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Maggie, urging Mallory to eat, get this, a giraffe burger. “From now on the expected is what you get and the unexpected is just a memory.”
Mallory’s assessment of Maggie. “Recommended by more moms and arms dealers than all other brands combined.”
The Seer, prognosticating the show’s future as well. “I have seen your future and I know the next slide you take will be your last. The moment you emerge from the other side of the wormhole you will all instantly die.”
The Seer “Know that I felt the death of your friends, the Professor and Ms. Welles.”
Alt-Diana on the TV show The Sliders. “Professor Arturo, thank God you’re here!”
Diana “I can’t believe they made a TV show about us.”
Maggie, on the TV show. "They could have at least tried to be accurate. There were never five of us together at one time.”
Maggie, on fan effort to get a beloved character returned to a show… “Some people have way too much time on their hands.”
Mallory, during his initial encounter with Mrs. Mallory. “I’m your Quinn!”
Mallory “Ironic, isn’t it? We finally land on a world where people love us and we’re running away.”
Diana, after bouncing (yes, bouncing) off the vortex. "Looks like we don’t have any choice in the matter. We’re stuck here.”
Lisa “I told you they’d try. The Sliders never give up.”
Mallory, to Mrs. Mallory. “There is a still a small part of your Quinn inside me. And I think he wants you to know that, to him, you aren’t just a stepmother. You raised him, loved him. For that reason you are more his mother than any blood relative could be. He loves you very much.”
Rembrandt, on the warehouse of confiscated Kromagg technology. “Looks like the Kromagg department at Best Buy.”
Claire “We’ll concoct some cover story. I’ll talk to the TV writers. They’re hacks and will do anything for a buck.”
Mallory, after Rembrandt injects himself with an anti-Kromagg virus and leaps into a sickly Kromagg vortex. The last line of Sliders. “Now what do we do?”
Ecrit par Profilage 
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sanct08, 05.06.2024 à 16:19

Pas besoin de connaître les séries pour voter aux sondages et jouer avec nous ! On vous attend :=)

Profilage, 09.06.2024 à 07:20

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Viens chatter !