : So ?

RIVER : So where's one ?

RORY : You think he invited someone else ?

RIVER : Well, he must have. He planned all of this to the last detail.

AMY : Will you shut up ? It doesn't matter.

RIVER : He was up to something.

AMY : He's dead.

RIVER : Space 1969, what did he mean ?

AMY : You're still talking, but it doesn't matter.

RORY : Hey, it mattered to him.

RIVER : So it matters to us.

AMY : He's dead.

RIVER : But he still needs us. I know. Amy... I know. But right now we have to focus.

Rory spots something on one of the tables. It’s another envelope.

RORY : Look. (talks to Manbehind the counter). Excuse me, who was sitting over there ?

MAN : Some guy.

RIVER (picks up envelope) : The Doctor knew he was going to his death, so he sent out messages. When you know it's the end, who do you call ?

RORY : Your friends, people you trust.

RIVER (holds up envelope) : Number one. Who did the Doctor trust the most ?

At that moment, the back door opens and in strolls the Doctor, a straw in his mouth. Amy, River and Rory stare at him. He smiles and points at them.

RIVER : This is cold. Even by your standards, this is cold.

DOCTOR : Or, "Hello," as people used to say.

AMY : Doctor ?

DOCTOR : I just popped out to get my special straw. It adds more fizz.

Amy walks up to him, staring, and walks around him in a circle.

AMY : You're OK. (touches him). How can you be OK ?

DOCTOR : Of course I'm OK, I'm always OK, (hugs her). I'm the king of OK. Oh, that's a rubbish title, forget that title. (releases her). Rory the Roman, that's a good title. Hello, Rory ! (hugs him before turning to River). And Dr River Song... Oh, you bad, bad girl, what trouble have you got for me this time ?

River slaps him.

DOCTOR : OK. I'm assuming that's for something I haven't done yet.

RIVER: Yes, it is.

DOCTOR : Good, looking forward to it.

RORY : I don't understand. How can you be here ?

Pokes the Doctor in the chest.

DOCTOR : I was invited. Date, map reference. Same as you lot, I assume, otherwise it's a hell of a coincidence.

AMY : River, what's going on ?

RIVER : Amy, ask him what age he is.

DOCTOR : That's a bit personal.

RIVER : Tell her. Tell her what age you are.

DOCTOR : 909.

AMY : Yeah, but you said...

RIVER : So where does that leave us ? Jim the Fish ? Have we done Jim the Fish yet ?

DOCTOR : Who's Jim the Fish ?

AMY : I don't understand.

RORY : Yeah, you do.

DOCTOR : I don't ! What are we all doing here ?

RIVER : We've been recruited. Something to do with space, 1969, and a man called Canton Everett Delaware III.

DOCTOR (walks away from them) : Recruited by who ?

RIVER : Someone who trusts you more than anybody else in the universe.

DOCTOR (turns) : And who's that ?

RIVER : Spoilers.


The Doctor is walking around the console, talking, while the others just stand around, each lost in thought.

DOCTOR : 1969, that's an easy one. Funny how some years are easy. Now, 1482, full of glitches. Now then, Canton Everett Delaware III, that was his name, yeah ?

Amy leaves and goes to the area underneath the console.

DOCTOR (continued) : How many of those can there be ? Well, three, I suppose.

River follows Amy.

DOCTOR (continued) : Rory, is everybody cross with me for some reason ?

RORY : I'll find out.

Rory leaves and the Doctor looks over his shoulder, concerned.


Amy is sitting cross-legged on the floor. Rory joins them and stands beside River.

AMY : Explain it again.

RIVER : The Doctor we saw on the beach was a future version, 200 years older than the one up there.

AMY : But all that'll still happen ? He'll still die ?

RIVER : We're all going to do that, Amy.

RORY : We're not all going to arrange our own wake and invite ourselves. So the Doctor in the future, knowing he's going to die, recruits his younger self and all of us to... to what exactly ? Avenge him ?

RIVER : Mm-mm, avenging's not his style.

AMY : Save him.

RORY : That's not his style either.

AMY : We have to tell him.


RIVER : We've told him all we can. We can't even tell him we've seen his future self. He's interacted with his own past. It could rip a hole in the universe.

AMY : Except he's done it before.

RORY : And, in fairness, the universe did blow up.

AMY : But he'd want to know.

