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Doctor Who (2005)
#13.04 : Le village des anges


Devon, Novembre 1967. Une petite fille a disparu, le professeur Eustacius Jericho mène des expériences psychiques et dans le cimetière du village, il y a une pierre tombale de trop. Pourquoi Medderton est-il appelé « Le Village Maudit » ? Et que veulent les Anges Pleureurs ?


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Chapter Four : Village of the Angels

Titre VF
Le village des anges

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FIRST LOOK | Village of the Angels

FIRST LOOK | Village of the Angels


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Les anges pleureurs sont de retour

Les anges pleureurs sont de retour

La Docteur avec le Professeur Jericho (Kevin McNally) et Claire (Annabel Scholey)

La Docteur avec le Professeur Jericho (Kevin McNally) et Claire (Annabel Scholey)

Gerald et Jean recherchent Peggy, une petite fille disparue

Gerald et Jean recherchent Peggy, une petite fille disparue

Namaca (Blake Harrison) et Bel (Thaddea Graham)

Namaca (Blake Harrison) et Bel (Thaddea Graham)

Gerald (Vincent Brimble) et  Jean (Jemma Churchill)

Gerald (Vincent Brimble) et Jean (Jemma Churchill)

Ne clignez pas des yeux !

Ne clignez pas des yeux !



Le Révérend Shaw (Alex Frost)

Le Révérend Shaw (Alex Frost)

La Docteur en pleine investigation

La Docteur en pleine investigation

La Docteur cherche des réponses

La Docteur cherche des réponses

Mais que veulent les anges pleureurs ?

Mais que veulent les anges pleureurs ?

Le Professeur Jericho (Kevin McNally)

Le Professeur Jericho (Kevin McNally)

Yaz et Dan

Yaz et Dan

La Docteur avec le Professeur Jericho (Kevin McNally)

La Docteur avec le Professeur Jericho (Kevin McNally)

Un ange pleureur

Un ange pleureur

La Docteur, Yaz et Dan prêt à aider les villageois

La Docteur, Yaz et Dan prêt à aider les villageois


Logo de la chaîne NRJ 12

France (inédit)
Mercredi 07.09.2022 à 22:15

Logo de la chaîne BBC 1

Grande-Bretagne (inédit)
Dimanche 21.11.2021 à 18:25

Plus de détails

Quatrième partie de l'arc Flux


Scénariste: Chris Chibnall et Maxine Alderton

Réalisateur: Jamie Magnus Stone



Jodie Whittaker... Docteur

Mandip Gill... Yasmin Khan

John Bishop... Dan

Jacob Anderdon ... Vinder

Kevin McNally ... Professeur Jericho

Annabel Scholey ... Claire Brown

Alex Frost ... Reverend Shaw

Vincent Brimble ... Gerald

Jemma Churchill ... Jean

Penelope McGhie ... Mrs Hayward

Thaddea Graham ... Bel

Blake Harrison ... Namaca

Poppy Polivnicki ... Peggy

Rochenda Sandall ... Azure

Barara Fadden ... Ange Pleureur

Isla Moody ... Ange Pleureur

Lowri Brown ... Ange Pleureur

Jonny Mathers ... Passenger


Références et continuités

  • L'épisode contient une scène au milieu des crédits finaux!
  • Kevin McNally était précédemment apparu dans The Twin Dilemma, et Vincent Brimble dans Warriors of the Deep, tous deux en 1984.

Dans un petit village, alors que des habitants recherchent une petite fille, le révérend Shaw trouve un mot devant une statue du cimetière lui disant de partir. Pendant ce temps, Claire Brown est avec le Professeur Jericho qui étudie son don de prémonitions, mais soudain alors que la séance est en cours, la jeune femme entre dans une sorte de transe, les machines s’affolent et elle réclame de l’aide, Jericho essaie de la rassurer mais quand elle reprend conscience, elle dit que c’est trop tard, l’ange a pris le contrôle du Tardis.

Piégés avec un Ange, la Docteur dit à Yaz et Dan de fermer les yeux et redémarre le Tardis ce qui leur permet d’échapper à l’ange mais elle ignore où ils sont et s’ils ne sont pas justement où l’ange voulait les emmener. Ils quittent le Tardis pour le découvrir et rencontrent un couple qui essaie d’appeler avec le téléphone extérieur.

Ils sont en 1967 dans le village de Medderton, le tournevis sonique se met à chauffer et la Docteur suit le signal après avoir confié les deux personnes à Yaz et Dan en leur disant de ne pas s’éloigner. Le couple leur explique qu’ils sont à la recherche de Peggy, une petite fille de 10 ans, qui a disparu.

Dans le cimetière, le révérend s’en prend à Mme Hayward à cause du mot qu’il a trouvé, il l’accuse d’effrayer tout le village, elle lui dit de compter les tombes, que s’il y en a plus, il la croira peut-être et quand elle entend les gens appeler Peggy, elle dit que l’histoire recommence.

