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Doctor Who (2005)
#301 : La loi des Judoons

Martha Jones, une étudiante en médecine, a le malheur d'être présente à l'hopital, le jour où celui-ci est brusquement téléporté sur la Lune par les Judoons, la police de l'espace..

Behind the scenes


4.13 - 8 votes

Titre VO
Smith and Jones

Titre VF
La loi des Judoons

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Doctor Who: Series 3 Episode 1 "Smith and Jones" - BBC One TV Trailer

Doctor Who: Series 3 Episode 1 "Smith and Jones" - BBC One TV Trailer


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Et encore un baiser!

Et encore un baiser!

Cela s'arrête maintenant!

Cela s'arrête maintenant!

Qui êtes-vous?

Qui êtes-vous?

Aimez-vous ma paille?

Aimez-vous ma paille?



Martha Jones, la nouvelle compagne

Martha Jones, la nouvelle compagne

Poster promotionnel de Martha sur la Lune

Poster promotionnel de Martha sur la Lune



L'attaque de la vieille dame

L'attaque de la vieille dame

Une si jolie paille

Une si jolie paille

Les Judoons débarquent

Les Judoons débarquent



D'étranges vaisseaux sur la Lune

D'étranges vaisseaux sur la Lune

Qui vient d'apparaitre?

Qui vient d'apparaitre?

D'étranges aliens

D'étranges aliens

Des Judoons peu commodes

Des Judoons peu commodes

Une vieille dame effrayante

Une vieille dame effrayante

Qui regarde le Docteur?

Qui regarde le Docteur?

Un Docteur, une compagne, des Judoons!

Un Docteur, une compagne, des Judoons!

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Russell T. Davies.
Réalisateur : Charles Palmer.



David Tennant ... Le Docteur
Freema Agyeman ... Martha Jones
Anne Reid ... Florence Finnigan
Roy Marsden ... M. Stoker
Adjoa Andoh ... Francine Jones
Gugu Mbatha-Raw ...Tish Jones
Reggie Yates ... Leo Jones
Trevor Laird ... Clive Jones
Kimmi Richards ... Annalise
Ben Righton ... Morgenstern
Vineeta Rishi ... Julia Swales
Paul Kasey ... Capitaine des Judoons
Nicholas Briggs ... Voix des Judoons


Références et continuités

  • Le mot « Saxon » apparait pour la première fois: c'est le nouveau « fil rouge » de la saison. Quelqu'un le cite à la radio en disant que ses théories sont vérifiées. On trouve aussi trois affiches « Vote Saxon » sur les murs près de l'endroit où le TARDIS atterrit à la fin de l'épisode (on trouvait la même affiche dans l'épisode Capitaine Jack Harkness dans Torchwood).
  • On découvre trois nouvelles races extraterrestres : les Judoons, sorte de policiers mercenaires de l'espace, les Plasmavores, sorte de race extra-terrestre capable de changer d'apparence, et les Slabs, sorte d'esclaves.
  • John Smith est un pseudonyme que se choisit couramment le Docteur. Ce pseudonyme est souligné par le titre original de l'épisode.
  • Le Docteur porte la même robe de chambre que celle que Jackie lui avait donnée dans L'Invasion de Noël.
  • Le Docteur est heureux de voir une boutique dans l’hôpital. Il se plaignait d'une absence de boutique de souvenirs dans l’hôpital d'Une nouvelle Terre.
  • On retrouve au détour d'une remarque, une nouvelle fois, la préférence du Docteur pour les bananes.
  • C'est le premier épisode où le Docteur « casse » son tournevis sonique.
  • Martha Jones est une des seules à croire aux attaques extra-terrestres, alors que souvent les humains dans la série font abstraction des événements surnaturels qui sont arrivés : le vaisseau s'écrasant contre Big Ben dans L'Humanité en péril, les événements de L'Invasion de Noël et du Mariage de Noel, et la bataille de Canary Warf contre les Cybermen dans L'Armée des ombres. Elle explique cela par le fait que sa cousine est morte dans cette bataille, ce qui permet de donner une justification crédible au fait que Freema Agyeman jouait le rôle de Adeola Oshodi, une agent de Torchwood qui était l'une des premières victimes des Cybermen.
  • Lorsque Martha demande au Docteur s'il a un frère, il répond « No, not anymore. Just me. / Non, plus maintenant. Il n'y a plus que moi ».
  • Le Docteur peut absorber les radiations Roentgen et se servir de son corps comme conduit afin de les expulser à l'extérieur. Enfant, il jouait sur Gallifrey avec des cubes  Roentgen.
  • La réanimation cardio-pulmonaire fonctionne sur Seigneur du Temps et par manque de sang, un de ses coeurs peut s'arrêter.


Production & Tournage

  • Le tournage de cet épisode débuta en août 2006.
  • Il n'y en réalité qu'un seul Judoon car cela aurait coûté bien trop cher d'avoir plusieurs figurants maquillés et costumés de la sorte.
  • La ligne de dialogue « Judoon platoon upon the Moon » a été écrit comme une plaisanterie car David Tennant, écossais d'origine, a dû mal avec le son "-oon" en anglais.
  • L'épisode a été tourné dans: une ruelle à coté du marché de Pontypridd, au Pays de Galles /Swansea University's Library et son centre d'information /Singleton Hospital, Swansea, Pays de Galles.
  • La plupart des acteurs présents dans cet épisode ont déjà joué dans un autre épisode de Doctor Who :
-Anne Reid était l'Infirmière Crane dans The Curse of Fenric
-Adjoa Andoh incarnait une des sœurs chat dans New Earth / Une nouvelle Terre
-Freema Agyeman jouait Adeola Oshodi dans Army of GhostsL'Armée des ombres
-Roy Marsden était Told Hulbert dans l'audio, Human Ressources
-Et enfin Trevor Laird, dans le rôle de Frax pour l'épisode, Mindwarp
-Paul Kasey et Nicholas Briggs, à leur habitude, font de nouveaux des voix.
  • Depuis l'épisode pilote de la nouvelle série, c'est la première fois qu'il n'y a pas de prégénérique. D'ailleurs, quelques détails rapprochent cet épisode de Rose, comme la façon dont le docteur prend la main de Martha et lui demande de courir.

Résumé épisode 301 "La loi des Judoons"

Martha Jones, jeune étudiante en médecine, est en route pour son stage à l'hôpital du Nouvel espoir. En chemin, elle reçoit une série de coups de fil des membres de sa famille au sujet de la fête d'anniversaire de son frère Léo. Ce dernier n'en veut pas alors que les autres se querellent sur la présence de la petite amie de leur père, Annalise, pour laquelle il a quitté sa femme.

Tout à coup, un étranger - le Docteur- l'aborde et lui montre sa cravate. Martha le prend pour un fou et continue sa route. Elle arrive à l'hôpital, mais se fait bousculer par un motard tout de noir vêtu et portant un casque, qui ne s'excuse même pas. Plus tard, dans les vestiaires, elle reçoit une légère décharge électrique en touchant son casier.