RIVER : Would he ? Would anyone ?

The Doctor sticks his head down over the edge.

DOCTOR : I'm being extremely clever up here, and there's no-one to stand around, looking impressed. What's the point in having you all ?

Gets back up.

RIVER : Couldn't you just slap him sometimes ?

River and Rory head for the stairs.

AMY : River, we can't just let him die. We have to stop it. How can you be OK with this ?

RIVER : The Doctor's death doesn't frighten me, nor does my own. There's a far worse day coming for me.


The Doctor is showing off again as he walks around the console.

DOCTOR : Time isn't a straight line, it's all bumpy-wumpy. There's loads of boring stuff, like Sundays and Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons. But now and then there are Saturdays, big temporal tipping points when anything's possible. The TARDIS can't resist them, she loves a party, so I give her 1969 and NASA, cos that's space in the '60s, and Canton Everett Delaware III, and this is where she's pointing.

Reveals the date on the scanner.

AMY : Washington DC, April 8th, 1969. So why haven't we landed ?

DOCTOR : Because that's not where we're going.

RORY : Where are we going ?

DOCTOR : Home ! Well, you two are. Off you pop and make babies. Dr Song, back to prison. Me, I'm late for a biplane lesson in 1911, or it could be knitting. Knitting or biplanes, one or the other.

The Doctor flops onto chair, rubbing his forehead. The others approach and he looks up, annoyed.

DOCTOR : What ? A mysterious summons ? You think I'm just going to go ? Who sent those messages ? I know you know, I can see it in your faces. Don't play games with me. Don't ever, ever think you're capable of that.

RIVER : You're going to have to trust us this time.

DOCTOR : Trust you ? Sure. (stands and walks to River). But first of all, Dr Song, just one thing... Who are you ? You're someone from my future, getting that, but who ? OK... Why are you in prison ? Who did you kill ? Hmm ? Now, I love a bad girl, me, but trust you ? Seriously ?

AMY : Trust me.


Walks over to face Amy.

AMY : You have to do this, and you can't ask why.

DOCTOR : Are you being threatened ? Is someone making you say that ?

AMY : No.

DOCTOR : You're lying.

AMY : I'm not lying.

DOCTOR : Swear to me. Swear to me on something that matters.

AMY : Fish fingers and custard.

DOCTOR : My life in your hands, Amelia Pond.

RIVER : Thank you.

DOCTOR : So ! Canton Everett Delaware III !


A small man in a suit sits at the bar, nursing a drink. Two larger men in trenchcoats and hats stand behind him.

DOCTOR (v.o.) : Who's he ?

CANTON : Who wants to know ?

AGENT 1 : Your boss.

CANTON : I don't have a boss any more.

AGENT 1 : Maybe you want to tell that to the President of the United States.

Takes drink from his hand.


River is reading information from the scanner.

RIVER : Ex-FBI, got kicked out.

DOCTOR : Why ?


The two men are in the front and Canton is in the back on the phone.

PRESIDENT (over phone) : I understand you have a problem with authority.

CANTON : Thank you.

PRESIDENT (over phone) : It's not a compliment, son.


RIVER : Six weeks after he left the Bureau, the President contacted him for a private meeting.

DOCTOR : Yeah, 1969, who's President ?


The President is behind his desk on the phone with Canton.

PRESIDENT : This is a personal matter. I need someone on the outside, someone with FBI training, but is not in contact with them.


CANTON : I'm flattered.

PRESIDENT : You were my second choice for this, Mr Delaware.

CANTON : That's OK. You were my second choice for President, Mr Nixon.

Looks out the window as they arrive at the White House.


Nixon hangs up the phone.

RIVER (v.o.) : Richard Milhous Nixon. Vietnam, Watergate...


RIVER : There's some good stuff too.

DOCTOR : Not enough.

RIVER : Hippy !

DOCTOR : Archaeologist.


Nixon sits behind his desk. Canton sits in a chair directly in front.

NIXON : Every day, wherever I am, I get a phone call.

CANTON : People can't just call you, Mr President.

NIXON : It's a direct call every time. Every day for the last two weeks, usually late at night.

CANTON : Man or woman ?

NIXON : Neither. Listen.

Switches on tape recorder.


DOCTOR(to Amy and Rory) : OK, since I don't know what I'm getting into, I'm being discreet, putting the engines on silent.

