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Doctor Who (2005)
#607 : A Good Man Goes to War ... La retraite du démon

Amy Pond a été kidnappée et le Docteur lève une armée pour partir à sa rescousse.


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A Good Man Goes to War

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A Good Man Goes to War ... La retraite du démon

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BBC Trailer Doctor Who 607

BBC Trailer Doctor Who 607


BBC Prequel A good man goes to war

BBC Prequel A good man goes to war


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Les Pond et le Docteur-A Good Man Goes to War

Les Pond et le Docteur-A Good Man Goes to War

Le Docteur et River-A Good Man Goes to War

Le Docteur et River-A Good Man Goes to War

Le Docteur - A Good Man Goes to War

Le Docteur - A Good Man Goes to War

Les Pond et le Docteur-A Good Man Goes to War

Les Pond et le Docteur-A Good Man Goes to War

Mme Kovarian-A Good Man Goes to War

Mme Kovarian-A Good Man Goes to War

Jenny-A Good Man Goes to War

Jenny-A Good Man Goes to War

Les parents Pond-A Good Man Goes to War

Les parents Pond-A Good Man Goes to War

Amy -A Good Man Goes to War

Amy -A Good Man Goes to War

Rory et Strax-A Good Man Goes to War

Rory et Strax-A Good Man Goes to War

Rory-A Good Man Goes to War

Rory-A Good Man Goes to War

Lorna-A Good Man Goes to War

Lorna-A Good Man Goes to War

Le Docteur et River-A Good Man Goes to War

Le Docteur et River-A Good Man Goes to War

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Steven Moffat

Réalisateur : Peter Hoar



Matt Smith ... Le Docteur
Karen Gillan ... Amy Pond
Arthur Darvill ... Rory Williams
Alex Kingston ... River Song
Frances Barber ... Madame Kovarian
Charlie Baker ... Fat One
Dan Johnston ... Thin One
Christina Chong ... Lorna Bucket
Joshua Hayes ... Lucas
Damian Kell ... Dominicus
Neve McIntosh ... Madame Vastra
Catrin Stewart ... Jenny Flint
Richard Trinder ... Capitaine Harcourt
Annabel Cleare ... Eleanor
Henry Wood ... Arthur
Dan Starkey ... Commandant Strax
Simon Fisher-Becker ... Dorium Maldovar
Danny Sapani ... Colonel Manton
Hugh Bonneville ... Henry Avery
Oscar Lloyd ... Toby Avery
Nicholas Briggs ... Voix des Cybermen


Références et continuités

  • Cet épisode possède une séquelle.
  • Le Docteur explique qu'Amy a été enlevée juste avant l'Amérique, c'est-à-dire le premier épisode de cette saison.
  • On retrouve de nombreuses civilisations connues du Docteur : les Cybermen sont combattus par Rory en début d'épisode, le Commandant Strax est un Sontarien, Madame Vastra est une Silurienne, on aperçoit aussi un Judoon. De plus, un Ood est mentionné dans le générique.
  • Parmi les alliés du Docteur, on peut retrouver le Capitaine Henry Avery et son fils (La Marque noire) et Danny Boy (La Victoire des Daleks).
  • Se faisant appeler le Dernier Centurion, Rory porte le costume romain qu'il avait dans le double épisode La Pandorica s'ouvre.
  • Deux soldats passent devant un écran où est affiché le tournevis sonique du 11ème Docteur avec inscrit au-dessus : "REMEMBER 1. It's not a sonic 2. It's not a screwdriver" (N'oubliez pas 1. Ce n'est pas sonique 2. Ce n'est pas un tournevis)
  • Les deux soldats parlent d'un moment où le Docteur fait fuir des militaires d'Atraxis avant de les rappeler pour les gronder. C'est effectivement ce qui se passe à la fin du Prisonnier zéro.
  • Les unités cléricales dont Lorna Bucket fait partie étaient les alliés du Docteur dans le double épisode Le Labyrinthe des Anges. Dans cet épisode, les "Moines sans Têtes" étaient déjà mentionnés.
  • Deux soldats s'entrainent à reconnaitre quel papier est un Papier méta-psychique et lequel ne l'est pas.
  • Lorsque le Docteur s'interroge du moment passé où Rory et Amy auraient pu concevoir Melody, il évoque des événements de la saison 5 : la bataille contre les "poissons vampires sexy" (Les Vampires de Venise), Rory effacé du temps (La Révolte des intra-terrestres, deuxième partie) ou Rory converti en Auton (La Pandorica s'ouvre, première partie) ainsi qu'à la nuit de noces de Rory et Amy (qui n'est pas diffusée car elle se situe entre deux épisodes : entre la saison 5 et la saison 6) où Melody a été conçue.
  • Le Docteur se souvient qu'Amy avait peur que son bébé naisse avec une tête temporelle quand il réalise que Melody a été conçue à bord du T.A.R.D.I.S. (L'Impossible Astronaute, deuxième partie).
  • Kovarian, lors du contact avec le Docteur, déclare: "Vous berner une fois fut un plaisir... Mais renouveler cet exploit de la même façon est un immense privilège", référence au remplacement de Melody par un clone de Chair, comme elle l'avait fait pour Amy.
  • La fin de l'épisode nous apprend qu'en réalité River Song est Melody Pond, la fille de Rory et d'Amy Pond. Ce changement d'identité fonctionne sur un jeu de mot en anglais: traduit littéralement, River Song signifie "chant de la rivière" et Melody Pond "étang de la mélodie". Les gens de la forêt Gamma ne savent pas ce qu'est un étang, étant donné que "La rivière est la seule eau de la forêt.", ce qui constitue les dernières paroles d'Idris dans L'Âme du TARDIS.

Résumé épisode 607 "La retraite du démon"

Sur l'Astéroïde Demons' Run,  Amy rassure son bébé, Melody Elle lui dit qu'elle devra se montrer courageuse, mais que quelqu'un va venir pour la protéger. La femme au cache-oeil noir arrive, accompagnée de soldats, dans l'intention de la lui reprendre.

À 20 000 années-lumière de distance, des Cybermen se font enfermer dans une pièce par quelqu'un qui utilise un tournevis sonique. Le message est lancé partout : ''Il y a des intrus parmi nous !''

Sur l'Astéroïde Demon's Run,  Amy poursuit : ''Même une armée ne saura l'arrêter. C'est ton père. On le connaît comme étant le Dernier Centurion.'' La femme au cache-oeil s'approche pour prendre l'enfant. Seule une jeune soldate semble apitoyée par la scène.

À 20 000 années-lumière de distance, une porte s'ouvre, et Rory apparaît en face des Cybermen. De l'air d'un homme qui n'a pas envie de plaisanter, il leur dit qu'il a un message du Docteur et une question personnelle pour eux. ''Où est ma femme ?''. À travers les vitres, la guerre fait rage à l'extérieur, des vaisseaux explosent. Un des Cybermen demande : ''C'est quoi, le message ?'' Rory les regarde fixement : ''Aimeriez-vous que je répète la question ?''

Sur l'Astéroïde Demon's Run, deux soldats désoeuvrés s'apprêtent à prendre un ascenseur, tout en se racontant les exploits de l'ennemi. La soldate apitoyée de tantôt, en pause, les entend parler et sourit tout en cousant. Les hauts-parleurs répètent que la base est en alerte jaune. Deux soldats affectés à la surveillance caméra se plaignent car cela fait trois semaines qu'ils sont en alerte jaune. Dans un corridor, deux personnes encapuchonnées et en habit de moine marchent tranquillement. Les hauts-parleurs résonnent à nouveau, précisant qu'il est interdit d'interagir avec les Moines sans tête sans permission divine. Un soldat rajoute, à l'intention de son voisin qu'il ne faut même pas les regarder. S'ils pensent qu'on essaie de voir sous leur capuche, ils tuent aussitôt. Ils se présentent à la soldate qui coud. Trois Moines sans tête s'approchent, et l'un des deux soldats part en leur compagnie pour son "cours de conversion". L'autre soldat demande à la jeune femme si elle est bien Lorna Buckett et s'il est vrai qu'elle a déjà rencontré le Docteur. Il lui demande aussi comment il est. Elle lui répond qu'elle était une enfant et qu'il lui a juste crié de courir. Ça se passait dans les Forêts Gamma. Le soldat lui demande alors ce qu'elle fait ici car les gens des Forêts sont neutres. Lorna confirme, et ajoute que ces 30 secondes avec le Docteur sont la seule chose intéressante qui lui soit arrivée, durant sa vie là-bas.