Claire discute avec le Professeur Jericho à propos de ce qui s’est passé, il dit qu’il a tout enregistré et que c’est inquiétant, la Docteur les rejoint en disant que son tournevis sonique indique bien plus inquiétant encore. Jericho lui demande qui elle est et elle se présente en montrant son papier psychique. Le professeur se présente également puis elle découvre Claire, qu’elle reconnait. Elle scanne le laboratoire de Jericho mais c’est au contact de Claire que son sonique réagit et cette dernière quitte la pièce en disant qu’elle ne sent pas bien. Jericho s’emporte contre la Docteur, mais elle continue de fouiller et découvre des dessins, Jericho lui dit que ce sont les prémonitions de Claire. La Docteur trouve le dessin d’un ange et le déchire en disant qu’elle essaie de les garder en vie devant l’incompréhension de Jericho puis monte à l’étage.

Dans la salle de bains, Claire se rafraîchit le visage et quand elle se regarde dans le miroir, elle a des ailes d’ange. Dans le cimetière, le révérend compte les tombes et disparait après avoir trouvé un ange pleureur sous les yeux de Mme Hayward.

Dan et Yaz aide à la recherche de Peggy. Yaz essaie d’avoir des informations qui pourraient aider à sa recherche auprès de son oncle qui ne comprend pas à quoi ça sert. Dan et Yaz vont voir dans un champ où Peggy a l’habitude d’aller et discute de tous ces évènements qui ne sont sûrement pas une coïncidence. Ils se retrouvent face à un ange pleureur et essaient de lui échapper sans succès.

Bel continue son voyage en enregistrant des messages pour Vinder tout en évoquant leurs souvenirs. Elle arrive sur la planète Puzano et rencontre Namaca, elle lui demande s’il a vu Vinder, ce n’est pas le cas mais il lui dit qu’il sera peut-être au prochain rassemblement, où une personne vient pour les mettre en lieu sûr et lui propose d’y aller.

Alors que la Docteur explore la maison de Jericho, elle trouve du verre brisé sur le sol, Jericho pense à des vandales mais quand il ouvre sa porte, il y a plusieurs anges devant chez lui, la Docteur le tire à l’intérieur et lui dit de fermer toutes les portes. Les Anges pleureurs entourent la maison et la Docteur explique à Jericho à quel point ils sont dangereux, Claire les rejoint, elle sait que les anges sont là. Alors que Jericho fini de fermer les issues, Claire explique les visions qu’elle a eu, le Tardis, les anges, une voix qui lui dit de ne pas cligner des yeux et le nom du village. Elle ne comprenait pas puis elle a croisé la Docteur et a été enlevé par les anges, elle est dans les années 60 depuis 2 ans.

Les anges parviennent à rentrer dans la maison et la Docteur dit qu’ils doivent se réfugier dans le sous-sol. Claire lui explique qu’elle a fait des recherches sur le village, que tous les habitants ont disparu le 21 novembre 1967 et que c’était déjà arrivé en 1901. La Docteur lui dit de descendre au sous-sol et finit d’installer un truc dans l’escalier, de la poussière tombe de l’œil de Claire mais elle le cache au Docteur avant de la suivre.

Yaz et Dan se retrouvent dans le passé, dans le même village mais à l’abandon, ils y retrouvent Peggy qui leur dit que les anges lui parlent et qu’il faut rester dans le village. Elle leur montre qu’au-delà du panneau de la ville c’est l’espace et que les anges ont mis deux mots dans sa tête, extraction quantique. En 1967, son oncle et sa tante, sont,  eux aussi, pris par un ange et Madame Hayward est encore là pour le voir.

Dans le sous-sol, la Docteur relie ce qu’elle a mis dans l’escalier à la télévision. Alors qu’elle explique à Jericho qu’il faut surveiller les Anges, le dessin de Claire se reforme et la Docteur parvient de justesse à l’empêcher de se matérialiser en le brûlant dans la cheminée. Jericho se demande pourquoi ils sont là et Claire dit que c’est pour elle, car elle a un ange en elle, en montrant ses bras qui sont en pierre et expliquant ce qu’elle a vu auparavant. La Docteur explique que tout ce qui contient un ange devient un ange, Claire en a un dans son esprit ce qui expliquerait ce qui se passe. Jericho a du mal à le croire mais il a vu tellement de choses dans sa vie, qu’il lui dit qu’il est prêt à tout pour les aider. La Docteur dit à Claire qu’elle va pénétrer dans son esprit pour extraire l’ange. Jericho demande à prendre des relevés et la Docteur entre en contact avec l’esprit de Claire. Elle se retrouve dans un paysage en bord de mer où l’ange lui demande de l’aide à travers Claire, la Docteur comprend que c’est lui qui a détourné le Tardis et il lui explique que Claire est son sanctuaire. La Docteur apprend qu’il se cache des autres anges qui sont une brigade d’extraction pour la Division.