The Doctor flips a switch and walks away as a loud metallic screeching fills the room. River walks by, flips another switch and the screeching stops. The Doctor comes back.

DOCTOR : Did you do something ?

RIVER : No, just... watching.

DOCTOR : Putting the outer shell on invisible. Haven't done this in a while, big drain on the power.

Goes to another panel.

RORY : You can turn the TARDIS invisible ?

With a grin, the Doctor switches on a lever and blinding spotlights switch on. River leans over and pushes a lever.

RIVER : Very nearly.

DOCTOR : Er, did you touch something ?

RIVER : Just admiring your skills, sweetie.

DOCTOR : Good ! You might learn something. OK. (bangs on scanner). Now, I can't check the scanner, it doesn't work when we're cloaked. Um, Just give us a mo. (runs to the door but stops when the other try to follow). Whoa, who, whoa, whoa, you lot, wait a moment. We're in the middle of the most powerful city in the most powerful country on Earth. Let's take it slow.



The Doctor steps out of the cloaked TARDIS to find himself in the Oval Office and he’s not alone. Fortunately, both men have their backs to him. They are listening to the recorded phone call.

NIXON (recording) : Hello ? Who is this ? This is President Nixon. Who's calling ? Is this you again ?

A CHILD (recording) : Mr President ?

CANTON : A child ?

The Doctor steps closer.

NIXON (recording) : This is the President, yes.

CHILD (recording) : I'm scared, Mr President. I'm scared of the Space Man.

CANTON : A little girl ?

NIXON : Boy.

CANTON: How can you be sure?

NIXON (recording) : What space man ? Where are you phoning from, where are you right now ? Who are you ?

The Doctor takes a small notebook from his pocket and begins to jot things down.

CHILD (recording) : Jefferson Adams Hamilton

NIXON (recording) : Jefferson, listen to me...

The phone hangs up and all they hear is a dial tone.

CANTON : Surely this is something the Bureau could handle, sir ?

NIXON : These calls happen wherever I am. How do I know the Bureau isn't involved ? I can't trust any...

Nixon turns around and sees the Doctor. Canton stands and turns as well. The Doctor keeps writing and even motions for the two men to continue as if he weren’t there. The Doctor feels their eyes on him and looks up.

DOCTOR : Oh ! Hello ! Bad moment ? (starts to back away). Oh, look, this is the Oval Office. I was looking for the... Oblong Room. I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, just be off then, shall I ?

Walks into the cloaked TARDIS and falls. Nixon presses a button on his desk for security.


The TARDIS rocks from the Doctor walking into it.

RIVER : Every time !


The Doctor gets back up, rubbing his face.

DOCTOR : Don't worry. Always does that when it's cloaked.

Canton tackles the Doctor, knocking him to the floor.

DOCTOR : No, stop that !


River swings the scanner over.

RORY : He said the scanner wouldn't work.

RIVER : I know. Bless !

The scanner wires spark.



The Secret Service agents enter, two are the same that brought Canton to the White House.

AGENT 1 : Lock down, lock down !


River gets the scanner working and they see the Doctor on the floor, his face pressed into the carpet.

DOCTOR (on scanner) : Not that ! Ow !


DOCTOR : River, have you got my scanner working yet ?


RIVER : Oh, I hate him !


DOCTOR : No, you don't.

CANTON : Get the President out of here ! Sir, you have to go with them now !

DOCTOR : River, make her blue again !


River flicks some switches and levers to shut off the cloaking device.


As the TARDIS becomes visible, Canton and the other men holding the Doctor release him and stare, open-mouthed, at the TARDIS.

NIXON : What the hell is that ?

The Doctor makes himself comfortable at the desk, even putting up his feet.

DOCTOR : Mr President ! (the agents point their guns at him). That child just told you everything you need to know, but you weren't listening. Never mind, the answer's yes. I'll take the case ! Fellas, the guns, really ? I just walked into the highest security office in the United States, parked a big blue box on the rug. You think you can just shoot me ?

RIVER (exits the TARDIS) : They're Americans !

DOCTOR (stands, hands up) : Don't shoot, definitely no shooting !

Amy and Rory step out of the TARDIS.

RORY : Don't shoot us either. Very much not in need of getting shot. Look, we've got our hands up.

NIXON : Who the hell are you ?