L'autre soldat arrive dans une salle plutôt rougeâtre où il est accueilli par d'autres moines.  Il est accueiilli par une voix, en tant que postulant à l'Ordre des Moines sans tête car il est de tradition, chez les armées d'autres croyances en visite, d'offrir un de leur membre pour être converti à leur Ordre et c'est lui qui a été choisi. Un des moines s'approche de lui en tenant une grosse boîte en bois, vide, le couvercle ouvert. Il demande alors s'il est prêt à faire un don au soldat, dont la mine n'est guère rassurée.

A Londres, en 1888 :  Une femme voilée descend d'un fiacre et est accueillie chez elle par sa bonne. C'est une Silurienne, et elle se vante à cette dernière de s'être régalée de Jack l'éventreur. Sa bonne lui montre le TARDIS, qui vient d'arriver dans la salle à dîner. Une vieille dette va pouvoir être payée.

Lors de la Bataille de Zaruthstra, en 4037 avant J.-C. :  Sur le champ de bataille, fuyant les explosions, un homme demande une infirmière. Un soldat Sontarien fait son entrée et affirme qu'il est capable de soigner. Il se met alors à s'occuper d'un jeune garçon alité. Le commandant Strax, puisqu'il s'agit de lui, explique alors que ce rôle d'infirmier représente la sentence qu'il doit purger pour restaurer son honneur, donnée par le Docteur. Entendant le bruit du TARDIS se matérialisant, il ajoute que, peut-être sa sentence est sur le point de s'achever.

A Stormcage Containment Facility,  River Song, seule dans le corridor menant à sa prison, chantonne en dansant et prévient par intercom qu'elle est de retour. Elle aperçoit un soldat romain, qui l'interpelle. Il s'agit de Rory qui lui demande s'ils se sont déjà rencontrés. Un peu surprise, elle répond que oui. Il lui dit que le Docteur l'envoie, qu'il a besoin d'elle. Préoccupée, elle lui demande s'il s'agit de Demons' Run. Devant l'air ahuri de Rory, elle précise que, venant de son futur, elle est toujours au courant. Rory lui explique qu'ils ont enlevé Amy et leur bébé, et que le Docteur rassemble des gens pour les récupérer. Mais River répond qu'elle ne peux pas encore. Elle ajoute que c'est le jour où le Docteur va se hisser à des sommets inégalés, avant de retomber encore plus bas, et qu'elle ne peux être présente qu'au tout dernier moment, car c'est le jour où il va découvrir qui elle est.

Sur une autre planète, Dorium Moldovar s'active à préparer son départ. La femme au monocle et un colonel Manton l'interrompent et lui demandent de quoi il est au courant. Il répond qu'il sait qu'elle a réveillé le monstre et n'a pas pu s'enfuir à temps. La femme lui fait remarquer qu'Il n'a rien fait depuis un mois. Ce à quoi Dorium lui demande si elle en est bien sûre car il y a, de par la galaxie, un grand nombre de personnes qui ont une dette envers lui et qui reçoivent la visite du TARDIS en ce moment. La femme lui demande s'il croit qu'il monte une armée. Dorium a l'air de le penser. Il lui demande encore si elle connaît l'origine du nom de sa base, Demon's Run, en précisant qu'il existe un très vieux dicton qui proclame : Demons run... when a good man goes to war. Les deux visiteurs partent mais aussitôt Dorium voit le TARDIS apparaître. Paniqué, il essaye de s'enfuir disant qu'il ne peut rien faire pour l'aider.

Sur l'Astéroïde de Demon's Run, le colonel Manton harangue ses troupes avec un discours visant à les exciter pour combattre le Docteur. Amy assiste à la scène de la pièce où elle est retenue, lorsque Lorna Buckett entre. Elle lui montre l'objet qu'elle cousait précédemment en lui disant qu'il s'agit d'un cadeau. C'est le nom de son enfant dans le langage de son pays, cousu sur une feuille de prière. Elle ajoute que la légende dit que si elle la conserve, son enfant lui reviendra toujours. Mais Amy la reçoit fraîchement. Reportant son regard sur la salle, elle remarque que le colonel parle du Docteur comme d'une célébrité, mais ce n'est pas une célébrité. Lorna sourit pour dire qu'il est comme une sorte de Légende noire. Elles discutent un peu sur le Docteur puis Amy prend le cadeau de Lorna, qui part.

Le colonel Manton poursuit son discours en parlant à ses troupes de leur alliance avec les Moines sans tête, et pourquoi ils s'appellent ainsi. Il est temps qu'ils sachent ce qu'ils ont été prêts à sacrifier au nom de leur foi. Même s'il s'agit normalement d'une hérésie mortelle de regarder sous leur capuchon, par permission spéciale, le colonel est en mesure de leur révéler la vérité.

Il soulève le capuchon d'un premier, puis d'un deuxième moine : ils n'ont pas de tête ! Mais lorsqu'il soulève celui du troisième... le Docteur apparaît, avec un air réjoui. Tous le mettent en joue aussitôt, sauf Lorna. Au même moment, dans la salle de surveillance par caméras, la Silurienne et sa bonne menacent dangereusement les deux soldats en service. Le colonel Manton pointe son arme sur le Docteur, lui aussi, ce qui n'empêche nullement ce dernier de crier à Amy de préparer ses valises. La lumière s'éteint, provoquant une panique générale. Lorsqu'elle se rallume, le Docteur a disparu, mais on entend encore sa voix. Un soldat tire sur un des moines, croyant avoir vu le Docteur. Déjà, l'un deux réplique sur un soldat. Le colonel leur dit de ne pas tirer mais la situation se dégrade, et la femme au monocle quitte la salle. Le colonel Manton essaye de donner l'exemple en déchargeant son arme avant de la déposer au sol, enjoignant ses soldats à faire de même. Il ajoute que le Docteur est en train de les ridiculiser, mais qu'ils sont des soldats de Dieu. Tranquillement, tous s'exécutent, sauf Lorna qui est partie à la recherche du Docteur.

À ce moment, tout un bataillon de Siluriens et de Judoons apparait, mettant les soldats en joue. L'ex-infirmier Sontarien proclame que cette base est maintenant sous leur contrôle. Le colonel Manton rétorque que si Demons' Run tombe, un signal de détresse sera automatiquement envoyé car toute une flotte tourne autour. Mais le Docteur, au micro, réplique que non, car ils ont coupé leur système de communication. Et sur ce, il donne lui-même le signal d'attaque aux vaisseaux autour de l'astéroïde, qui ne font qu'une bouchée de ceux du colonel. Explosions et tremblements se répercutent jusque sur l'astéroïde. La femme au monocle ordonne à ses deux gardes d'allez chercher le bébé car il faut partir immédiatement. Ils reviennent avec le berceau. Elle ajoute que le Docteur doit croire qu'il gagne, jusqu'à ce que le piège se referme sur lui. Mais au moment où la navette semble prête à décoller, Lorna, cachée, assiste à la scène, puis disparaît. C'est alors que Rory intervient et menace la femme au monocle avec son épée, suivi du pirate de l'épisode 603 et du fils de ce dernier.

Dans la salle de surveillance, le Docteur exige du colonel Manton qu'il donne l'ordre à ses soldats de prendre la fuite (pour être certain que cette image lui colle éternellement à la peau). La femme au monocle, emmenée dans la même salle, affirme que la colère du Docteur n'est pas à craindre, car les bonnes personnes sont empêtrées par trop de règles. Elle ordonne tout de même à Manton de faire ce que le Docteur lui demande.