Le chef de l'hôpital, monsieur Stoker, rend visite aux malades alors que les étudiants, dont Martha, le suivent et tentent de répondre à ses questions. Après une malade du nom de Florence Finnigan vient le tour d'un dénommé John Smith. Martha reconnaît l'étranger qui l'a abordée dans la rue un peu plus tôt mais comme l'homme nie avoir été dehors, la jeune femme lui demande s'il a un frère, ce à quoi il répond : "Plus maintenant". Monsieur Stoker demande à Martha d'écouter le cœur du malade et Martha découvre qu'il n'a pas un cœur mais deux, ce qui ne manque de l'étonner et permet une remarque sarcastique du médecin sur les compétences de la jeune femme.

Plus tard, alors que Martha discute avec sa sœur au téléphone, cette dernière ainsi qu'une collègue lui font remarquer que la pluie est étrange, elle monte, alors que c'est impossible. Tout à coup, les murs se mettent à trembler et l'étudiante se rend compte que l'hôpital n'est plus à sa place. Ils ne sont plus sur Terre mais, à priori, sur la Lune. Alors que sa collègue panique, Martha observe que si l'air devait être aspiré à l'extérieur, cela aurait déjà été le cas. Faisant connaître sa présence, John Smith la félicite pour sa déduction. Il lui demande s'ils ont un balcon à cet étage. Martha le lui indique et voyant que la jeune femme ne manque ni de sang froid ni de bon sens, il l'invite à le suivre.

Smith démontre qu'il y a un champ de force autour de l'hôpital et demandeà Martha ce qu'elle en pense. La jeune femme, sûre d'elle, lui rétorque qu'il doit y avoir des extraterrestres mêlés à l'affaire. Il y a quelques années, cela aurait paru fou, mais après le vaisseau s'écrasant dans la Tamise (Saison 1, "Alien of London"), l'invasion des Sycorax (Saison 2, "L'invasion de Noël") puis la bataille de Canary Warf (Saison 2, "Adieu Rose"), les choses sont différentes. Martha ajoute qu'elle avait une cousine, Adéola, qui travaillait là-bas (Saison 2, "L'armée des ombres"). Elle n'est jamais rentrée à la maison. Alors qu'elle l'appelle toujours monsieur Smith, l'étrange patient lui révèle qu'il est docteur, Le Docteur, mais Martha refuse de l'appeler par ce titre car il doit le mériter.

Plusieurs vaisseaux atterrissent sur la Lune et des troupes casquées impressionnantes en descendent avant d'entrer dans l'hôpital. Le Docteur les identifie comme des Judoons, une sorte de police intergalactique plutôt musclée.

Pendant ce temps, la patiente Florence Finnigan entre dans le bureau de Stoker et réclame son aide. Alors que le pauvre homme est inquiet de ne jamais revoir sa fille, la patiente insiste et s'avance dangereusement vers le directeur.

Les Judoons entrent dans l'hôpital et alors que l'un des étudiants tente de communiquer avec eux, ils sortent un appareil, ce qui sème la peur parmi les humains, mais ce n'est pas une arme et ils commencent à scanner les personnes présentes, les marquant d'un signe.

Le Docteur et Martha se cachent et la jeune femme demande au Seigneur du temps ce que font les Judoons. Il lui explique que ces "policiers mercenaires" vérifient qu'ils sont tous humains car ils recherchent un "non humain", ce qui est une mauvaise nouvelle pour lui. Martha est surprise d'apprendre qu'il est extraterrestre et ne le croit qu'à moitié. Le Docteur lui révèle qu'ils sont à la recherche d'un extraterrestre criminel condamné à mort.

Alors que les Judoons continuent, avec quelques troubles, à contrôler les patients, le Docteur tente d'accéder à des informations sur l'ordinateur de l'hôpital. Il dit à Martha qu'il ignorait qu'ils allaient venir et qu'il ne s'était fait admettre à l'hôpital que pour démasquer le Plasmavore. Il lui demande si aucun patient ne s'est présenté avec des symptômes peu communs. Martha pense que Monsieur Stoker pourrait savoir et va le trouver.

Lorsqu'elle arrive dans le bureau du directeur, Martha surprend Florence Finnigan en train de le vider de son sang avec une paille. Martha s'enfuit et croise le Docteur dans le couloir à qui elle explique ce qu'elle vient de voir. Tous deux trouvent refuge dans une pièce avec une machine à rayons X. Le Seigneur du temps lui demande d'activer la machine mais, ignorant comment elle fonctionne, Martha cherche le mode d'emploi. Alors que l'une des entités casquées à la disposition de Florence Finnigan entre dans la chambre, Martha active la machine et l'homme-robot noir est détruit, ainsi que le tournevis sonique du Docteur, ce qui le chagrine.

Martha a révélé au Docteur ce qu'elle a vu dans le bureau du directeur. Le Seigneur du temps explique que Florence Finnigan est une Plasmavore, une alien se nourrissant de sang. C'est elle que les Judoons recherchent. Comme elle a bu du sang humain, elle sera considérée comme humaine par les scanners judoons. Le Docteur tente d'intervenir mais il est trop tard, Florence a été marquée comme humaine, par contre, les Judoons l'identifie, lui, comme non-humain.

Le Docteur et Martha s'échappent et, alors que le niveau d'oxygène baisse de plus en plus laissant les humains sans force, le Seigneur du temps demande à Martha de lui donner du temps pour trouver Florence. Il l'embrasse afin de laisser des traces d'ADN extraterrestre sur elle. Martha est surprise et ravie mais elle ne s'attend pas à la suite. En effet les Judoons la scannent et l'identifient comme non-humaine puis humaine avec des traces d'ADN alien.

Pendant ce temps, le Docteur trouve le plasmavore et prétend être juste un patient. Il se fait passer pour quelqu'un de peu intelligent et elle lui dévoile son plan : griller les cerveaux des personnes présentes dans l'hôpital et de la moitié de la Terre, afin d'avoir le champ libre pour échapper aux Judoons. John Smith la prévient qu'ils font un second scanner et elle aspire son sang.

Une fois le problème avec Martha Jones éclarci, les Judoons et la jeune étudiante entrent dans la chambre où Florence Finnigan est toujours présente. Martha comprend que le Docteur s'est sacrifié pour tous les sauver et attrape l'un des scanners judoons. Elle scanne Florence qui est identifiée comme non-humaine devant eux. Les Judoons l'accusent alors du meurtre d'une princesse alien ce que Florence admet fièrement avant de tenter de mettre son plan à exécution. Mais l'un des Judoons la réduit rapidement en un tas de cendres. Malheureusement, la machine qui devait servir à couvrir la fuite de Florence est activée. Les Judoons détectent le problème et se retirent, simplement, proclamant qu'ils n'ont pas à être mêlés à ce problème et que pour eux, tout est réglé.

Le manque d'oxygène devient critique et Martha tente de ressusciter le Docteur, mettant en application ce qu'elle sait de lui (ses deux cœurs) et sacrifiant son peu d'oxygène. Le Seigneur du temps se réveille et réussit à arrêter la machine de Florence alors que Martha est évanouie.

