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Script VO épisode 600 spécial Noël "A Christmas carol"


We zoom in on a planet, its atmosphere, swirling blue-white gases. We then pull out to realize we are viewing the planet through the screen of a crashing ship.


COMPUTER : Would all passengers please return to their seats and fasten their safety belts ? We are experiencing slight turbulence.

The Captain arrives.

CAPTAIN : Both engines failed, and the storm-gate's critical. The ship is going down ! Christmas is cancelled.

FIRST PILOT : Entering atmosphere now ! Level - keep her level !

SECOND PILOT : Level with what ? I can't see ! What is that stuff ?

CAPTAIN : Clouds ?

FIRST PILOT : What kind of clouds ?

CAPTAIN : Are you sending a distress signal ?

FIRST PILOT : It's not me !

The Captain checks the ship to locate the signal.

CAPTAIN : Who's in the honeymoon suite ?

Amy enters wearing her police costume. The Captain turns to the door.

AMY : I've sent for help.

CAPTAIN : Who the hell are you ?

AMY : Look, there's a friend of mine, OK, and he can help us. He'll come !

CAPTAIN : And what ARE you wearing ?

A little self-conscious, Amy tugs at the skirt hem.

AMY : That doesn't matter.

CAPTAIN : Are you from the honeymoon suite ?

AMY : Oh, shut up !

Rory enters dressed as a Roman soldier. He gets tossed into the walls as the ship shudders. He’s holding a device in his hand.

RORY : Amy, the light's stopped flashing... Does that mean he's coming ?

FIRST PILOT : Honeymoon suite ?

RORY : Oh, oh, the clothes, um... It is just a bit of fun.

AMY : Really, shut up !

SECOND PILOT : Sensor-loss on 80% of the hull...

RORY : So does this mean he's coming ? Or does it mean I need to change the bulb ?

AMY : He'll come. He always comes.

RORY : Right, well, he is cutting it kind of fine !

CAPTAIN : If we can't stabilise the orbit, we're finished.

SECOND PILOT : There's nothing to lock onto. I am flying blind.

AMY : Come on, Doctor, come on...

SECOND PILOT : There's something coming alongside us. Something small, like a shuttle.

AMY : Just this once, don't be late.

FIRST PILOT : Ma'am... incoming message. It's from the other ship.

CAPTAIN : On screen.

Three words appear on the screen in front of them : Come along, Pond. The TARDIS whizzes by. Rory looks at Amy who sighs in relief.

CAPTAIN : What does that mean ?

AMY : It's Christmas !



We pan down through the clouds and see a red beam of energy shooting through the sky from the tallest building in the city. The ship is caught in this beam and is plummeting towards the planet’s surface. The city itself is very steampunk : Victoriana mixed with high technology. In the streets, the people prepare for the holiday.

A MAN, KAZRAN (v.o.) : On every world, wherever people are, in the deepest part of the winter, at the exact mid-point, everybody stops and turns and hugs as if to say, "Well done. Well done, everyone, we're halfway out of the dark." Back on Earth, we called this Christmas or the Winter Solstice.


Kazran Sardick is looking out a large window out onto the stormy sky.

KAZRAN : On this world, the first settlers called it the Crystal Feast. You know what I call it ? (turns). I call it expecting something for nothing !

Kazran walks into the room where a family is standing. The father pleads with Karzan.

FATHER : Sir. Mr Sardick. We're only asking for one day. Just let her out for Christmas.

Two men wheel a cryogenic pod into the room. Inside is a young woman with long blonde hair.

FATHER : She loves Christmas.

KAZRAN : Does she ? Oh, does she ? I see ! Hello ! (taps on window with cane). Wakey-wakey - it's Christmas ! Do you know what ? I think she's a bit cool about the whole thing. (laughs but no one else does). That was funny.

The servants laugh.

SON : She's frozen.

KAZRAN : She's what, sorry ?

SON : She's in the ice, she can't hear you.

KAZRAN : Oh, what a clever little boy. You must be so irritated. (to servant). How much ?

SERVANT : Er... it's 4,500 Gideons, sir.

KAZRAN : You took a loan of 4,500 Gideons and Little Miss Christmas is my security.

The phone rings and the servant answers.

FATHER : We're not asking for her back. Just let her have one day. Let her have Christmas with us.

SERVANT : Sir, it's the President.

KAZRAN : Tell him I'm busy. Now... where were we ? Oh, yes ! She's pretty, though, your daughter. Maybe I should keep her.

FATHER : She's not my daughter, sir.

MOTHER : She's my sister. She volunteered for the ice when the family were in difficulties many years ago.

SERVANT (walks over) : Sorry, sir, the President says there's a galaxy-class ship trapped in the cloud layer and... well, we have to let it land.


SERVANT : Well... or it'll crash, sir.

KAZRAN : Oh. Well, it's a kind of landing, isn't it ?

SERVANT : It's from Earth, sir, registering over 4,000 life forms on board.

KAZRAN (chuckles) : Not if we wait a bit !

SERVANT : You can't just let it crash, sir.

The son hears the sound of the TARDIS materializing.

KAZRAN : Says who ? Oh, give it here. (takes phone). Look, petal, we already have a surplus population. No more people allowed on this planet.

The son looks to the chimney and sees soot fall into the fireplace.

KAZRAN : I don't make the rules. Oh, no, hang on... I do. (hangs up phone). Right, you lot... poor, begging people, off home and pray for a miracle.

The father ushers his family towards the door. The son looks back to the fireplace just as a huge amount of soot falls, spreading embers in a gust. The Doctor then falls through, somersaulting. He gets up and dusts himself off.

DOCTOR : Ah ! Yes, blimey. Sorry ! Christmas Eve on a rooftop, saw a chimney, my whole brain just went, "What the hell !" (walks to children). Don't worry, fat fella will be doing the rounds later. I'm just scoping out the general... chimney-ness. Yes. (leans against chimney). Nice size, good traction... big tick !

FATHER : Fat fella ?

DOCTOR : Father Christmas, Santa Claus... or, as I've always known him, Jeff.

SON : There's no such person as Father Christmas.

DOCTOR : Oh, yeah ? (pulls out black and white photo). Me and Father Christmas, Frank Sinatra's hunting lodge, 1952. See him at the back with the blonde... Albert Einstein. The three of us together... hrrroom ! Watch out ! OK ? Keep the faith, stay off the naughty list. Ooh ! Now, what's this ? And I love this, a big flashy lighty thing - that's what brought me here. (walks over to a large control panel covered with knobs, buttons and flashing lights). Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually, but give me time and a crayon. (sits in a chair and swivels to face Kazran). Now, this big flashy lighty thing is connected to the spire in your dome, yeah, and it controls the sky. (stands and walks forward). Well, technically, it controls the clouds, which technically aren't clouds at all. Well, they're clouds of tiny particles of ice. Ice clouds, love that. Who's she ?

Points at cryo-chamber.

KAZRAN : Nobody important.

DOCTOR : Nobody important ? Blimey, that's amazing. Do you know, in 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important before. (goes back to console and begins using the controls). Now, this console is the key to saving that ship, or I'll eat my hat... if I had a hat. I'll eat someone's hat. Not someone who's using their hat - I don't want to shock a nun, or something. Sorry, rambling, cos... cos this isn't working !

KAZRAN : The controls are isomorphic – one to one - they respond only to me.

DOCTOR : Oh, you fibber... Isomorphic ! There's no such thing.

Kazran reaches across and flips a switch, shutting the machine off. He then turns it back on. The Doctor tries the same switch and nothing happens. He then runs the sonic screwdriver over the controls then Kazran. He checks the readings.

DOCTOR : These controls are isomorphic !

KAZRAN : The skies of this entire world are mine. My family tamed them, and now I own them.

DOCTOR : Tamed the sky ? What does that mean ?

KAZRAN : It means I'm Kazran Sardick. How can you possibly not know who I am ?

DOCTOR : Well, just easily bored, I suppose. So, I need your help, then.

KAZRAN : Make an appointment.

DOCTOR : There are 4,003 people in a spaceship trapped in your cloud belt. Without your help, they're going to die.


DOCTOR : You don't have to let that happen.

KAZRAN : I know, but I'm going to. Bye-bye. Bored now... Chuck !

One of Kazran's servants takes the Doctor by the shoulders to escort him out. The Doctor ducks out of his grip and stands in front of Kazran, now sitting in a chair.

KAZRAN : Ooh, look at you, looking all tough now.

DOCTOR : There are 4,003 people I won't allow to die tonight. Do you know where that puts you ?

KAZRAN : Where ?

DOCTOR : 4,004.

KAZRAN : Was that a sort of threat-y thing ?

DOCTOR : Whatever happens tonight, remember... you brought it on yourself.

KAZRAN : Yeah, yeah, right... Get him out of here. And next time, try and find me some funny poor people.

The Doctor is forced towards the door along with the family. The son picks up a lump of coal and throws it at Kazran, hitting him on the head. He storms over to the son and raises his hand to hit him.

DOCTOR : No, stop, don't !

FATHER : Don't you dare ! You leave him !

KAZRAN (lowers hand) : Get him out of here ! Get that foul-smelling family out of here ! Out !

The family is taken from the room.

SON : We're going !

Kazran heads back to his chair but stops when he sees the Doctor still there.

KAZRAN : What ? What do you want ?

DOCTOR : A simple life. But you didn't hit the boy.

KAZRAN : Well, I will next time !

DOCTOR : No, you see, you won't. Now why ? What am I missing ?

Walks past Kazran looking at something else.

KAZRAN : Get out ! Get out of this house !

DOCTOR : The chairs ! Of course, the chairs ! Stupid me, the chairs !

KAZRAN : The chairs ?

DOCTOR : There's a portrait on the wall behind me. Looks like you, but it's too old, so it's your father. All the chairs are angled away from it. Daddy's been dead for 20 years. But you still can't get comfortable where he can see you. There's a Christmas tree in the painting, but none in this house, on Christmas Eve. You're scared of him and you're scared of being like him. And good for you, you're not like him, not really. Do you know why ?

KAZRAN : Why ?

DOCTOR : Because you didn't hit the boy. Merry Christmas, Mr Sardick.

KAZRAN : I despise Christmas !

DOCTOR (walking away) : You shouldn't. It's very you.

KAZRAN : It's what ? What do you mean ?

DOCTOR : Halfway out of the dark.

The Doctor leaves just as the servants return from escorting the family out.

KAZRAN : Get her downstairs with the others. Clean up this mess !


SECOND PILOT : Everything's offline ! Secondary furnace just vented.

Amy is on the phone with the Doctor.

AMY (into phone) : Have you got a plan yet ?


DOCTOR (into phone) : Yes, I do.

AMY (into phone) : Are you lying ?

DOCTOR (into phone) : Yes, I am.

AMY (into phone) : Don't treat me like an idiot.

RORY : Was he lying ?

AMY : No, no.

DOCTOR (into phone, walks into the street) : OK, the good news. I've tracked the machine that unlocks the cloud belt. I could use it to clear you a flight corridor and you could land easily.

AMY (into phone) : Oh, hey, hey, that's great news.

DOCTOR (into phone) : But I can't control the machine.

AMY (into phone) : Less great.

DOCTOR (into phone) : But I've met a man who can.

AMY (into phone) : Ah, well, there you go !

DOCTOR (into phone) : And he hates me.

AMY (into phone) : Were you being extra charming and clever ?

DOCTOR (into phone) : Yeah, how did you know ?

AMY (into phone) : Lucky guess.

The father from inside the Sardick house calls to the Doctor.

FATHER : Sir... Sir.

DOCTOR (into phone) : Hang on.

Walks over to the father.

FATHER : I've never seen anybody stand up to Mr Sardick like that. (shakes his hand). Bless you, sir, and merry Christmas.

DOCTOR : Merry Christmas. Lovely. Sorry, bit busy.

FATHER : You'd better get inside, sir. The fog's thick tonight, and there's a fish warning.

DOCTOR : Oh, right, yeah. Sorry, fish ?

FATHER : Yeah. You know what they're like when they get a bit hungry.

DOCTOR : Yeah, fish, I know fish. Fish ?

FATHER : It's all Mr Sardick's fault, I reckon. He always lets a few fish through the cloud layer when he's in a bad mood. Thank you. Bless you once again, sir.


DOCTOR : Fish ?

AMY (into phone) : Doctor, the Captain says we've got less than an hour...

AMY (over phone) : What should we be doing ?

The Doctor looks up at a streetlight and sees small fish swimming around it like moths.

DOCTOR : Fish... !

AMY (over phone) : Sorry, what ?

DOCTOR : Fish that can swim in fog. I love new planets.

RORY : Oh, oh, the clothes, um... It is just a bit of fun.

AMY (over phone) : Doctor !

AMY (into phone) : Doctor, please don't get distracted !

DOCTOR (into phone) : Now, why would people be frightened of you tiny little fellas ? (holds up his hand and the fish investigate). Look at you, sweet little fishy-wishies. Mind you, fish in the fog, so the cloud cover... Ooh. Careful up there.

AMY (into phone) : Oh, great, thanks, Doctor, because there was a real danger we were all going to nod off ! We've got less than an hour !

DOCTOR (into phone, looks at nearby clock) : I know.

“Ding Dong Merrily on High” begins to play over loudspeakers.

AMY (into phone) : Doctor ? How are you getting us off here ?

DOCTOR (into phone) : Oh, just give me a minute ! (to himself) Can't use the TARDIS, cos it can't lock on. So that ship needs to land, but it can't land unless a very bad man suddenly decides to turn nice, just in time for Christmas Day !

AMY (into phone) : Doctor, I can't hear you. What is that ? Is that singing ?

DOCTOR (into phone) : Christmas carol.

AMY (into phone) : A what ?

DOCTOR (into phone) : A Christmas carol.

AMY (into phone) : A what ?


AMY (over phone) : Doctor !

The Doctor looks up, a cunning smile crossing his face.

DOCTOR : Kazran Sardick !

AMY (over phone) : Doctor !

DOCTOR : Merry Christmas, Kazran Sardick !



Kazran has fallen asleep in his chair. On a wall, a recording of a little boy in his bedroom plays. It is young Kazran speaking to the camera.

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : Hello. My name is Kazran Sardick. I'm 12½, and this is my bedroom.

KAZRAN (mumbles in his sleep) : Top secret special project.

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : This is my top secret special project. For my eyes only. Merry Christmas.

ELLIOT SARDICK (onscreen) : Kazran, Kazran !

The shout wakes Kazran with a start and he watches the screen as his father comes into the bedroom.

ELLIOT SARDICK (onscreen) : Kazran, what are you doing ? What are you doing ?!

Peers into the camera. Kazran stands and backs away in fear.

ELLIOT SARDICK (onscreen) : I've warned you before about this, you stupid, ignorant, ridiculous child !

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : I was just going to make a film of the fish.

ELLIOT SARDICK (onscreen) : The fish are dangerous !

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : I just want to see them.

ELLIOT SARDICK (onscreen) : Don't be stupid, you're far too young !

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : Everyone at school's seen the fish.

ELLIOT SARDICK (onscreen) : That's enough ! You'll be singing to them next, like gypsies.

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : The singing works ! I've seen it. The fish like the singing.

Kazran walks closer to the wall.

ELLIOT SARDICK (onscreen) : What does it matter what fish like ?

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : People say we don't have to be afraid of the fish. They're not really interested in us.

ELLIOT SARDICK (onscreen) : You don't listen to people ! You listen to me !

Backhands young Kazran. Kazran reaches a hand to his cheek.

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : Ow ! I'm sorry, Father.

ELLIOT SARDICK (onscreen) : This is my house !

The Doctor enters the room behind Kazran. In the video, young Kazran has his head down on the desk and is crying.

DOCTOR (puts a hand on Kazran's shoulder) : It's OK. It's OK.

Kazran jerks away from his touch and turns on the Doctor.

KAZRAN : What have you done ? What is this ?

DOCTOR : Found it on an old drive. Sorry about the picture quality, had to recover the data using quantum enfolding and a paperclip. (sits in Kazran's chair and picks up the newspaper). Oh, I wouldn't bother calling your servants, they quit. Apparently they won the lottery at exactly the same time, which is a bit lucky when you think about it.

KAZRAN : There isn't a lottery.

DOCTOR : Yeah, as I say, lucky.

ELLIOT SARDICK (onscreen) : There's a fog warning tonight. You keep these windows closed, understand ? Closed !

KAZRAN : Who are you ?

DOCTOR : Tonight, I'm the Ghost of Christmas Past.

ELLIOT SARDICK (onscreen) : Mrs Mantovani will be looking after you tonight. You stay here till she comes. Do you understand ? Do you understand ?

DOCTOR : Did you ever get to see a fish back then, when you were a kid ?

KAZRAN : What does that matter to you ?

DOCTOR : Look how it mattered to you.

KAZRAN : I cried all night, and I learned life's most invaluable lesson.

DOCTOR : Which is ?

KAZRAN : Nobody comes. Get out ! Get out of my house !

DOCTOR : OK. OK. But I'll be back. Way back. Way, way back.

The Doctor opens the door where the video is playing. In the other room we can see the TARDIS. We hear the TARDIS dematerialize, and, at the same moment, young Kazran lifts his head and turns to the window where the Doctor has appeared.

DOCTOR (onscreen) : See ? Back !

Opens the window.

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : Who are you ?

DOCTOR (onscreen) : Hi. I'm the Doctor. I'm your new babysitter.

Jumps into the room.

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : Where's Mrs Mantovani ?

DOCTOR (onscreen) : Oh, you'll never guess ! Clever old Mrs Manters, she only went and won the lottery !

Jumps on the bed and bounces.

KAZRAN : There isn't any lottery !

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : There isn't any lottery.

DOCTOR (onscreen) : I know. What a woman !

Jumps off the bed.

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : If you're my babysitter, why are you climbing in the window ?

DOCTOR (onscreen) : Cos if I was climbing out, I'd be going in the wrong direction. Pay attention.

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : Mrs Mantovani's always my babysitter.

DOCTOR (onscreen) : Times change. (peers into the camera). Wouldn't you say ? You see... Christmas Past.

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : Who are you talking to ?

DOCTOR (onscreen) : You. Now, your past is going to change. That means your memories will too. Scary, but you'll get the hang of it.

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : I don't understand.

DOCTOR (onscreen) : I'll bet you don't ! I wish I could see your face.

Points at young Kazran and then the camera.

KAZRAN : But that never happened. (turns away). But it did !


DOCTOR : Right, then. Your bedroom. Great ! Let's see, you're 12 years old, so we'll stay away from under the bed. Cupboard ! Big cupboard, I love a cupboard. (runs to the cupboard and opens it). Do you know, there's a thing called a face spider. It's just like a tiny baby's head with spider legs, and it's specifically evolved to scuttle up the backs of bedroom cupboards... (closes door) which, yeah, I probably shouldn't have mentioned. Right, so what are we going to do ? Eat crisps and talk about girls ? I've never actually done that, but I bet it's easy. Girls ! Yeah ?

YOUNG KAZRAN : Are you really a babysitter ?

DOCTOR : I think you'll find I'm universally recognised as a mature and responsible adult.

Shows young Kazran the psychic paper.

YOUNG KAZRAN : It's just a lot of wavy lines.

DOCTOR (looks at paper) : Yeah, it's shorted out. Finally, a lie too big. (puts it away). OK, no, not really a babysitter, but it's Christmas Eve. You don't want a real one, you want me.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Why ? What's so special about you ?

DOCTOR : Have you ever seen Mary Poppins ?


DOCTOR : Good. Cos that comparison would've been rubbish. Fish in the fog, fish in the clouds. How do people ever get bored ? How did boredom even get invented ?

Stands at open window.

YOUNG KAZRAN : My dad's invented a machine to control the cloud belt. Tame the sky, he says. The fish'll be able to come down, but only when we let them. We can charge whatever we like.

DOCTOR (turns to face young Kazran) : Yeah. I've seen your dad's machine.

A large something with fins passes behind the Doctor.

YOUNG KAZRAN : What ? You can't have.

DOCTOR : Tame the sky... Human beings, you always manage to find the boring alternative, don't you ? You want to see one ? A fish. We can do that. We can see a fish.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Aren't you going to tell me it's dangerous ?

DOCTOR : Dangerous ?! (comes back inside). Come on, we're boys ! And you know what boys say in the face of danger.


DOCTOR : Mummy !

The sonic screwdriver is tied with a string to a pulley hanging from the ceiling, beeping intermittently. The string continues to the cupboard where the Doctor and young Kazran are hiding.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Are there any face spiders in here ?


The string is looped around the Doctor's finger.

DOCTOR : Nah, not at this time of night. They'll all be sleeping in your mattress. So why are you so interested in fish ?

YOUNG KAZRAN : Cos they're scary.

DOCTOR : Good answer.

YOUNG KAZRAN : What kind of tie is that ?

DOCTOR : A cool one.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Why is it cool ?

DOCTOR : Why are you REALLY interested in fish ?

YOUNG KAZRAN : My school. During the last fog belt, the nets broke and there was an attack. Loads of them, a whole shoal. No-one was hurt, but it was the most fish ever seen below the mountains.

DOCTOR : Were you scared ?

YOUNG KAZRAN : I wasn't there. I was off sick.

DOCTOR : Ooh, lucky you. Not lucky ?

YOUNG KAZRAN : It's all anyone ever talks about now, the day the fish came. Everyone's got a story.

DOCTOR : But you don't.


DOCTOR (onscreen) : I see.

Kazran sits down.

YOUNG KAZRAN (onscreen) : Why are you recording this ?

DOCTOR (onscreen) : Do you pay attention at school, Kazran ?


YOUNG KAZRAN : Sorry, what ?

DOCTOR : Cos you're not paying attention now.

The string is tugging the Doctor's finger.

DOCTOR : Ssh !


KAZRAN : Now I remember. (watches as the Doctor stands and goes to open the door). No, Doctor, you mustn't !


YOUNG KAZRAN : Doctor, are you sure ?

DOCTOR : Trust me.


DOCTOR : Oi ! Eyes on the tie. Look at me. I wear it and I don't care. Trust me ?





DOCTOR : That's why it's cool.


Kazran fingers the tie at his throat.


The Doctor slowly enters the room and sees a small fish investigating the screwdriver.

DOCTOR : Hello, fishy. Let's see. (walks slowly close to the walls). Interesting. Crystalline fog, eh ? Maybe carrying a tiny electrical charge. Is that how you fly, little fishy ?


YOUNG KAZRAN : What is it ? What kind ? Can I see ?

DOCTOR (through door) : Just stay there a moment.


YOUNG KAZRAN (through door) : Is it big ?

DOCTOR : Nah, just a little one. (leans in closer). So, little fella, what do you eat ?

A shark swims into the room and swallows the fish and the sonic screwdriver. The Doctor jerks back.


YOUNG KAZRAN : How little ?


DOCTOR : Erm...

YOUNG KAZRAN (through door) : Can I come out ?

DOCTOR : No, no. Maybe just... wait there for a moment.

Without taking his eyes off the shark, the Doctor edges his way back to the cupboard door.

YOUNG KAZRAN (through door) : What colour is it ?

DOCTOR : Big. Big colour.

Dashes for the door.


The Doctor shuts the door and leans against it as the shark butts it with its head.

YOUNG KAZRAN : What's happening ?

DOCTOR : Well, concentrating on the plusses, you've definitely got a story of your own now. Also, I got a good look at the fish, and I understand the fog, which'll help me land a spaceship in the future, and save a lot of lives. And I'll get some readings off my sonic screwdriver when I get it off the shark in your bedroom.

YOUNG KAZRAN : There's a shark in my bedroom ?

DOCTOR : Oh, fine, focus on that part !

The banging stops.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Has it gone ? What's it doing ?

DOCTOR : What do you call it if you don't have any feet, and you're taking a run-up ?

The Doctor grabs young Kazran and pulls him from the door just as the shark breaks through and the camera stops.


Kazran stands and rushes to the wall as the video ends.

KAZRAN : No ! It's going to eat us.


The Doctor and young Kazran are on the floor in the far corner, out of reach from the shark at the moment. As the shark's opens its mouth, there is a green glow inside.

YOUNG KAZRAN : It's going to eat us, it's going to eat us, it's going to eat us... Is it going to eat us ?

DOCTOR : Maybe we're going to eat it, but I don't like the odds. It's stuck, though. Let's see. Tiny brain. If I had my screwdriver, I could probably stun it.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Well, where's your screwdriver ?

DOCTOR : Well, concentrating on the plusses... within reach. There's a real chance, the way it's wedged in the doorway, of keeping its mouth open.

YOUNG KAZRAN : There is ?

DOCTOR : Agree with me. Cos I've only got two goes, and then it's your turn.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Two goes ?

DOCTOR : Two arms. Right, then ! OK. Geronimo ! Open wide !

Gets up and heads for the shark.



They are on the patio just outside young Kazran's bedroom. The shark is lying on the ground as young Kazran kneels beside it. The Doctor is checking the screwdriver.

DOCTOR : What's the big fishy done to you ? Swallowed half of you, that's what. Half a screwdriver, what use is that ? Bad, big fishy.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Doctor ? I think she's dying.

DOCTOR : Half my screwdriver's still inside, but yeah, I think so. I doubt they can survive long outside the cloud belt. Just quick raiding trips on a foggy night.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Can't we get it back up there ? (sniffles). We were just going to stun it. I didn't want to kill it.

DOCTOR : She was trying to eat you.

YOUNG KAZRAN : She was hungry.


Kazran sits, tears trailing down his cheeks.

DOCTOR (v.o.) : I'm sorry, Kazran. I can't save her.


DOCTOR : I could take her back up there, but she'd never survive the trip. We need a fully functioning life-support.

YOUNG KAZRAN : You mean like an icebox ? OK.


The Doctor and young Kazran run down the stairs. As young Kazran gets a lamp, the Doctor is distracted by a Christmas tree.

DOCTOR : Ooh, a tree !

Young Kazran leads the Doctor to the basement.


The Doctor peers through a small window and sees a roomed lined with containers, similar to the one that contained the young woman in the beginning.

DOCTOR : What is this ?

YOUNG KAZRAN : The surplus population. That's what my dad calls it.

They try to turn the wheel to open the door.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Oh, it's not turning ! Oh, why won't it turn ?

The Doctor uses the partial sonic on the security keypad. It doesn’t work.

DOCTOR : Ah, what's the number ?


KAZRAN : 7258.


YOUNG KAZRAN : I don't know !

DOCTOR : This place is full of alarms, it's not just the door. I need the number !

Goes back to the wheel.


KAZRAN : 7258 !


DOCTOR : I need the number !

YOUNG KAZRAN : I'm not allowed to know until I'm older.


KAZRAN : 7258 !

DOCTOR : Just what I was after. (the Doctor is at the door, the TARDIS behind him). Thank you !

Closes door.


DOCTOR : 7258. 7258.

Young Kazran hears as the Doctor arrives and punches in the numbers. The wheel is unlocked and they open the door.


Due to the cold temperature, the fog is thicker. Young Kazran leads the Doctor through the vault.

DOCTOR : Ah, there's fish down here, too.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Yeah, but only tiny ones. The house is built on a fog lake. That's how Dad freezes the people. (stops in front of a chamber). They're all full, but we could borrow one. (points). Yeah, this one.

The Doctor holds the lamp up to the window and we see it is the same woman from earlier.

DOCTOR : Hello again.

YOUNG KAZRAN : You know her ?

DOCTOR : Why her ? Important, is she ?

YOUNG KAZRAN : She won't mind. She loves the fish.

Young Kazran taps in some number on a keypad on the side of the container. A video of the woman speaking appears in the small window.

THE WOMAN (onscreen) : My name is Abigail Pettigrew, and I'm very grateful for Mr Sardick's kindness. My father...

YOUNG KAZRAN : She starts to talk about the fish in a minute.

ABIGAIL (onscreen) : ...but I would not allow it. I could not have chosen this path were it not for the compassion and generosity of the great philanthropist and patron of the poor, Mr Elliot Sardick, but I'm also surrounded by the fish, the beautiful, iridescent, magical fish...

As Abigail speaks, the Doctor walks down the row of containers, peering into some. Young Kazran stays and watches the video.

DOCTOR : Why are these people here ?

ABIGAIL (onscreen) : ...they catch the light as they dart through the fog...

DOCTOR : What's all this for ?

YOUNG KAZRAN : My dad lends money. He always takes a family member as... He calls it security.

DOCTOR : Hard man to love, your dad. But I suppose you know that.

ABIGAIL (onscreen) : ...I am not alone, and I am at peace.

Young Kazran hits more buttons and the inside of Abigail's container lights up.

YOUNG KAZRAN (walks to the Doctor) : What's wrong ?

DOCTOR : Just my half a screwdriver trying to repair itself. It's signalling the other half.

Realization hits them both.

YOUNG KAZRAN : The other half's inside the shark.

DOCTOR : Yeah. Sounds like she's woken up. OK. So it's homing on the screwdriver...

The shark looms out of the fog, mouth wide open. Getting out of the way, the Doctor falls to the floor.


KAZRAN : Run !


Young Kazran runs through the maze of containers. He stops and hides behind a small pillar. Behind him we see the shark swim by. We then hear a woman’s voice singing “In the Bleak Midwinter”.


Kazran looks around as he, too, hears the music.


Young Kazran follows the music and sees the door to Abigail's container is open. At the end of the aisle, she is kneeling on the ground, singing to the shark and stroking it. The Doctor finds them.

DOCTOR : It's not really the singing, of course.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Yes, it is.


YOUNG KAZRAN : The fish love the singing, it's true.

DOCTOR : Nah. The notes resonate in the ice, causing a delta wave pattern in the fog. (slaps the back of his neck). Ow ! A fish bit me.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Shut up, then !

Abigail turns to them as she sings.

DOCTOR : Of course ! That's how the machine controls the cloud belt. The clouds are ice crystals. If you vibrate them at the right frequency, you could align them... (slaps neck again). Ow ! Why do they keep biting me ?

YOUNG KAZRAN : Look, the fish like the singing, OK ? Now shut up !

DOCTOR (makes a face) : OK.

Young Kazran is entranced by her singing.



Kazran smiles at the memory and turns his head to see a full-body portrait of Abigail where his father's used to be.

KAZRAN : It's bigger on...


Young Kazran and Abigail are looking inside the TARIDS in awe.

YOUNG KAZRAN : ...the inside.

DOCTOR : Yeah, it's the colour. Really knocks the walls back. (taps on the container lying on the floor). Shark in a box, to go.


Kazran walks to the portrait.

KAZRAN : Abigail.


Abigail looks about the TARDIS in wonder. The Doctor sets it in motion.

ABIGAIL :  This is... amazing !

DOCTOR : Nah, this is transport. I keep amazing... (runs to the door and opens it) out here.

Fish swim amongst the clouds.


Kazran goes to one of the bookcases and pulls back curtains on the lowers shelves. He removes a small chest.


The Doctor heads back to the container.

DOCTOR : Come on, then, let's get this shark out.

Punches the numbers to start the defrost. Young Kazran pulls out his camera and begins taking pictures. The first is of Abigail as she looks out on the fish.


Kazran opens the chest. It is full of pictures. The first one he takes out is the one of Abigail.


Young Kazran watches as the shark is released.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Hey, look at her go !

Closing the container, the Doctor sees numbers on the front.

DOCTOR : Abigail, this number, what does it mean ?

ABIGAIL : It pertains to me, sir, not the fish.

DOCTOR : Yeah, but how ?

ABIGAIL : You are a doctor, you say ? Are you one of mine ?

DOCTOR : Do you need a doctor ?

Abigail looks sad and the Doctor is about to pursue the question when a bell chimes on the console.

DOCTOR : Ah ! Sorry ! (runs to console). Time's up, kids !


DOCTOR : It's nearly Christmas Day !


Kazran looks up to the ceiling, his eyes teary.


Young Kazran and the Doctor put Abigail back in her container.

ABIGAIL : If you should ever wish to visit again...

DOCTOR : Well, you know, if I'm ever in the neighbourhood...

YOUNG KAZRAN : He comes every Christmas Eve. Yeah, he does, every time. He promises !

DOCTOR : No, I don't...

Young Kazran closes the door... and opens it again. For Abigail, it’s been mere seconds, but a year has passed outside. The Doctor and young Kazran are wearing Father Christmas hats.

YOUNG KAZRAN and the DOCTOR : Merry Christmas !

ABIGAIL : Doctor !

The Doctor leads the way down the aisle. He’s carrying a harness.

ABIGAIL : What are we going to do ?

YOUNG KAZRAN : The Doctor's got a great plan ! Wait till you hear !

As they run off, the number on the front of Abigail's container goes from “8” to “7”.


The Doctor has found a two-wheeled open carriage and has hooked up the harness.

ABIGAIL : You are out of your mind. This will never work !

DOCTOR : Oh, don't think shark, think dolphin.

The Doctor lifts young Kazran onto the seat.

ABIGAIL : A shark isn't a dolphin !

DOCTOR : It's nearly a dolphin.

ABIGAIL : No, it isn't.

DOCTOR : That's where you're wrong, because... Shut up.

Uses the sonic.

YOUNG KAZRAN : It could be anywhere. (gets down from the carriage). Will it really come ?

DOCTOR : No chance. Completely impossible. Except at Christmas.


The Doctor is at the reins as the flying shark takes them through the clouds.

YOUNG KAZRAN : How are we going to get back ?

DOCTOR : I don't know !

ABIGAIL : Do you have a plan ?

DOCTOR : I don't know !

They laugh and cheer as they fly all about the city.


Young Kazran and the Doctor take Abigail back to her container.

ABIGAIL : Best Christmas Eve ever !

YOUNG KAZRAN : Till the next one !

They close the door and Abigail is frozen once again.


Kazran is sitting on the floor, pictures spread on the carpet in front of him.

KAZRAN : New memories. How can I have new memories ?


Young Kazran and the Doctor open Abigail's container on another Christmas.

YOUNG KAZRAN and the DOCTOR : Merry Christmas !

ABIGAIL : Doctor ! Where to this time ?

DOCTOR : Did I mention, at any point, all of time and space...?


Kazran looks through more photos.


Young Kazran and the Doctor open Abigail's container on another Christmas. Both are wearing fezzes.

YOUNG KAZRAN and the DOCTOR : Merry Christmas !

ABIGAIL : Doctor !


Kazran smiles at the photos, some of them from Egypt and the pyramids.


Young Kazran and the Doctor open Abigail's container on another Christmas. Young Kazran is wearing the scarf and is looking somewhat sullen.

DOCTOR : Merry Christmas !

ABIGAIL : Doctor !

The countdown reaches “4”.


Kazran smiles at more photos.


Teen Kazran and the Doctor open Abigail's container on another Christmas. Teen Kazran is taller, perhaps late teens and wearing a bowtie.

DOCTOR and TEEN KAZRAN : Merry Christmas !

ABIGAIL : Kazran !

The countdown moves to “3”.


The Doctor moves to the controls as teen Kazran and Abigail walk a little slower.

ABIGAIL : You've grown.


ABIGAIL : And now you're blushing.


ABIGAIL : That's OK.

TEEN KAZRAN : So, Doctor, where this time ?

DOCTOR : Pick a Christmas Eve. I've got them all right here.

ABIGAIL : Might I make a request ?

DOCTOR : Of course.

ABIGAIL : This one.


Abigail stands in the street wearing a hooded cloak as she looks in a window and watches her family. Her sister hands her husband a drink.

HUSBAND : Thank you, darling.

Kisses her. Teen Kazran and the Doctor stand back a-ways, watching her.

TEEN KAZRAN : Who are they ?

DOCTOR : Her family. The lady's her sister. I met her once, when she was... older.

TEEN KAZRAN (whispers) : Abigail's crying.

DOCTOR (whispers) : Yes.

TEEN KAZRAN (whispers) : When girls are crying, are you supposed to talk to them ?

DOCTOR : I have absolutely no idea.

Teen Kazran walks over to Abigail.

ABIGAIL : My sister's family. They're so happy.

TEEN KAZRAN : They look very poor.

ABIGAIL : They are very poor. Doesn't mean you can't be happy.

TEEN KAZRAN : And then why aren't you ?

The husband closes the curtains.

ABIGAIL : Because this is the life I can never have.

TEEN KAZRAN : Why not ?

Abigail takes his hand in hers, keeping them at their sides.

ABIGAIL : I think you're blushing again.

The curtains open again, and the Doctor is there, waving them in.

DOCTOR : Come in.

Still holding hands, they go inside.


The Doctor is entertaining the son with card tricks at one end of the table while Abigail sits with her sister at the other. Teen Kazran is helping the husband decorate.

DOCTOR : Pick a card, any card at all.

SISTER : Every Christmas Eve. I don't understand.

ABIGAIL :  I'm not sure I do.

DOCTOR : Memorise the card, put it back in the deck. Don't let me see it.

HUSBAND : Is this what it looked like last year ?

SISTER : It doesn't have to be exactly the same.

HUSBAND : I'm starting again. Come on, Kazran, we're starting again.

SISTER : That's Sardick's boy, isn't it ?

ABIGAIL : He's not like his father.

SISTER : His father treats everyone like cattle. One day, that boy will do the same.

ABIGAIL : No. He's different.

DOCTOR : The three of clubs.

SON : No.

DOCTOR : You sure ? I'm very good at card tricks.

SON : It wasn't the three of clubs.

DOCTOR : Well, of course it wasn't, (tosses away card) because it was the seven of diamonds !

Pulls it from inside pocket.

SON : No.

DOCTOR : Oi, stop it, you're doing it wrong.

SISTER : I see him around the town sometimes. Never any friends.

ABIGAIL : He's got me.

SISTER : All those Christmas Eves, you never once came to see us.

ABIGAIL : I'm here now

SISTER : Then stay. Stay for tomorrow, have Christmas dinner with us.

ABIGAIL : I can't.

SISTER : Well, then. (stands). Tomorrow's dinner is cancelled, as my sister refuses to attend.

ABIGAIL : Isabella...

ISABELLA : Instead... we'll have it tonight.

Later... They are sitting around the table, the Doctor at one end, and they are about to pull the crackers.

DOCTOR : Three ! Two ! One ! Pull !

Everyone cheers and laughs. The son pulls a playing card from his.

SON : How did you do that ?

DOCTOR : Your card, I believe.

SON : No !

DOCTOR : Oh, shut up !

KAZRAN (toast) : Er, Merry Christmas.

ALL : Merry Christmas.

Under the table, Kazran and Abigail hold hands.



They say goodbye for another year.

ABIGAIL : Best Christmas Eve ever.

Hugs the Doctor.

DOCTOR : Ah ! Till the next one.

ABIGAIL : I look forward to it. Now I'd like to say good night to Kazran.

DOCTOR : Of course. (stands there). Well, on you go. (Kazran looks at him). Oh ! Oh, yes, right ! Sorry, I'll, um, I'll go, then. (to Abigail) Good night. (to Kazran) Good luck... night ! Good night ! (backs into a container). Sorry.

Walks away.

TEEN KAZRAN (hushed shout) : Doctor ! (rushes over). I, er, I think she's going to kiss me.

DOCTOR : Yeah, I think you're right.

Pushes him towards Abigail.

TEEN KAZRAN : I've never kissed anyone before. What do I do ?

DOCTOR (puts arm around Teen Kazran's shoulder) : Well... try and be all nervous and rubbish and a bit shaky.


DOCTOR : You'll be like that anyway. Make it part of the plan. Off you go, then !

Pushes teen Kazran, who resists.

TEEN KAZRAN : What, now ? I kiss her now ?

DOCTOR : Kazran, it's this or go to your room and design a new kind of screwdriver. Don't make my mistakes. Now, go !

Teen Kazran goes back to Abigail and stands there awkwardly until she pulls him into a kiss.


Kazran looks at photos of their trip to New York, Paris and Australia. He then finds one dated “California 1952” in front of the Hollywood sign.


Abigail is standing by the pool in a period gown. She is unhappy about something. Teen Kazran finds her.

TEEN KAZRAN : Abigail ! Are you coming back ? The Doctor is going to do a duet with Frank. Abigail. What's wrong ?

ABIGAIL : I have something to tell you.

TEEN KAZRAN : A bad thing ?

ABIGAIL : A very bad thing.

TEEN KAZRAN : What is it ?

ABIGAIL : The truth.

The Doctor, wearing a white evening jacket, tie undone, finds them as they’re kissing.

DOCTOR : Guys, we've really got to go quite quickly. I just accidentally got engaged to Marilyn Monroe. How do you keep going like that ? Do you breathe out your ears ? Hello ? Sorry, hello ? Guys, she's phoned a chapel, there's a car outside, this is happening now !

MARILYN : Yoo-hoo ! Yoo-hoo.

DOCTOR : Right, fine, thank you. I'll just go and get married then, shall I ? See how you like that ! (walks away). Marilyn, get your coat !

TEEN KAZRAN : What are we going to do ?

ABIGAIL : There is nothing to be done.


Teen Kazran escorts Abigail to her container as the Doctor tests the sonic on a small fish.

TEEN KAZRAN : Good night, Abigail.

ABIGAIL (breaking) : Good night, Kazran.

They slowly let go of each others’ hands as they back away. Teen Kazran closes the door as Abigail shakes her head. The Doctor walks over, cheerful.

DOCTOR : There we go. Another day, another Christmas Eve. I'll see you in a minute, eh ? I mean, a year.

TEEN KAZRAN : Doctor... Listen, why don't we leave it ?

DOCTOR : Sorry, leave what ?

TEEN KAZRAN : Oh, you know. This. Every Christmas Eve, it's getting a bit old.

DOCTOR : Old ?

TEEN KAZRAN : Well, Christmas is for kids, isn't it ? I've got some work with my dad now, I'm going to focus on that. Get that cloud belt under control.

DOCTOR : Sorry. I didn't realise I was boring you.

TEEN KAZRAN : Not your fault. Times change.

Walks away.

DOCTOR : Not as much as I'd hoped. Kazran.

Teen Kazran stops and the Doctor walks up to him.

DOCTOR : I'll be needing a new one, anyway. What the hell... (gives him the sonic). Merry Christmas. And if you ever need me, just activate it. I'll hear you.

TEEN KAZRAN : I won't need you.

DOCTOR : What's happened ? What are you not telling me ?

Teen Kazran walks off.