Dans sa chambre, Amy reçoit la visite de Rory, portant leur bébé. Les retrouvailles sont émouvantes. Le Docteur arrive, et on lui présente Melody (bref échange entre les deux, le Docteur prétendant pouvoir parler bébé). Il semble que la victoire soit complète sur tous les fronts. Le Sontarien voudrait bien s'occuper du bébé (Rory n'est pas très enthousiaste à l'idée), et pendant que l'on discute des besoins actuels de celui-ci, le Docteur arrive avec un très vieux berceau et affirme que le bébé est surtout fatigué. Amy, intriguée, cherche à savoir qui a déjà dormi dans le berceau, mais le Docteur dévie la conversation. Elle revient à la charge sur un autre point en demandant donc si, pendant tout le temps où elle croyait être dans le TARDIS, en vérité, elle était sur l'Astéroïde.  Le Docteur, après avoir demandé la permission à Rory, enlace Amy et le lui confirme, ajoutant qu'ils ont dû l'enlever depuis longtemps, probablement avant même le voyage en Amérique. Rory demande si, pendant tout ce temps, c'était son sosie en chair artificielle qui était avec eux. Il se rend compte d'une chose, c'est que pour agir ainsi, ils ont projeté un signal vers eux partout où ils sont allés dans le Temps et l'Espace. Il se demande encore pourquoi ces personnes veulent leur bébé. Le Docteur sourit, et en changeant de sujet dit que c'est lui qui a dormi dans ce berceau.

Le Docteur retrouve Dorium fouillant dans les ordinateurs de la base. La Silurienne est présente et demande si Melody est humaine. Le Docteur est doublement interloqué. Il soutient que oui. Elle ajoute qu'ils ont retrouvé son ADN, dans l'ordinateur. De l'ADN humain +. De l'ADN humain+Seigneur du temps. Le Docteur explose et dit que c'est totalement impossible car le bébé est le fruit de deux humains. La Silurienne poursuit son embarrassante enquête. Elle lui rappelle qu'il lui a déjà dit que son peuple est devenu ce qu'il était après une exposition au vortex temporel. Ce à quoi le Docteur répond que oui, mais après des millions d'années d'exposition. Et la Silurienne continue en demandant jusqu'à quel point Melody lui ressemble. Peut-elle se régénérer ? Le Docteur pense que non. Mais la Silurienne demande encore s'il est possible qu'elle ait été créée dans le TARDIS, dans le vortex. Le Docteur fait rapidement le tour des événements, et réalise que la première fois qu'Amy et Rory se sont retrouvés ensemble dans le TARDIS, c'était pour leur nuit de noces.

Pendant ce temps, le Sontarien a fait prisonnier Lorna, qui essaie de convaincre Amy et Rory qu'ils sont tombés dans un piège. Les lumières commencent à s'éteindre. Comme de fait, ailleurs dans la base, un soldat silurien est attaqué par un Moine sans tête.

Le Docteur, la Silurienne et Dorium poursuivent leur discussion. Ils se demandent pourquoi leurs ennemis se seraient concoctés un Seigneur du Temps. La réponse est simple : pour en faire une arme. Dorium, de son côté, commence à trouver que la victoire a été bien trop facile et qu'il y a anguille sous roche. La Silurienne est d'accord. Ils rejoignent les autres, laissant le Docteur médusé. Il commence à se souvenir de certains détails : Amy qui craignait que son bébé ait une "tête de Temps", River qui trouvait que la petite fille du costume devait être exceptionnellement forte... À ce moment, une image apparaît sur l'un des écrans. C'est la femme au monocle. Elle lui demande s'il commence à comprendre. Le Docteur lui demande ce qu'est l'enfant. Et la femme au monocle lui dit qu'elle est l'Espoir. L'espoir, dans cette amère et interminable guerre. Le Docteur lui demande de quelle guerre il s'agit, et la femme lui répond que c'est une guerre contre lui.

Le groupe s'aperçoit qu'ils sont enfermés à l'intérieur d'un champ de force. Des Moines sans tête les entourent progressivement, leurs épées flamboyantes à la main. Ils se mettent à la recherche d'une solution pour les combattre mais Dorium est persuadé que ce ne sera pas nécessaire, que les Moines le connaissent bien et qu'il va trouver un arrangement avec eux.  Il s'avance vers eux et disparaît hors de la vue du groupe. On entend un curieux bruit d'épée...

Le Docteur rugit envers la femme au monocle : Un enfant n'est pas une arme. La femme dit qu'avec du temps passé avec eux, elle le deviendra. Le Docteur lui rappelle qu'ils ont récupéré le bébé mais la femme sourit. Elle lui dit que l'avoir berné une fois était déjà beau mais deux... c'est un privilège. Le Docteur comprend et se précipite, mais avant même qu'il ait pu rejoindre Amy, celle-ci a déjà vu fondre dans ses bras son bébé en chair artificielle.

La bataille est féroce. Quand le Docteur arrive, il n'y a plus de Moines sans tête, mais c'est l'hécatombe. Le Sontarien meurt, comme dans ses rêves, sur le champ de bataille, mais trouve ça moins réjouissant que prévu.  Lorna a à peine le temps de se faire reconnaître par le Docteur, avant de s'éteindre. La Silurienne, Vastra, fait admettre à ce dernier qu'ils ont emporté le bébé, probablement sur la Terre, et qu'ils vont l'élever comme ils l'entendent. Et le Docteur avoue qu'il est trop tard. Sur ce, dans un éclair et un bruit fracassant, River Song fait son apparition.

Le Docteur s'emporte contre elle et lui demande où elle était, que lui a toujours été là pour elle. River dit qu'elle ne pouvait rien faire. Tous, autour, écoutent cet échange sans mot dire. River continue de s'expliquer. Elle lui dit que, de tout temps, son nom a toujours été synonyme de bienfaiteur, de sage. Mais il doit regarder ce qu'il est devenu, celui qui peut lever une armée dans tout l'Univers à la seule mention de son nom. Alors, ils étaient terrifiés et ils ont enlevé l'enfant de ses meilleurs amis pour faire d'elle une arme contre lui, pour l'abattre. Le Docteur, à la fois sonné et en colère, s'approche d'elle et lui demande qui elle est vraiment. River fait mine de vouloir se dérober, mais elle l'entraîne près du berceau. Tout en lui mettant la main sur celui-ci et lui suggérant de lire les inscriptions sur ses flancs, elle lui dit qu'elle est en train de lui répondre.

Après un long moment pour comprendre la vérité, le visage du Docteur s'éclaircit. Il sourit de plus en plus, jette des regards vers Amy et Rory qui n'y comprennent rien, et semble à la fois ravi et gêné. Se reprenant, soudainement pressé, il dit au couple qu'il va retrouver leur fille et qu'il leur garantit, sur sa propre vie, qu'elle va être en sécurité. Il se précipite vers le TARDIS, encore estomaqué mais tout joyeux de ce qu'il vient d'apprendre, et dématérialise son vaisseau.

Amy et Rory, eux, n'ont pas du tout le coeur à plaisanter. Amy ramasse une arme à terre et la pointe vers River, lui demandant ce qu'elle a dit au Docteur. Rory veut la calmer, mais River le rassure. Elle ajoute qu'Amy n'a qu'à se concentrer pour lire ce qui est écrit. Le TARDIS a fait son travail de traduction.

River sort du berceau le cadeau de Lorna, le morceau de tissu avec le nom de leur fille, dans la langue de la planète Gamma. Elle ajoute qu'ils n'ont pas de mot pour "Pond", alors, ils l'ont traduit de cette façon. Le Docteur va retrouver leur fille et en prendre soin, elle est très bien placée pour le savoir. Et, sur le morceau de tissu, d'un côté, il est écrit "River", de l'autre, "Song". Les larmes aux yeux, elle ajoute : "C'est moi, Melody. Je suis votre fille."




Écrit par owhar pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries

Script VO épisode 607 "A good man goes to war"

(Recap including scenes of the little girl and eye-patch lady, culminating in the final scenes of "The almost people").


An asteroid has been converted to a base known as Demon’s Run.


A small baby is cooing as it lies in a small crib. As the camera pans to the side, we see the name : Melody Pond. We see a woman’s hands caressing the baby as she speaks.

AMY : I wish I could tell you that you'll be loved. That you'll be safe and cared for and protected. But this isn't a time for lies. (picks up Melody). What you are going to be, Melody...

We see the Eye-Patch Lady and a number of armed soldiers standing behind Amy.

AMY : ... is very, very brave.

EYE-PATCH LADY : Two minutes.

AMY : But not as brave as they'll have to be. Because there's someone coming. I don't know where he is, or what he's doing, but trust me. He's on his way.



As Cybermen march along a corridor, we see a figure walk past in the shadows, a cloak billowing behind him. We then see the sonic screwdriver used on a door lock. The door slides closed keeping out other Cybermen.


The Cyberleader and two other Cybermen are monitoring the ship.

CYBERMAN : Intruder. Level nine. Seal level nine.

The ship rocks as small explosions go off.


AMY : There's a man who's never going to let us down.

Amy looks out a window and sees a large army gathering outside.

AMY : And not even an army can get in the way.

The Eye-Patch Lady walks towards Amy, arms out. Two soldiers walk close behind.

AMY : Leave her, just you leave her. Please leave her ! Leave her !

A young female soldier watches as Amy sobs as her daughter is taken away. By the door, two hooded monks step closer to the rail.


The ship is rocked by explosions.

CYBERMAN : Intruder, level 11.

CYBERLEADER : Seal levels 12, 13 and 14.

CYBERMAN : Intruder, level 15.


Melody is in her bassinett. Amy leans over her.

AMY : He's the last of his kind. He looks young, but he's lived for hundreds and hundreds of years. And wherever they take you, Melody, however scared you are, I promise you, you will never be alone. (leans over and kisses Melody on the forehead). Because this man is your father.


The Cyberleader takes position, flanked by other Cybermen.

CYBERLEADER : Prepare to engage.


AMY : He has a name, but the people of our world know him better...


The doors slide open and Rory strides in wearing his Roman garb. The Cybermen aim their weapons at him.

AMY (v.o.) : ... as the Last Centurion.

RORY : I have a message and a question. A message from the Doctor and a question from me. Where is my wife ? Oh, don't give me those blank looks. The 12th Cyber Legion monitors this entire quadrant. (walks to window where the rest of the fleet can be seen). You hear everything. So you tell me what I need to know, you tell me now, and I'll be on my way.

CYBERLEADER : What is the Doctor's message ?

The ships outside the window explode. Rory remains impassive.

RORY : Would you like me to repeat the question ?



We see a ship come in for a landing and then pan down to all the mechanics and engineers. Two are walking toward the lift. One is short and fat, the other tall and skinny.

FAT MAN : A whole Cyber legion though. He just blew them all up. To make a point !

THIN MAN : We're being paid to fight him, not praise him. Praising costs way more !

They step into the lift, passing two monks.

FAT MAN : Level Minus 23. Transept.

The door slides closed.


They step out of the lift.

FAT MAN : Digger says he once chased the Atraxi off a planet, then called them back for a scolding.

THIN MAN : Fight him. Not praise him.

They pass the young female soldier who had been in the nursery. She is sewing something, a knowing smile on her face.

ANNOUNCEMENT : Reminder. This base is on Yellow Alert. This base is on Yellow Alert.


Two soldiers are watching the monitors and see the young female soldier.

SOLDIER 1 : Is she sewing ?

SOLDIER 2 : She's on a break she can do what she likes.

Soldier 2 faces Soldier 1, holding up two pieces of paper in his hands. One is blank.

SOLDIER 2 : Now try again.

SOLDIER 1 (points at the blank) : That one.

SOLDIER 2 : No, that's the psychic. You've got to look for the fractals.

Soldier 1 rolls his eyes.

SOLDIER 2 : Don't look bored, we're on Yellow Alert.

SOLDIER 1 : We've been on Yellow Alert for three weeks !


Two of the monks walk along, hands clasped in front of them.

ANNOUNCEMENT : Reminder : do not interact with headless monks without designed permission. Do not interact with headless monks without designed permission.

The fat man and thin man pass by the monks as they take readings off a machine. The thin man watches them.

FAT MAN : You're not supposed to stare at them. And if they think you're trying to see under their hoods, they'll kill you on the spot.

THIN MAN : But why are they called the Headless Monks ? They can't really be headless ?

YOUNG FEMALE SOLDIER : They believe the domain of faith is the heart, and the domain of doubt is the head. They follow their hearts... that's all.

THIN MAN : You're Lorna Bucket, aren't you ?

LORNA : Yeah. Hello !

THIN MAN : I'm the thin one, this is my husband he's the fat one.

LORNA : Don't you have names ?

FAT MAN : We're the thin, fat, gay, married, Anglican marines. Why would we need names as well ? (sees monks standing behind Lorna). Oh ! Looks like I'm off ! Time for my conversion tutorial. See you in a bit. (leaves with monks). Do you lot have Lent ?! Cos I'm not good at giving things up...

Lorna shakes her head. The thin man looks at her.

THIN MAN : Lorna Bucket. You've had an Encounter, haven't you ? You've met him.

LORNA : I was just a kid.

Continues working.

THIN MAN : But what's he like ? The Doctor.

LORNA : He said "run".

THIN MAN : Just "run" ?

LORNA : He said it a lot.

THIN MAN : And this was in the Gamma Forests, yeah ? Because you're a Gamma girl, aren't you ? What are you doing here ? The forests are heaven-neutral.

LORNA : Yeah, and 30 seconds of The Doctor is the only thing that ever happened there.


Fat man precedes the monks into the room which is cast in an eerie red glow.

FAT MAN : Oh, this is nice, I like this. I mean, quite a lot of red. I hope it's not to hide the stains !

One of the monks goes to a shelf containing medium boxes.

FAT MAN : What's in the little boxes ?

As the monk walks forward with the box, a recording plays.

RECORDING : Welcome, applicant to the order of the Headless. It is traditional for visiting armies of other faiths to offer individuals for conversion to our order. You have been selected.

The monk passes the box to another who opens it and then holds the empty box in front of the fat man.

RECORDING : Are you ready to make a donation ?


The thin man slides a panel closed. It sounds like a guillotine.

THIN MAN : So, what do you think ? If the Doctor's really coming here, where is he ?

LORNA : He's the Doctor. He could be anywhere in time and space.

She loosens a hose and steam escapes.


A hansom pulls to a halt and the passenger exits.

WOMAN : Thank you, Parker. I won't be needing you again tonight.

PARKER : Yes, my lady.


The hooded woman enters her home and a maid greets her.

MAID : You're back early, ma'am. Another case cracked, I assume ?

The woman places a sword reverently on a rack with others.

WOMAN : Send a telegram to Inspector Abberline of the Yard. Jack the Ripper has claimed his last victim.

MAID : How did you find him ?

The woman lowers her hood to reveal she is Silurian.

SILURIAN : Stringy, but tasty all the same. I shan't be needing dinner.

MAID : Congratulations, ma'am. (hesitates). However, a matter has arisen in the drawing room.


The Silurian enters, followed by the maid.

MAID : It just appeared. What does it mean ?

The Silurian walks forward, taking off her coat.

SILURIAN : It means a very old debt is to be repaid.

The TARDIS is in the room.

SILURIAN : Pack the cases, Jenny. And we're going to need the swords.


An officer is dodging laser fire and explosions as he runs toward the field hospital.

OFFICER : Nurse ?! Nurse !


The officer runs inside.

OFFICER : Damn it ! Where's the nurse ?!

WOMAN : He needs help !

OFFICER : Madame President, I'm sorry, but we have to go now ! Those things could be here any second !

On one of the beds we see a young boy, most likely Madame President's son. A Sontaran enters the hospital and removes his helmet.

SONTARAN : Did somebody call for a nurse ?

The Sontaran scans the young boy.

YOUNG BOY : Will I be OK ?

SONTARAN : Of course you will, my boy. You'll be up and around in no time ! And perhaps one day you and I shall meet on the field of battle, and I will destroy you for the glory of the Sontaran Empire.

YOUNG BOY : Thanks, Nurse.


The Sontaran leaves the hospital followed by the officer.

OFFICER : Commander Strax. I just have to ask. A Sontaran nurse ?

STRAX : I serve a penance to restore the honour of my clone batch. It is the greatest punishment a Sontaran can endure, to help the weak and sick.

OFFICER : Who came up with that one ?

We hear the TARDIS materialize.

STRAX : Tonight, though, perhaps my penance is over. (Turns to Officer). Captain Harcourt, I hope some day to meet you in the glory of battle, when I shall crush the life from your worthless human form.

The two nod their heads in acknowledgment.


River sways as she walks up to the phone amidst the blaring alarms. She is wearing a late (?) Victorian gown.

RIVER (into phone) : Oh, turn it off. I'm breaking in, not out. This is River Song, back in her cell... Oh, and I'll take breakfast at the usual time. Thank you !

River hangs up the phone and glides along the floor. She stops when she sees a silhouette dressed as a Roman.

RIVER : Oh, are you boys dressing up as Romans now ? I thought nobody read my memos.

Rory moves forward out of the shadows.

RORY : Dr Song ? It's Rory. Sorry, have we met yet ? Time streams, I'm not quite sure where we are...

RIVER : Yes. Yes, we've met. (somewhat sadly). Hello, Rory.

RORY : What's wrong ?

RIVER (laughs nervously) : It's my birthday. The Doctor took me ice skating on the River Thames in 1814, the last of the great frost fairs. He got Stevie Wonder to sing for me under London Bridge.

RORY : Stevie Wonder sang in 1814 ?

RIVER : Yes, he did. But you must never tell him.

RORY : I've come from the Doctor too.

RIVER : Yes, but at a different point in time.

RORY : Unless there's two of them.

RIVER : Now, that's a whole different birthday.

Heads for her cell and pulls diary from her muff and reads.

RORY : He needs you !

RIVER : Demons' Run.

Closes book.

RORY : How... how did you know ?

RIVER : I'm from his future. I always know. Why on earth are you wearing that ?

RORY : The Doctor's idea.

RIVER : Of course. His rules of engagement. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

RORY : Look ridiculous.

RIVER : Have you considered heels ?

Turns away from Rory.

RORY : They've taken Amy. And our baby.

River looks sad, almost on the verge of tears.

RORY (walks towards River) : The Doctor's getting some people together, we're going after her, but he needs you too.

RIVER : I can't. (faces Rory). Not yet, anyway.

RORY : I'm sorry ?

RIVER : This is The Battle of Demons Run. The Doctor's darkest hour. He'll rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further. And... I can't be with him till the very end.

RORY : Why not ?

RIVER : Because this is it. (enters her cell). This is the day he finds out who I am.


Dorium is hurrying with a suitcase. He pauses and looks around.

DORIUM : Goodbye.

Dorium then opens his case and rearranges the contents. Figures appear behind him.

EYE-PATCH LADY : You appear to be closing down, Dorium.

Later. They are sitting at a table.

EYE-PATCH LADY : What have you heard ?

DORIUM : That you pricked the side of a mighty beast, Madam Kovarian, and entirely failed to run. (guns are pointed at his head). I admire your courage. I should like to admire it from afar.

Pushes the guns away.

KOVARIAN : We've been waiting a month. He's done nothing.

DORIUM (counting money) : Do you really think so ? There are people all over this galaxy that owe that man a debt. By now, a few of them will have found a blue box waiting for them on their doorstep. Poor devils.

COLONEL : You think he's raising an army ?

DORIUM : You think he isn't ? If that man is finally collecting on his debts, God help you, and God help his debtors.


DORIUM : Colonel Manton, all those stories you've heard about him. They're not stories, they're true. (chuckles). Really you’re not telling me you don't know what's coming ?

COLONEL MANTON : We're wasting our time here !

KOVARIAN (stands) : Agreed.

DORIUM : The asteroid, where you've made your base. Do you know why they call it Demons Run ?

MANTON : How do you know the location of our base ?

DORIUM (sighs) : You're with the Headless Monks... they're old customers of mine.

KOVARIAN : It's just some old saying.

DORIUM : A very old saying. The oldest. "Demons run, when a good man goes to war".

Kovarian and Manton leave. Dorium turns in his seat and watches them go. He laughs and walks into a back storage room on his way out. He hears the TARDIS.

DORIUM : No. No, no, please ! Not me ! You don't need me !

The TARDIS door opens and light pours out. We see the Doctor's silhouette on the wall behind Dorium.

DORIUM : Why would you need me ?! I'm old ! I'm fat ! I'm blue ! You can't need me !


Manton is on a stage, three Headless Monks behind him. The soldiers stand at ease as they listen. Kovarian is standing to the side.

MANTON : He is not the devil. He is not a god. He is not a goblin, or a phantom or a trickster. The Doctor is a living, breathing man, and as I look around this room I know one thing... We're sure as hell going to fix that.

The soldiers cheer.


Amy is watching Manton through the window as Lorna enters. She slowly approaches Amy, holding something in her hand.

LORNA : Sorry. I shouldn't be here, I'm meant to be at the thing. I brought you something. Your child's name, in the language of my people. (it is what she was sewing earlier). It's a prayer leaf and we believe, if you keep this with you, your child will always come home to you.

AMY : Can I borrow your gun ?

LORNA : Why ?

AMY : Cos I've got a feeling you're going to keep talking. (faces window). Talking like he's famous. The Doctor isn't famous...

LORNA : He meets a lot of people. Some of them... remember. (smiles). He's sort of like a... I dunno. A dark legend.

AMY : Dark ?! Have you met him ?

LORNA : Yeah.

Amy turns around.

LORNA : But I was just a little girl.

AMY : So was I.

LORNA : You've been with him a long time then.

AMY : No. He came back for me.

LORNA : You must be very special.

AMY : Hey. You can wait a long time for the Doctor. But he's worth it. OK ? (walks to Lorna). The thing is, he's coming. No question about it. Just you make sure you're on the right side when he gets here. Not for my sake... for yours. (holds out her hand and Lorna gives her the prayer leaf). Thank you.

Amy holds the prayer leaf between her hands as Lorna leaves.


Manton continues his speech. Amy continues to watch from the window.

MANTON : On this day, in this place, the Doctor will fall.

The soldiers cheer.

MANTON : The man who talks, the man who reasons, the man who lies, will meet the perfect answer. Some of you have wondered why have we have allied ourselves with the Headless Monks.

Lorna arrives and takes her position.

MANTON : Perhaps you should have wondered why we call them Headless. It's time you knew what these guys have sacrificed for faith. As you all know, it is a Level One Heresy, punishable by death, to lower the hood of a Headless Monk. But by the divine grant of the Papal Mainframe herself, on this one and only occasion, I can show you the truth. Because these guys never can be... (lowers hood of first monk to show a knotted stump where the head and neck should have been) persuaded ! They NEVER can be... (lowers hood of second monk) Afraid. (approaches third monk). And they can never, ever be...

The monk throws back its own hood to reveal the Doctor.

DOCTOR : Surprised !

The soldiers are stunned and Amy smiles and presses her hands against the window.

DOCTOR : Hello everyone ! Guess who ! (walks to the front of the stage). Please point a gun at me if it helps you relax.

All the soldiers - except Lorna - aim their guns at the Doctor. The two monks draw energized swords.

DOCTOR : You're only human.


Vastra and Jenny enter communication and put swords to the two soldiers’ necks.

VASTRA : Go on, resist. I'm ever so hungry.

JENNY : Now, dear, which button controls the lights ?


Manton aims his gun on the Doctor.

MANTON : Doctor, you will come with me, right now !

The Doctor turns and smiles at Manton.

DOCTOR : Three minutes, forty seconds. Amelia Pond ! Get your coat !

The Doctor puts his hood back on just as the lights go out. When they come back on, he’s gone.

DOCTOR (over speaker) : I'm not a phantom.

MANTON : Doctor ?

DOCTOR (over speaker) : I'm not a trickster.

MANTON : Doctor ?

DOCTOR (over speaker) : I'm a monk.

MANTON : Doctor, show yourself !

SOLDIER : It's him ! He's here !

Aims gun at the monks. Other soldiers aim their guns at the monks as well. The monks “charge” their swords.

SOLDIER : It's him !

The Soldier shoots one of the monks. There is tension between the two factions.

MANTON:  Weapons down ! Do not fire !

One of the monks raises his hand and energy shoots from it, killing a soldier.


The monks and the soldiers start fighting each other.

KOVARIAN (to guards) : Follow me.

MANTON : Doctor ! Doctor !


While Vastra works the controls, Jenny looks at the screen at Manton.

JENNY : Clever, isn't he ?

VASTRA : And rather attractive.