Bel et Namaca rejoignent le lieu de transmutation où de nombreuses personnes attendent, Azur apparait et dit qu’elle est là pour les amener dans un univers qui a été épargné avec le Passager, mais Bel a entendu parler du Passager et tire Namaca au loin avant que tout le monde disparaissent. Namaca lui reproche d’avoir gâché sa chance mais elle lui dit que le Passager n’est pas un moyen de transport, que c’est une prison. Il ne la croit pas et même quand il lui propose de l’emmener dans son vaisseau il la rejette.

Dan pose pleins de question à Yaz, mais elle s’inquiète plus du village qui disparait peu à peu cédant la place à l’espace. Ils se retrouvent face à un ange. L’oncle et la tante de Peggy arrivent mais refusant d’écouter leur nièce quand elle leur dit de ne pas bouger, ils n’écoutent pas non plus, Yaz et Dan et sont tués par l’ange. Yaz essaie de réconforter Peggy, mais elle dit que son oncle n’a jamais été gentil. Yaz lui promet qu’elle connait quelqu’un qui va venir les sauver et lui demande si elle a vu autre chose qui pourrait les aider à retourner en 1967.

Alors que la Docteur est toujours dans l’esprit de Claire, Jericho surveille ses relevés et les anges, mais l’un d’eux entre en contact avec lui en prenant sa voix et essaie de le faire céder, mais il ne se laisse pas faire et leur tient tête même s’ils disent qu’ils sont patients et qu’ils sont partout. Un ange se dessine sur les relevés de Jericho et la Docteur parle de la Division à l’ange de Claire. Elle apprend qu’il en faisait partie, comme elle et qu’il compte sur elle pour leur échapper car la Division est partout. La Docteur accepte en échange de la libération de Claire, mais l’ange refuse, elle sera libre quand la Docteur l’aura aidé. Cette dernière se demande pourquoi il est poursuivi par les autres, il a la connaissance, les souvenirs de la Division, même ceux que la Docteur a oublié, si elle le protège, il lui donnera ce qu’elle cherche.

La Docteur et Claire reviennent à la réalité après que Jericho leur ait lancé une tasse car il est un peu à court d’options face aux anges. La Docteur a repéré un tunnel sur les plans de la maison. Après avoir ouvert, le tunnel, elle met les casques de mesure sur les anges et dit à Jericho et Claire de partir pendant qu’elle les surveille et inverse la polarité neutrons et elle rejoint les autres dans le tunnel. Elle leur dit d’avancer, mais il y a des anges dans les murs du tunnel et un autre en travers du chemin, elle dit que s’ils arrivent à passer, ils auront peut-être une petite chance, mais les anges forcent la porte derrière eux.

Peggy raconte à Yaz et Dan que sa prof d’histoire a parlé d’un tombeau découvert en 1901, sauf qu’ils sont en 1901 et qu’il n’y a rien mais qu’aujourd’hui c’est le cas et que tout le monde a disparu. Elle leur montre l’endroit mais il y a une espèce de barrière et de l’autre côté il fait nuit, Dan lance un bâton qui se désintègre et dit qu’il vaut mieux rester de ce côté. Mme Hayward arrive et explique à Peggy qu’elle se souvient de ce moment, de la dame qui lui a parlé et qu’elle ne reviendra pas en 1967 avant longtemps car elle est Peggy, 66 plus tard. Elle se souvient qu’elle a montré l’ancien tombeau qui n’est pas un tombeau, ce sont des pierres comme eux et qu’ils arrivent comme ça. Elle dit qu’ils lui ont expliqué pourquoi ils l’ont laissé en vie, par cruauté, pour laisser quelques rares témoins pour raconter l’histoire de l’extraction quantique.

La Docteur, Jericho et Claire sont dans les tunnels, Claire arrive à passer l’ange grâce à Jericho. La Docteur dit à Jericho de courir, chacun d’un côté de l’ange, comme ça les anges vont se regarder, mais lors de la manœuvre Jericho est touché et retrouve avec Dan, Yaz et Peggy. Un bruit retentit puis des lumières, Mme Hayward dit que ça commence et Yaz leur dit de reculer.

La Docteur est toujours dans le tunnel, prête à tenter une sortie même si elle doit tourner le dos aux anges, elle court mais découvre que les anges n’ont pas bouger. Elle cligne des yeux et rien ne se passe et elle ne comprend pas. Elle sort du tunnel en appelant Claire, disant qu’elle est sortie, mais qu’elle pense qu’ils l’ont laissé filer. Elle voit alors Yaz, Dan, Jericho et Peggy de l’autre côté et Yaz lui montre qu’elle est cernée par les anges. Claire dit que l’ange qui est en elle, lui dit d’aller parler à ses amis, qu’ils peuvent attendre. Claire dit qu’elle sent qu’il a parlé aux autres mais qu’elle ne sait pas ce qu’il leur a dit. La Docteur parle avec Dan et Yaz qui lui disent de ne pas traverser, qu’ils sont en 1901 et qu’il y a l’espace autour du village. Quand Yaz évoque l’extraction quantique, la Docteur comprend que les anges ont mis le village hors du temps et de l’espace pour piéger leur cible. Elle s’adresse alors l’ange qui est en Claire pour qu’il demande aux autres de le récupérer sans lui faire de mal et de ramener les habitants, elle promet de négocier avec eux pour lui. L’ange refuse à travers Claire et dit qu’il a accepté un meilleur marché, qu’ils se sont mis d’accord pour ne pas le capturer et que c’est elle qu’ils vont prendre à sa place. La Docteur comprend pourquoi, il s’est caché dans Claire, une humaine, pour la piéger elle car comme le dit Claire, la seule chose que la Division désire plus que l’ange c’est elle. Claire dit qu’elle est rappelée par la Division et soudain la Docteur se transforme en ange sous le regard impuissant de ses amis.

Namaca est devant un feu quand Vinder le rejoint en lui demandant s’il a vu Bel, il lui dit que oui, mais qu’elle est partie sans savoir où elle est allée. Toutefois, il l’a vu faire quelque chose avant de partir et il le conduit à l’endroit. Vinder le remercie, Namaca dit qu’elle lui a sauvé la vie et que s’il la trouve de lui dire merci. Vinder regarde le message que lui a laissé Bel, qu’elle était là, qu’elle a vu quelqu’un se servir d’un Passager et qu’elle pouvait pas rester, qu’elle a un vaisseau Lupari et qu’elle laissera l’émetteur à fond, elle ajoute qu’elle l’aime mais le message coupe avant qu’elle ait pu lui donner ses coordonnées et Vinder dit : Attends-moi j’arrive.


Par ShanInXYZ

[Jericho's lab]

(A reel to reel tape recorder is turned on, and the word Test written on a notepad. A woman is hooked up to a lie detector.)
JERICHO: Can you tell me today's date, please?
CLAIRE: November 21st.
JERICHO: And the year?
CLAIRE: 1967 (Untrue, apparently.)
JERICHO: There it goes again.



(Church bell tolls. The lights are on in the cburch. The Reverend Shaw picks up a piece of paper left on a chest tomb that says Leave Now.)

[Jericho's lab]

JERICHO: Huh. Can you state your name, please?
CLAIRE: Claire Brown.



(It is raining, and another man has a lamp.)
GERALD: Peggy? Peggy! Ridiculous child. Peggy!


[Jericho's lab]

JERICHO: And your date of birth?
CLAIRE: You know this already.
JERICHO: Now, control questions only. Date of birth.
CLAIRE: 13th of May, 1985.
JERICHO: Beg pardon?



(The whole village is out searching for the missing child.)
ALL: Peggy? Peggy! Peggy? Peggy! Peggy!


[Jericho's lab]

CLAIRE: I said, 13th of May, 1935.
JERICHO: Oh, apologies. Word of advice, Miss Brown. Never get old, not even slightly. Thank goodness for mechanical recordings (The lie detector is going haywire.)  There it goes again! Twice, for no reason. It is empirically, factually, November the 21st, 1967. And you clearly know your own birthday. Yet the machine would suggest you believe neither statement.
CLAIRE: Problematic when you need a control reference, a baseline.
JERICHO: Precisely. Oh, yes, I forgot. You're very with it.
CLAIRE: It's happening.
JERICHO: The percipient exhibits immediate and extreme physical distress, almost as if she's physically experiencing the events she describes. Theta waves suggest a sleep state, yet she remains extraordinarily alert. Mydriasis of the pupils, and yet no discernible trigger.
CLAIRE: Help me.
JERICHO: Yes, of course, my dear. All in good time.
CLAIRE: (possessed) There is no Time. Not any more. The end begins again now, And there will be no escape. Not this time. Not for her. Not for them. Not for you. (normal) The Angel has the Tardis.



(Cloister bell sounding.)
DOCTOR: The Angel has the controls. We have to get out of here! Both of you, keep your eyes on the Angel. Don't blink. If you blink, it could attack and displace us all in Time. (She opens a hatch in the wall.)  Incredibly dangerous in a moving Tardis.
DAN: How long for?
DOCTOR: Until I say.
DAN: I've got really dry eyes.
YASMIN: What are they?
(Two blue glowing power lines from either side of the door.)
DOCTOR: Two things that should never be put together, or three things if you include me.
DAN: You're gonna put them together, aren't you?
DOCTOR: Yep. Reboot the Tardis. Dimensional compression should eject quantum lifeforms.
YASMIN: But the Tardis is broken and Time's out of sync, so how can you be sure it's gonna work?
DOCTOR: It does have an element of risk.
DAN: How big an element?
DOCTOR: Well, yeah, pretty big. I mean, the only element, really. Oh! See, it's cottoned on. Not a happy bunny. Now, when I say blink, blink.
DAN: You said, don't blink!
DOCTOR: Ah! I'm updating the advice. We need it to come as close as possible. Now, blink!
(The Doctor joins the two cables together. The Angel disappears and the Cloister Bell stops tolling.)
YASMIN: It worked.
DOCTOR: Of course it worked! Only problem is, it will take a very long time for the Tardis to reboot to operational status again. And the other only problem is, we don't know where we are. Or even if we are. And the third only problem is, even if we are somewhere, what if it's where the Angel wanted us to be in the first place when it hijacked the Tardis?
DAN: At least we're alive. Thanks for that.
DOCTOR: You're welcome. Shall we have a nosey outside?



(Outside the Tardis, the man with the lamp is trying to use the Public Telephone.)
GERALD: Hello? Hello?
GERALD: Jiminy Christmas!
JEAN: Gerald, language.
GERALD: Were you in there all the time?
YASMIN: Rapid response unit. How can we help?
DOCTOR: Er, Earth, coastal... Devon? I'd say 19... (sniffs Gerald's coat) 49.
GERALD: Madam, what are you doing? It's 1967, as you must well know.
DOCTOR: You've had that coat a while, then. Wait, why were you calling the police? Ah, ah! Ah! Hot, hot, hot, hot! Hot.(The sonic screwdriver is glowing.)  What is coming from over there? Er, my colleagues'll assist you. Assist them, while I... Don't wander off.
DAN: Says she, wandering off.
GERALD: Are you in charge?
DAN: Er, well...
YASMIN: It's a very flat team structure. Tell us everything.
JEAN: We're missing a little girl. Ten years old, very responsible. Most unlike her to go off. Name of Peggy.



SHAW: Mrs Hayward. Mrs Hayward! I know this was you. I know every house has received one today. You're deliberately scaring people.
HAYWARD: And you're deliberately ignoring me. Have you counted the stones?
SHAW: I don't subscribe to superstitious folklore. I know there are exactly 92 gravestones here.
HAYWARD: Count them. And if there are more, maybe you'll do what I told you.
VILLAGERS [OC]: Peggy? Peggy! Peggy? Peggy! Peggy...
HAYWARD: It's happening again.


[Jericho's lab]

JERICHO: Here you are. Tea, with honey from my own bees. Nature's own shock remedy.
CLAIRE: Thank you. What did I say?
JERICHO: Oh, I've got it all recorded. It was a little alarming.
DOCTOR: Not as alarming as the readings that have set my sonic off.
JERICHO: Who are you?
DOCTOR: You can call me the Doctor. (She holds up her psychic paper.)
JERICHO: The Institute of Psychic Investigation?
DOCTOR: Looks like it. Interesting.
JERICHO: How did you get in here?
DOCTOR: Your door was open.
JERICHO: It most certainly was not!
DOCTOR: Well, it was once I opened it but let's not get bogged down in the order of things. Not when we could get on to whatever experiments you're doing down here, Mister...?
JERICHO: Professor. Jericho. Eustacius Jericho.
DOCTOR: Eustacius?
DOCTOR: Oh, wish I had that in Scrabble. 33 on a triple word score. Ah, I wouldn't be allowed it. Proper noun. Not unless you play George Eliot's rules. She allows 'em. Nice to meet you Professor Eustacius Jericho. Nice house, too. And with apologies to your subject... Oh. Hello, again.
DOCTOR: Ah. I thought it was the experiments the sonic was reacting to but it's actually you. Claire, right? How are you here?
CLAIRE: I'm feeling sick again, Professor.
JERICHO: Please. You are disrupting my percipient. Madam, explain yourself. You break into my house. You disrupt my experiments...
(The Doctor finds a sketch of the Tardis.)
DOCTOR: Where did you get this?
JERICHO: Miss Brown sketches what she calls her premonitions.
(There's one of an Angel. She rips it up and throws it into the cold fire grate.)
JERICHO: What are you doing?
DOCTOR: Trying to keep you safe. Stay here.
(The Doctor runs back upstairs. Claire has gone to the bathroom to bathe her face. When she looks up to see herself in the mirror, she has a pair of stone wings.)



(Reverend Shaw is counting the tombstones, as instructed.)
SHAW: 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92. 93...
(He has arrived at a Weeping Angel. He approaches. We see his glasses and clipboard fall to the ground.)



VILLAGERS [OC]: Peggy! Peggy!
YASMIN: Have you assigned specific areas to specific groups? And have you got an agreed time to report back?
GERALD: People are just out looking.
YASMIN: What about favourite places she goes to or plays in? Are you prioritising those?
GERALD: We don't need lecturing. Look, if you're so set on it yes, I suppose that field and the adjacent one. You're very welcome to them. You can use that to alert me should you find her.
DAN: This is your daughter?
GERALD: My great-niece. She's been in our care since her parents died.
YASMIN: Anything else we might need to know about her?
GERALD: Why would you need to know anything?
YASMIN: If we find her we might want to talk to her, so any information on what she's like or that might make her feel safe, that would be helpful.
GERALD: She's a ten year old girl. How much is there to know?
JEAN: Gerald... Gerald. Come on!
GERALD: All right, Jean.
DAN: Maybe she's not missing. Maybe she just ran to get away from him.
DAN: It's no coincidence, is it? We got put here by some mad statue. Doctor's on the trail of something glowing. Kid goes missing.
YASMIN: I doubt it. What's the matter?
DAN: Was that scarecrow there a minute ago?
(They look at each other, and an Angel is a lot closer to them.)
YASMIN: Keep your eyes on it. Don't blink.
DAN: Walk backwards, keep your eyes on it.
YASMIN: Yeah, easy. Oh! (They bump into each other, look away, and the Angel is right with them.) Don't panic.
DAN: Who's panicking? We've got our torches. Did it just kill our torches?
YASMIN: Keep your eyes on it. We've still got the moonlight. (The moon disappears behind clouds. Dan is hitting the lamp box.)  What are you doing?!
DAN: Checking the batteries.
(The light comes on in their face and the Angel pounces.)

BEL [OC]: Oh, my universe, look at what you've been through. Space is empty now. I mean, duh. Obviously, it was empty before. But since the Flux there's so much more... space and so much less... everything else. Which, when you're trying to find someone, makes things tricky.



BEL [OC]: Remember our honeymoon plans? 20 rotations in the floating canals of Puzano? Then we got deployed, separately, so instead we had that one night un a cubicle hotel opposite the Academy. I mean, don't get me wrong, that was more than a good night, but I regret to inform you we may have missed our moment with Puzano.
NAMACA: Just got here? Oh! (Bel swings around, weapon ready.)  I was more hoping for hello.
BEL: Didn't hear you approach.
NAMACA: It's all right, yeah. It's not the worst reaction I've had. Everyone's jumpy here. I... I saw you come in. That's a Lupari craft, right? Yeah, cos you're pretty non-Lupari.
BEL: Borrowed.
NAMACA: Yeah, oh, no. No judgment. Everyone's borrowed everything to get here. Welcome to Puzano. What's left of it. All the canals are gone, I'm afraid. I'm Namaca Ost Parvess Po.
(She puts her gun away and they shake hands.)
BEL: Bel.
NAMACA: Nice. Yeah, short. Better. Easier. No need to ask why you're here. It's the only planetary remains left in the quadrant. Quarter of a sun, third of a moon, half a planet. Everyone comes here now. Well, everyone who's left.
BEL: That's what I'm hoping. Have you seen this guy? (Hologram of Vinder.)
NAMACA: No. Brother?
BEL: Life partner.
NAMACA: Okay. No, sorry. Er, he might be at the next coalescence, unless he went already.
BEL: The next what?
NAMACA: There's this person who's made it their mission to help us. Get us to safety. There'll be one later. You... you want to come?


[Jericho's house]

(Someone has thrown a stone through a window.)
JERICHO: Broken glass everywhere. What is that device you're using?
DOCTOR: Did I not tell you to stay downstairs?
JERICHO: This is my house! Vandalism! If I get my hands on the person that threw this...
DOCTOR: Jericho, wait!
(Jericho opens the front door. There are Angels outside.)
JERICHO: How did they get here?
DOCTOR: Back away slowly, into the house. Keep your eyes on them. Don't look away, and don't blink.
JERICHO: What are you talking about? (He turns to look at the Doctor. An Angel is at the doorway.)  Ah!
(The Doctor drags him inside and locks the door.)
DOCTOR: Why are they here? Lock everything!
JERICHO: They're at the windows. How are they moving? They're just statues.
DOCTOR: They're called Weeping Angels. They move when unobserved. Quantum beings. If they touch you, they'll send you back to the distant past and feast on the quantum energy of your unlived life.
JERICHO: Oh, don't be ridiculous.
DOCTOR: Professor, I am many things but I'm not ridiculous. If there's a back entrance to this house, go and lock it now. Oh, don't let them near you and don't take your eyes off them. Go!
(While the Professor does that, the Doctor is emptying her pockets into Claire's hands.)
CLAIRE: It's them, isn't it? The Angels. Before that night I first saw you, I had a premonition. A succession of disconnected images. A stone angel. You. A blue box called a Tardis. And a Liverpool street. Numbers. A year. A voice telling me not to blink. And the name of this village. It didn't make any sense. But then I saw you. And afterwards there was an Angel on my street. It followed me to my front door and then I was in 1965. I've been in the 60's for two years.
DOCTOR: An Angel attacked you? But why? What did it want with you?
JERICHO: Back door is locked.
DOCTOR: Good. Have you got a television?
JERICHO: Er, yes.
DOCTOR: Bring it out here.
JERICHO: Are they really ringing the doorbell?
DOCTOR: It's a very nice sounding doorbell. Television. (Crash!)  I don't think the back door's as secure as the Professor would have hoped.
JERICHO: Do you not think evacuation might not be the order of the day?
CLAIRE: How can we evacuate when we're surrounded?
DOCTOR: Exactly. The building's surrounded and there's more of them than there are of us. At least inside we have a defendable position. The basement's securable right, Professor?
JERICHO: Oh, yes.
DOCTOR: Take the television down there, quick smart. Follow him, Claire. I said go.
CLAIRE: There's something else, Doctor. I googled the name of this village after I had my first premonition. Everyone in the village disappears on 21st November, 1967. Tonight. Whatever happens leaves no trace. The army move in and turn it into a locked encampment.
DOCTOR: Yeah, well, Time isn't always fixed.
CLAIRE: No, listen to me. It wasn't the first time. It also happened in 1901. Everyone in the village vanished.
DOCTOR: Get down to the basement now. I'll be right behind you.
(While the Doctor finishes sonicking whatever clever thing she's done on the staircase, Claire rubs her eye and stone dust falls onto the back of an armchair. She brushes it away quickly.)



(Daylight. Overturned carts, unpaved road.)
DAN: When d'you think it is?
YASMIN: Don't know. I mean, at least there's houses. Could have been the dinosaurs.
DAN: Yeah, but there's no people.
YASMIN: First things first. We're still looking for a missing girl, and it's a strong possibility that the Angel sent her back in time too, so she'll be worried.
(The sound of a needle in the final groove of a record.)
DAN: Shall we have a nose?



(The chickens are helping themselves to someone's slice bread. Dan picks up a tea cup.)
DAN: It's cold.
(Yasmin takes the needle off the record on the wind-up phonograph.)
YASMIN: Early part of the 20th century?
DAN: What, so, 100 years before you and I are alive?
DAN: Well, like you say, no dinosaurs. Yaz, how do we get back? Are we stuck here?
YASMIN: Let's just focus on seeing if there's anyone else around.
PEGGY: They're all gone.
DAN: Your name's not Peggy, is it?
(Later, Peggy eating a slice of bread.)
YASMIN: How did you get here, Peggy?
DAN: What happened to all the people?
PEGGY: The Angels.
YASMIN: The Angels are here too?
(Peggy nods.)
DAN: Are you scared they might come and get you again?
PEGGY: (shakes her head) Mmm-mmm.
DAN: Well, that's good.
YASMIN: Any reason why?
PEGGY: They promised they'd leave me alone now.
DAN: They talk to you?
PEGGY: They put thoughts in my head.
YASMIN: We're gonna get you back, Peggy.
PEGGY: You have to be careful. You have to stay within the village. You mustn't go beyond the sign.
DAN: Why's that?


[Village boundary]

PEGGY: It used to be further down the road. It's got closer. (They are standing at the edge of space.) They put two words in my head. Quantum extraction.


[Village boundary 1967]

GERALD: She always goes missing. Why is it my responsibility? Is it my fault her parents died? Is it my fault she won't talk to me or ever do as I tell her?
JEAN: Well, the last one, Gerald, yes. I think it is.
GERALD: I beg your pardon?
JEAN: Would it kill you to say one pleasant thing to her?
GERALD: What do you think gives you the right to speak to me like that, Jean?
JEAN: 47 years of pain, Gerald.
GERALD: Right, that's it. I'm going home.
JEAN: No. Be quiet, Gerald...
GERALD: Jean, what has got into you?
JEAN: Look.(They are also standing at the edge of space, and the ground is crumbling at their feet.) Gerald... Oh, what's going on?
GERALD: I don't know, Jean, but I don't like it. Let's find those police. Ah! (An Angel blocks their way.) How did that get there? Must be some sort of prank. Come along. Let's return it to the churchyard.
JEAN: We can't pick it up. Look at it!
GERALD: Somebody must have carried it here. It can't be that heavy.
(He reaches it and disappears with a scream.)
JEAN: Gerald...? Gerald? Oh! What is happening here?
(Jean also vanishes with a scream. Mrs Hayward comes along and sees the Angel.)


[Jericho's lab]