Transportant la jeune femme dans ses bras, le Docteur assiste au départ des Judoons et les supplie de les aider. Tout à coup, il se met à pleuvoir de façon normale. Ils sont de retour sur Terre à l'emplacement de l'hôpital. Martha est accueillie par sa sœur, Tish, et voit le Docteur la saluer et entrer dans une étrange boîte bleue avant de disparaître.

Dans son appartement, Martha s'apprête pour la soirée d'anniversaire de son frère. Elle semble rêveuse et triste en écoutant à la télé l'un de ses collègues raconter leur expérience extraordinaire, preuve que les théories d'un certain monsieur Saxon sont correctes.

Lors de la fête, une dispute éclate lorsqu'Annalise refuse de croire l'histoire de Martha. Cela n'a pas d'importance pour la jeune femme mais donne une occasion de plus à sa mère de chercher la bagarre. Alors que sa famille s'éloigne, Martha remarque le Docteur qui observe la scène en souriant. Il s'aventure dans une petite ruelle sombre et l'étudiante le suit. Elle le voit appuyé contre la boîte bleue dans laquelle il avait disparu quelques heures plus tôt. Elle lui demande de quelle race il est. Il lui répond qu'il est un Seigneur du temps.

Le Docteur lui présente le TARDIS et lui offre un petit voyage en guise de remerciement. Martha refuse tout d'abord. Elle doit payer ses factures, passer ses examens... Mais le Docteur lui révèle que le TARDIS est aussi une machine à remonter le temps. Mieux, il le lui prouve. Le Tardis disparaît avant de réapparaître, le Docteur en sort, avec un nouveau costume et sa cravate. Martha se rappelle leur première rencontre dans la rue, le matin même.

Elle entre prudemment dans le vaisseau, s'étonnant qu'il soit en bois et plus grand à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur. Martha lui demande où est l'équipage et le Docteur lui dit qu'il a parfois des invités, des amis. Il dit qu'il avait une amie, Rose, mais que désormais elle est heureuse avec sa famille.

A cette pensée, l'humeur du Docteur change, il lui rappelle qu'il ne s'agit que d'un voyage et puis retour à la maison. Cela convient parfaitement à Martha, même si elle lui fait remarquer que c'est lui qui l'a embrassée en premier. Le Docteur lui rappelle que ce n'était qu'un transfert génétique. Martha sourit et lui dit qu'elle ne tombe amoureuse que d'humains. Mais lorsque le Docteur accepte sa position, la jeune femme semble un peu triste.

Les choses étant clarifiées, le Docteur retrouve sa bonne humeur et alors que le Tardis démarre, en route vers leur nouvelle aventure, il souhaite la bienvenue à sa nouvelle assistante avant de lui serrer la main.





Écrit par owhar pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries.

Script VO épisode 301 "Smith and Jones"


Martha Jones is walking along Chancery Street on her way to the hospital in the morning. She's listening to the radio, and the announcer is saying : "What can happen on an average beautiful day, you never know. Celebrate seasonal changes...On a beautiful sunny day." Her phone rings.

MARTHA : You're up early ! What's happening ?


TISH : It's a nightmare, because Dad won't listen, and I'm telling you, Mum is going mental. Swear to God, Martha, this is epic. You've got to get in there and stop him.


MARTHA : How do I do that ?


TISH : Tell Dad he can't bring her !


MARTHA (her phone rings again) : Hold on, that's Leo. I'll call you back.


LEO (taking clothes from his cupboard) : Martha, if Mum and Dad start to kick off, tell them I don't even want a party. I didn't even ask for one. They can always give me the money instead.


MARTHA : Yeah, but why do I have to tell them ? Why can't you ? (Her phone rings). Hold on, that's Mum. I'll call you back.


Leo lowers the phone and sighs, exasperated.


FRANCINE : I don't mind your father making a fool of himself in private, but this is Leo's 21st, everyone is going to be there, and the entire family is going to look ridiculous.


MARTHA : Mum, it's a party, I can't stop Dad from bringing his girlfriend. (Her phone rings). Hold on, that's Dad, I'll call you back.




CLIVE (getting into his car) : Martha ? Now, tell your mother, Leo is my son, and I'm paying for half that party. I'm entitled to bring who I like.


MARTHA : I know, but think what it's going to look like for Mum, if you're standing there with Annalise.


CLIVE : What's wrong with Annalise ?

Annalise, all legs, gets into the car.

ANNALISE : Is that Martha ? Say hi. Hi, Martha, hi !


MARTHA (mock cheeriness) : Hi, Annalise.


ANNALISE : Big kiss, lots of love, see you at the party, Babe. (To Clive) : Now take me shopping, big boy.

She kisses him and he laughs.


Martha closes her phone as the Doctor steps in front of her.

THE DOCTOR : Like so ! (Takes off his tie). See ?

Martha looks puzzled and a little amused, then continues to the Royal Hope Hospital. Thunder can be heard. A humanoid being in black leather and shiny helmet pushes her aside. This being is later identified as a Slab.

MARTHA : Hey ! Watch, it mate !

The Slab looks at Martha, then enters the hospital. She hesitates, a little nonplussed, then goes inside herself.


Martha goes to her locker to put on her lab coat. When she touches the locker door, she gets an electrical shock.


Martha, the other medical students, and Mr. Stoker are at a patient's bedside. The patient is Florence Finnegan.

FLORENCE : I was all right till this morning, and then, I don't know, I woke up and I felt all dizzy again. It was worse than when I came in.

MR STOKER : Pulse is slightly thready. Well, let's see what Britain's finest might suggest. Any ideas, Morgenstern ?

MORGENSTERN : Dizziness can be a sign of early onset diabetes.

MR STOKER : Hardly early onset, if you'll forgive me, Miss Finnegan. Any more ideas ? Swales ?SWALES : Um... could recommend a CT scan.

MR STOKER : And spend all our money. Jones ?

MARTHA : We could take bloods and check for Meniere's disease.

MR STOKER : Or we could simply ask the patient. What did you have for dinner last night ?

FLORENCE : I had salad.

MR STOKER : And the night before ?

FLORENCE : Salad, again.

MR STOKER : And salad every night for the past week, contrary to my instructions. Salt deficiency, that's what. Simple, honest salt.


The students follow Stoker across the lobby.

MR STOKER (CONT'D) : Hippocrates himself expounded on the virtues of salt. Recommended the inhalation of steam from sea water. Though no doubt if he'd been afflicted with my students, results might have been rather more colourful.

Two Slabs get out of the lift. Martha pauses to look at them as she follows the other students into another ward. The Doctor is in the bed, in pyjamas.


MR STOKER (CONT'D) : Now then, Mr Smith, a very good morning to you. How are you today ?

THE DOCTOR : Aw, not so bad, still a bit, you know. Blah.

MR STOKER : John Smith, admitted yesterday with severe abdominal pains. Jones, why don't you see what you can find ? Amaze me.

MARTHA : That wasn't very clever, running around outside, was it ?

