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Doctor Who (2005)
#706 : The Bells of Saint John ... Enfermés dans la toile

Chronologie : Cet épisode marque le début de la saison 7b et se visionne après l'épisode spécial de Noël, The Snowmen / La Dame de glace.


Le Docteur, lassé d'avoir cherché Clara Oswald partout sans résultat, se retire dans un monastère en 1207, mais le coup de fil d'une jeune femme le ramène dans le Londres actuel. Le Wi-Fi est partout et l'humanité entière en dépend. Mais quelque chose de dangereux se cache dans le signal, emprisonnant les esprits..


3.86 - 7 votes

Titre VO
The Bells of Saint John

Titre VF
The Bells of Saint John ... Enfermés dans la toile

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Prequel 706 (Vo)

Prequel 706 (Vo)


Bande-annonce Tv officielle (Vo) 706

Bande-annonce Tv officielle (Vo) 706


Preview épisode 7.06 - The Doctor Changes !

Preview épisode 7.06 - The Doctor Changes !


Preview épisode 7.06 - Meet Miss Kizlet

Preview épisode 7.06 - Meet Miss Kizlet





Preview épisode 7.06 - Hurtling to Disaster

Preview épisode 7.06 - Hurtling to Disaster


Behind the Scenes 706

Behind the Scenes 706


Le Doctor rencontre Clara VF

Le Doctor rencontre Clara VF


Photos promo

Le Onzième Docteur et Clara

Le Onzième Docteur et Clara

Une petite feuille si simple

Une petite feuille si simple

Clara est dans le Tardis

Clara est dans le Tardis

Clara est évanouie

Clara est évanouie

Le début d'une longue amitié

Le début d'une longue amitié

Le Docteur est surpris

Le Docteur est surpris

Le duo se forme

Le duo se forme

Réveillée en pleine nuit!

Réveillée en pleine nuit!

Clara est surprise

Clara est surprise

Rencontre au sommet!

Rencontre au sommet!

Jenna Coleman est Clara

Jenna Coleman est Clara

Celia Imrie est Miss Kislet

Celia Imrie est Miss Kislet

L'attention du Docteur est piquée!

L'attention du Docteur est piquée!

Clara (Jenna Coleman)

Clara (Jenna Coleman)

Une discussion tendue

Une discussion tendue

Affiche promotionnelle The bells of St-John

Affiche promotionnelle The bells of St-John

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Steven Moffat

Réalisateur : Colm McCarthy



  • Matt Smith ... Le Docteur
  • Jenna-Louise Coleman ... Clara Oswald
  • Celia Imrie ... Miss Kislet
  • Robert Whitlock ... Mahler
  • Dan Li ... Alexei
  • Manpreet Bachu ... Nabile
  • Sean Knopp ... Paul
  • James Greene ... L'Abbé
  • Geff Francis ... George
  • Eve de Leon Allen ... Angie
  • Kassius Carey Johnson – Artie
  • Danielle Eames ... Petite fille
  • Richard E. Grant ... La Grande Intelligence


Références et continuités

  • Cet épisode est précédé d'une prequelle, The bells of St-John: le Docteur, lassé de chercher Clara, s'arrête dans un parc. Il y rencontre une petite fille qui s'étonne de le voir seul et lui explique son histoire. L'enfant se révèle être Clara.
  • Artie, l'un des enfants dont s'occupe Clara, lit le conte Summers falls (La fin de l'été)? écrit par l'ancienne compagne du Docteur, Amy Pond.
  • Comme dans L’Asile des Daleks et La Dame de glace, Clara prononce la phrase "Run You Clever Boy ... And Remember" cette fois comme procédé mnémotechnique pour retenir le mot de passe du Wi-fi.
  • De même, Clara est une nounou (comme dans La Dame de glace) et elle trouve la phrase "Oswald for the Win... Oswin" qui renvoie à son pseudonyme dans L’Asile des Daleks.
  • Le Doctor parle d'une motocyclette qu'il a utilisée lors des "Olympiades Anti-gravité de 2074" : les Olympiades Anti-gravité furent aussi mentionnées dans les premiers moments d'Un loup-garou royal (2006).
  • Le Docteur mange un gâteau avec un centre rouge, qu'il avait fait passer pour un bouton d'auto-destruction dans La Victoire des Daleks (Victory of the Daleks).
  • Le titre de cet épisode renvoie au logo Ambulance Saint-Jean figurant sur une grande partie des « cabines de police » présentes à Londres dans les années 60, et donc sur le TARDIS.
  • Lorsqu'ils recherchent le Docteur, l'équipe de Miss Kislet indique qu'ils sont tombés sur « une fausse piste à Earl’s Court. » En effet, près de la station de métro Earl's Court, se trouve la dernière réplique de cabine de police bleue de Londres.

À l'époque contemporaine, un homme appelé Nabile raconte l'histoire d'un réseau Wi-Fi extrêmement dangereux, qui, selon lui, vole l'esprit des humains, les tuant physiquement mais préservant leur conscience. À la fin de son monologue, il révèle qu'il s'est lui aussi fait voler et stocker l'esprit.

