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Doctor Who (2005)
#408 : Silence In The Library ... La bibliothèque des ombres (1/2)

Il y a 100 ans, la plus grande bibliothèque de l'univers ferma ses portes, laissant un seul avertissement : compter les ombres. Mais les ombres ont recommencé à bouger. Le Docteur et Donna doivent affronter les ténèbres afin de découvrir le secret de la bibliothèque.



4.57 - 7 votes

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Silence In The Library

Titre VF
Silence In The Library ... La bibliothèque des ombres (1/2)

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France





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Le Docteur et Donna

Le Docteur et Donna

Qu'est ce qui se passe dans cette bibliothèque

Qu'est ce qui se passe dans cette bibliothèque



Le Docteur

Le Docteur

Monsieur Lux et Miss Evangelista

Monsieur Lux et Miss Evangelista

Le Docteur se pose des questions sur River

Le Docteur se pose des questions sur River

L'accueil de la bibliothèque

L'accueil de la bibliothèque

Le Docteur arrive à la bibliothèque

Le Docteur arrive à la bibliothèque

River Song et son équipe

River Song et son équipe

Donna et le Docteur

Donna et le Docteur

Une bibliothèque dangereuse

Une bibliothèque dangereuse

Le Docteur

Le Docteur

Silence in the Library - Le Docteur et River Song

Silence in the Library - Le Docteur et River Song

Silence in the Library -  River Song

Silence in the Library - River Song

Le Docteur et Donna

Le Docteur et Donna

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Steven Moffat

Réalisateur : Euros Lyn



David Tennant ... Docteur
Catherine Tate ... Donna Noble
Alex Kingston ... River Song
Colin Salmon ... Docteur Moon
Eve Newton ...  La petite fille / CAL
Mark Dexter .. Le père
Sarah Niles ... Node 710/aqua
Joshua Dallas ... Node Mark Chambers
Steve Pemberton ... Strackman Lux
Talulah Riley ... Miss Evangelista
Harry Peacock ... Dave
O-T Fagbenle ...  "Autre" Dave
Jessika Williams ... Anita


Références et continuités

  • Cet épisode en deux parties a été nominé en 2009 pour les Hugo Awards du meilleur épisode de série, mais a été battu par Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.
  • C'est la première apparition de River Song, qui prendra une importance capitale pour le Onzième Docteur.
  • Pour River, c'est la dernière fois qu'elle voit le Docteur: pour celui-ci, c'est la première fois.
  • River vient de passer 24 ans avec le Douzième Docteur, ce qu'on apprend dans Les maris de River Song. C'est là qu'il lui a donné son tournevis sonique qu'elle emploie pendant l'épisode.
  • Le pistolet carré utilisé par River durant l'épisode est le même que celui utilisé par le Capitaine Jack Harkness dans l'épisode Le Docteur danse.  Steven Moffat explique qu'il est resté dans le TARDIS après l'épisode A la croisée des chemins et que River Song l'a pris dans un épisode qui n'a pas été vu.
  • Le Docteur explique qu'il aime bien les petites boutiques, comme dans Une nouvelle Terre et La Loi des Judoons.
  • Le site de la BBC de Doctor Who montre différents livres se trouvant dans la bibliothèque qui ont été écrits par des personnages de la série ou par des auteurs de la série. On trouve ainsi le manuel du TARDIS nommé Origin of the Universe (Destiny of the Daleks), La révolution française (An Unearthly Child), Le Journal des choses impossibles (La Famille de sang), Le Guide du voyageur galactique (écrit par le scénariste Douglas Adams), L'Everest en quelques jours (The Creature from the Pit) et Black Orchid (Black Orchid).

Résumé épisode 408 "La bibliothèque des ombres" (première partie)

Le Docteur et Donna arrivent au 51ème siècle sur une planète appelée La Bibliothèque, car il s'agit d'une bibliothèque géante conservant tous les livres existant dans l'univers. Le Docteur y a été appelé par quelqu'un qui s'est servi de son papier psychique pour le contacter. Cependant, les deux voyageurs ne trouvent aucune personne vivante, alors que l'ordinateur de la bibliothèque prétend qu'un million de formes vivantes sont présentes, ce qui ne manque pas d'intriguer le Docteur et sa compagne.

Un Node, une statue au visage humain, les avertit de compter les ombres. Alors qu'ils cherchent des explications à ce mystérieux message, le Docteur et Donna rencontrent une équipe d'archéologues, qui vient d'arriver, menée par le professeur River Song.

Cette dernière semble connaître le Docteur, l'appelant chéri, et possède un journal dont la couverture ressemble au Tardis, où seraient décrites ses rencontres avec le Docteur ainsi que le futur de celui-ci, leurs rencontres ayant l'air de se dérouler en sens contraire, ce qui explique pourquoi le Docteur ne la reconnaît pas. Cette mystérieuse femme possède aussi un tournevis sonique et connaît le programme d'urgence n°1 ("A la croisée des chemins", saison 1).

Craignant d'apprendre des choses qu'il ne devrait pas encore connaître, le Docteur évite River le plus possible, surtout quand celle-ci se met à parler de leur futur ensemble. On dirait qu'elle l'effraye un peu.

De son côté, Donna ne semble pas faire confiance à cette personne qui dit connaître tellement bien le Docteur. Mais quand elle lui dit son nom, River semble troublée et lui révèle qu'elle ne sera plus là lorsqu'elle rencontrera le Docteur.

Pendant ce temps, l'équipe d'archéologues visite la bibliothèque, dont un certain Strackman Lux, qui semble cacher quelque chose.

Le Docteur finit par comprendre une partie du problème concernant les fameuses ombres, et explique qu'ils sont encerclés par le Vashta Nerada. Il s'agit d'ombres cannibales qui se cachent dans le noir. Elles vivent dans les forêts où l’ombre est très présente, car elles n’aiment pas la lumière. De plus, elles "mangent" les êtres vivants et une fois ceux-ci dévorés, elles prennent leur corps pour attaquer une autre victime, et ainsi de suite. Pour les reconnaître, il faut compter les ombres. Si une personne en possède deux, alors le Vashta Nerada la possède et elle meurt. Pourtant, en temps normal, elles ne sont ni aussi nombreuses, ni aussi agressives.