THE DOCTOR : Sorry ?

MARTHA : On Chancery Street this morning. You came up to me and took your tie off.

THE DOCTOR : Really ? What did I do that for ?

MARTHA : I don't know, you just did.

THE DOCTOR : Not me. I was here, in bed. Ask the nurses.

MARTHA : Well, that's weird, cause it looked like you. Have you got a brother ?

THE DOCTOR : No, not any more. Just me.

MR STOKER : As time passes and I grow ever more infirm and weary, Miss Jones.

MARTHA : Sorry. Right.

Martha puts her stethoscope to the Doctor's chest, and looks puzzled. She moves the stethoscope to the other heart. The Doctor winks at her.

MR STOKER : I weep for further generations. Are you having trouble locating the heart, Miss Jones ?

MARTHA : Um. I don't know. Stomach cramps ?

MR STOKER : That is a symptom, not a diagnosis. And you rather failed basic techniques by not consulting first with the patient's chart.

He picks up the chart, receives an electric shock, and drops it.

MARTHA : That happened to me this morning.

MORGENSTERN : I had the same thing on the door handle.

SWALES : And me, on the lift.

MR STOKER : That's only to be expected. There's a thunderstorm moving in and lightning is a form of static electricity, as was first proven by, anyone ?

THE DOCTOR : Benjamin Franklin.

MR STOKER : Correct !

THE DOCTOR : My mate Ben, that was a day and a half. I got rope burns off that kite, and then I got soaked...

MR STOKER : Quite...

THE DOCTOR : ... and then I got electrocuted.

MR STOKER : Moving on. (aside) : I think perhaps a visit from psychiatric. (louder). And next we have...


Martha is on the phone with her sister.

MARTHA : No, listen, I've worked out a plan. We tell Annelisa that the buffet tonight is one hundred per cent carbohydrate, and she won't turn up.


TISH (on phone, walking down street) : I wish you'd take this seriously. That's our inheritance she's spending. On fake tan. Tell you what, I'm not that far away, I'll drop by for a sandwich and we can draw up a plan.


MARTHA (looking at the torrential rain outside the window) : In this weather ? I'm not going out, it's pouring down.


TISH : It's not raining here. (She turns the corner, and sees the hospital with a huge black cloud over it.) That's weird. It's sitting right on top of you, I can see it, but it's dry where I am.


MARTHA : Well, you just got lucky.


TISH : No, but it's like in cartoons, you know, when a man's got a cloud over his head.


MARTHA : But listen, I tell you what we'll do.

The Doctor walks by the room in his dressing gown, glances in, and continues on.

MARTHA (CONT'D) : We tell Dad and Annalise to get there early, for about 7:30, for Leo to do his birthday stuff. We tell Mum to come about 8:30 or nine, and that gives me time to have a word with Annalise, and...

Swales touches Martha's arm, looking out the window.

MARTHA (CONT'D) : What ?

SWALES : The rain.

MARTHA : It's only rain.


TISH : Martha ! Have you seen the rain ?


MARTHA : Why's everyone fussing about rain ?

SWALES : It's going up.


TISH : The rain is going up.


Martha looks. The rain is going up. Then the building shakes; Martha and Swale fall, as do most of the things on the counters and in the cupboards. When it stops, Martha gets up.

MARTHA : What in hell was that ?

SWALES : Are you all right ?

MARTHA : I think so, yeah. It felt like an earthquake, or...

SWALES : Martha ? It's night. It was lunchtime.

MARTHA : It's not night.

SWALES : It's got to be. It's dark.

MARTHA (looking out of the window) : We're on the moon.

SWALES : We can't be.

MARTHA : We're on the moon. We're on the bloody moon.


We see the hospital, isolated on the surface of the moon. We see the people in the hospital, looking out the windows, and then starting to panic when they realise where they are.


Tish runs to the site of the hospital, which is now a huge hole in the ground. She is stopped by a policeman.

POLICEMAN : I'm sorry, Miss, no.

TISH : My God...

Arial view of the big hole in the ground, with sirens or emergency vehicles.

TISH (into her mobile phone) : Martha ? Can you hear me ? Martha !

Tish walks by the TARDIS.


People are running and screaming. Martha pushes her way through them into :


Through the window, she can see the earth slightly above the horizon.


Leaving, she passes by Florence Finnegan.

FLORENCE : Have you seen...

MARTHA : I'm sorry, I can't.


MARTHA (CONT'D) : All right, everyone back to bed, we've got an emergency but we'll sort it out.

The Doctor is watching her. He pulls the curtain around his bed shut. Martha goes to the window, followed by Swales.

MARTHA (CONT'D) : It's real. It's really real. Hold on !

She reaches for the window-latch.

SWALES (sobbing) : Don't ! We'll lose all the air !

MARTHA : But they're not exactly air tight. If the air was going to get sucked out it would have happened straight away, but it didn't. So how come ?

THE DOCTOR (pulling aside the bed-curtain, now fully dressed in a blue suit) : Very good point ! Brilliant, in fact. What was your name ?

MARTHA : Martha.

THE DOCTOR : And it was Jones, wasn't it ? (She nods). Well then, Martha Jones, the question is, how are we still breathing ?

SWALES : We can't be !

THE DOCTOR : Obviously we are so don't waste my time. Martha, what have we got ? Is there a balcony on this floor, or a veranda, or... ?

MARTHA : By the patients' lounge, yeah.

THE DOCTOR : Fancy going out ?

MARTHA : Okay.

THE DOCTOR : We might die.

MARTHA : We might not.

THE DOCTOR : Good ! C'mon. Not her, she'd hold us up.

Swales sobs as they leave.


Martha and the Doctor go to the patients' lounge and push open the doors.


They step out onto the balcony.

MARTHA : We've got air ! How does that work ?

THE DOCTOR : Just be glad it does.

MARTHA : I've got a party tonight. It's my brother's twenty-first. My mother's going to be really... really...

THE DOCTOR : You okay ?

MARTHA : Yeah.


MARTHA : Yeah.

THE DOCTOR : Want to go back in ?

MARTHA : No way. I mean, we could die any minute, but all the same, it's beautiful.

THE DOCTOR : You think ?

MARTHA : How many people want to go to the moon ? And here we are !

THE DOCTOR : Standing in the earthlight.

MARTHA : What do you think happened ?

THE DOCTOR : What do you think ?

MARTHA : Extraterrestrial. It's got to be. I don't know, a few years ago that would have sounded man, but these days ? That spaceship flying into Big Ben, Christmas, those Cybermen things. I had a cousin. Adeola. She worked at Canary Wharf. She never came home.

THE DOCTOR : I'm sorry.

MARTHA : Yeah.

THE DOCTOR : I was there. In the battle.

MARTHA : I promise you, Mr Smith, we will find a way out. If we can travel to the moon, then we can travel back. There's got to be a way.

THE DOCTOR : It's not Smith, that's not my real name.

MARTHA : Who are you, then ?

THE DOCTOR : I'm the Doctor.

MARTHA : Me too, if I can pass my exams. What is it, then, Doctor Smith ?