En Cumbria, en l'année 1207, un groupe de moines est surexcité lorsque les "cloches de St-Jean" se mettent à sonner. Ils avertissent un des leurs, qui se révèle être le Docteur. Celui-ci s'est isolé pour mieux réfléchir à son enquête sur Clara, et les cloches sont en réalité le téléphone extérieur du Tardis, qui porte un logo Ambulance Saint-Jean. Le Docteur n'est pas très content d'être dérangé, par une jeune femme des années 2010 qu'on a redirigé vers lui pour des problèmes de connexion WIFI. Il comprend que c'est Clara lorsqu'elle prononce la phrase "Run You Clever Boy ... And Remember", cette fois comme procédé mnémotechnique pour retenir le mot de passe du Wi-fi. Elle finit par se connecter au réseau, alors que fou de joie, il part dans son Tardis à sa rencontre.

Clara n'est pas très réceptive, il faut dire que le Docteur est toujours dans sa tenue de moine. Elle lui ferme la porte au nez, et il va se changer. Un robot "Face de cuillère" fait alors irruption dans la maison, envoyé par une organisation mystérieuse dirigée par Miss Kislet, et commence à télécharger Clara dans un nuage de données.

Le Docteur revient, et trouve Clara inconsciente. Paniqué de la perdre une nouvelle fois, il parvient à inverser le téléchargement. Le robot "Face de cuillère" utilise un camouflage basé sur les pensées de sa future victime - ici, l'apparence d'un personnage d'un roman lu par Clara. Le Docteur la dépose dans sa chambre, et installe un poste de surveillance au pied de sa maison où il a posé son TARDIS. A son réveil, Clara discute avec lui par la fenêtre, un peu perdue et amusée. Il lui explique que quelque chose rode dans le WIFI, elle lui explique qu'elle est une amie de la famille, qui garde les enfants, comme la Clara victorienne.

Le duo réalise que Clara a acquis de grandes connaissances en informatique à la suite du téléchargement partiel dont elle a été victime. Ils sont attaqués par un autre Face de cuillère, puis toutes les lumières du voisinage s'allument, commandées par le Wi-Fi, alors que le reste de Londres s'éteint. Ils sont attaqués par eun avion de ligne qui plonge vers eux, les forçant à fuir dans le Tardis, que Clara prenait au départ pour l'endroit où il emmène les femmes qu'il séduit! Découverte habituelle, que Clara n'a pas le temps de digérer, car ils se téléportent à bord de l'avion. Clara y apprend sa nature alien, son âge, ses deux coeurs, et l'aide à redresser l'appareil et à ranimer l'équipage et les passagers, rendus inconscients par le Wi-Fi. 

Le Docteur les téléporte jusqu'au lendemain matin, avant de les emmener à moto jusqu'à un café près de Saint-Paul, où Clara tente toujours de se faire au fait qu'il est un alien. Elle emploie ensuite ses nouveaux dons sur son ordinateur portable pour pirater les webcams de l'organisation mystérieuse, alors que tous deux ne peuvent s'empêcher de commencer à flirter. Le Docteur fait des énormes clins d'oeil à la Clara victorienne, elle aussi nounou, mais Clara ne réagit pas aux références.

Alors que le Docteur va chercher des cafés, il réalise qu'une partie du personnel est une Face de cuillère. Il parvient enfin à échanger avec Mme Kislet, et apprend qu'elle travaille pour un client se nourrissant de l'esprit des humains. Il court chercher Clara, occupée à chercher le personnel de l'organisation sur les sites des réseaux sociaux, où ils ont donné leur lieu de travail, The Shard. Mais déjà, une réplique de lui parvient à télécharger Clara.

Le Docteur se précipite vers The Shard sur sa moto anti-gravité, monte le long des fenêtres (!), et atteint le bureau de Kislet. Il lui demande d'extraire Clara du nuage de données : Kislet rétorque que ce n'est possible que si tout le monde est déchargé en même temps. Elle découvre alors que le vrai Docteur est toujours au café, et a reprogrammé la version Face de Cuillère du Docteur, le contrôlant à distance depuis l'ordinateur de Clara. Le Face de cuillère télécharge Kislet comme motivation pour qu'elle libère l'intégralité du nuage, puis le Docteur part.

Kislet annonce son échec au dirigeant de l'organisation, la Grande Intelligence. Il lui ordonne de rétablir tous les autres membres de l'organisation à leur « paramètres constructeurs », alors qu'UNIT prend le contrôle des lieux. Miss Kislet est retombée en enfance, l'âge où son contrôle mental a commencé. Avec sa voix d'enfant, elle supplie les agents d'UNIT de lui dire où sont sa maman et son papa.

Le Docteur retrouve Clara chez elle. La jeune femme le rejoint dans son Tardis, et il lui redemande pourquoi garder les enfants. Elle avoue qu'elle voulait voyager, mais qu'après le décès de son amie, elle a choisi de veiller sur sa famille. Elle veut toujours voyager, et garde exprès un livre de tous les lieux qu'elle veut découvrir. Le Docteur lui propose de venir, mais elle refuse de suivre un inconnu qui flirte avec tout ce qui bouge. Elle lui demande à la place de revenir le lendemain et de demander encore.

Script VO épisode 706 "The Bells of Saint John"

Over images of people connecting to a red wifi linking the whole planet, via desktops, laptops, phones, etc. is a man on a staticky screen.

NABILE : Danger. This is a warning. A warning to the whole world. You're looking for wifi. Sometimes you see something. (He holds up a card with seven strange symbols). A bit like this. Don't click it. Do not click it. Once you've clicked it, they're in your computer.

A whole slew of weird symbols in the available connections list.

NABILE : They can see you. And they can see you, they might choose you. And if they do, you die. For twenty four hours, you're dead. For a while. People's souls are being uploaded to the internet. And some people get stuck. Their minds, their souls, in the wifi. Like echoes, like ghosts. Sometimes you can hear their screams on the radio, on the telly, on the net. This is real. This is not a hoax.