CANTON : Sir, you need to stay back.

NIXON : But who, but who are they ? What is that box ?

DOCTOR : It's a Police Box, can't you read ? I'm your new undercover agent, on loan from Scotland Yard. Code name, the Doctor. These are my top operatives, the Legs, the Nose, and Mrs Robinson.

RIVER : I hate you.

DOCTOR : No, you don't !

NIXON : Who are you ?

DOCTOR : Boring question. Who's phoning you, that's interesting. ‘Cause Canton Three is right, that was definitely a girl's voice. There's only one place in America she can be phoning from.

CANTON : Where ?

AGENT 1 : Do not engage with the intruder, Mr Delaware.

DOCTOR : You heard everything I heard, it's simple enough. Give me five minutes, I'll explain. (sits back down at the desk). On the other hand, lay a finger on me, or my friends, and you'll never, ever know.

CANTON : How'd you get it in here ? I mean, you didn't carry it.

DOCTOR : Clever, eh ?

CANTON : Love it.

AGENT 1 : Do not compliment the intruder.

CANTON : Five minutes ?

DOCTOR : Five.

AGENT 1 : Mr President, that man is a clear and present danger.

CANTON : Mr President, that man walked in here with a big blue box and three of his friends and that's the man he walked past. One of them's worth listening to. What say we give him five minutes, see if he delivers.

DOCTOR : Thanks, Canton !

CANTON : If he doesn't, I'll shoot him myself.

DOCTOR : Not so thanks.

AGENT 1 : Sir, I cannot recommend...

NIXON : Shut up, Mr Peterson. All right.

CANTON : Five minutes.

DOCTOR : I'm going to need a SWAT team ready to mobilise, street level maps covering all of Florida, a pot of coffee, 12 jammy dodgers and a fez.

CANTON : Get him his maps !

Later, the Oval Office is strewn with large street maps and everyone is looking at one.

CANTON : Why Florida ?

DOCTOR : That's where NASA is. She mentioned a space man. NASA's where the space men live. Also... there's another lead I'm following.

AMY (whispers to River) : Space Man ? Like the one we saw at the lake.

RIVER : Maybe. Probably.

Amy looks through the open doorway and sees the same creature she saw at the lake and flashes back on that moment.

AMY (whispers) : I remember !

Rory inserts himself between Amy and her view of the alien, breaking contact.

RORY : Amy ? What do you remember ?

Rory moves and the creature is gone.

AMY : I don't know, I just...

Holds a hand to her stomach.

RORY : Amy, what's wrong ?

RIVER : Amy ?

DOCTOR : You all right ?

AMY : Yeah, no, I'm fine, I'm just... feeling a little sick. (heads for the door). Excuse me, is there a toilet, or something ?

PETERSON : Sorry, ma'am, during this procedure, you must remain within the Oval Office.

CANTON : Shut up and take her to the rest room.

Peterson nods to the other Agent.

AGENT 2 : This way, ma'am.

AMY : Thanks.

Rory makes to follow, but Peterson puts a hand on his chest.

CANTON : Your five minutes are up.

DOCTOR : Yeah, and where's my fez ?


The Agent leads Amy to the toilet and tries to follow her inside.

AMY : Actually, I can usually manage this alone.

Enters room.


Amy steps inside and gasps when she sees the creature standing there.

AMY : I saw you before. At the lake... and here. But then I forgot. How did I forget ? What are you ?

The toilet flushes and a woman steps out of one of the stalls and heads for the sink.

AMY : Get back ! Stay back from it !

The woman turns around and screams when she sees it but then laughs.

WOMAN : Oh, my God, what is that, is that a mask ? Is that a Star Trek thing ? Ben, is that you ?

AMY : Get back from it, now !

The woman turns around and looks at Amy.

WOMAN : Back from what, honey ?

AMY : That !

WOMAN (looks back) : Oh, my God, look at that. Is that a Star Trek mask ? Ben, that's gotta be you. Hang on, did I just say all that ?

AMY : No, please, you've got to stay back !

WOMAN (turns to Amy) : Back, honey ? Back from what ? (the lights begin to flicker). Oh, those lights. They never fix them.

AMY : Look behind you !

WOMAN : Honey, there is nothing...

The creature is reaching out with its arm and its mouth is now open. The woman looks to the creature again. The creature shoots electricity from his fingers and the woman screams as she disintergrates.