THE DOCTOR : Just the Doctor.

MARTHA : How do you mean, just the Doctor ?

THE DOCTOR : Just... the Doctor.

MARTHA : What, people call you "the Doctor" ?


MARTHA : Well, I'm not. As far as I'm concerned, you've got to earn that title.

THE DOCTOR : Well, I'd better make a start, then. Let's have a look. (He picks up a pebble and throws it). There must be some sort of force field keeping the air in.

MARTHA : If that's like a bubble sealing us in, that means this is the only air we've got. What happens when it runs out ?

THE DOCTOR : How many people in this hospital ?

MARTHA : I don't know, a thousand ?

THE DOCTOR : One thousand people. Suffocating.

MARTHA : Why would anyone do that ?

THE DOCTOR : Head's up ! Ask them yourself.

The Judoon ships arrive. People go to the windows, staring, including Mr Stoker. The Judoon land and march to the hospital.

MARTHA : Aliens. That's aliens. Real, proper aliens.

THE DOCTOR : Judoon.


Mr Stoker is watching through the window with binoculars.

FLORENCE : Mr Stoker ? I'm sorry, I didn't know who else to ask, but can you help me ?

MR STOKER : I think we've gone beyond aspirin, Miss... ah...

FLORENCE : Finnegan.

MR STOKER : What are names now when something unnameable is marching towards us across the moon ? Two more years, I thought, two more years and then retire to Florida, but there is Florida, in the sky, I can see it. My daughter, she's still in university, I am never going to see her again.

FLORENCE : But I need your help, Mr Stoker.

MR STOKER : I can't do anything.

FLORENCE : Oh, I think you can.

Two Slabs enter behind her.

MR STOKER : What do you two want ? It's a bit too late to sign for anything.

FLORENCE : These are my lovely boys. I prefer not to get my hands dirty.

MR STOKER : I'm sorry ?

FLORENCE : You see, there are great tests to come, and terrible deeds, some of them my own. But if I am to survive this, I need you.

MR STOKER : What are you talking about ?

FLORENCE : Blood. Specifically, yours.

She snaps her fingers. The Slabs advance on Mr Stoker.

MR STOKER : What are you doing ? (They hold him by the arms). What are you doing ? Well, let go of me, what the hell, let go.

FLORENCE : You see, I was only salt deficient because I am so very good at absorbing it. Now I need fire in my veins, and who better than a consultant, with blood full of salty fats and vintage wines and all those Michelin star sauces.

MR STOKER : Who are you ?

FLORENCE : Oh, I'm a survivor, Mr Stoker. At any cost. Look ! I've even brought a straw.

Mr Stoker screams as she approaches him.


The Judoon are entering the hospital, walking through the force field. People watch, some screaming, some running, some cowering and trying to hide. The chief Judoon removes his helmet.

CHIEF JUDOON : Bo sco fo do no kro blo co sho ro !

MORGENSTERN : We are citizens of planet earth. We welcome you in peace.

The chief Judoon pushes him against the wall and shines a blue light in his face.

MORGENSTERN (CONT'D) : Please don't hurt me, I was just trying to help, I'm sorry, don't hurt me, please don't hurt me.

The Judoon plays his words back on his portable machine.

CHIEF JUDOON : Language assimilated. Designation Earth English. You will be catalogued. (Shines a blue light in Morgenstern's face and marks a cross on the back of his hand). Category : human. Catalogue all suspects.

They start shining the blue light on people, checking their species, then marking the right hand of each with a cross, saying "Human" as they do so. The Doctor and Martha are watching from behind some potted plants on the mezzanine level.

THE DOCTOR : Oh, look down there, you've got a little shop. I like a little shop.

MARTHA : Never mind that ! What are Judoon ?

THE DOCTOR : Galactic police. Well, police for hire. More like interplanetary thugs.

MARTHA : And they brought us to the moon ?

THE DOCTOR : Neutral territory. According to galactic law, they've got no jurisdiction over the Earth, and they isolated us. That rain ? Lightning ? That was them, using an H2O scoop.

MARTHA : What's that about "galactic law" ? Where'd you get that from ? If they're police, are we under arrest ? Are we trespassing on the moon or something ?

THE DOCTOR : No. But I like that. Good thinking. No, it's more simple. They're making a catalogue, it means they're after something non-human, which is very bad news for me.

MARTHA : Why ? (He looks at her). Oh, you're kidding me. (He raises an eyebrow). Don't be ridiculous. Stop looking at me like that.

THE DOCTOR : Come on, then.

The Doctor and Martha leave.

CHIEF JUDOON : Troop five, floor one. Troop six, floor two. Identify humans and find the transgressor. Find it.


The Doctor and Martha enter at a run.

CHIEF JUDOON : Prepare to be catalogued.
MORGENSTERN : Do what they say. All they want is to shine this light thing, it's all right, they don't mean to hurt us. Just listen to them.

A man breaks a jug over the head of one of the Judoon.

CHIEF JUDOON : Witness the crime. Charge : physical assault. Plea : guilty. Sentence : execution.

The Judoon shoot the man and he vaporises, screaming.

MORGENSTERN : You didn't have to do that.

CHIEF JUDOON : Justice is swift.

Morgenstern flinches.


The Doctor is examining a computer with his sonic screwdriver. Martha comes into the room.

MARTHA : They've reached third floor. What's that thing ?

THE DOCTOR : Sonic screwdriver.

MARTHA : Well, if you're not going to answer me properly !

THE DOCTOR : No, really, it is. It's a screwdriver, and it's sonic. Look.

MARTHA : What else have you got ? A laser spanner ?

THE DOCTOR : I did, but it was stolen by Emily Pankhurst, cheeky woman. (Hits the computer). Oh, this computer ! The Judoon must have locked it down. Judoon platoon upon the moon. Cause I was just travelling past, I swear, I was just wandering, I wasn't looking for trouble, honestly, I wasn't, but I noticed these plasma coils around the hospital, and that lightning, that's plasma coils, been building up for two days now, so I checked in, I thought something was going on inside, it turns out the plasma coils were the Judoon up above.

MARTHA : But what were they looking for ?

THE DOCTOR : Something that looks human, but isn't.

MARTHA : Like you. Apparently.

THE DOCTOR : Like me. But not me.

MARTHA : Haven't they got a photo ?

THE DOCTOR : Might be a shape-changer.

MARTHA : Whatever it is, can't you just leave the Judoon to find it ?

THE DOCTOR : If they declare the hospital guilty of harbouring a fugitive, they'll sentence it to execution.

MARTHA : All of us ?

THE DOCTOR : Oh yes. If I can find this thing first... Oh ! Just that they're thick ! Judoon are thick ! They are completely thick ! They wiped the records. Oh, that's clever.

MARTHA : What are we looking for ?

THE DOCTOR : I don't know. Any patient admitted in the past week with unusual symptoms. Maybe there's a back-up.

MARTHA : Just keep working. I'll go ask Mr Stoker, he might know.

She leaves.


She runs down the hall and knocks on the door to Stoker's office and enters without waiting for an answer.