MAN 2 [on screen] : I don't know where I am.

NABILE : Or a joke.

A japanese woman on a laptop screen.

NABILE : Or a story.

MAN 3 [on screen] : I don't know where I am.

NABILE : This is real, and I know that, because I don't know where I am. Please, please, if you can hear me, if you can hear me, I don't know where I am.

We pull out to a display of lots of screens of people saying they don't know where they are.


A monk hammers on the doors of a monastery.

MONK : Wake the Abbott. The bells of Saint John are ringing.


ABBOTT : We must go to him.


MONK : They call him the mad monk, don't they.

ABBOTT : They shouldn't. He's definitely not a monk.


ABBOTT : Ahem. I'm sorry to intrude, but the bells of Saint John are ringing.

THE DOCTOR : I'm going to need a horse.

There is a portrait on an easel.

MONK : Is that her ?

ABBOTT : The woman twice dead, and her final message. He was drawn to this place of peace and solitude that he might divine her meaning. If he truly is mad, then this is his madness.

The message on the portrait is, of course, "Run you clever boy and remember".


The present day version of the portrait is on her phone.

CLARA : Angie ? Is the internet working ? Trying to phone the helpline, they won't answer.

ANGIE : It's working for me.

CLARA : Can I use it when you're finished ?

ANGIE : More than one person can use the internet at a time, Clara.

CLARA : You done your homework ?

ANGIE : Shut up, you're not my mum.

CLARA : And I'm not trying to be, okay ?

The father enters with his son, who hands him the car keys.

GEORGE : Right. Yes. Angie's probably fine on her own. You can probably have the night off.

CLARA : I'm okay. I'll be upstairs when I figure out my computer.

GEORGE : Anyway, the adverts are in, so hopefully we'll find someone.

CLARA : I'm here as long as you need me.

GEORGE : Good. Right, come along, Artie. Time to go.

Clara takes the book Artie is holding. "Summer Falls" by Amelia Williams. The late Mrs Amy Williams of New York, perchance ?

CLARA : What chapter are you on ?

ARTIE : Ten.

CLARA : Eleven is the best. You'll cry your eyes out.

FATHER [OC] : Artie !

Artie leaves. Clara returns to her phone.

CLARA : Oh, come on ! Just answer. Pick it up. Pick it up. Pick it up.

She goes upstairs to her room, which is converted attic space. Clara stabs at her laptop to get the available wifi list up. Just two - Maitland Family and the weird symbols.


A telephone is ringing in the woods. The Doctor's escorts have brought him to a stone built entrance to an underground cavern. The Tardis is here.

DOCTOR : That is not supposed to happen.

He opens the little door next to the St John Ambulance symbol and answers the phone.

DOCTOR : Hello ?


CLARA : Ah, hello. I can't find the internet.


DOCTOR : Sorry ?

CLARA [OC] : It's gone, the internet.


CLARA : Can't find it anywhere. Where is it ?


DOCTOR : The internet ?

CLARA [OC] : Yes, the internet.


CLARA : Why don't I have the internet ?


DOCTOR : It's twelve oh seven.


CLARA : I've got half past three. Am I phoning a different time zone ?


DOCTOR : Yeah, you really sort of are.

CLARA [OC] : Will it show up on the bill ?

DOCTOR : Oh, I dread to think. Listen, where did you get this number ?

CLARA [OC] : The woman in the shop wrote it down.


CLARA : It's a help line, isn't it ? She said it's the best help line out there.


CLARA [OC] : In the universe, she said.

DOCTOR : What woman ? Who was she ?

CLARA [OC] : I don't know. The woman in the shop. So...


CLARA : Why isn't there internet ? Shouldn't it sort of...


CLARA [OC] : Be there

DOCTOR : Look, listen, I'm not actually, it isn't. You have clicked on the wifi button, yeah ?


CLARA : Hang on. Wifi.

DOCTOR [OC] : Click on the wifi, you'll see a list of names. You see one you recognise.

CLARA : It's asking me for a password.

ANGIE : Is it okay if I go and see Nina ? You can call her mum.

CLARA : Sure. What's the password for the internet ?

ANGIE : R Y C B A R 1 2 3.

CLARA : How am I supposed to remember that ?


MONK : Is it an evil spirit ?

DOCTOR : A woman.

The monk crosses himself.

CLARA [OC] : Hang on.


CLARA : A mo. Run you clever boy and remember one two three.


The Doctor does remember.

DOCTOR : What did you say ?


CLARA : Don't shout. Now you've made me type it wrong. It's thrown me out again. What do I do ? How do I get back in ?

Clara clicks on the symbols wifi, and lots more pop up. The local red line whizzes up the road.


CLARA [on screen] : It's just a thing to remember the password, run you clever boy and remember. Hang on.

Clara leaves her screen amongst the masses of frantic people.


CLARA : Hello ? Yes, I hear you.

Someone is frantically hammering on the door and ringing the bell.

CLARA : Yep. Ah ha.

She opens the door to the Doctor.

CLARA : Hello.

DOCTOR : Clara. Clara Oswald.

CLARA : Hello.

DOCTOR : Clara Oswin Oswald.

CLARA : Just Clara Oswald. What was that middle one ?

DOCTOR : Do you remember me ?

CLARA : No. Should I ? Who are you ?

DOCTOR : The Doctor. No ? The Doctor ?