AMY : You didn't have to kill her, she couldn't even remember you ! How does that work ? We can only remember you, while we're seeing you, is that it ? (takes a photo with camera). Why did you have to kill her ?

CREATURE : Joy. Her name was Joy. Your name is Amelia. You will tell the Doctor.


AMY : Tell him what ?

CREATURE : What he must know. And what he must never know.

AMY : How do you know about that ?

CREATURE : Tell him.

Amy rushes out of the bathroom.


The agent notices her distress.

AGENT 2 : Are you OK ?

AMY : I'm... I'm fine. Much better, thanks.

AGENT 2 (sees her phone) : What's that ?

AMY : It's my phone.

AGENT 2 : Your phone ?

AMY : I have to tell the Doctor.

AGENT 2 : Tell him what, ma'am ?

AMY : Sorry. I don't know why I said that.

AGENT 2 : This way, ma'am.

The agent leads her back to the Oval Office.


The phone on Nixon's desk rings.

CANTON : The kid ?

NIXON : Should I answer it ?

DOCTOR : Here ! (points to the map). The only place in the United States that call could be coming from. See ? Obvious when you think about it.

Amy and the agent return.

CANTON (peers at the map) : You, sir, are a genius.

DOCTOR : It's a hobby.

CANTON : Mr President, answer the phone.

NIXON (picks up phone) : Hello. This is President Nixon.

CHILD (over phone) : It's here ! The Space Man's here. It's gonna get me. It's gonna eat me !

The Doctor grabs his jacket and backs towards the TARDIS. Amy, Rory and River enter first.

DOCTOR : There's no time for a SWAT team, let's go ! Mr President, tell her help's on the way. Canton, on no account follow me into this box and close the door behind you.

Enters TARDIS.

CANTON : What the hell are you doing ?

Follows into the TARDIS. The TARDIS dematerializes.

CHILD (over phone) : Mr President, please help ! Please help me !

NIXON : Jefferson, it's all right. I'm sending my best people.


Canton stays by the door looking around in stunned amazement.

DOCTOR : Jefferson isn't a girl's name, or her name either. Jefferson Adams Hamilton... River ?

RIVER : Surnames of three of America's founding fathers.

DOCTOR : Lovely fellas, two of them fancied me.

Canton turns around, mouth open.

RORY : Are you OK ? Coping ?

DOCTOR : The President asked the child two questions. Where and who are you ? She was answering where.

CANTON : It's bigger on the inside.

RORY : You get used to it.

DOCTOR : Now where would you find three big historical names in a row like that ?

AMY : Where ?

DOCTOR : Here ! Come on !

The Doctor runs for the door with Amy and River following. Canton stops him.

CANTON : It's er...

DOCTOR (to Rory) : Are you taking care of this ?

The Doctor, River and Amy continue out the door.

RORY : Why's it always my turn ?

AMY (stops) : Cos you're the newest.

Kisses him. Amy leaves and Rory puts a hand on Canton's shoulder.


The warehouse is dirty and cluttered. The Doctor sits at a desk, waving around a small American flag.

AMY : Where are we ?

DOCTOR : About five miles from Cape Kennedy Space Centre. It's 1969, the year of the Moon. Interesting, don't you think ?

Amy turns on her flashlight and River uses her hand-held device to scan the area.

AMY : Why would a girl be here ?

DOCTOR : I don't know. Lost, maybe.

River picks up the phone.

DOCTOR : The President asked where she was and she did what any lost little girl would do. (stands). She looked out the window.

Peers through the blinds. Right outside the window are street signs : Jefferson, Hamilton and Adams.

AMY : Streets. Of course, street names !

DOCTOR : The only place in Florida, probably all of America, with those three street names on the same junction, and, Dr Song, you've got that face on again.

RIVER : What face ?

DOCTOR : The "he's hot when he's clever" face.

RIVER : This is my normal face.

DOCTOR : It is.

RIVER : Oh, shut up.

DOCTOR : Not a chance.

The Doctor checks the phone receiver just as Canton and Rory exit the TARDIS.

CANTON : We've moved. How, how can we have moved ?

DOCTOR : You haven't even got to space travel yet ?

RORY : I was going to cover it with time travel.

Shuts the TARDIS door.

CANTON : Time travel ?

DOCTOR : Brave heart, Canton. Come on !