Behind them, the two soldiers are tied up on the floor.

JENNY : You do realize he's a man, don't you, ma'am ?

VASTRA : Mammals. They all look alike.

JENNY : Oh, thank you !

The soldiers work their way to the door lock override on the wall.


Manton aims his gun on the Doctor.

MANTON : Nobody discharge their weapon in this room. Nobody !

Lorna sees a figure in a monk’s robe by one of the doors. The Doctor uses the sonic.

MANTON : Do not fire !


VASTRA : Was I being insensitive again, dear ? I don't know why you put up with me.

Turns and uses her long tongue on the soldier.


MANTON : Stop, wait ! Listen to me !

Lorna sees the Doctor sneak out the door and follows.

MANTON : I'm disarming my weapon pack. (removes pack from gun). Monks, I do this in good faith ! I am now unarmed. (places pack on the floor). All of you, discharge your weapon packs. The Doctor is trying to make fools of us... We are soldiers of God, we are not fools ! We are not fools !

ALL : We are not fools!

Soldiers remove packs.

MANTON : We are not fools !

SOLDIER 2 : We are not fools !

More soldiers remove packs. Manton leads the chant and the soldiers continue to follow his head.


VASTRA : Colonel Manton is regaining control.

JENNY : Where's the Doctor gone ?


Lorna finds the Doctor's discarded disguise and continues to follow.


The soldiers continue their chant and soon they are all unarmed and the monks have lowered their swords. A female soldier puts down her weapon and then looks into the face of an armed Silurian. Other Silurians beam in and soon have the soldiers surrounded. Judoon appear as well. Strax appears on the stage next to Manton, gun aimed at him.

STRAX : This base is now under our command.

MANTON : I have a fleet out there ! If Demons Run goes down, there's an automatic distress call.

DOCTOR (over speaker) : Not if we knock out your communications array.

The Doctor is on a raised platform overlooking the hangar speaking into a microphone.

DOCTOR : And you've got incoming !

PILOT (over speaker) : Danny Boy to the Doctor. Danny Boy to the Doctor.

DOCTOR : Give 'em hell, Danny Boy !

Puts arms out and pretends to be a plane.


The Spitfires from “Victory of the Daleks” fire upon Demon’s Run.


As the asteroid rocks from the hits, Amy smiles.


Kovarian and her two soldiers brace themselves.

KOVARIAN : I need to get off this station now. Bring me the child !

The soldiers turn back.


PILOT : Target destroyed.

The Doctor laughs.


Amy laughs.


Manton hangs his head.

STRAX : Don't slump, it's bad for your spine !


The soldiers return carrying the basinet between them.

KOVARIAN : Get back in there with the rest of them. Remember, the Doctor must think he's winning, right until the trap closes ! I'll take my ship from here.

Kovarian keys in a code at the door as the two soldiers set down the basinet and leave. Lorna is hiding at a corner. She takes off her pack and leaves quietly.

COMPUTER : Airlock engaged. Shuttle ready for boarding.

RORY (holds his sword to Kovarian's neck) : No.

KOVARIAN : I have a crew of 20. How do you expect to gain control of my ship ?

Rory scoffs. The airlock doors open and one of her men is pushed out, trussed up. Behind him are Avery and his son. Avery aims his pistol at her.

AVERY : This ship is ours, m'lady !


Strax is escorting Manton by gunpoint.

STRAX : All airlocks sealed, resistance neutralized !

The Doctor is sitting at the main control panel. Vastra, Jenny and Dorium are also present.

DOCTOR : Sorry, Colonel Manton, I lied. Three minutes, 42 seconds.

STRAX : Colonel Manton, you will give the order for your men to withdraw.

DOCTOR : No. Colonel Manton... I want you to tell your men to run away.

MANTON : You what ?

DOCTOR : Those words. Run away. I want you to be famous for those exact words. I want people to call you Colonel Run-Away. I want children laughing outside your door, cos they've found the house of Colonel Run-Away. (stands and points his finger). And, when people come to you, and ask if trying to get to me through the people I love... is in any way a good idea... I want you to tell them your name. Oh, look ! I'm angry. That's new. I'm really not sure what's going to happen now.

Kovarian arrives escorted by two Silurians.

KOVARIAN : The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules.

The Doctor slowly turns his head to look at her.

DOCTOR : Good men don't need rules. (walks over to Kovarian). Today is not the day to find out why I have so many.

KOVARIAN : Give the order.

The Doctor pulls back, a little surprised. He smiles crookedly and holds up a finger before walking away.

KOVARIAN : Give the order Colonel Run-Away.


There is a knocking at the door and Amy runs about, trying to find something to use as a weapon.

AMY : Who's that, who's there ? (finds something that looks like an industrial thermometer). You watch it, cos I'm armed and really dangerous and... cross !

RORY (through the door) : Yeah. Like I don't know that.

AMY : Rory ? Rory, is that you.

RORY (through the door) : Yeah, it's me... (uses the sonic). Hang on a minute.

AMY : They took her. Rory, they took our baby away.

The doors slide open and Rory is holding Melody.

RORY : Now, Mrs Williams... That is never, ever going to happen.

Walks over to Amy.

AMY : Oh, my God. Oh, my God. (checks Melody). Where's she been, what have they done to her...

RORY : She's fine. Amy, she's fine, I checked. She's beautiful. (starts crying). Oh, God, I was going to be cool. I wanted to be cool, look at me.

AMY : You're OK. Crying Roman with a baby, definitely cool. Come here, you !

Kisses him. The Doctor stands at the door.

DOCTOR : Ugh, kissing and crying, I'll be back in a bit.

RORY : Oi ! You ! Get in here. Now.

The Doctor hurries over and joins them. He points at Melody and smiles.

RORY : My daughter. What do you think ?

DOCTOR : Hello. Hello, baby.

AMY : Melody.

DOCTOR : Melody ! Hello, Melody Pond !

RORY : Melody Williams.

AMY : ...is a geography teacher. Melody Pond is a superhero !

The Doctor leans over and listens as Melody gurgles.

DOCTOR (to Melody) : Well, yes, I suppose she does smell nice. Never really sniffed her, maybe I should give it a go. Amelia Pond, c'mere !

Hugs her.

AMY : Doctor !

DOCTOR : I'm sorry we were so long.

Sniffs her.

AMY : It's OK, I knew you were coming. Both of you. My boys !

Melody squeals.

DOCTOR : It's OK, she's still all yours. And really you should call her Mummy, not Big Milk Thing.

AMY : OK, what are you doing ?

DOCTOR : I speak Baby.

AMY : No, you don't !

DOCTOR : I speak everything... Don't I, Melody Pond ? (Melody gurgles and the Doctor straightens his tie). No, it's not... it's cool !

Vastra enters and leans on the rail.

VASTRA : Doctor ! Take a look. They're leaving.

The Doctor walks to the window and looks out as the soldiers are marched away.

VASTRA : Demons Run is ours without a drop of blood spilled. My friend, you have never risen higher !

Rory looks up at Vastra's words, remembering what River said.


Amy comes out of the TARDIS, comforting Melody.

RORY : Hey what's wrong ?

AMY : She doesn't like the TARDIS noise. I asked him to turn something off, but it was all "I don't want to punch a hole in the space-time continuum".

Jenny and Strax walk up to them.

JENNY : Rory ! The Judoon have escorted the Clerics out of the quadrant, Spitfires have returned to their own time, and Captain Avery and his men... Is she all right ?

AMY : Yes, she's just crying.

STRAX : Give her to me, human fool. She needs changing.

AMY : I just changed her. I think she might need a feed.

STRAX : A feed, of course. I'll take care of everything.

Steps forward, hand out.

RORY : I really don't think you will, actually.

STRAX : I have gene-spliced myself for all nursing duties. I can produce magnificent quantities of lactic fluid.

The Doctor exits the TARDIS carrying an old fashioned cradle.

LORNA : She's not hungry, she's tired. Sorry, Melody, they're just not listening.

AMY : What's this ?!

DOCTOR : Very pretty, according to your daughter.

RORY : It's a... it's a cot.

DOCTOR : No flies on the Roman. Give her here. Hey !

AMY (hands Melody to the Doctor) : There we go.