Une jeune femme de l'équipe d'archéologues, jolie mais guère intelligente, Miss Evangelista, avec qui Donna a sympathisé, s'aventure seule dans un coin de la bibliothèque, délaissée par tout le monde, car personne ne veut faire attention à elle.

Peu de temps après, elle est retrouvée par l'équipe, morte, dévorée par les ombres. Le Docteur et Donna apprennent que les explorateurs portent des appareils de communication qui lient leur système nerveux afin d'acquérir une communication basée sur la pensée. L'effet secondaire de ces appareils est qu'ils impriment les dernières pensées de ceux qui les portent, créant ainsi une sorte de fantôme de la conscience de cette personne. C'est ainsi qu'ils entendent les dernières paroles de la jeune femme. Celle-ci s'adresse d'ailleurs à Donna, car c'est la seule personne qui a fait cas d'elle.

Bientôt nous en apprenons un peu plus sur le mystère de la bibliothèque. Celle-ci semble en effet être liée à une petite fille, d'apparence normale. Elle voit le Docteur et Donna à travers les yeux d'une caméra de surveillance ainsi que tout ce qui se passe dans la bibliothèque. Tout se déroule devant elle, alors qu'elle vit dans une maison avec son père, les images des évènements se passant  dans la bibliothèque apparaissant sur sa télévision.

Monsieur Lux, l'homme qui a financé la mission d'exploration et à la famille duquel la bibliothèque appartient, semble en savoir davantage mais il refuse de parler, même sous la menace du Docteur.

Sans que l'on sache pourquoi, la petite fille est sous l'observation d'un homme, le Docteur Moon, une sorte de psychologue pour enfants, à la demande de son père.

Dans la bibliothèque, l'enquête est interrompue lorsque les ombres choisissent Dave, le pilote de la mission archéologique, comme nouvelle proie. Malgré les efforts du Docteur pour le sauver, les ombres réussissent à entrer à l'intérieur de son scaphandre de cosmonaute et le dévorent vivant. Les ombres animent le costume habillant désormais un squelette et poursuivent les survivants.

Pendant ce temps, le docteur Moon révèle à sa patiente que son monde est un mensonge alors que ses rêves sont réels. II lui explique qu'il y a vraiment des personnes piégées dans la bibliothèque et qui doivent être sauvées, et elle seule peut le faire.

Contrairement au désir de Donna, le Docteur décide de l'envoyer à l'abri, dans le Tardis. Il la téléporte dans le TARDIS, du moins le croit-il mais un des nodes annonce au Docteur qu'elle est sauvée, qu'elle a quitté la bibliothèque. Son visage est celui de Donna.


A suivre...

Écrit par hypmatt pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries.

Script VO épisode 408 "Silence in the library" (part. 1)

DOCTOR MOON (VO) : Close your eyes and tell me what you see.

The black screen turns into a view of a futuristic town, filled with books. A girl is floating in the air as lullaby music plays.

THE GIRL : The Library.

DR MOON (VO) : Open your eyes again.

The Girl opens her eyes and is revealed to be sitting on a lounge suite in a flat; her father and Dr Moon opposite her.

DR MOON : Where are you now ?

THE GIRL : My living room, Dr Moon.

DR MOON : When you close your eyes...

THE GIRL : I go to the Library.

DR MOON : Go to the Library now.

The Girl closes her eyes and is taken to a huge circular room in the Library, with several doors around and the walls covered with book shelves. In the middle of the room there's an open dome letting in the sunlight, and that's where the Girl floats inside.

DR MOON (VO) : Are you back there ?


DR MOON (VO) : The same part ?

THE GIRL : No, it’s always different. The Library goes on for ever.

DR MOON (VO) : How do you move around ?

THE GIRL : By wishing.

One of the large, wooden doors begins shaking, and the Girl is startled. Cuts back to the flat.

DR MOON : What’s wrong ?

THE GIRL : Something's here ! Someone's got in ! No one's supposed to get in !

DAD : She's never mentioned any one else. She’s always been alone.

Cuts to the Library. The doors are close to opening.

THE GIRL : Someone’s in my Library !

Cuts to the flat.

THE GIRL : No, no, please, that’s not allowed ! It's not allowed !

DR MOON : Listen to me. The Library is in your mind.

THE GIRL : I know it’s in my mind, but something’s got inside !

Cuts back to the Library. The Girl is standing in horror awaiting the door to open, the Doctor and Donna step through, panting for breath. The Doctor places a thick book in the handle of the door to prevent whatever is on the other side from getting through.

DOCTOR (noticing the Girl) : Oh ! Hello !

He puts his hands in his pockets and walks towards the Girl, followed by Donna.

DOCTOR : Sorry to burst in on you like this. OK if we stop here for a bit ?

Cuts to the flat. The Girl opens her eyes in terror, gasping.


DOCTOR : Books ! People never really stop loving books.

While he speaks, he picks up his coat and exits the TARDIS, followed by Donna. They arrive to a huge but empty reception area.

DOCTOR : 51st century. By now you've got holovids, direct to brain downloads, fiction mist, but you need the smell. The smell of books, Donna. Deep breath.

They cross the room and go through a door. They walk down the staircase and get to see the surface: a huge city all filled with book shelves.

DOCTOR : The Library. So big it doesn't need a name. Just a great big "the".

DONNA : It's like a city.

DOCTOR : It's a world. Literally a world. The whole core of the planet is the index computer, biggest hard drive ever. And up here, every book ever written. Whole continents of Jeffrey Archer, Bridget Jones, Monty Python's Big Red Book. Brand new editions, specially printed. We're near the equator, so... (he licks his finger then lifts it up to feel the wind) this must be Biographies ! I love biographies !

DONNA : Yeah, very you. Always a death at the end.

DOCTOR : You need a good death. Without death, there'd only be comedies. Dying gives us size.

Donna picks up a book but the Doctor snatches it off her.

DOCTOR : Oi ! Spoilers !

DONNA : What ?

DOCTOR : These books are from your future. You don't wanna read ahead, spoil all the surprises. Like peeking at the end.

DONNA : Isn't travelling with you one big spoiler ?

DOCTOR : I... try to keep you away from major plot developments. Which, to be honest, I seem to be very bad at, cos you know what ? This is the biggest Library in the universe. So where is everyone ? It's silent.

He goes to an information terminal and starts to fiddle on it with the sonic.

DONNA : The Library ?

DOCTOR : The planet. The whole planet.

DONNA : Maybe it's a Sunday.

DOCTOR : No, I never land on Sundays. Sundays are boring.

DONNA : Well... Maybe everyone's really, really quiet.

DOCTOR : Yeah, maybe. But they'd still show up on the system.

DONNA : Doctor, why are we here ? Really, why ?

DOCTOR : Oh, you know, just passing.

DONNA : No, seriously. It was all, "let's hit the beach" then suddenly we're in a Library. Why ?

DOCTOR : Now, that's interesting.

DONNA : What ?

DOCTOR : Scanning for life forms. If I do a scan looking for your basic humanoids - you know, your book readers, few limbs and a face (we see the terminal's screen : "filtered humanoid lifeform scan; 2; complete") - apart from us, I get nothing. Zippo, nada, see ? Nobody home. But if I widen the parameters to any kind of life... 

He pushes some keys, numbers run on the screen until it stops and writes "error;; lifeform number capped at maximum record".

DOCTOR : A million million. Gives up after that. A million million.

DONNA : But there's nothing here. There's no-one.

DOCTOR : And not a sound. A million million life forms, and silence in the Library.

DONNA : But there's no-one here. There's just books. I mean, it's not the books, is it ? I mean, it can't be the books, can it ? I mean, books can't be alive ?

They look at each other then cautiously reach towards a book. Just before they would touch it they hear a voice, making them both jump.

NODE : Welcome !

DONNA : That came from in there.

DOCTOR : Yeah !

They head back to the reception. They see a Node there - it looks like a modern statue with a living face mounted into it's head.

NODE : I am Courtesy Node 710/aqua. Please enjoy the Library and respect the personal access codes of all your fellow readers regardless of species or hygiene taboo.

DONNA : That face, it looks real.

DOCTOR : Yeah, don't worry about it.

DONNA : But a statue with a real face, though ! It's a hologram or something, isn't it ?

DOCTOR : No, but really, it's... fine.

NODE : Additional. There follows a brief message from the head librarian for your urgent attention. It has been edited for tone and content by Felman Lux Automated Decency Filter. Message follows. "Run. For God's sake, run. No way is safe. The Library has sealed itself, we can't... Oh, they're here. Arg. Slarg. Snick." Message ends. Please switch off your mobile comm units for the comfort of other readers.

DOCTOR : So that's why we're here... Any other messages, same date stamp ?

NODE : One additional message. This message carries a Felman Lux coherency warning of 5, 0, 11...

DOCTOR : Yeah, yeah, fine, fine, fine, just play it.

NODE : Message follows. "Count the shadows. For God's sake, remember... if you want to live, count the shadows." Message ends.

DOCTOR : Donna...

DONNA : Yeah ?

DOCTOR : Stay out of the shadows.

DONNA : Why, what's in the shadows ?

They go through another door and arrive to an aisle between bookshelves, several floor high, reaching as far as they can see.

DONNA : So... We weren't just in the neighbourhood.

DOCTOR : Yeah, I kind of, sort of lied a bit. I got a message on the psychic paper.

He shows it to Donna - the message is : "The Library. Come as soon as you can. x".

DOCTOR : What do you think ? Cry for help ?

DONNA : Cry for help - with a kiss ?

DOCTOR : Oh, we've all done that.

DONNA : Who's it from ?

DOCTOR : No idea.

DONNA : So why did we come here, why did you...

DOCTOR : Donna !

The lights on the far end of the corridor go out and the darkness seems to move towards them.

DONNA : What's happening ?

DOCTOR : Run !

They run until they reach a door. The Doctor tries to open it but he can't.

DOCTOR : Come on !

DONNA : What, is it locked ?

DOCTOR : Jammed ! The wood's warped !

DONNA : Sonic it, use the thingy !

DOCTOR : I can't, it's wood !

DONNA : What, it doesn't do wood ?!

DOCTOR : Hang on, hang on, if I can vibrate the molecules, fry the bindings, I can shatterline the interface...

DONNA : Oh, get out of the way !

She kicks the door open, they burst into the room, shut the door and use a book to bolt it - same scene we've seen in the pre-credits sequence.

DOCTOR (to the Girl) : Oh ! Hello ! Sorry to burst on you like this. OK if we stop here for a bit ?

As the Girl opens her eyes and returns to her world, in the Library a sphere falls to the ground where she used to be.

DONNA : What is it ?

DOCTOR : Security camera. Switched itself off.

He picks it up and starts to examine it.


THE GIRL : They were in my Library. How can they be in my Library ?

DOCTOR MOON : Who were they ?

We hear the sound of the sonic screwdriver and the Girl puts her hands on her ears in pain.

THE GIRL : What's that ? What's that noise ?

DAD : What noise ? 


In the Library, the Doctor sonics the security camera.

DOCTOR : Nice door skills, Donna.

DONNA : Yeah, well, you know, boyfriends... sometimes you need the element of surprise. What was that, what was after us ? I mean, did we just run away from a power cut ?

DOCTOR : Possibly.

DONNA : Are we safe here ?

DOCTOR : Course we're safe. There's a little shop.

We see the sign on the wall pointing towards the shop.

DOCTOR : Gotcha !

The cover on the security camera's lens opens. 


In her home, the Girl is on the ground crying in agony. Under her, there's a symbol on the floor identical to the one on the lens cover of the security camera.

THE GIRL : No, stop it, no, no !


The Girl's words appear on a display of the camera.

DOCTOR : Ooh, I'm sorry. I really am, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. (He puts down the sphere). It's alive.

DONNA : You said it was a security camera.

DOCTOR : It is. It's an alive one.


The Girl is still on the floor, now quiet. Her dad and Dr Moon are comforting her.

DR MOON : Can you hear me ? Are you all right ?

THE GIRL : Others are coming.

DR MOON : Who's coming ? Who are the others ?

THE GIRL : The Library is breached. Others are coming.

DR MOON : What others ?


Again, the Girl's words are appear on the display.

DONNA : Others ? What's it mean, "others" ?

The Doctor is just as puzzled as her, so she turns to a Node in the room. This one has a different face.

DONNA : Excuse me, what does it mean, "others" ?

DOCTOR : That's barely more than a speak your weight machine, it can't help you.

DONNA : So why's it got a face ?

NODE : This flesh aspect was donated by Mark Chambers on the occasion of his death.

DONNA : It's a real face ?!

NODE : It has been actualised individually for you from the many facial aspects saved to our extensive flesh banks. Please enjoy.

DONNA (shocked) : It chose me a dead face it thought I'd like ? That statue's got a real dead person's face on it...

DOCTOR : It's the 51st century, that's... basically like donating a park bench.

DONNA : It's donating a face !

In horror, she backs away from the Node.

DOCTOR : No, wait, no !

He grabs Donna at the waist to prevent her from entering into a dark shadow behind her. She slaps on his hands.

DONNA : Oi ! Hands !

DOCTOR : The shadow, look.

DONNA : What about it ?

DOCTOR : "Count the shadows."

DONNA : One. There, I counted it, one shadow.

DOCTOR : Yeah... But what's casting it ?

They look around but can't see anything that could cast it.

DOCTOR : Oh ! I'm thick ! Look at me, I'm old and thick ! Head's too full of stuff, I need a bigger head !

They look towards a corridor - it's very dark and the only lamp is blinking.

DONNA : Power must be going.

DOCTOR : This place runs on fission cells. They'll outburn the sun.

DONNA : Then why is it dark ?

DOCTOR : It's not dark.

Donna turns around and notices that the shadow they'd seen is now gone.

DONNA : That shadow. It's gone.

DOCTOR : We need to get back to the TARDIS.

DONNA : Why ?

DOCTOR : Because that shadow hasn't gone. It's moved.

NODE : Reminder : the Library has been breached, others are coming. Reminder : the Library has been breached, others are coming. Reminder : the Library has been breached...

A door is burst open and six people in spacesuits enter the room. Their leader walks straight to the Doctor. She switches her visor to transparent to reveal a female face, and she smiles at the Doctor.

RIVER SONG : Hello sweetie.

DOCTOR : Get out !

DONNA : Doctor.

DOCTOR : All of you, turn around, get back in your rocket and fly away ! Tell your grandchildren you came to the Library and lived, they won't believe you.

RIVER : Pop your helmets, everyone. We've got breathers.

Everyone take off the helmets.

ANITA : How do you know they're not androids ?

RIVER : Cos I've dated androids. They're rubbish.

MR LUX : Who is this ? You said we were the only expedition, I paid for exclusives.

RIVER : I lied, I'm always lying. Bound to be others.

MR LUX : Miss Evangelista, I want to see the contracts.

RIVER : You came through the north door, yeah ? How was that, much damage ?

DOCTOR : Please, just leave. I'm asking you seriously and properly, just lea... Hang on. Did you say expedition ?

MR LUX : My expedition, I funded it.

DOCTOR : Oh, you're not, are you ? Tell me you're not archaeologists.

RIVER : Got a problem with archaeologists ?

DOCTOR : I'm a time traveller. I point and laugh at archaeologists.

RIVER : Ah. Professor River Song, archaeologist.

DOCTOR : River Song, lovely name. As you're leaving, and you're leaving now... you need to set up a quarantine beacon. Code-wall the planet, the whole planet. Nobody comes here, not ever again... not one living thing, not here, not ever. (One of the people walks towards the shadows). Stop right there ! What's your name ?

ANITA : Anita.

DOCTOR : Anita, stay out of the shadows. Not a foot, not a finger in the shadows till you're safely back in your ship. Goes for all of you. Stay in the light. Find a nice, bright spot and just stand. If you understand me, look very, very scared.

They just look at him, River smiling, the others blank.

DOCTOR : No, bit more scared than that.

Miss Evangelista looks somewhat scared.

DOCTOR : OK, do for now. You, who are you ?

OTHER DAVE : Uh, Dave.

DOCTOR : OK, Dave...

OTHER DAVE : Oh, well Other Dave, because that's Proper Dave the pilot, he was the first Dave, so when we...

The Doctor takes Other Dave to the door they've come in through.

DOCTOR : Other Dave, the way you came, does it look the same as before ?

OTHER DAVE : Yeah. Oh, it's a bit darker.

DOCTOR : How much darker ?

OTHER DAVE : Oh, like I could see where we came through just like a moment ago. I can't now.

DOCTOR : Seal up this door. We'll find another way out.

He walks back to the rest of the group.

MR LUX : We're not looking for a way out. Miss Evangelista ?

Miss Evangelista steps to the Doctor and Donna with papers in her hand.

MISS EVANGELISTA : I'm Mr Lux's personal... everything. You need to sign these contracts agreeing that your individual experience inside the Library are the intellectual property of the Felman Lux Corporation.

DOCTOR : Right, give it here.

DONNA : Yeah, lovely. Thanks.

They take the contracts from Miss Evangelista and tear them to pieces.

MR LUX : My family built this Library. I have rights.

RIVER : You have a mouth that won't stop. (To the Doctor) You think there's danger here ?

DOCTOR (sarcastic) : Something came to this Library and killed everything in it, killed a whole world. Danger ? Could be.

RIVER : That was 100 years ago. The Library's been silent for 100 years. Whatever came here is long dead.

DOCTOR : Bet your life ?

RIVER (smiling at him) : Always.

MR LUX : What are you doing ?

OTHER DAVE : He said seal the door.

DOCTOR : Torch !

He snatches a torch from Mr Lux's hand.

MR LUX : You're taking orders from him ?

DOCTOR : Spooky, isn't it ?

He walks to the other side of the room and starts to look around, using the torch to light the dark corners.

DOCTOR : Almost every species in the universe has an irrational fear of the dark. But they're wrong. Cos it's not irrational. It's Vashta Nerada.

DONNA : What's Vashta Nerada ?

DOCTOR : It's what's in the dark. It's what's always in the dark.

He walks back to the group.

DOCTOR : Lights ! That's what we need, lights. You got lights ?

RIVER : What for ?

DOCTOR : Form a circle, safe area, big as you can, lights pointing out.

RIVER : Oi ! Do as he says.

MR LUX : You're not listening to this man ?!

RIVER : Apparently, I am. Anita, unpack the lights. Other Dave, make sure the door's secure, then help Anita. Mr. Lux, put your helmet back on, block the visor. Proper Dave, find an active terminal. I want you to access the Library database, see what you can find about what happened here a hundred years ago. Pretty Boy, you're with me. Step into my office.

She walks to a desk with an information terminal.

MR LUX : Professor Song, why am I the only one wearing my helmet ?

RIVER (cheekily) : I don't fancy you.

The Doctor walks to Proper Dave.

DOCTOR : Probably I can help you.

RIVER (calling from the other side of the room) : Pretty Boy, with me I said.

DOCTOR (dumbfounded) : Oh, I'm Pretty Boy ?

DONNA : Yes. Ooh, that came out a bit quick !

DOCTOR : Pretty ?!

DONNA : Meh.

The Doctor walks to River's place while talking to the rest of the group.

DOCTOR : Don't let your shadows cross! Seriously, don't even let them touch. Any of them could be infected.

OTHER DAVE : How can a shadow be infected ?

Everyone busy, Miss Evangelista is the only one who has nothing to do.

MISS EVANGELISTA : Excuse me, can I help ?

ANITA : No, we're fine.

MISS EVANGELISTA : I could just... you know, hold things.

OTHER DAVE : No, really, we're ok.

DONNA : Couldn't she help ?

OTHER DAVE : Trust me. I just spent four days on a ship with that woman. She's...

ANITA : Couldn't tell the difference between the escape pod and the bathroom. We had to go back for her. Twice.

River is packing out things from her bag. She pulls out a strange, TARDIS-shaped book.

RIVER : Thanks.

DOCTOR : For what ?

RIVER : The usual. For coming when I call.

DOCTOR : Oh, that was you ?

RIVER : You're doing a very good job, acting like you don't know me. I'm assuming there's a reason.

DOCTOR : A fairly good one, actually.

RIVER : OK, shall we do diaries, then ? Where are we this time ? Uh, going by your face, I'd say it's early days for you. Yes ? So, um... (she flips pages in the book) crash of the Byzantium, have we done that yet ?

The Doctor looks at her, expressionless.

RIVER : Obviously ringing no bells. (she turns several pages). Right, um, oh. Picnic at Asgard. Have we done Asgard yet ?

He just stares at her.

RIVER SONG : Obviously not. Blimey, very early days, then. Huh, life with a time traveller, never knew it could be such hard work.

She examines the Doctor's face carefully and is surprised by what she sees.

RIVER (whispering) : Look at you ! You're young.

DOCTOR : I'm really not, you know.

RIVER SONG : Nah, but you are. Your eyes. You're younger than I've ever seen you.

DOCTOR : You've seen me before, then ?

RIVER : Doctor... please tell me you know who I am ?

DOCTOR : Who are you ?

They are interrupted by a noise - kind of alarm but rather strange.

PROPER DAVE : Sorry, that was me. Trying to get through into the security protocols, I seem to have set something off. What is that ? Is that an alarm ?

DONNA : Doctor ? Doctor, that sounds like...

DOCTOR : It is. It's a phone !


In the Girl's home, an old-fashioned telephone rings but the adults don't care about it.

THE GIRL : Dad !

DAD : In a minute.


PROPER DAVE : I'm trying to call up the data core, but it's not responding. Just that noise.

DONNA : But it's a phone !

DOCTOR : Let me try something.


THE GIRL : Dad ! The phone, aren't you gonna answer it ?

DAD : It's not ringing, sweetie.

Confused, she goes to the phone, but it stops ringing before she could answer it.


The terminal's screen shows the symbol we've seen on the security camera and the Girl's floor, with "ACCESS DENIED" written over it.

DOCTOR : OK, doesn't like that, let's try something else.


The Girl is back to drawing pictures of the Library, with a cartoon on the telly behind her.

DOCTOR (voice from the TV) : Ok, here it comes. (He appears on the screen).  Hello ?

THE GIRL (turning to the telly) : Hello. Are you in my television ?

DOCTOR : Well, no, I'm, I'm... sort of in space. I, I was trying to call up the data core of a triple-grid security processor.

THE GIRL : Would you like to speak to my dad ?

DOCTOR : Dad or your mum, that'd be lovely.

THE GIRL : I know you ! You were in my Library.

DOCTOR : Your Library ?

THE GIRL : The Library's never been on the television before. What have you done ?

DOCTOR : Ah, I... I just rerouted the interface...

The connection breaks and the cartoon comes back to the screen.


RIVER : What happened, who was that ?

The ACCESS DENIED signal appears again.


The Girl picks up the remote and starts to flip channels, trying to find the Doctor again.


The Doctor pushes keys but can't get through, so he runs across the room to the terminal at River Song's workplace.

DOCTOR : I need another terminal. Keep working on those lights, we need those lights !

RIVER : You heard him, people, let there be light.

Working on the terminal, the Doctor keeps looking at the TARDIS-shaped diary River left on the desk. Finally, he reaches for it, but River takes it off from him.

RIVER : Sorry. You're not allowed to see inside the book, it's against the rules.

DOCTOR : What rules ?

RIVER : Your rules.


The Girl is still flipping channels, then opens a cover on the remote to reveal a second set of buttons. As she starts pushing those, books fly off the Library shelves.


DOCTOR : What's that ? I didn't do that, did you do that ?


The Doctor turns back to the terminal. The screen displays again the "ACCESS DENIED" sign, now with "CAL" on the top.

DOCTOR : What's CAL ?

When the books finally stop flying off, Donna walks to Miss Evangelista who seems very stressed by everything that's happening around her.

DONNA : You're all right ?

MISS EVANGELISTA : What's that ? What's happening ?

MR LUX : I don't know.

DONNA (trying to calm her) : Oh, thanks for... you know... offering to help with the lights.

MISS EVANGELISTA : They don't want me. They think I'm stupid, cos I'm pretty.

DONNA : Course they don't, nobody thinks that.

MISS EVANGELISTA : No, they're right though. I'm a moron, me. My dad said I have the IQ of plankton, and I was pleased.

DONNA (laughing) : See, that's funny.

MISS EVANGELISTA : No... no, I, I really was pleased. Is that funny ?

DONNA : No, no.

Books start to fall again.

RIVER : What's causing that ? Is it the little girl ?

DOCTOR : But who is the little girl ? What's she got to do with this place ? 


The Girl is still fiddling with the remote.