Heads off to explore.

CANTON : So we're in a box, that's bigger on the inside and it travels through time and space ?

RORY : Basically.

CANTON : How long have Scotland Yard had this ?

Rory and Canton follow after the others.

RIVER : It's a warehouse of some kind. Disused.

DOCTOR : You realise this is almost certainly a trap, of course.

RIVER : I noticed the phone, yes.

AMY : What about it ?

RIVER : It was cut off. So how did the child phone from here ?

AMY : OK. But why would anyone want to trap us ?

DOCTOR : Don't know. Let's see if anyone tries to kill us, and work backwards.

In the shadows, the astronaut watches.

RIVER : Now why would a little girl be here ?

DOCTOR : I don't know, let's find her and ask her.

They find a tilted operating table that seems to have organic components attached.

RIVER : It's non-terrestrial, definitely alien, probably not even from this time zone.

DOCTOR : Which is odd, because... look at this !

There are boxes of items that pique the Doctor's interest.

RIVER : It's Earth tech, contemporary.

DOCTOR : Very contemporary. Cutting edge. This is from the space programme !

AMY : Stolen ? What, by aliens ?

DOCTOR : Apparently.

Puts on helmet.

AMY : Why ? If you can make it to Earth, why steal technology that can barely make it to the moon ?

DOCTOR (muffled) : Maybe cos it's cooler. (lifts visor). Look how cool this stuff is !

AMY : Cool aliens ?

DOCTOR : Well, what would you call me ?

AMY : An alien.


Rory and Canton join them as the Doctor removes the helmet.

RORY : I, er, I think he's OK now.

DOCTOR : Ah, back with us, Canton ?

CANTON : Like your wheels.

DOCTOR : That's my boy ! So come on - little girl, let's find her.

River examines the table, lifting a cable that drips something slimy when she holds it up. Amy bends beside her.

AMY : River...

RIVER : I know what you're thinking.

AMY : No, you don't.

RIVER : You're thinking if we can find the Space Man in 1969, and neutralise it, then it won't be around in 2011 to kill the Doctor.

AMY : OK, lucky guess.

RIVER : That's only because I was thinking it too.

AMY : So let's do it.

RIVER : It doesn't work like that. We came here because of what we saw in the future. If we try and prevent the future from happening, we create a paradox.

AMY : Time can be rewritten.

RIVER : Not all of it.

AMY : Says who ?

RIVER : Who do you think ?

Using the light, River follows one of the cables to a manhole cover.

RIVER : What's this ?

AMY : We can still save him.

RIVER : Doctor ! Look at this.

Pushes cover aside.

DOCTOR : So where does that go ?

RIVER (scans) : There's a network of tunnels running under here.

DOCTOR : Life signs ?

RIVER : No, nothing that's showing up.

DOCTOR : Those are the worst kind. Be careful.

RIVER (enters manhole) : Careful ? Tried that once, ever so dull.

DOCTOR : Shout if you get in trouble.

RIVER : Don't worry, I'm quite the screamer. Now there's a spoiler for you !

Climbs down.

CANTON : So what's going on here ?

DOCTOR : Nothing... She's just a friend.

RORY (leans over) : I think he's talking about the possible alien incursion.


Claps Rory and Canton on the shoulder.


River reaches the bottom of the ladder and uses the flashlight to follow the cable. The light wakes the sleeping aliens.


Canton and Amy are examining some of the equipment.

CANTON : So... I was in a bar having a drink. Tell me honestly, am I still there ?

AMY : 'Fraid not.

River climbs up in a hurry, panting. She then calms as if nothing’s wrong.

RIVER : All clear. Just tunnels, nothing down there I can see. Er, give me five minutes, I want to take another look round.

DOCTOR : Stupidly dangerous.

RIVER : Yep, I like it too. (softer). Amy, look after him.

Goes back down.

DOCTOR : Rory, would you mind going with her ?

RORY : Yeah, a bit.

DOCTOR : Then I appreciate it all the more.

Pats him on the back.

RORY (unenthusiastically) : Hang on, River, I'm coming too.


Rory climbs down and sees River leaning over, breathing heavily.

RORY : You OK ?

RIVER : Ah yes, yes. I just felt a bit sick. It's the prison food probably. (takes a few deep breaths). This way, what do you think ?