MARTHA (CONT'D) : Mr Stoker !

She sees his feet sticking out around the desk, and the two Slabs. Florence Finnegan arises, straw in hand. Martha runs for it.

FLORENCE : Kill her !


Martha meets up with the Doctor.

THE DOCTOR : I've restored the back-up.

MARTHA : I found her.

THE DOCTOR : You what ? (He sees the Slabs). Run !

He takes Martha's hand and they run.


They run down the stairs, followed by the Slabs. Then they meet the Judoon coming up, and dodge out a doorway on the fourth floor.


They run, Slabs hot on their tails, skidding around corners and then into the radiology room.


The Doctor closes and locks the door in the face of a Slab.

THE DOCTOR : When I say "now", press the button.

MARTHA : I don't know which one.

THE DOCTOR : Find out !

He uses his sonic screwdriver on some of the machinery. Martha goes for the Operator's Manual. The Slab breaks down the door.


He zaps the Slab with radiation, his skeleton visible. The Slab falls inert.

MARTHA : What did you do ?

THE DOCTOR : Increased the radiation by five thousand per cent. Killed him dead.

MARTHA : Isn't that likely to kill you ?

THE DOCTOR : Nah, it's only radiation. We used to play with roentgen bricks in the nursery. It's safe for you to come out, I've absorbed it all. All I need to do is expel it. (He starts bouncing and hopping). If I concentrate I can shake the radiation out of my body and into one spot. It's in my left shoe. Here we go, here we go, easy does it... (Shaking his foot). Out, out, out, out, out. Out, out, ah, ah, ah, ah. It is, it is, it is, it is, it is hot. Ah, hold on. (Throws his shoe into the dustbin). Done.

MARTHA : You're completely mad.

THE DOCTOR : Right. I look daft with one shoe. (Removes and discards the other one). Barefoot on the moon !

MARTHA (going to the Slab) : So what is that thing ? And where's it from ? The planet Zovirax ?

THE DOCTOR : It's just a Slab. They're called "Slabs". Basic slave drones, see ? Solid leather, all the way through. Someone has got one hell of a fetish.

MARTHA : It came with that woman, Mrs. Finnegan. It was working for her. Just like a servant.

THE DOCTOR (takes what remains of his sonic screwdriver out of the x-ray machine) : My sonic screwdriver.

MARTHA : She was one of the patients, but...

THE DOCTOR : My sonic screwdriver !

MARTHA : She had a straw like some kind of vampire.

THE DOCTOR : I loved my sonic screwdriver !

MARTHA : Doctor !

THE DOCTOR : Sorry. (He tosses the sonic screwdriver away, and smiles). You called me Doctor.

MARTHA : Anyway ! Miss Finnegan is the alien. She was drinking Mr. Stoker's blood.

THE DOCTOR : Funny time to take a snack. You'd think she'd be hiding. Unless, no. Yes, that's it, wait a minute. Yes ! Shape-changer. Internal shape-changer. She wasn't drinking blood, she was assimilating it.


Florence Finnegan walks into a corridor, wiping her lips. The Judoon are approaching.

CHIEF JUDOON : Prepare to be catalogued. (They catalogue people). Human.

They come to Florence Finnegan and shine the blue light on her.


THE DOCTOR : If she can assimilate Mr Stoker's blood, mimic the morphology, she can register as human. We've got to find her and show the Judoon. Come on !

He runs.


CHIEF JUDOON (shining his light at Florence Finnegan) : Human.

Puts a cross on her hand and carries on. She looks at it with a smile.


A Slab walks down a hallway, past the Doctor and Martha, who are hiding behind a water cooler.

THE DOCTOR : That's the thing about Slabs. They always travel in pairs.

MARTHA : What about you ?

THE DOCTOR : What about me what ?

MARTHA : Haven't you got back-up ? You must have a partner or something ?

THE DOCTOR : Uh. Humans. We're stuck on the moon running out of air with Judoon and a bloodsucking criminal, you're asking personal questions. Come on.

MARTHA : I like that. "Humans." I'm still not convinced you're an alien.

They step in front of a Judoon, who shines his blue light on the Doctor's face.

JUDOON : Non-human.

MARTHA : Oh my God, you really are !

THE DOCTOR : And again !

They run. The Judoon shoot after them. They go up stairs, and manage to lock a door behind them, emerging in a corridor where people are falling to the ground, gasping for breath.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) : They've done this floor. Come on. The Judoon are logical and just a little bit thick. They won't go back to check a floor they've checked already. If we're lucky.

Martha sees Swales and stops by her.

MARTHA : How much oxygen is there ?

SWALES : Not enough for all these people. We're going to run out.

THE DOCTOR : How are you feeling ? Are you all right ?

MARTHA : I'm running on adrenaline.

THE DOCTOR : Welcome to my world.

MARTHA : What about the Judoon ?

THE DOCTOR : Ah, great big lung reserves, it won't slow them down. Where's Mr Stoker's office ?

MARTHA : It's this way.


They enter.

MARTHA (CONT'D) : She's gone ! She was here.

THE DOCTOR (examining Mr Stoker) : Drained him dry. Every last drop. I was right. She's a plasmavore.

MARTHA : What was she doing on Earth ?

THE DOCTOR : Hiding. On the run. Like Ronald Biggs in Rio de Janeiro. What's she doing now ? She's still not safe. The Judoon could execute us all. Come on.

MARTHA : Wait a minute.

She goes to Mr Stoker and closes his eyes, then leaves with the Doctor.


THE DOCTOR : Think, think, think. If I was a plasmavore surrounded by police, what would I do ? (He looks at the MRI sign). Aah. She's as clever as me. Almost.

JUDOON VOICES : Find the non-human. Execute.

THE DOCTOR : Stay here. I need time. You're going to have to hold them up.

MARTHA : How do I do that ?

THE DOCTOR : Martha, forgive me for this. It's to save a thousand lives, it means nothing. Honestly, nothing.

He kisses her, then runs off.

MARTHA : That was nothing ?


The Doctor goes into the MRI room, where the machine is making strange noises and Florence Finnegan is working with the controls.

THE DOCTOR : Have you seen, there are these things, those great big space rhino things, I mean rhinos from space. And we're on the moon. Great big space rhinos with guns on the moon. And I only came in for my bunions, look. (Shows his feet). They're all right now, perfectly good treatment, I said to my wife, I'd recommend this place to anyone, but then we end up on the moon. And did I mention the rhinos ?

FLORENCE : Hold him !

The Slabs take hold of the Doctor.


The Judoon walk into another corridor. Martha stands bravely waiting for them.

CHIEF JUDOON : Find the non-human. Execute.

MARTHA : Now, listen. I know who you're looking for. She's this woman. She calls herself Florence.

The Judoon examines her with his blue light.

CHIEF JUDOON : Human. With non-human traits suspected. Non-human element confirmed. Authorize full scan. What are you ? What are you ?


Florence Finnegan is fussing with the MRI machine.

THE DOCTOR : That thing, that big machine thing, is it supposed to be making that noise ?