CLARA : Doctor who ?

DOCTOR : No, just the Doctor. Actually, sorry, could you start all that again ?

CLARA : Could I what ?

DOCTOR : Could you just ask me that question again ?

CLARA : Doctor who ?

DOCTOR : Okay, just once more.

CLARA : Doctor who ?

DOCTOR : Ooo, yeah. Ooo. Do you know, I never realised how much I enjoy hearing that said out loud. Thank you.

CLARA : Okay.

And shuts the door on him.

DOCTOR : Hey, no, Clara, please. Clara, I need to talk to you. Listen. Please.


ALEXI : Clara Oswald. We've got a positive lock on her, but I think she's borderline. Very clever but no computer skills.

The lady in charge gives her decision.

KIZLET : Upload her anyway. Splice her a computer skills package.

ALEXI : I'll activate a spoonhead.

A Cardassian ?

KIZLET : Alexi, we call them servers, not spoonheads.

ALEXI : Sorry. Excuse me.

KIZLET : I'm ever so fond of Alexi, but my conscience says we should probably kill him.

MAHLER : I'll inform HR.

KIZLET : Actually, he's about to go on holiday. Kill him when he gets back. Let's not be unreasonable.

They enter her office via a short staircase.


They are very high up, looking straight out towards the Gherkin in the City of London.

KIZLET : Didn't you want to speak to me ?

MAHLER : We're uploading too many people too quickly. We're going to get noticed.

KIZLET : If your conscience is bothering you, think of it like this. We're preserving living minds in permanent form in the data cloud. It's like immortality, only fatal.

She scrolls through photographs on her iPad until she gets to his. There are four sliders under it, conscience, paranoia, obedience and IQ.

MAHLER : My conscience is fine.

KIZLET : Good. Because our client has his needs.

She lowers his conscience slider to zero and ups the paranoia.

MAHLER : Did you just hack me ?

KIZLET : Because you changed your mind ?

MAHLER : I hope I did.

She drops his paranoia back down again as he leaves, then back up.


DOCTOR : Please, I just need to speak to you.

Clara turns on the door intercom.

CLARA : Why are you still here ? Why are you here at all ?

DOCTOR [on screen] : Oi, you phoned me. You were looking for the internet.

CLARA : That was you ?


DOCTOR : Of course it was me.

CLARA [OC] : How did you get here so fast ?


DOCTOR [on screen] : I just happened to be in the neighbourhood, on my mobile phone.

CLARA : When you say mobile phone, why do you point at that blue box ?

DOCTOR [on screen] : Because it's a surprisingly accurate description.

CLARA : Okay, we're finished now.

DOCTOR [OC] : Oi, no, don't.

There is the creak of a floorboard then a door closing upstairs.

CLARA : Angie ? Angie, you upstairs ? Angie, you still here ?

A young girl walks down the stairs. The young girl from the cover of the book.

CLARA : Hello.

GIRL : Hello.

CLARA : Are you a friend of Angie's ?

GIRL : I'm a friend of Angie's.

CLARA : What were you doing upstairs ?

GIRL : I was upstairs.

CLARA : I know you, don't I ?

GIRL : You know me, don't you.

Clara remembers, then the girl starts to turn her head. It goes around 180 degrees to reveal a concave metallic back to her skull. A spoonhead ?


DOCTOR : Right. Don't be a monk. Monks are not cool.

He goes to the cabinets below the time rotor and starts throwing garments around. He finds his fez, then changes into a white shirt and knee length coat. The bow tie is in a wooden box.


DOCTOR : Ah ha ! Clara ! Clara ?

CLARA [OC] : Hello ?

DOCTOR : Ah, see ? Look, it's me. De-monked. Sensible clothes. Can I come in now ?

CLARA [OC] : I don't understand.

DOCTOR : You just open the door.

CLARA [OC] : I don't know.


DOCTOR : Of course you can.


CLARA [OC] : Where I am. I don't know where I am. Where am I ? Please tell me where I am. I don't know where I am.

The Doctor sonicks his way in.


CLARA [OC] : I don't know where I am. I don't know where I am !

Clara is lying unconscious on the floor.

DOCTOR : Clara ? Clara ?

CLARA [OC] : I don't know where I am. I don't know where I am. I don't understand. I don't know where I am ! I don't understand. I don't know where I am. (Clara is visible in the spoonhead's dish). Where am I ? I don't know where I am.

The Doctor raises his sonic screwdriver.


Alexi gets an alert on his screen. Error 62%.

ALEXI : I've got a problem.


Under the sonic onslaught, the girl turns into a metal robot.

DOCTOR : Walking base station. Walking wifi base station. Hoovering up data. Hoovering up people.


He closes her laptop and takes it with him.

DOCTOR : Oh no, you don't.


Downstairs, he types in rapid commands.

DOCTOR : Oh no, you don't.


ALEXI : Looks like someone is trying to reverse an upload.

KIZLET : Is that possible ?

MAHLER : The upload isn't fully integrated yet. In theory, yes.

The upload indicator reverses.

ALEXI : Oh, my god.

He starts typing.


DOCTOR : Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not this time, Clara, I promise.

The battle of the gibberish continues.


MAHLER : Can you stop this ?


The red lines vanish from a large part of London.


A stream of energy from the mobile base station goes into Clara's head and she wakes up.

DOCTOR : Okay. It's okay, it's okay. You're fine. You're back. Yes, you are. Oh yes, you are.