DOCTOR : What about Abigail ?

TEEN KAZRAN : I know where to find her.

The countdown shows “1”.


Teen Kazran closes and locks the door behind him, his eyes red from tears.


Kazran turns to look at the portrait and it had changed back to that of his father.


Kazran is dressed in sober black and his hair is slicked down. He is standing with his father, Elliot, drinking champagne. They are standing in front of the machine.

ELLIOT SARDICK : Another Christmas Eve, Kazran. But a very special one. It's complete. Look at it. Sound waves. As simple as that. We can control the clouds, the fog, the fish...

TEEN KAZRAN : Why do we want to control the fish ?

ELLIOT SARDICK : People are cattle. If you want to control cattle, you need to control their predators. What's the face for ? Look what I'm giving you. The sky, and everything beneath it. Only you and I can control this. This planet is ours !

TEEN KAZRAN : Excuse me, Father.

Teen Kazran sets down his glass and walks out of the room.



Teen Kazran walks to his desk and opens a drawer. Inside is the sonic screwdriver. He takes it out and stares at it for a moment. He then turns and sees the Doctor standing in the window. Kazran walks over. The Doctor leans down, a smile on his face. Kazran closes the curtains before walking back to his desk and putting the sonic back in the drawer.


Kazran opens the desk drawer. Inside, gathering dust, are souvenirs from his trips with the Doctor. He lifts out the screwdriver and presses it against his cheek. The phone rings.


Kazran walks with the phone.

KAZRAN : Yes, what ? Oh, Mr President, we've been through this ! It's not going to crash on my house, so what's it got to do with me ? Yes, I know. 4,003. As a very old friend of mine once took a very long time to explain, life isn't fair.

Kazran hangs up the phone and looks down at the pictures at his feet, one of which is a smiling Abigail. He takes the sonic from his pocket. Just as he does so, a hologram of Amy appears.

AMY : Hello !

KAZRAN : Who are you ? What are you doing here ?

AMY : Didn't think this was over, did you ? I'm the Ghost of Christmas Present.

KAZRAN : A ghost ? Dressed like that ?

RORY (pushes Amy aside) : Eyes off the skirt.

Amy shoves Rory out of the way

KAZRAN : You turned into a Roman.

AMY : Yeah. I do that. I also do this.

Hologram disappears.

KAZRAN : Do what ? What are you talking about ?

Voices begin singing “Silent Night”.


Kazran follows the sound of the voices to the vault. He looks inside to see a number of people singing. He keys in the code and opens the door.


He stares at the singers and Amy reappears.

AMY : They're holograms. Projections, like me.

KAZRAN : Who are they ?

AMY : The people on the ship up there. The ones you're going to let die tonight.

KAZRAN : Why are they singing ?

AMY : For their lives. Which one's Abigail ? The Doctor told me.

KAZRAN : Did he now ?

AMY : He doesn't hold back. You know the Doctor.

KAZRAN : How do I ? I never met him before tonight. Now I seem to have known him all my life. How ? Why ?

AMY : You're the only person who can let that ship land. He was trying to turn you into a nicer person. And he was trying to do it nicely.

KAZRAN : He's changed my past. My whole life !

AMY : Time can be rewritten.

KAZRAN : You tell the Doctor, tell him from me, people can't.

Kazran strides forward, breaking up the holograms. He stops in front of Abigail's container. Amy follows.

AMY : That's Abigail ?

KAZRAN : I would never have known her if the Doctor hadn't changed the course of my whole life to suit himself.

AMY : Well, that's good, isn't it ?


AMY : Why is she still in there ? You could let her out any time.

KAZRAN : Oh, yes. Any time at all. Any time... I choose.

Puts his hand to the window.

AMY : Then why don't you ?

KAZRAN : This is what the Doctor did to me. Abigail was ill when she went into the ice. On the point of death. I suppose the rest in the ice helped her, but she's used up her time. All those Christmas Eves with me. I could release her any time I want... and she would live a single day. (turns to Amy). So tell me, Ghost of Christmas Present, how do I choose which day ?

AMY : I'm sorry. I really am. I'm very, very sorry. But you know what ? She's got more time left than I have. More than anyone on this ship.

KAZRAN : Good.

AMY : Rory, widen the beam.

The room flickers out of existence and Kazran finds himself elsewhere.


Kazran now appears as the hologram on the ship.

CAPTAIN : Update on engine one...

KAZRAN : How did I get here ?

AMY : You didn't. It's your turn to be the hologram. Since you're going to let a lot of people die, I thought you might like to see where it’s all gonna happen.

KAZRAN : The singing... What is it ? I don't understand.

RORY : The Doctor's idea. The harmonies resonate in the ice crystals. The fish like it. He thought maybe it would stabilise the ship. But it isn't working. It's not powerful enough.

KAZRAN : Why are they still singing, then ?

CAPTAIN : Because we haven't told them. I understand you have a machine that controls this cloud layer. If you can release us from it, we still have time to make a landing. Nobody has to die.

KAZRAN : Everybody has to die.

AMY : Not tonight.

KAZRAN : Tonight's as good as any other. How do you choose ?

AMY : Doctor ?

DOCTOR (over phone) : Yeah ?

AMY : Are you hearing this ?

DOCTOR (over phone) : I can hear.

KAZRAN : He's here ? Where is he ? Doctor ?!

Rory turns off the hologram and Kazran disappears.


Kazran finds himself back in the vault. The Doctor is leaning against a divider.

KAZRAN : Doctor !

DOCTOR : I'm sorry. I didn't realise.

KAZRAN : All my life, I've been called heartless. My other life, my real life, the one you rewrote. Now look at me.

DOCTOR : Better a broken heart than no heart at all.

KAZRAN : Oh, try it. You try it. Why are you here ?

DOCTOR : Cos I'm not finished with you yet. (walks forward). You've seen the past, the present... and now you need to see the future.

KAZRAN : Fine ! Do it ! Show me ! I'll die cold, alone and afraid. Of course I will, we all do ! What difference does showing me make ? Do you know why I'm going to let those people die ? It's not a plan. I don't get anything from it. It's just that I don't care. I'm not like you. I don't even want to be like you ! I don't and never, ever will care !

DOCTOR : And I don't believe that.

KAZRAN : Then show me the future. Prove me wrong.

DOCTOR : I am showing it to you. I'm showing it to you right now. So what do you think ?

The Doctor looks over Kazran's shoulder. Kazran turns around to see young Kazran in pajamas and a robe.

DOCTOR : Is this who you want to become, Kazran ?

The two Kazrans slowly walk towards each other.


Kazran drops his cane and lifts his hand to strike his younger self. He flashes back to the moment in his bedroom when his father struck him as well as the first Christmas Eve without the Doctor or Abigail. He also remembers almost striking Abigail's nephew as well as their last parting. He starts to cry.

KAZRAN : I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. (reaches out for young Kazran who takes a step back). It's OK, don't be frightened. (puts his hands on Young Kazran's shoulders and pulls him into a hug). I'm... I'm so, so, so...

DOCTOR : Kazran. We don't have much time.


SECOND PILOT : Structural integrity at 30% !

CAPTAIN : We have five minutes max. We need to land !

There is static as the Doctor appears onscreen.