FLORENCE : You wouldn't understand.

THE DOCTOR : Isn't that a magnetic resonance imaging thing ? Like a ginormous sort of a magnet ? I did magnets at GCSE. Well, I failed, but all the same.

FLORENCE : The magnetic setting is now set to 50,000 Tesla.

THE DOCTOR : Ooh. That's a bit strong, isn't it ?

FLORENCE : I can send out a magnetic pulse that will fry the brain-stems of every living thing within 250,000 miles. Except me, safe in this room.

THE DOCTOR : But... hold on, hold on, I did geography for GCSE, I did pass that one, doesn't that distance include Earth ?

FLORENCE : Only the side facing the moon. The other half will survive. Call it my little gift.

THE DOCTOR : I'm sorry, you'll have to forgive me, I'm a little out of my depth. I've spent the past fifteen years working as a postman, hence the bunions. Why would you do that ?

FLORENCE : With everyone dead, the Judoon ships will be mine, to make my escape.

THE DOCTOR : Now, that's weird. You're talking like you're some sort of an alien.

FLORENCE : Right-o.


FLORENCE : Oh, yes.

THE DOCTOR : You're joshing me.

FLORENCE : I am not.

THE DOCTOR : I'm talking to an alien ? In hospital ? What, has the place got an ET department ?

FLORENCE : It's the perfect hiding place. Blood banks downstairs for a midnight feast, and all this equipment I'm ready to arm myself with should the police come looking.

THE DOCTOR : So, those rhinos, they're looking for you ?

FLORENCE : Yes. But I'm hidden.

THE DOCTOR : Oh. Right ! Maybe that's why they're increasing their scans.

FLORENCE : They're doing what ?

THE DOCTOR : Big chief rhino boy, he said, no sign of a non-human, we must increase our scans... up to setting two ?

FLORENCE : Then I must assimilate again.

THE DOCTOR : What does that mean ?

FLORENCE : I must appear to be human.

THE DOCTOR : Well, you're welcome to come home and meet the wife. She'd be honoured. We can have cake.

FLORENCE : Why should I have cake ? I've got my little straw.

THE DOCTOR : That's nice. Milkshake ? I like banana.

FLORENCE : You're quite the funny man. And yet, I think, laughing on purpose at the darkness. I think it's time you found some peace. Steady him !

THE DOCTOR : What are you doing ?

As the Slabs hold him and Florence approaches with her straw.

FLORENCE : I'm afraid this is going to hurt. But if it's any consolation, the dead don't tend to remember.


The Judoon makes a cross on Martha's hand.

CHIEF JUDOON : Confirmed : human. Traces of facial contact with non-human. Continue the search. (To Martha, hands her slip of paper) : You will need this.

MARTHA : What's that for ?

CHIEF JUDOON : Compensation.


Florence drinks the Doctor's blood with a straw. The Judoon enter the room.

FLORENCE : Now see what you've done. This poor man just died of fright.

CHIEF JUDOON : Scan him ! Confirmation : deceased.

MARTHA : No, he can't be. Let me through, let me see him.

CHIEF JUDOON : Stop. Case closed.

MARTHA : But it was her. She killed him. She did it. She murdered him.

CHIEF JUDOON : The Judoon have no authority over human crime.

MARTHA : But she's not human.

FLORENCE : Oh, but I am. I've been catalogued.

MARTHA : But she's not ! She assimil... Wait a minute. You drank his blood. The Doctor's blood.

She grabs a Judoon scanner.

FLORENCE : Oh, all right. Scan all you like.

CHIEF JUDOON : Non-human.


CHIEF JUDOON : Confirm analysis.

FLORENCE : Oh, but it's a mistake, surely. I'm human. I'm as human as they come.

MARTHA : He gave his life so they'd find you.

CHIEF JUDOON : Confirmed : Plasmavore. I charge you with the crime of murdering the princess of Patrival Regency Nine.

FLORENCE : She deserved it ! Those pink cheeks and those blond curls and that simpering voice. She was begging for the bite of a plasmavore.

CHIEF JUDOON : Do you confess ?

FLORENCE : Confess ? I'm proud of it ! Slab, stop them !

The Slab shoots. The Judoon shoot. The Slab disintegrates.

CHIEF JUDOON : Verdict : guilty. Sentence : execution.

The warning sign light up : MAGNETIC OVERLOAD.

FLORENCE : Enjoy your victory, Judoon, because you're going to burn with me. Burn in hell !

She screams as they disintegrate her. Martha rushes over to the Doctor.

CHIEF JUDOON : Case closed.

MARTHA : What did she mean, "burn with me" ? The scanner shouldn't be doing that. She's done something.

CHIEF JUDOON : Scans detect lethal acceleration of monomagnetic pulse.

MARTHA : Well, do something ! Stop it !

CHIEF JUDOON : Our jurisdiction has ended. Judoon will evacuate.

MARTHA : You can't just leave it. What's it going to do ?

CHIEF JUDOON : All units withdraw.

They depart. The sign continues to flash : MAGNETIC OVERLOAD.

MORGENSTERN : What about the air ? We're running out of air.

MARTHA : You can't go. That thing's going to explode and it's all your fault.

They're gone. Martha runs to the Doctor and starts to apply pulmonary resuscitation techniques.

MARTHA (CONT'D) : One, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five. Two hearts ! One, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five.

Martha is running out of air. The Doctor revives and starts to cough. Martha falls to the ground.

MARTHA (CONT'D) : The scanner. She did something.

Coughing, the Doctor crawls and staggers to the MRI machine, and unplugs it.


The Doctor carries Martha down a corridor where patients and doctors alike are either very weak or unconscious due to oxygen starvation.


The Doctor looks out of the window at the Judoon ships.

THE DOCTOR : Come on, come on, come on. Come on, Judoon, reverse it. (It starts to rain. He smiles). It's raining, Martha. It's raining on the moon.

In a flash of white light, they disappear.


The hospital reappears where it originally was, with Tish and the onlookers standing at the side of the hole. Emergency care commences, while Martha sits, looking thoughtful, outside the hospital.

MORGENSTERN : I told them I represented the human race. I told them, you can't do that. I said : "You can't do that, we have rights."

TISH : Martha ! (Goes running to hug her). Oh, God ! I thought you were dead ! What happened ? It was so weird, because the police wouldn't say, they didn't have a clue. And I tried phoning, but I couldn't get through. Mum's on her way, but she couldn't get through, they've closed off all the roads.

Martha sees the Doctor walking away, towards the TARDIS. He smiles at her, and waves. A truck goes by, and when it has passed, the Doctor and the TARDIS are gone.

MARTHA (CONT'D) : There's thousands of people trying to get in, the whole city's ground to a halt, and Dad phoned, cause it's on the news and everything, he was crying. It's been a mess, and what happened ? I mean, what really happened ? Where were you ?

Martha stares at the place the TARDIS was, hearing the last traces of the TARDIS engines.


Martha is applying her mascara for the party, listening to the radio.