As Rory nervously follows River, we see one of the aliens walk slowly past.

RORY : I keep thinking I hear things.

RIVER : Interesting ! These tunnels are old. Really old. How can they be really old and nobody notice them ?

The light catches a door.

RORY : It's a maintenance hatch.

RIVER (tries to open it) : It's locked. (kneels). Why do people always lock things ?

RORY : What's through there ?

RIVER : No idea.

RORY : Something bad ?

RIVER : Almost definitely.

RORY : You're going to open it, aren't you ?

RIVER : It's locked. How's a girl supposed to resist ?

RORY : Is this sensible ?

RIVER : God, I hope not.

Sets to opening the lock.

RORY : You and the Doctor... I can kind of picture it.

RIVER : Keep a look out.

RORY : What did you mean ? What you said to Amy. There's a worse day coming for you.

RIVER : When I first met the Doctor, a long, long time ago... he knew all about me. Think about that. Impressionable young girl, and suddenly this man just drops out of the sky, he's clever and mad and wonderful and knows every last thing about her. Imagine what that does to a girl.

RORY (softly) : I don't really have to.

RIVER : Trouble is, it's all back to front. My past is his future. We're travelling in opposite directions. Every time we meet, I know him more, he knows me less. I live for the days when I see him. But I know that every time I do, he'll be one step further away. And the day's coming, when I'll look into that man's eyes... my Doctor... and he won't have the faintest idea who I am. (the lock whirrs). And I think it's going to kill me.

River stands and opens the door.


The room is cavernous and it looks like the control room from “The Lodger”.

RORY : What is this place ?

As River steps closer to the center, the alarm goes off.

RIVER : That's an alarm. Check if anything's coming.

Rory nods and looks outside the room. The alien creatures walk menacingly towards him. He pulls his head back in to warn River.

RORY : There's nothing out there.

River uses her scanner on one of the control panels.

RIVER : These tunnels, they're not just here, they're everywhere. They're running under the surface of the entire planet ! They've been here for centuries !

There is a crackle of energy from the tunnel behind Rory. He slowly turns and there is a bright flash.

RIVER : Rory !


Canton and Amy are examining some of the equipment.

AMY : So, you were kicked out of the FBI because you had attitude problems.

CANTON : No. I just wanted to get married.

AMY : Is that a crime ?

CANTON : Yes. (points in the Doctor's direction). Doctor who, exactly ?

Amy looks over to the Doctor who sticks his head into a large crate.

AMY : That's classified.

CANTON : Classified by who ?

AMY : God knows.

CANTON : But you work for him.

AMY : He's my friend. If "friend" is the right word. I haven't seen him in a while. I had something I wanted to tell him, but stuff always gets in the way.

CANTON : Stuff does that.

GIRL : Help me !

All three are immediately alert. Canton pulls out his gun.

GIRL : Help ! Help me !

CANTON : It's her !

Amy runs to follow after Canton but doubles over, gasping in pain. The Doctor goes to her.

DOCTOR : Amy ? What's wrong ?

AMY : I need to tell you something !

CANTON : Doctor !

AMY : It's important. It's really, really important.

CANTON : Doctor ! Quickly !

DOCTOR : What, now ?

The Doctor pulls Amy along to another section of the warehouse. They find Canton unconscious on the floor. They run over to him.

DOCTOR : Canton ! Canton, are you OK ?


AMY : Is he all right ?

DOCTOR : Just unconscious. Got a proper whack though.

AMY : Doctor, I need to tell you something. I have to tell you it now !

DOCTOR : Not a great moment, Amy.

AMY : No, it's important, it has to be now !

GIRL : Help ! Help me ! Help me !

AMY : Doctor... I'm pregnant.

They hear thudding footsteps and the Doctor stands. Coming towards them is the astronaut.

AMY : That's it. The astronaut !

The astronaut raises its hand and Amy reaches over and grabs Canton's gun. With her back to the astronaut, she doesn’t see as it raises its visor to reveal the girl.

GIRL : Help me !

AMY (slow motion distorted) : Get down !


DOCTOR (slow motion distorted) : What are you doing !

AMY (slow motion distorted) : Saving your life !

DOCTOR (slow motion distorted) : No !

Amy fires the gun without realizing it’s the Girl. She screams.


To be continued...




Source : jpgr.livejournal.com

Écrit par Hombidule pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

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Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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