Night. Miss Kizletis pacing when Mahler enters.

KIZLET : Well ?

MAHLER : Our hacker sent a message.

He brings it up on the big wall screen. UNDER MY PROTECTION - The Doctor.

MAHLER : I assume he's talking about the girl.

KIZLET : Get out. I have to speak to the client.

Mahler leaves. Miss Kizlet changes channels on the screen.

KIZLET : Sir. The one you told me about, he's here. The Doctor is here.


While Clara sleeps, the Doctor puts a glass and jug of water on her bedside table, then some flowers in a mug. No water for them. And finally, an entire packet of jammy dodgers. He takes a bite out of one of them, and savours it. Then he spots an old book - 101 Places To See - which she has had since she was 9 years old. She is now at least 24. Inside the first page is a pressed maple leaf. He tastes the leaf, then puts it and the book back and leave the room. Clara wakes, sees the half eaten biscuit and sits up. She looks out of the little attic window, down to where the Doctor has set up a chair and table outside the Tardis, and is using her laptop. He has what is either a gizmo or partly disassembled spoonhead in front of him.

CLARA : Hello ?

DOCTOR : Hello ! Are you all right ?

CLARA : I'm in bed.


CLARA : Don't remember going.


CLARA : What did I miss ?

DOCTOR : Oh, quite a lot, actually. Angie called. She's going to stay over at Nina's. Apparently that's all completely fine and you shouldn't worry like you always do. For god's sake get off her back. Also, your dad phoned, mainly about the government. He seems very cross with them, I've got several pages on that. I said I'd look into it. I fixed that rattling noise in the washing machine, indexed the kitchen cupboards, optimised photosynthesis in the main flower bed and assembled a quadricycle.

CLARA : Assembled a what ?

DOCTOR : I found a disassembled quadricycle in the garage.

CLARA : I don't think you did.

DOCTOR : I invented the quadricycle. Ha !

CLARA : What happened to me ?

DOCTOR : Don't you remember ?

CLARA : I was scared, really scared. Didn't know where I was.

DOCTOR : Do you know now ?

CLARA : Yes.

DOCTOR : Well then, you should go to sleep. Because you're safe now, I promise. Goodnight, Clara.

CLARA : Are you guarding me ?

DOCTOR : Well, yes. Yes, I am.

CLARA : Are you seriously going to sit down there all night ?

DOCTOR : I promise I won't budge from this spot.

CLARA : Well then, I'll have to come to you.



Alexi has a view of the Maitland home with the Tardis on his screen.

KIZLET : I take it the girl's inside, and alive ?

ALEXI : Yes.

KIZLET : Alexi, I need you to do something creative about that.

She hacks his IQ up to the max.


Clara brings a chair out, and two mugs.

DOCTOR : I like your house.

CLARA : It isn't mine. I'm a friend of the family.

DOCTOR : But you look after the kids. Oh yes, you're a governess, aren't you, just like.

CLARA : Just like what ?

DOCTOR : Just like. I thought you probably would be.

CLARA : Are you going to explain what happened to me ?

DOCTOR : There's something in the wifi.

CLARA : Okay.

DOCTOR : This whole world is swimming in wifi. We're living in a wifi soup. Suppose something got inside it. Suppose there was something living in the wifi, harvesting human minds. Extracting them. Imagine that. Human souls trapped like flies in the world-wide web. Stuck forever, crying out for help.

CLARA : Isn't that basically Twitter ?

The Doctor clicks on her wifi list. All the sets of symbols pop up.

CLARA : What's that face for ?

DOCTOR : A computer can hack another computer. A living, sentient computer, maybe that could hack people. Edit them. Re-write them.

CLARA : Why would you say that ?

DOCTOR : Because a few hours ago you knew nothing about the internet, and you just made a joke about Twitter.

CLARA : Oh. Oh, that's weird. I know all about computers now in my head. Where did all that come from ?

DOCTOR : You were uploaded for a while. Wherever you were, you brought something extra back, which I very much doubt you'll be allowed to keep.

There is a man standing very still by a lamp post across the road.

DOCTOR : You and me inside that box, now.

CLARA : I'm sorry ?

DOCTOR : Look, just get inside.

CLARA : Both of us ?

DOCTOR : Oh, trust me. You'll understand once we're in there.

CLARA : I bet I will. What is that box, anyway ? Why have you got a box ? Is it like a snogging booth ?

DOCTOR : Clara. A what ?

CLARA : Is that what you do, bring a booth ? There is such a thing as too keen.

Bedroom lights start to go on in the street.

DOCTOR : Clara, look around you.

CLARA : What's going on ? What's happening ? Is the wifi switching on the lights ?

DOCTOR : No, people are switching on the lights. The wifi is switching on the people.

The head on the man across the road turns around.

CLARA : What is that thing ?

DOCTOR : A walking base station. You saw one earlier.

CLARA : I saw a little girl.

DOCTOR : It must have taken an image from your subconscious, thrown it back at you. Ah ! Active camouflage. They could be everywhere.

CLARA : Doctor ? Doctor.

The lights behind the house are going out.

CLARA : What's going on ?


MAHLER : Do we need another London-wide activation ? We can't always pass it off as a riot.


CLARA : Our lights are on and everyone else's off. Why ?

A distant droning in the air.

DOCTOR : Some planes have wifi.

CLARA : I'm sorry ?

DOCTOR : We must be one hell of a target right now.

Lights appear in the sky, approaching rapidly.

DOCTOR : You, me, box, right now.