ANNOUNCER : Eyewitness reports from the Royal Hope Hospital continue to pour in, and it all seems to be remarkably consistent. This from medical student Oliver Morgenstern.

MORGENSTERN : I was there. I saw it happen. And I feel uniquely privileged. I looked out at the surface of the moon. I saw the Earth, suspended in space, and it all just proves Mr Saxon right. We're not alone in the universe. There's life out there: wild and extraordinary life.


Annalise storms outside.

ANNALISE : I am not prepared to be insulted !

CLIVE : She didn't mean it, sweetheart. She just said you look healthy.

FRANCINE : No, I did not. I said orange.

ANNALISE : Clive, that woman is disrespecting me. She's never liked me.

FRANCINE : Oh, I can't think why, after you stole my husband.

ANNALISE : I was seduced. I'm entirely innocent ! Tell her, Clive !

FRANCINE : And then she has a go at Martha, practically accused her of making the whole thing up.

MARTHA : Mum, I don't mind. Just leave it.

ANNALISE : Oh. "I've been to the moon !" As if. They were drugged. It said so on the news.

FRANCINE : Since when did you watch the news ? You can't handle "Quiz Mania".

TISH (to Martha) : Annalise started it. She did. I heard her.

LEO : Trish, don't make it worse.

TISH : You're talking, Leo. What did she buy you, soap ? A seventy-five pence soap ?

ANNALISE : Oh, I'm never talking to your family again !

She storms off. They're all talking over each other.

FRANCINE : Oh, stay. Have a night out.

CLIVE : Don't you dare. I'm putting my foot down. This is me, putting my foot down.

He chases after Annalise.

LEO : Dad !

FRANCINE : Make a fool of yourself ! God knows, you've been doing it for the last twenty-five years ! Why stop now ?

She storms off. Trish follows...

TISH : Mum, don't ! I asked the DJ and he's playing that song later...

Martha, distressed, sees the Doctor standing on the corner, looking at her. He smiles and gives her a "follow me" look. She follows him around the building...



She finds him standing and leaning against the TARDIS. There is a "VOTE SAXON" poster on the wall behind her.

MARTHA : I went to the moon today.

THE DOCTOR : A bit more peaceful than down here.

MARTHA : You never even told me who you are.

THE DOCTOR : The Doctor.

MARTHA : What sort of species ? It's not every day I get to ask that.

THE DOCTOR : I'm a Time Lord.

MARTHA : Right ! Not pompous at all, then.

THE DOCTOR : I just thought since you saved my life and I've got a brand new sonic screwdriver which needs road testing, you might fancy a trip.

MARTHA : What, into space ?


MARTHA : I can't. I've got exams. I've got things to do. I have to go into town first thing and pay the rent, I've got my family going mad...

THE DOCTOR : If it helps, I can travel in time, as well.

MARTHA : Get out of here.


MARTHA : Come on now, that's going too far.

THE DOCTOR : I'll prove it.

He goes into the TARDIS, and it makes TARDIS noises, and then disappears while Martha watches. She waves her hand in the spot where it was. It comes back. The Doctor steps out, holding his tie in his hand.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) : Told you !

MARTHA : I know, but... that was this morning ! But, did you... Oh, my God ! You can travel in time !

The Doctor puts his tie on again.

MARTHA (CONT'D) : But hold on, if you could see me this morning, why didn't you tell me not to go in to work ?

THE DOCTOR : Crossing into established events is strictly forbidden. Except for cheap tricks.

MARTHA : And that's your spaceship ?

THE DOCTOR : It's called the TARDIS. Time and Relative Dimension in Space.

MARTHA : Your spaceship's made of wood. There's not much room. We'd be a bit intimate.

THE DOCTOR (pushing the door open) : Take a look.



She goes in, the Doctor follows her. She looks around and runs out again.

MARTHA : Oh, no, no.



MARTHA (CONT'D) (she looks around outside) : But it's just a box. But it's huge. How does it do that ? It's wood.

She knocks on it.



MARTHA (CONT'D) : It's like a box with that room just rammed in. It's bigger on the inside.

THE DOCTOR (after mouthing this last sentence with her) : Is it ? I hadn't noticed. (He shuts the door behind her, throws his coat aside). All right, then, let's get going.

MARTHA : But is there a crew ? Like a navigator and stuff ? Where is everyone ?

THE DOCTOR : Just me.

MARTHA : All on your own ?

THE DOCTOR : Well, sometimes I have guests. I mean some friends, travelling alongside. I had, there was recently a friend of mine. Rose, her name was, Rose. And... we were together. Anyway.

MARTHA : Where is she now ?

THE DOCTOR : With her family. Happy. She's fine. Not that you're replacing her.

MARTHA : Never said I was.

THE DOCTOR : Just one trip to say "thanks", you get one trip, then back home. I'd rather be on my own.

MARTHA : You're the one that kissed me.

THE DOCTOR : That was a genetic transfer.

MARTHA : And if you will wear a tight suit...

THE DOCTOR : Now... don't !

MARTHA : And then travel all the way across the universe just to ask me on a date...

THE DOCTOR : Stop it.

MARTHA : For the record ? I'm not remotely interested. I only go for humans.

THE DOCTOR : Good. Well, then. Close down the gravitic anomalizer. Fire up the helmic regulator. And finally, the hand brake. Ready ?


THE DOCTOR : Off we go.

He pulls the hand brake. The TARDIS jolts and shakes. He falls.

MARTHA : Blimey, it's a bit bumpy.

THE DOCTOR : Welcome aboard, Miss Jones.

He shakes her hand.

MARTHA : It's my pleasure, Mr Smith.


The TARDIS hurtles through the vortex.




Écrit par drogba pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries.

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18.01.2021 vers 20h

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ladyhawke7  (03.05.2016 à 09:42)

Bonjour à tous.

Hélas, la saison 3, c'est la saison que j'aime le moins (pardon Martha). Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais je n'accroche pas trop. A part les 3 derniers épisodes avec Jack. J'aime le générique et l'épisode avec Donna. Je regarde quand même quand les épisodes passent à la télévision, mais ça n'a pas le charme de Donna, de Rose ou d'Amy. 


Merci aux 4 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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Activité récente

Alphabet Doctor Who
Aujourd'hui à 17:42

Aujourd'hui à 10:32

Photo du mois
Aujourd'hui à 10:31


S01E02 The Devil's Chord
Aujourd'hui à 02:02

S01E06 Rogue
Aujourd'hui à 02:00

S01E04 73 Yards
Aujourd'hui à 01:58

S01E08 Empire of Death
Aujourd'hui à 01:46

S01E05 Dot and Bubble
Aujourd'hui à 01:37

S01E03 Boom
Aujourd'hui à 01:34

S01E01 Space Babies
Aujourd'hui à 01:25

Prochaines diffusions
Logo de la chaîne Disney+ France

Doctor Who (2023), S01E02 (inédit)
Samedi 11 mai à 01:00

S01E01 (inédit) à 01:00

Logo de la chaîne BBC 1

Doctor Who (2023), S01E01 (inédit)
Samedi 11 mai à 19:00


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !