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Doctor Who
#26.11 : The Curse of Fenric : Episode 4

L’ancien Haemovore est de retour sur Terre, déterminé à changer l’avenir en effaçant le passé. Le Docteur essaie de lui expliquer qu'écouter Fenric le conduira à la destruction de son peuple. Ace apprend qu'elle est un des loups, mais aussi que Katleen est sa grand-mère, et que par conséquent, le bébé de cette dernière est sa mère.

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Extrait - Le retour de Fenric (Vo)

Extrait - Le retour de Fenric (Vo)


Extrait - L'ancien se relève (Vo)

Extrait - L'ancien se relève (Vo)


Extrait - La vérité sur Ace (Vo)

Extrait - La vérité sur Ace (Vo)


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Le Docteur (Sylvester McCoy), Ace (Sophie Aldred), l'infirmière Crane (Anne Reid), le Docteur Judson, le Commandant Millington et  le Capitaine Sorin

Le Docteur (Sylvester McCoy), Ace (Sophie Aldred), l'infirmière Crane (Anne Reid), le Docteur Judson, le Commandant Millington et le Capitaine Sorin

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Ian Briggs
Réalisateur : Nicholas Mallett
Producteur : John Nathan-Turner
Audiences : 4.2 M

Casting : 

Sylvester McCoy ... Le Docteur
Sophie Aldred ... Ace
Dindsale Landen ... Dr Judson
Alfred Lynch ... Commandant Millington
Stevan Rimkus ... Capitaine Bates
Marcus Hutton ... Sergent Leigh
Christien Anholt ... Perkins
Tomek Bork ... Capitaine Sorin
Peter Czajkowski ... Sergent Prozorov
Marek Anton ... Vershinin
Mark Conrad  ... Petrossian
Nicholas Parsons ... Rev Wainwright
Janet Heinfrey  ... Miss Hardaker
Joan Kenny ... Jean
Joanne Bell ... Phyllis
Anne Reid ... Infirmière Crane
Cory Pulman ... Kathleen Dudman
Aaron Hanley ... Bébé Audrey
Raymond Trickett ... Ancient Haemovore

Part Four

[Bunk room]

(A frightened Kathleen is singing to her baby in the noisy storm.)
KATHLEEN: When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall. Down will come baby, cradle and all.


[Decrypt room]

JUDSON: You left me in the shadow dimensions, trapped for seventeen centuries. But now I've found a body again, and the preparations are complete.
(Judson raises his arms. A window blows in and he vanishes. Bates and a marine enter.)
MILLINGTON: Shoot them!
BATES: What for?
MILLINGTON: Because I order you to. For treason.
(Captain Bates takes the Doctor's weapon, that is, his umbrella, from him)



(Judson materialises underground in front of someone.)
JUDSON: I was only expecting one.


[Naval camp]

(A firing squad forms up in the pouring rain in front of a wall. Sorin stands with the Doctor and Ace awaiting his fate.)
DOCTOR: You don't have to kill her.
BATES: Let's just get this over with. Ready!
DOCTOR: She's only a child!
SORIN: Killing us doesn't make any difference.
ACE: Mum, I'm sorry!
(Vershinin throws a grenade, and the marines scatter.)
BATES: Take cover!
DOCTOR: Hurry! Come on!
(Under cover of more grenades and gunfire, the Doctor, Ace and Sorin make it to the Russian lines.)



(Judson has appeared in front of Jean and Phyllis.)
JUDSON: I was hoping for something a little more, well, Aryan. However, let the Ancient One approach. Where is the Ancient One?
JEAN: He waits.
JUDSON: He waits? He waits? What for? Has he no sense of occasion? I want him here, now.
PHYLLIS: As you command.
(Two marines start shooting. The haemovores deal with them.)


[Naval camp]

(The Doctor and Ace are hiding from the rain and the bullets.)
DOCTOR: What did you say over there?
ACE: What?
DOCTOR: Over there. You said something.
ACE: Oh, nothing. Just, just something.
DOCTOR: You mentioned your mum.
ACE: Don't play games with me, Doctor.
DOCTOR: We're all playing games. Fenric's games. We're playing his games and falling into his traps.


[Millington's office]

MILLINGTON: And the battlefield shall stretch a hundred leagues, and at the end of the day not one living thing shall be left alive. The ancient enemies shall seek each other out, and all shall die!
(Millington drips rain water onto his chess set.)



(Jean and Phyllis stand over the freshly drained Marines.)
JUDSON: How English. Everything stops for tea. Fetch me the ancient one. There is much to do.
(Jean and Phyllis bow, and turn)


[Naval camp]

DOCTOR: I must play the game to the end this time.
ACE: What game?
DOCTOR: A very simple game. A game of chess.


[Naval camp]

(The marines have settled in behind some sandbags.)
BATES [OC]: Move it, move it.!
DOCTOR: I need a chess set to play the game. I need pieces.
ACE: If we can get into Commander Millington's office, we could nick his chess set.
SORIN: Hey, we came here to steal Ultima machine. Chess set? No problem. Follow.


[Naval camp]

(The Doctor and Ace follow Sorin to the corner of the nearest building.)
SORIN: We've got a clear path to the British positions. Go.
(Meanwhile, on the other side of the fight.)
MILLINGTON: Establish new positions. Secure the laboratory.
BATES: Follow me!


[Maidens Point]

(Jean and Phyllis look out to sea and raise their arms.)
PHYLLIS: You are summoned.
JEAN + PHYLLIS: You must obey.
(Lightning strikes the water, and a fully mutated haemovore rises and walks to shore)


[Munitions bunker]

JUDSON: Ah, the sound of dying. When it comes to death, quantity is so much more satisfying than quality.
MILLINGTON: The final..
JUDSON: Don't interrupt me when I'm eulogising. Where is the Time Lord?
JUDSON: The one you call Doctor.
MILLINGTON: I had him shot.
JUDSON: I can see you've never been handicapped by great intelligence. For seventeen centuries, I was trapped in the shadow dimensions because of him. He pulled bones from the desert sands and carved them into chess pieces. He challenged me to solve his puzzle. I failed. Now I shall see him kneel before me, before I let him die.


[Millington's office]

ACE: Here's the chess set.
DOCTOR: No, no! Don't touch!
(Too late. A wire has been pulled, and gas begins to pour from a hole hidden below the pile of Church records. The Doctor puts a waste paper basket over the hole to contain it.)
ACE: Oh, thanks. I don't know why he used a chemical grenade. If I was him, I've have stuck a few sticks of explosives under the table.
(They look under the table and sure enough - there are the sticks of dynamite and a dangling detonator pin. The Doctor grabs Ace's arm and they run out of building 48, throwing themselves over some sandbags just as the whole building goes KaBOOM!)



(The ancient one has obeyed the summons.)
JUDSON: At last, another of the Wolves of Fenric decides to show up and play his role.
HAEMOVORE: My world is dead.
JUDSON: Hardly a great loss, if you're the best evolution could manage. This is the twentieth century. It doesn't become your world for a long time yet. First, you must kill all humans.


[Naval camp]

DOCTOR: Another of Fenric's traps.
ACE: Well, at least I managed to grab the consolation prize.
DOCTOR: Ha, ha, well done. The parish records. Great.
ACE: What I can't understand is what's so special about them.
DOCTOR: Names.
ACE: Whose names?
DOCTOR: Names of ancient families. Judson, Millington, Wainwright, Dudman.
ACE: Dudman! Kathleen Dudman, she's got a chess set.
DOCTOR: No, no, no. Millington destroyed them all.
ACE: No, no. I saw it in her suitcase.
DOCTOR: Come on!
(The Wrens are hiding in the typing pool when the door opens. They scream)


[Naval camp]

(Captain Bates puts a vial of green poison gas into a grenade.)
BATES: Ready? Now!
(He pulls the pin, goes to the corner of the building and throws it. The marines start up covering fire. The grenades land in the sandbagged area where two Russians are. They die quickly but noisily. A little later, the fighting has finished. Millington and Bates survey the dead.)
BATES: Are they Russians?
MILLINGTON: Russians, German, British. They're enemy.
(Sorin and Vershinin discover the last of their men, all dead.)
SORIN: We are the last two.
VERSHININ: This isn't war. This is massacre.
SORIN: The Ultima machine has done this.
VERSHININ: Destroy it.
(They check their ammunition supply.)
SORIN: Go that way.


[Munitions bunker]

(Bates has followed Millington, and is eavesdropping. The haemovore is there.)
MILLINGTON: Your creatures are killing my men! What is it?
JUDSON: We call him the Great Serpent.
MILLINGTON: And the Great Serpent shall rise from the sea and spew venom over all the Earth.
JUDSON: There's enough poison in here to contaminate the world forever.


[Naval camp]

(Bates runs up to the Doctor and Ace.)
BATES: They're insane. They're trying to control the world with chemical weapons.
DOCTOR: All part of Fenric's evil game, no doubt, like this weather.
BATES: I know. (Sorin comes up behind Bates, who turns to him.) Let's join forces, fight the real enemy.
SORIN: That's a really good idea.
ACE: So we're all on the same side again?
SORIN: You have the spirit of a fighter. And you wear our emblem.
(Ace has a red star on her black jacket, which she is carrying.)
ACE: Oh, it's not a real one. I bought it cheap in a market.
SORIN: Have the real one, tovarich.
(Sorin pins his own badge on her lapel, then takes her hand and gently kisses it)
DOCTOR: Come on! We've got to get Kathleen's chess set.


[Typing pool]

(The marines arrive to rescue the Wrens.)
LEIGH: It's all right, girls. We'll take over now.
(The Wrens turn around to show their pale faces and long nails. Once again, too late. Leigh is left to die as the other marines flee)


[Bunk room]

DOCTOR: The chess set?
ACE: In the suitcase.
(The Doctor grabs the chess set and runs for the door.)
KATHLEEN: Oh, don't leave me!
ACE: I can't leave them. I'll stay here.
DOCTOR: Well, don't leave the hut.


[Command room]

(Sorin sees the smashed radios, then turns to discover Jean and Phyllis have been hiding behind the door.)
JEAN: You don't have the emblem this time.
SORIN: But I still have my faith.
(He does, and leaves safely)


[Judson's office]

(Nurse Crane has put on her coat and is about to leave when two haemovores enter.)
CRANE: Oh no! Oh, please! Please! Please!
JUDSON: Nurse Crane. You've looked after me all these years. Almost a mother, treating me like a child, humiliating me. I feel this is what Doctor Judson would have wished.
(Possessed Judson gestures for the haemovores to do their work.)
CRANE: Oh no! No, please! Argh!


[Bunk room]

ACE: We've got to do something about this room.
KATHLEEN: All right. Let me just sort the baby out, okay?
ACE: Let's use the furniture.
KATHLEEN: Right, let's put that bunk up against the door.
ACE: Okay. What about the wardrobe over the window?
KATHLEEN: Good idea. Let's use that and the other bunks up against the window.
ACE: Yeah.


[Decrypt room]

(Vershinin goes to the Ultima machine.)
MILLINGTON: I'm afraid you've had a wasted journey.(Millington shoots Vershinin.) But then you were never really our allies, were you? Your people will always be the enemy.
VERSHININ: See you in hell.
(The Doctor sets up the chess set in the munitions bunker)


[Bunk room]

(Fortifications complete, the two women and baby sit and wait.)
ACE: I don't like dark buildings. There was one in Perivale, an old, empty house full of noises. Evil. Things I didn't understand. Undercurrents.
KATHLEEN: What kind of a world is this to bring up a child in?
(A haemovore breaks in a window.)
ACE: Quick, the window!
(Ace runs to the opposite window and starts to climb out.)
KATHLEEN: Ace, take Audrey.
ACE: Quick!


[Munitions bunker]

(The Doctor is placing the chess pieces for his puzzle.)
DOCTOR: That's it. No, that's not right! It was so long ago. There.


[Naval camp]

ACE: In the jeep. Get in. Quick!
KATHLEEN: Where shall I go? What shall I do?
ACE: Go to London. My Nan'll look after you.
ACE: She lives in Streatham. Seventeen Old Terrace. Say it.
KATHLEEN: Seventeen Old Terrace. Wait, Ace. I want you to have this.
(Kathleen gives Ace a photograph of Audrey.)
ACE: (to Audrey) I'll always love you. Now go! (Kathleen puts Audrey behind the drivers seat.)
ACE: Seventeen Old Terrace.
KATHLEEN: Seventeen Old Terrace. Seventeen Old Terrace.
ACE: Now go! Go!
(Kathleen drives the little covered jeep away. Jean and Phyllis walk up to Ace.)


[Judson's office]

JUDSON: The Time Lord has made his move. Take the poison. Carry it to the ocean. Release it into the waters. 
HAEMOVORE: And the other haemovores?
JUDSON: Oh yes, they've been so useful. How could we have managed without them. You know how to kill them.
(The haemovore concentrates. Outside, Jean and Phyllis scream and collapse, then crumble into dust before Ace's eyes)


[Munitions bunker]

(Judson enters.)
JUDSON: Where is the game, Time Lord?
DOCTOR: You couldn't resist it, could you? The game of traps. The contest as before. One move. Find the winning move. Spring the trap on me, if you can.
(The Doctor leaves Judson to pore over the chess board.)


[Decrypt room]

(Captain Bates has found Vershinin. Millington enters and he points his service revolver at his superior.)
MILLINGTON: Are you going to use that gun? You know your problem, Captain Bates? You don't know who the enemy is. A traitor is someone who doesn't know who the enemy is.
(Millington raises his own weapon, a shot rings out and he falls.)



DOCTOR: I've been waiting.
HAEMOVORE: You know me?
DOCTOR: Thousands of years in the future, the Earth lies dying, the surface just a chemical slime. Half a million years of industrial progress.
HAEMOVORE: I am the last. The last living creature on Earth. I watched my world dying with chemicals, and I could do nothing. My world is dead.


[Munitions bunker]

(Judson is concentrating on the chess set when Ace runs in. He doesn't look up.)
JUDSON: Who is it? Is that you, Time Lord? Tell me the solution. The contest is, is too much for such a weak body.
ACE: I don't know the solution.
JUDSON: Tell me. Tell me the solution.
(Ace runs out again)



DOCTOR: You're very patient. Carried back thousands of years in a time storm, to ninth century Transylvania, and waiting till now.
HAEMOVORE: Without the flask, I was trapped.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, the flask. I trapped him like an evil genie.
HAEMOVORE: Only he can return me to the future.
DOCTOR: And so, like a faithful servant, you follow the flask.
HAEMOVORE: A merchant bought it from Constantinople. I followed him through Europe. I followed the Viking pirates who stole it, and I followed it here.
DOCTOR: Another of Fenric's games. He carries you back in a time storm to destroy the Earth's water with chemicals, to destroy your future. Think on it. Your Earth, your world, dying of a chemical slime. This act will be the beginning of your end.


[Decrypt room]

BATES: I owe you one.
ACE: What happened? Are you all right?
BATES: We're all right now. We're fighting together now.
VERSHININ: War, a game played by politicians. We were just pawns in the game, but the pawns are fighting together now. Eh, comrade?
ACE: That's it. The solution. The winning move!


[Munitions bunker]

(Sorin enters, carrying a rifle.)
JUDSON: Where have you been?
SORIN: It's time to die, Fenric.
JUDSON: You don't understand. You don't know why you were selected for this mission.
SORIN: Because I speak English. My grandmother was English.
JUDSON: Emily Wilson, granddaughter of Joseph Sundvik. You are touched by the Curse of Fenric. I selected you. You are one of the Wolves of Fenric.
(Sorin takes aim.)


[Decrypt room]

BATES: Are you sure you can stand?
VERSHININ: Workers of the world unite, comrade.
(They clasp hands.)


[Munitions bunker]

(Sorin is studying the problem when Ace enters.)
ACE: Fenric would never have guessed the solution, anyway.
SORIN: Tell me, tovarich.
ACE: A brilliant move. The black and white pawns don't fight each other, they join forces.
(Sorin turns and reveals his glowing green eyes.)
SORIN: Thank you, child.
(The Doctor enters.)
SORIN: Black wins, Time Lord.
(He knocks over the white king and laughs. Lightning blasts through the roof and sets the board alight.)
ACE: What's happened?
SORIN: The Wolves of Fenric, descendants of the Viking who first buried the flask, all pawns in my game. Doctor Judson, Commander Millington, the Ancient One, Captain Sorin, and now you.
(The Ancient One is behind Ace.)
ACE: Me? You can't! How?
SORIN: The baby. In thirty years, the baby will be grown. She will have a daughter. That daughter will be you. You've just created your own future. (Sorin holds Audrey's photograph in front of Ace.) The baby is your mother. The mother you hate. Kill them, slowly.
ACE: You don't stand a chance. Tell him, Doctor. He's got it wrong.
SORIN: The Time Lord has failed. The Wolves of Fenric have released me.
ACE: The Doctor never fails. I've got faith in him. Complete faith.
SORIN: Kill them.
DOCTOR: It can't penetrate Ace's psychic force.
SORIN: Time for the one final game, then. (Sorin picks up a poison vial and holds it near Ace's head.) The choice is yours, Time Lord. I shall kill you anyway, but if you would like the girl to live, kneel before me.
ACE: I believe in you, Professor.
SORIN: Kneel, if you want the girl to live!
DOCTOR: Kill her.
SORIN: The Time Lord finally understands.
DOCTOR: Do you think I didn't know? The chess set in Lady Peinforte's study? I knew.
SORIN: Earlier than that, Time Lord. Before Cybermen, ever since Ice World, where you first met the girl.
DOCTOR: I knew. I knew she carried the evil inside her. Do you think I'd have chosen a social misfit if I hadn't known? She couldn't even pass her chemistry exams at school, and yet she manages to create a time storm in her bedroom. I saw your hand in it from the very beginning.
ACE: Doctor, no.
DOCTOR: She's an emotional cripple. I wouldn't waste my time on her, unless I had to use her somehow.
ACE: No! (Ace falls to her knees.)
SORIN: Kill them. (The haemovore picks the payload of one of the bombs and walks towards Sorin, who backs away.) Kill them, do you hear me?(It backs Sorin into the containment chamber.) No! No. I command you! (The haemovore follows Sorin in and shuts the door behind them.) No! No! No! No.
(The Ancient One drops the payload, breaking the vials and filling the chamber with the deadly gas. They both die.)
DOCTOR: Come on. It's over.
ACE: Leave me alone!
DOCTOR: We've got to get out of here!
(The Doctor pulls Ace to her feet and pushes her outside.)
ACE: Leave me alone!


[Naval camp]

(They slither and fall in the mud as there is an explosion in the bunker.)
ACE: Couldn't even pass a chemistry exam.
DOCTOR: I'd have done anything not to hurt you, but I had to save you from Fenric's evil curse. Your faith in me was holding the haemovore back.
ACE: You said I was an emotional cripple, a social misfit.
DOCTOR: I had to make you lose your belief in me.
ACE: Full marks for teenage psychology.
DOCTOR: It's not true, believe me.


[Maidens Point]

ACE: I don't love her! She's my mum, and I don't love her! What's wrong with me? Why can't I stop hating her?
DOCTOR: You loved the baby.
ACE: But I didn't know she was my mum!
DOCTOR: Love and hate, frightening feelings, especially when they're trapped struggling beneath the surface. Don't be frightened of the water.
(Ace pulls off her snood and dives in)



KATHLEEN [OC]: Audrey. It's all right, darling.
ACE [OC]: I'll always love you. I'll always love you. I'll always love you.
KATHLEEN [OC]: It's all right, darling. It's all right, darling.
ACE [OC]: I'll always love you.


[Maidens Point]

(Ace splashes to the shore.)
ACE: I'm not scared now.
(They walk back up the shingle to the warning sign.)
ACE: Dangerous undercurrents, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Not any more. Niet.

Kikavu ?

Date inconnue

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CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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Merci par avance à tout ceux qui voteront dans préférence, j'aimerais changer le design de Gilmore Girls mais ça dépend que de vous.

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Effectivement, beaucoup de designs vous attendent dans préférences, on a besoin de vos votes

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