DOCTOR : Yes, it's a spaceship. Yes, it's bigger on the inside. Now, I don't have time to talk about it.

CLARA : But, but, but, but it's...

DOCTOR : Shut up, please. Short hops are difficult.

CLARA : Bigger on the inside. Actually bigger.

DOCTOR : Right, come on.

CLARA : We're going to go back out there ?

DOCTOR : We've moved. It's a spaceship. We flew away.

CLARA : Away from the plane ?

DOCTOR : Not exactly.


On a downward trajectory.

CLARA : How did we get here ?

DOCTOR : It's a ship. I told you. It's all very sciency.

CLARA : This is the plane ? The actual plane ? Are they all dead ?

DOCTOR : Asleep. Switched off by the wifi. Never mind them.

The Doctor sonicks his way into the cockpit.

CLARA : What is going on ? Is this real ? Please, tell me what is happening !

DOCTOR : I'm the Doctor. I'm an alien from outer space. I'm a thousand years old, I've got two hearts and I can't fly a plane ! Can you ?


DOCTOR : Oh, fine. Let's do it together.

They manage to get the plane's nose up enough to skim over the roof tops and back up into the air. The pilots start to wake.

DOCTOR : Whoo ! Would a victory roll be too showy offy ?

PILOT : What the hell's going on ?

DOCTOR : Well, I'm blocking your wifi so you're waking up, for a start. Tell you what, do you want to drive ?


Still watching the house.

KIZLET : I don't understand. That box, where's it gone ? Find that box !


CLARA : Okay. When are you going to explain to me what the hell is going on ?

DOCTOR : Breakfast.

CLARA : What ? I ain't waiting till breakfast.

DOCTOR : It's a time machine. You never have to wait for breakfast.


The Doctor exits to a round of applause from passers by.

DOCTOR : Thank you, thank you. Yes, magic blue box. (He holds out the fez). All donations gratefully accepted. Roll up, give us your dosh. Pennies, pounds, anything you've got. (He hands it over to Clara). Keep collecting. We need enough for breakfast. Just popping back to the garage.

CLARA : Garage ?


The Doctor grabs Clara's laptop and heads off into the bowels of the Tardis.

DOCTOR : This way.


CLARA : So this is tomorrow, then. Tomorrow's come early.

The Doctor comes out of the Tardis on a Triumph motorbike.

DOCTOR : No, it came at the usual time. We just took a short cut. Thank you, thank you. Tomorrow, a camel.

He empties the fez and puts it on a nearby head. A japanese tourist takes a photograph of his lady friend with the Tardis in the background.


It immediately pops up on Alexi's screen.

MAHLER : What's happening ?

ALEXI : Blue box, South bank. Definitely wasn't there five minutes ago.

MAHLER : Are we sure this time ? Earl's Court was an embarrassment.


Wearing helmets suitable for the age of the bike.

CLARA : If you've got a flying time machine, why are we on a motorbike ?

DOCTOR : I don't take the Tardis into battle.

CLARA : Because it's made of wood ?

DOCTOR : Because it's the most powerful ship in the universe and I don't want it falling into the wrong hands. Okay ?


Another mobile phone snaps them as they come off Westminster Bridge.

KIZLET : I do love London. So many cameras.


Lovely view of St Paul's Cathedral dome with Tower 42 just beyond it. St Paul's Churchyard ?

CLARA : So if we can travel anywhere in time and space, why did we travel to the morning. What's the point in that ?

DOCTOR : Whoever's after us spent the whole night looking for us. Are you tired ?

CLARA : Yes.

DOCTOR : What ? Then imagine how they feel. They came the long way round. They've got to be close. Definitely London going by the signal distribution. I can hack the lowest level of their operating system but I can't establish a physical location. The security's too good.

And there is the Shard over Clara's shoulder.

CLARA : Are you an alien ?

DOCTOR : I am. Yes, okay with that ?

CLARA : Oh, yeah. Think I'm fine.

DOCTOR : Oh, good.

CLARA : So, what happens if you do find them ? What happens then ?

DOCTOR : I don't know. I can't tell the future, I just work there.

CLARA : You don't have a plan ?

DOCTOR : Oh, you know what I always say about plans.

CLARA : What ?

DOCTOR : I don't have one.

CLARA : People always have plans.

DOCTOR : Yes. Yes, I suppose they do. So tell me, how long have you been looking after those kids ?

CLARA : About a year, since their mum died.

DOCTOR : Okay. Why you ? Family friend, I get that, but there must have been others. Why did it have to be you ? You don't really seem like a nanny.

CLARA : Gimme.

She grabs the laptop. He grabs it back.

DOCTOR : Sorry. What ?

CLARA : You need to know where they physically are. Their exact location.


CLARA : I can do it.

DOCTOR : Oi, hang on. I need that.

CLARA : You've hacked the lower operating system, yeah ? I'll have their physical location in under five minutes. Pop off and get us a coffee.

DOCTOR : If I can't find them, you definitely can't.

CLARA : They uploaded me, remember ? I've got computing stuff in my head.

DOCTOR : So do I.

CLARA : I have insane hacking skills.

DOCTOR : I'm from space and the future with two hearts and twenty seven brains.

CLARA : And I can find them in under five minutes plus photographs. Twenty seven ?

DOCTOR : Okay, slight exaggeration.

CLARA : Coffee, go get. Five minutes, I promise.

DOCTOR : The security is absolute.

CLARA : It's never about the security, it's about the people. (Her fingers are a blur on the keyboard). Why do you keep looking at me like that ?