RORY : But where would you get a cot ?

The Doctor puts Melody in the cot/cradle.

AMY : It's old. Really old. Doctor... do you have children ?


AMY : Have you ever had children ?

DOCTOR (to Melody) : No, it's real, it's my hair.

AMY : Who slept in here ?

VASTRA (over speakers) : Doctor ! We need you in the main control room.

DOCTOR : Be right there ! Things to do... I've still got to work out what this base is for. We can't leave till we know.

Heads off.

AMY (walks after him) : But this is where I was ? (Doctor stops). The whole time I thought I was on the TARDIS, I was really here.

DOCTOR : Erm... Centurion, permission to hug ?

RORY : Be aware, I do have a sword.

DOCTOR : At all times. (salutes Rory then hugs Amy). You were on the TARDIS too... your heart, your mind, your soul. But physically, yes, you were still in this place.

AMY : And when I saw that face looking through the hatch... that woman looking at me...

DOCTOR : Reality bleeding through. They must have taken you quite a while back. Just before America...

RORY : That's probably enough hugging now.

The Doctor and Amy break the hug.

RORY : So her flesh avatar was with us all that time. But that means they were projecting a control signal right into the TARDIS. Wherever we were in time and space.

DOCTOR : Yeah, they're very clever.

AMY : Who are ?

RORY : Whoever wants our baby.

AMY : But why do they want her ?

DOCTOR : Exactly !

RORY : Is there anything you're not telling us ? You knew Amy wasn't real, you never said.

DOCTOR : Well, I couldn't be sure they weren't listening.

AMY : But you always hold out on us. Please, not this time. Doctor, it's our baby. Tell us something. One little thing.

DOCTOR : It's mine.

RORY : What is ?

DOCTOR : The cot. It's my cot. I slept in there.

Rory looks at the hanging mobile over the cot.

AMY : Oh, my God. It's the Doctor's first stars.

RORY : She's...

Amy reaches into her pocket and pulls out the prayer leaf to wipe around Melody's mouth.

STRAX : Drop your weapons. State your rank and intent ! (he marches Lorna over to them). I found it listening at the door !


The Doctor enters. Dorium is sitting at the controls.

DOCTOR : You've hacked into their software then ?

DORIUM : I believe I sold it to them.

DOCTOR : So what have we learned ?

VASTRA : That anger is always the shortest distance to a mistake.

DOCTOR : I'm sorry ?

VASTRA : The words of an old friend who once found me in the London Underground, attempting to avenge my sisters on perfectly innocent tunnel diggers.

DOCTOR : Well... You were very cross at the time.

VASTRA : As you were today, old friend. Point taken, I hope.

The Doctor nods in acceptance of her words.

VASTRA : Now, I have a question. A simple one. Is Melody human ?

DOCTOR : Sorry, what ? Of course she is ! (laughs uncomfortably). Completely human, what are you talking about ?!

DORIUM : They've been scanning her since she was born and I think they found what they were looking for.

Pulls it up on a screen.

DOCTOR (walks over) : Human DNA.

VASTRA : Look closer. Human plus. Specifically... human plus Time Lord.


LORNA : I heard her talking... this is a trap. Why would I lie to you ?

Rory steps forward.

RORY : Well, you might want to take a look at your uniform.

LORNA : The only reason I joined the Clerics was to meet the Doctor again.

JENNY : You wanted to meet him, so you joined an army to fight him ?

LORNA : Well, how else do you meet a great warrior ?

AMY : He's not a warrior.

LORNA : Then why's he called the Doctor ?

The lights go out and Amy and Rory stand by the cot.

LORNA : It's starting. Please listen to me.


DOCTOR : But she's human. She's Amy and Rory's daughter.

VASTRA : You told me about your people. They became what they did through prolonged exposure to the time vortex. The untempered schism...

DOCTOR : Over billions of years, it didn't just happen.

VASTRA : So how close is she ? Could she even regenerate ?

DOCTOR : No, no ! I don't think so.

VASTRA : You don't sound so sure.

DOCTOR : Because I don't understand how this happened !

VASTRA : Which leads me to ask... when did it happen ?

DOCTOR : When ?

VASTRA : I am trying to be delicate... I know how you can blush. When did this baby... begin ?

DOCTOR : Oh, you mean...

VASTRA : Quite.

DOCTOR : Well, how would I know ? That's all human-y, private stuff, it just sort of... goes on. They don't put up a balloon, or anything.

Walks down the hall.

VASTRA : But could the child have begun on the TARDIS, in flight, in the vortex.

DOCTOR (heads back) : No, no, impossible ! It's all running about, sexy fish vampires and blowing up stuff. And Rory wasn't even there at the beginning. Then he was dead, then he didn't exist, then he was plastic. Then I had to reboot the whole universe... long story. So technically the first time they were on the TARDIS together, in this version of reality, was on their...

VASTRA : On their what ?

DOCTOR (gulps) : On their wedding night.


STRAX : Confirmed. No life forms registering on this base, except us and the Silurians.

LORNA : The Headless Monks aren't alive... they don't register as life forms.

A monk walks up behind a Silurian.


DOCTOR : Doesn't make sense ! You can't just cook yourself a Time Lord.

VASTRA : Of course not, but you gave them one hell of a start and they've been working very hard ever since.

DORIUM : And yet they gave in so easily. Does this not that bother anyone else ?

DOCTOR : Amy ! She worried the baby would have a time head. She said that...

VASTRA : Only you would ignore the instincts of a mother !

DORIUM : Or the instincts of a coward. This is too easy. There's something wrong.

DOCTOR : Why even do it ? Even if you could get your hands on a brand new Time Lord, what for ?

VASTRA : A weapon ?

DOCTOR : Why would a Time Lord be a weapon ?

VASTRA : Well... they've seen you.


Sits down, stunned.

VASTRA : Mr Maldovar, you're right. This was too easy. We should get back to the others.

DOCTOR (softly) : Me ?

Vastra and Dorium leave. The Doctor remembers the girl in the spacesuit and what River said while examining the suit.

Flashback to “Day of the Moon”.

RIVER : Well, I'd say she's human, going by the life support software. She climbed out of this suit. Like she forced her way out. She must be incredibly strong.

End flashback.

Kovarian appears on the communication screen.

KOVARIAN : I see you accessed our files.

The Doctor stands and faces the screen.

KOVARIAN : Do you understand yet ? Oh, don't worry, I'm a long way away. But I like to keep tabs on you. The child then... What do you think ?

DOCTOR : What is she ?

KOVARIAN : Hope. Hope in this endless, bitter war.

DOCTOR : What war ? Against who ?

KOVARIAN : Against you, Doctor.


A lift opens and a monk emerges, shooting energy from his hand and killing the Silurian on guard. In the main area, a glowing light appears around the TARDIS. Amy is holding Melody.

AMY : What's that ?

Vastra approaches and reaches a hand out to touch it. She pulls it back at the energy she feels.

VASTRA : Force field.

Rory is on alert. The monks begin chanting as they walk towards them. A loud noise is heard.

LORNA : And those are the doors... locking.

The monks pass the bodies of Silurians on the ground. The lifts are shut down.

VASTRA : Apparently we're not leaving.

They hear the chanting.

RORY : Is that the Monks ?

DORIUM : Oh, dear God... that's the attack prayer.

RORY (to Amy) : Quick, come with me.

Leads her away.

VASTRA : Commander Strax !

STRAX : I'm trying to seal off this area of the lighting grid.

VASTRA : This is where we'll make our stand. Clear lines of sight on all approaches.

The monks have their swords out and charged. In another section of the room, Rory helps Amy and Melody hide behind crates.

AMY : Rory, no offence to the others, but you let them all die first, OK ?

RORY : You're so Scottish.

Amy kisses him and Rory kisses Melody's head.

VASTRA (calls) : Centurion, you're needed !

Rory leaves. Lorna is searching through large crates.

LORNA : There should be some plasma pistols somewhere. They left everything.

STRAX : Then find them, boy !

VASTRA (to Jenny) : She's definitely a girl.

JENNY : Oh, stop it !

DORIUM (walks towards the monks) : We don't have to fight. I'm friends to the Monks, they know me.

RORY : Yeah, and they know you just sold them out to the Doctor.