DOCTOR : How does the data core work ? What's the principle ? What's CAL ?

RIVER : Ask Mr Lux.

DOCTOR (turning to Mr Lux) : CAL, what is it ?

MR LUX : Sorry. You didn't sign your personal experience contracts.

DOCTOR : Mr Lux, right now, you're in more danger than you've ever been in your whole life. And you're protecting a patent ?

MR LUX : I'm protecting my family's pride.

DOCTOR : Well, funny thing, Mr Lux, I don't want to see everyone in this room dead because some idiot thinks his pride is more important.

RIVER : Then why don't you sign his contract ? (pause) I didn't either. I'm getting worse than you.

DOCTOR : Okay, okay, okay. Let's start at the beginning. What happened here ? On the actual day, a hundred years ago, what physically happened ?

The Girl pushes another button on the remote and a panel of the Library wall slides open, unseen by anyone but Miss Evangelista.

RIVER : There was a message from the Library. Just one. "The lights are going out". Then the computer sealed the planet, and there was nothing for a hundred years.

MR LUX : It's taken three generations of my family just to decode the seals and get back in.

MISS EVANGELISTA : Um... excuse me...

MR LUX : Not just now.

RIVER : There was one other thing in the last message...

MR LUX : That's confidential.

RIVER : I trust this man. With my life, with everything.

MR LUX : You've only just met him !

RIVER : No, he's only just met me.

MISS EVANGELISTA : Um. This might be important actually...

MR LUX : In a moment !

RIVER : This is a data extract that came with the message.

She shows the message on a PDA to the Doctor.

DOCTOR : "4022 saved. No survivors".

RIVER : 4022, that's the exact number of people who were in the Library when the planet was sealed.

DONNA : But how can 4022 people have been saved if there were no survivors ?

RIVER : That's what we're here to find out.

MR LUX : And so far, what we haven't found are any bodies.

During the conversation, Miss Evangelista walks out of the room through the open wall panel. She walks along a shadowy corridor to arrive into a lecture room. Then the rest of the team hear her scream and they run after her. They arrive to the lecture room but only find a skeleton there.

DOCTOR : Everybody, careful ! Stay in the light.

PROPER DAVE : You keep saying that. I don't see the point !

DOCTOR : Who screamed ?

PROPER DAVE : Miss Evangelista.

DOCTOR : Where is she ?

RIVER (to her communicator) : Miss Evangelista, please state your current...

They are shocked to hear River's voice echo from the direction of the skeleton.

RIVER : Please state your current...

She stops, then whispers the last word, terrified by the realisation.

RIVER : ...position.

She pulls out a piece of the spacesuit's collar from behind the skeleton's back. The green lights of the communicator are still on.

RIVER : It's her. It's Miss Evangelista.

ANITA : We heard her scream a few seconds ago. What could do that to a person in a few seconds ?

DOCTOR : It took a lot less than a few seconds.

ANITA : What did ?

MISS EVANGELISTA (voice from the communicator) : Hello ?

RIVER : Um, I'm sorry everyone, um, this isn't going to be pleasant. She's ghosting.

DONNA : She's what ?

MISS EVANGELISTA : Hello, excuse me ? I - I'm sorry, hello ? Excuse me ?

DONNA : That's... That's her, that's Miss Evangelista !

OTHER DAVE : I don't want to sound horrible, but couldn't we just... you know ?

RIVER : This is her last moment... no, we can't. A little respect, thank you.

MISS EVANGELISTA : Sorry, where am I ? Excuse me ?

DONNA : But that's Miss Evangelista.

RIVER : It's a data ghost, she'll be gone in a moment. (To her communicator) Miss Evangelista, you're fine, just relax. We'll be with you presently.

DONNA : What's a data ghost ?

DOCTOR : There's a neural relay in the communicator, lets you send thought mails. That's it there, those green lights. Sometimes it can hold an impression of a living consciousness for a short time after death. Like an after image.

ANITA : My grandfather lasted a day. Kept talking about his shoelaces.

DONNA : She's in there !

MISS EVANGELISTA : I can't see, I can't... Where am I ?

PROPER DAVE : She's just brain waves now. The pattern won't hold for long.

DONNA : She's conscious ! She's thinking.

MISS EVANGELISTA : I can't see, I can't... I don't know what I'm thinking.

DOCTOR : She's a footprint on the beach. And the tide's coming in.

MISS EVANGELISTA : Where's that woman ? The nice woman... is she there ?

MR LUX : What woman ?

DONNA : She means... I think, she means me.

MISS EVANGELISTA : Is she there ? The nice woman ?

RIVER   : Yeah, she's here, hang on. (To Donna) Go ahead. She can hear you.

MISS EVANGELISTA : Hello ? Are you there ?

Donna shakes her head in horror.

DOCTOR (whispering) : Help her.

DONNA : She's dead.

DOCTOR : Yeah. Help her.

MISS EVANGELISTA : Hello ? Is that the nice woman ?

DONNA : Yeah. Hello. Yeah, I'm, I'm... I'm here. You ok ?

MISS EVANGELISTA : What I said before, about being stupid. Don't tell the others, they'll only laugh.

DONNA : Course I won't. Course I won't tell them.

MISS EVANGELISTA : Don't tell the others, they'll only laugh...

DONNA : I won't tell them. I said I won't.

MISS EVANGELISTA : Don't tell the others, they'll only laugh.

DONNA : I'm not going to tell them.

The lights of the neural relay are now blinking.

MISS EVANGELISTA : Don't tell the others, they'll only laugh.

RIVER : She's looping now. The pattern's degrading.

MISS EVANGELISTA : I can't think, I... don't know, I... I... I... I scream. I scream. I scream. I scream.

She keeps repeating those words.

RIVER : Does anybody mind if I... ?

She steps to the skeleton and turns off the relay.

DONNA : That was... that was horrible. That was the most horrible thing I've ever seen.

She's in tears, the Doctor puts his hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

RIVER : No. It's just a freak of technology. But whatever did this to her, whatever killed her... I'd like a word with that.

DOCTOR : I'll introduce you.

He rushes back to the room where they came from, the others following him.

DOCTOR : I'm gonna need a packed lunch.

RIVER : Hang on.

She and the Doctor crouch down to her bag. Searching for the food, she first pulls out her TARDIS book.

DOCTOR : What's in that book ?