DOCTOR : Sorry, no, it's nothing. It's just, you're a nanny. Isn't that a bit, well, Victorian ?

CLARA : Victorian ?

DOCTOR : You're young. Shouldn't you be doing, you know, young things, with young people ?

CLARA : You mean like you, for instance ? Down, boy.

DOCTOR : No. No. I didn't. Shut up.


DOCTOR : Two more cappuccinos over there, please.

BARISTA : One moment, sir.

There is a flicker of light offscreen.

BARISTA : You realise you haven't the slightest chance of saving your little friend.

DOCTOR : I'm sorry, what ?

BARISTA : One moment, sir. I said, there's not the slightest chance of saving your little friend. And don't annoy the old man. He isn't, in fact, speaking.

Flicker of light.

WAITRESS : I'm speaking. Just using whatever's to hand.


KIZLET : Oh, she's rather pretty, isn't she ? Do you like her ?


WAITRESS : Make her like you, too, if you want. flicker You all right, sir ?

DOCTOR : Er, yes. Yes. Fine.

He runs back outside.


Clara is typing into a DOS box on her screen.

DOCTOR : You okay ?

CLARA : Sure. Setting up stuff. Need a user name.

DOCTOR : Learning fast.

CLARA : Clara Oswald for the win. Oswin !

CLARA [Doctor's memory] : You can always call me Oswin, seeing as that's my name.


WAITRESS : Now I want you to take a look around. Go on, have a little stroll.


KIZLET : And see how impossible your situation is.


WAITRESS : Go on, take a look. I do love showing off.

GIRL : Just let me show you what control of the wifi can do for you. Stop !

Everyone in the coffee shop freezes.

DOCTOR : I saw what you can do last night.

GIRL : And clear.

Everyone leaves the shop.

WOMAN [on TV] : We can hack anyone in the wifi once they've been exposed long enough.

DOCTOR : So there's one of your walking base stations here, somewhere close.


KIZLET : There's always someone close. We've released thousands into the world.


WOMAN [on TV] : They home in on the wifi like rats sniffing cheese.


Some of the webcams perched on the screens flash.

ALEXI : There's something up with the webcams.

Clara has grabbed photographs of the workers.


DOCTOR : I don't know who you are or why you're doing this, but the people of this world will not be harmed. They will not controlled. They will not be.

WOMAN [on TV] : The people of this world are...


KIZLET : In no danger whatsoever. My client requires a steady diet of living human minds. Healthy, free-range, human minds. He loves and cares for humanity. In fact, he can't get enough of it.


DOCTOR : It's obscene. It's murder.

WOMAN [on TV] : It's life.


KIZLET : The farmer tends his flock like a loving parent.


WOMAN [on TV] : The abattoir is not a contradiction.


KIZLET : No one loves cattle more than Burger King.


ALEXI : I'm sure of it. Someone's hacking the webcams. All of them.

MAHLER : Everybody check your webcams.

ALEXI : But what would be the point, taking mug shots of us ?

Clara puts the images into Face Match.

MAHLER : Who's on Facebook ?

Amy Pickwoad for a start. Other hands go up.

MAHLER : Bebo ? MySpace ? Abo ?

Christina Tom identified, and Sam Price.

MAHLER : Put your hands down if you didn't mention where you work.

No hands go down. They work at The Shard. Clara looks over her shoulder.


DOCTOR : This ends. I'm going to end this today.

WOMAN [on TV] : How ? You don't even know...


KIZLET : Where we are.


DOCTOR : Who's doing this ? Who is your client ? Hmm ? Answer me.


Mahler knocks and enters.

MAHLER : Miss Kizlet, we have a problem.


The Doctor comes out of the coffee shop.

CLARA : I did it. I really did. I did it. I did it. I found them.

DOCTOR : You found them.

CLARA : The Shard. They're in the Shard. Floor sixty five.

DOCTOR : Floor sixty five.

CLARA : Are you listening to me, Doctor ? I found them.

DOCTOR : I'm listening to you. You found them.

Then his head turns around to reveal that he is actually a walking base station. Clara gets uploaded properly this time.


ALEXI : We've got her. This time we've really got her.


DOCTOR : Clara ? Clara ?

CLARA [OC] : Doctor ? Doctor, help me. I, I don't know where I am. I don't understand. Doctor, help me, please. I don't know where I am. I don't know where I am ! I don't know where I am. Doctor, please. Please help me. Please help me. I don't know where I am. I don't know where I am.

The Doctor brandishes his sonic screwdriver.


CLARA [on screen] : Doctor, help me. I don't know where I am.

MAHLER : Should we pulp her or keep her as a hostage ?

KIZLET : There's no point. She's fully integrated now. She can't be downloaded again. I'm sure he knows that.

ALEXI : I'm not sure he does. He's coming.

The Doctor is on his motorbike, speeding across a bridge, but not London Bridge, which would have been the quickest way from St Pauls. Instead, it is Westminster Bridge again. They follow his progress via the cameras.

MAHLER : We could stop him, I suppose.

KIZLET : Why bother ? Could be quite funny.


MAN WITH CHIPS : Really, Doctor. A motorbike ? Hardly seems like you.

DOCTOR : I rode this in the antigrav Olympics, 2074. I came last.

MAN WITH CHIPS : The building is in lock-down. I'm afraid you're not coming in.

DOCTOR : Did you even hear the word, antigrav ?

The Doctor presses a big red button on the fuel tank and roars away.