DOCTOR (onscreen) : Hello, hello ! Ah, hello, everyone. Prepare to lock on to my signal.

AMY : Doctor, what's happening ?

DOCTOR (onscreen) : I just saved Christmas. Don't go away.

Switches off.

AMY : Doctor ? Doctor !



Kazran is at the controls of the machine as the Doctor walks up. Young Kazran stands to the side.

DOCTOR : We good to go, then ?

KAZRAN : The controls won't respond.

DOCTOR : They're isomorphic, tuned to your brainwaves, they'll only respond to you.

KAZRAN : They won't.

DOCTOR : That doesn't make sense, why wouldn't... (tries controls). Oh ! Oh, of course. Stupid, stupid Doctor !

KAZRAN : What's wrong ? Tell me, what is it, what...?

DOCTOR : It's you. I've changed you too much, the machine doesn't recognise you.

KAZRAN : But my father programmed it...

DOCTOR : He would never have programmed it for the man you are now.

KAZRAN : Then what do we do ?

DOCTOR : Um... Um... I don't know, I don't know.

YOUNG KAZRAN : There must be something !

KAZRAN (pulls out the sonic) : This ! You can use this ! I kept it, see ?

DOCTOR : What, half a screwdriver ? With the other half up in the sky in a big old shark, right in the heart of the cloud layer. We use your aerial to boost the signal, set up a resonation pattern between the two halves... That would work! My screwdriver, coolest bit of kit on this planet. Could do it.

KAZRAN : Do what ?

DOCTOR : My screwdriver is still trying to repair. It's signalling itself. We use the signal, but we send something else.

YOUNG KAZRAN : Send what ?

KAZRAN : Well ? What ? What ?

DOCTOR (turns to Kazran) : I'm sorry, Kazran. I truly am.

KAZRAN : I don't understand.

AMY : We need to send something into the cloud belt, something we know works. We need her to sing.


DOCTOR : Her voice resonates perfectly with the ice crystals. It calmed the shark. It will calm the sky, too.

KAZRAN : Could you do it ? Could you do this ? Think about it, Doctor. One last day with your beloved. Which day would you choose ?

ABIGAIL (steps out) : Christmas. Christmas Day. Look at you. (puts a hand on his cheek). So old now. I think you waited a bit too long, didn't you ?

KAZRAN : I'm sorry.

ABIGAIL : Hoarding my days, like an old miser.

KAZRAN : But... if you leave the ice now...

ABIGAIL : We've had so many Christmas Eves, Kazran. I think it's time for Christmas Day.


AMY : Doctor ?!

CAPTAIN : We can't hold this. Time's up, we're going down.

AMY : Doctor !

We hear Abigail singing.

SECOND PILOT : Captain, I've got... I don't know what I've got.

Switches to speaker so everyone can hear.

CAPTAIN : What are you listening to ?

SECOND PILOT : This is coming from outside. This is coming from the clouds.

Abigail's song carries through the ship.


Abigail sings into the sonic screwdriver which the Doctor has connected by extremely long wires to Kazran's machine. The Doctor works on some adjustments.

KAZRAN : Well ?

DOCTOR : Well, the singing resonates in the crystals. It's feeding back and forth between the two halves of the screwdriver. One song, filling the sky. The crystals will align, I'll feed in a controlled phase loop, and the clouds will unlock.

YOUNG KAZRAN : What does that mean ? What happens when a cloud unlocks ?

DOCTOR : Something that hasn't happened in this town for a very long time now.

As Abigail continues to sing, snow begins to fall.


FIRST PILOT : We're flying normally.

CAPTAIN : Can you land ?

FIRST PILOT : I can even land well.

Rory and Amy hug.

AMY : Oh, he did it. The Doctor did it.

RORY : Yeah, he gets all the credit. Which is actually fair enough, if you think about it.

They kiss.


Kazran wraps his hand around one of Abigail's. The people of the city come out to marvel at the snow and the children play. Abigail places her hand against Kazran's cheek. They look up to see the shark swimming above.

KAZRAN : Hello, my old friend.

DOCTOR (to young Kazran) : Let’s go.

Young Kazran enters the TARDIS and the Doctor turns and smiles at his handiwork before entering the TARDIS. As the TARDIS dematerializes, Kazran and Abigail wave goodbye. Where the TARDIS was, Kazran sees a carriage and harness similar to what they had used years ago.

Later... The Doctor has returned for taking young Kazran back and is rubbing noses with a snowman.

AMY : You know, that could almost be mistaken for a real person. The snowman isn't bad, either.

The Doctor looks up to see Amy and Rory walking up the street, both still in costume.

DOCTOR : Ah, yes, you two ! About time ! Why are you dressed like that ?

RORY : Ah, kind of lost our luggage. Kind of crash landed.

DOCTOR :  Yeah, but why are you dressed like that at all ?

AMY : They really love their snowmen around here. I've counted about 20.

DOCTOR : Yeah, I've been busy.

AMY : Yeah, yeah, you have. (hugs the Doctor). Thank you.

DOCTOR : Pleasure. Right, come on, then, let's go !

Heads for the TARDIS.

RORY : Got any more honeymoon ideas ?

DOCTOR : There's a moon that's made of actual honey. Well, not actual honey. And it's not actually a moon. And technically, it's alive and a bit carnivorous, but there are some lovely views.

Unlocks the TARDIS.

RORY : Yeah, great, thanks.

Enters TARDIS.

AMY : Are you OK ?

DOCTOR : Course I'm OK. You ?

AMY : Of course. It'll be their last day together, won't it ?

DOCTOR : Everything has to end some time, otherwise nothing would ever get started.

Rory opens the door.

RORY : Your phone was ringing. Someone called Marilyn. Actually sounds like THE Marilyn.

AMY : Doctor ?

DOCTOR : Tell her I'll phone her back. And that was never a real chapel.

Rory goes back inside.

AMY : Where are they ? Kazran and Abigail.

DOCTOR : Off on a little trip, I should think.

AMY : Where ?

DOCTOR : Christmas.

AMY : Christmas ?

DOCTOR : Yeah, Christmas.

Amy goes inside and the Doctor looks up at the sky.

DOCTOR : Halfway out of the dark.

Enters the TARDIS. The camera pans up to the sky and we see Kazran and Abigail fly by in the carriage drawn by the shark, both laughing.



Écrit par Hombidule pour Doctor Who HypnoSeries

Source : jpgr.livejournal.com

Ecrit par choup37 
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Samedi 8 juin à 01:00

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Doctor Who (2023), S01E06 (inédit)
Samedi 8 juin à 18:45

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chrismaz66, 26.05.2024 à 11:49

Hi, sondage inter-séries spécial nerds (geeks) à Torchwood! Venez choisir de la compagnie pour la geek de la série, merci à sanct!

chrismaz66, 27.05.2024 à 08:08

Hi 2, sondage sur les volets 2 et 3 de Kaamelott, signé Choup37, votez et merci d'avance, même pour faire coucou ^^

sanct08, Hier à 12:51

Hello, dernier jour pour voter au SONDAGE chez STAR TREK ! On vous attend à bord ;=)

langedu74, Hier à 18:55

Bonsoir ! Une bannière The Handmaid's Tale attend vos pouces dans les préférences. Merci

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