RIVER : Spoilers.

DOCTOR : Who are you ?

RIVER : Professor River Song, University of...

DOCTOR : To me. Who are you to me ?

RIVER : Again... spoilers. (she hands a lunch box to him). Chicken, and a bit of salad. Knock yourself out.

After a long look, he stands up.

DOCTOR : Right, you lot. Let's all meet the Vashta Nerada !


DAD : Darling, Dr Moon is going now. But he'd like a word with you alone, is that all right ?

THE GIRL : Yes, of course, Dr Moon.

DR MOON (to the Dad) : Thank you. (He walks to the Girl). Now, listen. This is important. There's the real world, and there's the world of nightmares. That's right, isn't it ? You understand that ?

THE GIRL : Yes, I know, Dr Moon.

DR MOON : What I want you to remember is this... and I know it's hard. The real world is a lie, and your nightmares are real. The Library is real. There are people trapped in there, people who need to be saved. The shadows are moving again. Those people are depending on you. Only you can save them. Only you.


In the Library, the Doctor is on the floor, examining shadows with the sonic.

RIVER : You travel with him, don't you ? The Doctor, you travel with him.

DONNA : What of it ?

Going around the room, the Doctor arrives to Proper Dave's feet.

DOCTOR : Proper Dave, could you move over a bit ?


DOCTOR : Over there by the water cooler. Thanks.

Proper Dave walks to the rest of the group.

DONNA : You know him, don't you ?

RIVER : Oh, God, do I know that man. We go way back, that man and me. Just not this far back.

DONNA : I'm sorry, what ?

RIVER : He hasn't met me yet. I sent him a message but it went wrong, it arrived too early. This is the Doctor in the days before he knew me. And he looks at me, he looks right through me and it shouldn't kill me, but it does.

DONNA : What are you talking about ? Are you just talking rubbish ? Do you know him or don't you ?

DOCTOR : Donna ! Quiet ! I'm working.

DONNA : Sorry !

RIVER : Donna ? You're Donna ? Donna Noble ?

DONNA : Yeah. Why ?

RIVER : I do know the Doctor. But in the future. His personal future.

DONNA : So why don't you know me ? Where am I in the future ?

Just before River could answer, the Doctor stands up.

DOCTOR : OK, we've got a live one ! That's not darkness down those tunnels, this is not a shadow. It's a swarm. A man-eating swarm.

He throws a chicken leg from the lunch box into the shadows. But by the time it reaches the ground, there's only the bone left of it.

DOCTOR : The piranhas of the air, the Vashta Nerada. Literally "the shadows that melt the flesh". Most planets have them, but usually in small clusters. I've never seen an infestation on this scale, or this aggressive.

DONNA : What d'you mean, most planets ? Not Earth ?

DOCTOR : Mmmm, Earth, and a billion other worlds. Where there's meat, there's Vashta Nerada. You can see them sometimes, if you look. The dust in sunbeams.

DONNA : If they were on Earth, we'd know.

DOCTOR : Nah, normally they live on road kill. But sometimes people go missing. Not everyone comes back out of the dark.

RIVER : Every shadow ?

DOCTOR : No. But any shadow.

RIVER : So what do we do ?

DOCTOR : Daleks - aim for the eyestalk. Sontarans - back of the neck. Vashta Nerada... Run ! Just run.

RIVER : Run ? Run where ?

DOCTOR : This is an index point. There must be an exit teleport somewhere.

MR LUX : Don't look at me, I haven't memorised the schematics !

DONNA : Doctor, the little shop ! They always make you go through the little shop on the way out so they can sell you stuff.

DOCTOR : You're right ! Brilliant ! That's why I like the little shop !

PROPER DAVE : OK, let's move it !

He heads towards the shop but the Doctor spots something.

DOCTOR : Actually, Proper Dave, could you stay where you are for a moment ?


DOCTOR : I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry. But you've got two shadows.

Everybody looks at Proper Dave's shadows in horror.

DOCTOR : It's how they hunt, they latch on to a food source and keep it fresh.

PROPER DAVE : What do I do ?

DOCTOR : You stay absolutely still. Like there's a wasp in the room, like there's a million wasps.

RIVER : We're not leaving you, Dave.

DOCTOR : Course we're not leaving. Where's your helmet ? Don't point, just tell me.

PROPER DAVE : On the floor, by my bag.

Anita goes to fetch the helmet.

DOCTOR : Don't cross his shadow ! (He takes the helmet from Anita). Thanks. Now, the rest of you, helmets back on and sealed up. We'll need everything we've got.

He helps the helmet on Proper Dave.

DONNA : But, Doctor, we haven't got any helmets.

DOCTOR : Yeah, but we're safe anyway.

DONNA : How are we safe ?

DOCTOR : We're not, that was a clever lie to shut you up. Professor, anything I can do with the suit ?

MR LUX : What good are the damn suits ? Miss Evangelista was wearing her suit, there was nothing left.

RIVER : We can increase the mesh-density, dial it up 400%. Make it a tougher meal.

DOCTOR : Ok. (He sonics Proper Dave's suit). 800% ! Pass it on.

He shows the sonic screwdriver to River but she lifts up a similar one.

RIVER : Gotcha !

DOCTOR : What's that ?

RIVER : It's a screwdriver.

DOCTOR : It's sonic.

RIVER : Yeah, I know. Snap !

She goes around sealing everyone's suits with her sonic. The Doctor watches her with suspicion, then he grabs Donna's hand.

DOCTOR : With me, come on !

They run into the shop.

DONNA : What are we doing, we're shopping ? Is it a good time to shop ?

DOCTOR : No talking, just moving ! Try it ! Right, stand there in the middle. It's a teleport. Stand in the middle. Can't send the others, TARDIS won't recognise them.

DONNA : What are you doing ?

DOCTOR : You don't have a suit, you're not safe !

DONNA : You don't have a suit, so you're in just as much danger as I am and I'm not leaving...

DOCTOR : Donna ! Let me explain.

He pushes a lever and teleports Donna away.

DOCTOR : Oh, that's how you do it !

RIVER (calling from the other room) : Doctor !

The Doctor runs back.


Donna starts to appear inside the TARDIS, but before the process could finish she disappears again with a scream.


DOCTOR : Where did it go ?