ALEXI : Seriously ? He can do that ? He can really actually do that ?

KIZLET : Oh dear lord.

The Doctor is driving up the side of the glass building. He gets out the screwdriver, and there is the sound of breaking glass.

MAHLER : I think that was your office.

KIZLET : Excuse me. I believe there's someone to see me.


The motorbike is lying amongst broken glass, and the Doctor has his feet up on Miss Kizlet's desk.

KIZLET : Do come in.

DOCTOR : Download her.

KIZLET : Sorry about the draught.

DOCTOR : Download her back into her body right now.

KIZLET : I can't.

DOCTOR : Yes, you can.

KIZLET : She's a fully integrated part of the data cloud, now. She can't be separated.

DOCTOR : Then download the entire cloud. Everyone you've trapped in there.

KIZLET : You realise what would happen ?

DOCTOR : Yes, those with bodies to go home to would be free.

KIZLET : A tiny number. Most would simply die.

DOCTOR : They'd be released from a living hell. It's the best you can do for them, so give the order.

KIZLET : And why would I do that ?

DOCTOR : Because I'm going to motivate you, any second now.

KIZLET : You ridiculous man. Why did you even come here ? Whatever for ?

DOCTOR : I didn't.

KIZLET : What ?

DOCTOR : I'm still in the cafe.


DOCTOR : I'm finishing my coffee. Lovely spot.


BASE STATION : You hack people, but me ?


DOCTOR : I'm old-fashioned.


BASE STATION : I hack technology.


DOCTOR : Here's your motivation.


The base station removes the leather helmet and turns its head around. Miss Kizlet cowers.

KIZLET : No, not me ! Not me !

A bright light flashes out from the Shard.


KIZLET [on screen] : Put me back. Put me back ! Download me at once ! That is an order. That is an order !

ALEXI : But she's fully integrated now. We'll have to download the entire cloud. We can't do that.

MAHLER : No, we can't.

KIZLET [on screen] : Download me !

The base station returns its face to the front and picks up Miss Kizlet's iPad. It selects Mahler's profile and ups his obedience to maximum.

KIZLET [on screen] : Download me !

MAHLER : Do what she says.

Alexi obeys, and the faces disappear from the small screens on the back wall. Around the world, the wifi changes from red to blue.


Clara breathes deep in her sleep.

CLARA : Doctor ?

The Doctor leaves, and she wakes up.

CLARA : Doctor ? Doctor !


MAHLER : You have no right to be in this office, and I am demanding that you leave at once.

OFFICER : This building is under UNIT control.

MAHLER : What is UNIT ? Never heard of you.

OFFICER : Just you calm down, sir.


She summons up the face of Richard E Grant on her wall screen.

KIZLET : UNIT are here. Friends of the Doctor, I presume.

GREAT INTELLIGENCE [on screen] : Oh, old friends. Very old friends.

KIZLET : Then I appear to have failed you, Great Intelligence.

GREAT INTELLIGENCE [on screen] : I have feasted on many minds. I have grown. But now it is time for you to reduce.

KIZLET : You've been whispering in my ear so long, I'm not sure I remember what I was before.

GREAT INTELLIGENCE [on screen] : Goodbye, Miss Kizlet.

Miss Kizlet backs away, then selects Restore Factory Settings on her iPad. There is a grating noise, and all the workers grab their heads in pain.


ALEXI : Sorry. Where am I ? What am I doing here ? Are you soldiers ? What's happening ? How did I get here ?

MAHLER : Excuse me, where are the toilets ?

ALEXI : The toilets ?

MAHLER : I'm here to fix the toilets, the gents. How long have I been here ?


OFFICER : Stay where you are !

Miss Kizlet is sitting on the floor.

OFFICER : Ma'am, identify yourself.

Miss Kizlet speaks like a little girl.

KIZLET : Where are my mummy and daddy ? They said they wouldn't be long. Are they coming back ?


At the Maitland home, Clara sees the Tardis outside the window. She goes and knocks on the door.

DOCTOR : Come in.

CLARA : So, he comes back, does he ?

DOCTOR : You didn't answer my question.

CLARA : What question ?

DOCTOR : You don't seem like a nanny.

CLARA : I was going to travel. I came to stay for a week before I left, and during that week...

DOCTOR : She died, so you're returning the favour. You've got a hundred and one places to see, and you haven't been to any of them, have you ? That's why you keep the book.

CLARA : I keep the book because I'm still going.

DOCTOR : But you don't run out on the people you care about. Wish I was more like that. You know, the thing about a time machine, you can run away all you like and still be home in time for tea, so what do you say ? Anywhere. All of time and space, right outside those doors.

CLARA : Does this work ?


CLARA : Is this actually what you do ? Do you just crook your finger and people just jump in your snog box and fly away ?

DOCTOR : It is not a snog box.

CLARA : I'll be the judge of that.

DOCTOR : Starting when ?

CLARA : Come back tomorrow. Ask me again.

DOCTOR : Why ?

CLARA : Because tomorrow, I might say yes. Sometime after seven okay for you ?

DOCTOR : It's a time machine. Any time's okay.

CLARA : See you then.

DOCTOR : Clara ? In your book there was a leaf. Why ?

CLARA : That wasn't a leaf. That was page one.

Clara leaves.

DOCTOR : Right then, Clara Oswald. Time to find out who you are.

He sets the time rotor going.




Source : www.chakoteya.net/doctorwho

Rédigé par Callista pour HypnoserieDoctorWho

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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