DORIUM : Oh, they'll understand. It's only me, only silly old me. (holds his arms out wide). You understand, don't you ?

VASTRA : Mr Maldovar, get back here !

STRAX : Arm yourself, fool !

RORY : Dorium !

Amy clings to Melody and hears the sound of a sword and then something hitting the floor. Melody cries.

VASTRA : Mr Maldovar ?

RORY : Dorium ?

Lorna comes up behind them, passing out guns. They watch as the monks march forward, swords glowing. A headless Dorium also walks towards them.

VASTRA : The child ! At all costs, protect the child !

Rory draws his sword in one hand and a pistol in the other. The others aim their guns.


The Doctor slams his hands down in anger as he shouts at Kovarian on the screen.

DOCTOR : A child is not a weapon !

KOVARIAN : Oh, give us time. She can be. She will be.

DOCTOR : Except you've already lost her, and I swear I will never let you anywhere near her again.

KOVARIAN : Oh, Doctor. Fooling you once was a joy... but fooling you twice, the same way, it's a privilege.

DOCTOR (realizing) : Amy... Amy !

Runs from the room.


Amy tries to console a crying Melody as the sounds of fighting go on around them. Over Amy's shoulder where only Melody can see, a “panel” slides open and Kovarian's face appears. In the main section of the hangar, the fight continues with Rory in the center of it.


The Doctor runs to the others, hoping to get there in time.

RIVER (v.o.) : Demons run when a good man goes to war.


The fight continues.

RIVER (v.o.) : Night will fall and drown the sun when a good man goes to war.

Amy consoles Melody.

RIVER (v.o.) : Friendship dies and true love lies.


The fight continues.

RIVER (v.o.) : Night will fall and the dark will rise when a good man goes to war.


DOCTOR : Amy !


The fight continues. A monk comes up behind Strax. Lorna is struck by a monk’s energy.

RIVER (v.o.) : Demons run but count the cost


RIVER (v.o.) : The battle's won but the child is lost.

DOCTOR : Amy !


Kovarian speaks to Melody.

KOVARIAN : Wakey, wakey !


The Doctor comes to a locked door.

DOCTOR : Amy !


Melody bursts. She was Flesh.

AMY (screams) : Rory !

Rory hears her.

AMY : Rory ! Rory !


The Doctor uses the sonic on the door.

DOCTOR : Amy, she's not real ! Melody - she's a flesh avatar. (pounds on door). Amy !

Door opens.


The Doctor runs in, the fighting is over.

DOCTOR : Amy ! (stops at the destruction around him). Amy.

RORY : Yeah, we know.

Rory walks over to a dying Strax.

STRAX : It's strange. I have often dreamed of dying in combat. I'm not enjoying it as much as I'd hoped.

RORY : Come on, Strax, don't give up.

STRAX : It's all right, I've had a good life. I'm nearly 12.

RORY : Listen to me. You'll be back on your feet in no time. You're a warrior !

STRAX : Rory... I'm a nurse.

Dies. The Doctor sees Jenny with Amy and walks over to them.

AMY : So they took her anyway. All this was for nothing.

Rory joins them.

DOCTOR : I am so... sorry.

Goes to hug her bust she backs away.

JENNY : Amy... it's not his fault.

AMY (crying) : I know, I know.

Rory puts his arms around her and comforts her.

VASTRA : Doctor, there's someone who wants to speak to you. Her name is Lorna, she came to warn us.

The Doctor uses the sonic to scan Lorna. He squats down beside her and rubs his face with one hand in frustration. Lorna opens her eyes.

DOCTOR : Hey. Hello.

LORNA : Doctor !

DOCTOR (smiles) : You helped my friends, thank you.

LORNA : I met you once. In the Gamma Forests. You don't remember me.

DOCTOR : Hey, of course I remember. (holds her face between his hands). I remember everyone. Hey, we ran, you and me ! Didn't we run, Lorna ?

Lorna dies.

DOCTOR (to Vastra) : Who was she ?

VASTRA : I don't know but she was very brave.

DOCTOR : They're always brave. (softer). They're always brave.


VASTRA : So, what now ? They'd almost certainly have taken her to Earth, raise her in the correct environment.

DOCTOR : Yes, they did. And it's already too late.

Walks away.

VASTRA : You're giving up ? You never do that.

DOCTOR (turns) : Don't you sometimes wish I did ?

There is a bright flash of light and a clap of displaced air. River Song appears.

RIVER : Well, then, soldier, how goes the day ?

The Doctor strides over.

DOCTOR : Where the hell have you been ? Every time you've asked, I have been there. Where the hell were you today ?

RIVER : I couldn't have prevented this.

DOCTOR : You could've tried !

RIVER : And so, my love, could you. (looks at Amy and Rory). I know you're not all right. But hold tight, Amy, because you're going to be.

DOCTOR : You think I wanted this ? (points generally). I didn't do this. This... this wasn't me !

RIVER : This was exactly you. All this, all of it. You make them so afraid. When you began, all those years ago, sailing off to see the universe, did you ever think you'd become this ? The man who can turn an army around at the mention of his name ? Doctor ? The word for healer and wise man, throughout the universe. We get that word from you, you know. But if you carry on the way you are, what might that word come to mean ? To the people of the Gamma Forests, the word "Doctor" means mighty warrior. How far you've come. And now they've taken a child... the child of your best friends... and they're going to turn her into a weapon, just to bring you down. And all this, my love... in fear of you.

DOCTOR : Who are you ?

RIVER (lightly) : Oh, look, your cot ! Haven't seen that in a very long while.

Backs up to the cot.

DOCTOR : No, no, you tell me. Tell me... who you are.

RIVER (takes his hand) : I am telling you. (holds his hand on the cot). Can't you read ?

The Doctor looks at the Gallifreyan writing on the cot and then up at River. He suddenly realizes who she is and smiles.

DOCTOR : Hello.

RIVER : Hello.

DOCTOR (laughs nervously) : But... but that means...

RIVER : I'm afraid it does.

DOCTOR (looks at Amy and Rory) : Ooh ! But you and I, we, we, we, er...

Kisses the air.

RIVER : Yes.

The Doctor looks nervously at Amy and Rory before straightening his tie and jacket.

DOCTOR : How do I look ?

RIVER : Amazing.

DOCTOR : I'd better be.

RIVER : Yes, you'd better be.

DOCTOR (spins) : Vastra and Jenny, till the next time. Rory and Amy, I'll find your daughter and on my life, she will be safe. River, get them all home.

Heads for the TARDIS.

RORY : Doctor ?

AMY : No ! Where are you going ? No !

The Doctor uses the sonic to lift the force field and enters the TARDIS. In the doorway, he laughs and points at River before going inside and closing the door. The TARDIS dematerializes.

AMY (walks towards River) : Where's he going ? What did you tell him ?

RIVER : Amy, you have stay calm.

AMY (picks a gun off the floor and aims it at River) : Tell me what you told the Doctor.

RORY : Amy, no, stop it !

RIVER : It's OK, Rory, she's fine, she's good. It's the TARDIS translation matrix, it takes a while to kick in with the written word. You have to concentrate.

AMY (looks at the Gallifreyan on the cot) : I still can't read it.

Rory takes the gun from Amy.

RIVER : It's because it's Gallifreyan and doesn't translate. But this will. (gives Amy the prayer leaf). It's your daughter's name in the language of the forest.

AMY : I know my daughter's name.

RIVER : Except they don't have a word for "pond" because only water in the forest is the river. The Doctor will find your daughter and he will care for her whatever it takes and I know that.

Lorna's stitching changes in Amy and Rory's eyes as the translation circuit works. One side becomes “River” and the other “Song”.

RIVER : It's me. I'm Melody. I'm your daughter.




Écrit par Hombidule pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries

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ladyhawke7  (10.01.2017 à 09:51)

On comprend enfin pourquoi River ne veut rien dire, comme le Docteur ne dit rien sur elle alors qu'elle meurt la première fois qu'ils se voient. Episode sublime et triste. Amy a accouché mais on lui enlève son enfant. Le Docteur réunit des amis pour aller les sauver. Seule River refuse car il va apprendre qui elle est et pourquoi elle n'a pas pu intervenir...


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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, Avant-hier à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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