PROPER DAVE : It's just gone. I... I looked round, one shadow. See.

RIVER : Does that mean we can leave ? I don't want to hang around here.

MR LUX : I don't know why we're still here. We can leave him, can't we ? I mean, no offence...

RIVER : Shut up, Mr Lux.

DOCTOR : Did you feel anything ? Like an energy transfer ? Anything at all ?

PROPER DAVE : No, no, but, look, it's, it's gone.

He starts to turn around to show he's clear.

DOCTOR : Stop there, stop, stop, stop there, stop moving ! They're never just gone. And they never give up. (He kneels down and starts to investigate shadows with the sonic).  Well, this one's benign.

PROPER DAVE : Hey, who turned out the lights ?

DOCTOR : No-one, they're fine.

PROPER DAVE : No, seriously, turn them back on !

RIVER : They are on.

PROPER DAVE : I can't see a ruddy thing.

DOCTOR : Dave, turn round.

Proper Dave turns back to the group slowly, his face invisible in the darkness of the helmet.

PROPER DAVE : What's going on ? Why can't I see ? Is the power gone, are we safe here ?

DOCTOR : Dave, I want you stay still, absolutely still. (Dave suddenly stiffens) Dave, Dave ? Dave, can you hear me, are you all right ? Talk to me, Dave.

PROPER DAVE : I'm fine, I'm ok, I'm... I'm fine.

DOCTOR : I want you to stay still, absolutely still.

PROPER DAVE : I'm fine, I'm ok, I'm, I'm fine. I can't... Why can't I ? I... I can't... Why can't I ? I... I can't... Why can't I ? I...

The lights on Proper Dave's communicator are blinking.

RIVER : He's gone. He's ghosting.

MR LUX : Then why is he still standing ?

PROPER DAVE : Hey ! Who turned out the lights ? Hey ! Who turned out the lights ?

Cautiously, the Doctor moves closer to Proper Dave.

RIVER : Doctor, don't !

DOCTOR : Dave, can you hear me ?

PROPER DAVE : Hey ! Who turned out the lights ?

He grabs the Doctor and starts choking him. His helmet finally lit, we see that only a skeleton is left in the space suit.

PROPER DAVE : Who turned out the lights ? Hey ! Who turned out the lights ?

RIVER : Excuse me !

She uses her sonic to stun the skeleton and free the Doctor.

DOCTOR : Back from it, get back, right back !

The group backs away but they are cornered by skeleton/Dave, walking towards them in an awkward manner.

RIVER : Doesn't move very fast does it ?

DOCTOR : It's a swarm in a suit. But it's learning.

Several shadows reach out from skeleton/Dave and move towards the group.

MR LUX : What do we do ? Where do we go ?

RIVER : See that wall behind you ? Duck !

Mr Lux ducks and River uses a sonic blaster to make a hole in the wall.

DOCTOR : Squareness gun !

RIVER : Everybody out. Go, go, go ! Move it, move, move ! Move it, move, move !

They get out of the room and arrive to a shadowy aisle between book shelves.

RIVER : You said not every shadow.

DOCTOR : But any shadow !

PROPER DAVE (arriving to the aisle) : Hey ! Who turned out the lights ?

RIVER : Run !

She takes the Doctor's hand and they all run.


DAD : Sweetie, dinner's ready.

THE GIRL : Donna Noble has been saved.

DAD (confused) : Sweetie ?


The Doctor is fiddling on a lamp with the sonic, River is near him while the rest of the group just sits there panting.

DOCTOR : Trying to boost the power. Light doesn't stop them, but it slows them down.

RIVER : So, what's the plan ? Do we have a plan ?

She points her screwdriver to the lamp too and the light becomes stronger.

DOCTOR : Your screwdriver... looks exactly like mine.

RIVER : Yeah. You gave it to me.

DOCTOR : I don't give my screwdriver to anyone.

RIVER : I'm not anyone.

DOCTOR : Who are you ?

RIVER : What's the plan ?

DOCTOR : I teleported Donna back to the TARDIS. If we don't get back there in under five hours, emergency program one will activate.

RIVER : Take her home, yeah. (To the rest of the group) We need to get a shift on.

The Doctor looks at his sonic and suddenly becomes very concerned.

DOCTOR : She's not there. I should've received a signal, the console signals me if there's a teleport breach.

RIVER : Well, maybe the co-ordinates have slipped. The equipment here's ancient.

The Doctor runs to a Node standing nearby.

DOCTOR : Donna Noble. There's a Donna Noble somewhere in this Library. Do you have the software to locate her position ?

The Node turns its head to the Doctor to reveal it is wearing Donna's face.

NODE : Donna Noble has left the Library. Donna Noble has been saved.

DOCTOR (horrified) : Donna !

NODE : Donna Noble has left the Library. Donna Noble has been saved.

RIVER : How can it be Donna ? How's that possible ?

NODE : Donna Noble has left the Library. Donna Noble has been saved.

DOCTOR : Oh, Donna !

NODE : Donna Noble has left the Library.

PROPER DAVE : Hey ! Who turned out the lights ?

Skeleton/Dave appears in the aisle but the Doctor is too devastated to care, he just stares at the Node in despair.

RIVER : Doctor !

NODE : Donna Noble has been saved.

PROPER DAVE : Hey ! Who turned out the lights ?

NODE : Donna Noble has left the Library.

RIVER : Doctor, we've got to go, now !

She grabs his hand and pulls him after the rest of the group.

NODE : Donna Noble has been saved.

PROPER DAVE : Hey ! Who turned out the lights ?

NODE : Donna Noble has left the Library. Donna Noble has been saved.

PROPER DAVE : Hey ! Who turned out the lights ?

NODE : Donna Noble has left the Library. Donna Noble has been saved.

PROPER DAVE : Hey ! Who turned out the lights ?

NODE : Donna Noble has left the Library. Donna Noble has been saved.

PROPER DAVE : Hey ! Who turned out the lights ?

NODE : Donna Noble has left the Library.

The people are now cornered : skeleton/Dave is coming from one end of the aisle and shadows move closer from the other end.

RIVER : Doctor, what are we gonna do ?

PROPER DAVE : Hey ! Who turned out the lights ?

NODE : Donna Noble has left the Library. Donna Noble has been saved.




To be continued...


Source : twiztv

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