(Jericho finishes bolting the doors at the top of the stairs to his converted cellar. The Doctor has turned his television set into a CCTV monitor.)
DOCTOR: Oh! Bit rudimentary, but it'll do.
(A breeze down the chimney reassembles Claire's sketch of an Angel.)
JERICHO: That's my hallway.(And there are Angels in it.)
DOCTOR: I'm going to need you to keep an eye on this picture. It's risky, but we've got limited time and choices and we're going to need to know where they are.
JERICHO: Why risky?
DOCTOR: That which holds the image of an Angel can also be an Angel. It'd take a lot of effort, but if they really wanted to they can escape that screen.
DOCTOR: Ah! See what I mean? You have to keep your eyes on them.
CLAIRE: Doctor, my drawing...
DOCTOR: Ah! Do not take your eyes off that screen, Jericho. Claire, keep your eyes on the sketch Angel. Now... (She grabs the paper, screws it up and throws it into the grate. Then she lights a match and instantly creates a burning Angel.)  Brilliant, made it worse.
(More Angels are in the hallway.)
JERICHO: Oh, dear.
(The Doctor spots the fire bucket and throws the sand into the grate to dowse the Angel.)
DOCTOR: Where were we?
JERICHO: I may have to write all this down.
DOCTOR: Once this is over, be my guest.
JERICHO: But why are they attacking my house? What do they want?
CLAIRE: I think... me.
DOCTOR: Why would they want you, Claire?
CLAIRE: Because I'm one of them. Look. (The skin on her hands resembles stone.)
JERICHO: Miss Brown!
DOCTOR: This isn't possible. How long have you been like this?
CLAIRE: Er, physically, just tonight. But I hallucinated I had Angel wings, and there was dust coming out of my eye. There's an Angel within me, Doctor. I'm certain of it.
DOCTOR: You're a percipient, a seer. You had a premonition of an Angel in your mind and now it's living there. That which contains the image of an Angel... is an Angel. It's taken hold.
CLAIRE: Oh, my. But it keeps coming and going.
(Her hands return to normal. The Angels are heading for the cellar door.)
JERICHO: You're saying that because she had a premonition, a vision, it's taken psychic root within her? A real, genuine psychic manifestation?
DOCTOR: Eustacius Jericho, proper scientist. Under siege from the impossible, doesn't even stop to be scared. Just wants to understand what's beyond his comprehension.
JERICHO: Oh, I've seen many things beyond my comprehension, Doctor. I was one of the first British soldiers into Belsen at the end of the war. If you think a few stone statues will destroy my equilibrium, you are mistaken. What do you need me to do?
DOCTOR: We need a lot of eyes on a lot of Weeping Angels. Claire, I need you to look inside your mind. If there's an Angel in there, I need to get it out. Will you give me permission to enter your mind?
CLAIRE: Will it hurt?
DOCTOR: I'll be as gentle as I can.
JERICHO: You're going to place yourself inside Miss Brown's mind?
JERICHO: Let me take the readings, please. Permit me to record it.
CLAIRE: You're supposed to be observing the Angels!
JERICHO: Well, I can still do that. The machines will record any activity. Please. This is unprecedented. An experiment that goes beyond anything before researched. There.
(He has put the head sets on the women.)
DOCTOR: Contact.


[Cold Knap Beach]

(A shingle beach, mirrored to look like a spit. An Angel is standing behind Claire, with one hand on her shoulder.)
DOCTOR: So you are in here. Skulking inside a human mind? that's new. Wait. You're the one who hijacked my Tardis!
CLAIRE: Yes. I brought you here.
DOCTOR: How? If you're here inside Claire's mind, the psycho-temporal effort that would have taken is incalculable.
CLAIRE: I need your help, Doctor.
DOCTOR: A Weeping Angel needs my help? I don't think so. You won't get anything from me until you stop terrorising this human.
CLAIRE: I had no choice.
DOCTOR: You hunted her down and now you're living inside her, corrupting what she sees, corrupting who she thinks she is. This is me serving you notice. I want you out of here. Now.
CLAIRE: I did not hunt her down, Doctor. That was not me, that was another.
DOCTOR: What do you mean?
CLAIRE: I was already here. This human is my sanctuary. I identified her as my hiding place from others of my kind.
DOCTOR: So you're saying those Angels in the village, in Jericho's house, they weren't coming to rescue you. They're coming to capture you.
CLAIRE: Correct.
DOCTOR: A rogue Weeping Angel? On the run from other Angels, hiding in the mind of a human? Which would mean the Angel that pursued Claire, that sent her back to the 1960's, it wasn't coming for her. It was tracking you down.
DOCTOR: But why?
CLAIRE: They are an Extraction Squad. For the Division.



NAMACA: See? Everyone's here. This is where she usually comes. Leave a gap between you and the next person, or it won't take.
BEL: Where who comes?
NAMACA: Oh, we don't get to ask names. It's what she does that matters. Here we go.
(Azure the Ravager appears on the hilltop opposite the crowd, who cheer.)
AZURE: Thank you all for being here.
BEL: How are we hearing her? How does she do that?
NAMACA: I know, right?
AZURE: Space is disintegrating. Time is corrupting. I know that you've had to fight to get here. I promise you, that fight has been worth it. There is a safe galaxy unaffected by the Flux. We've already provided transport for many who have come here. We can do that again, today.
NAMACA: Oh, praise the stars! The non-existent stars.
AZURE: Here is your transport. (Another figure appears.)
BEL: What is that?
NAMACA: It's been here before but I haven't been able to get close enough into the transportation field. Fourth time lucky.
AZURE: Passenger will activate the transportation field, and all those within it will be taken to a place of safety within the unaffected galaxy.
BEL: Did she say Passenger?
NAMACA: So what?
BEL: Come on.
NAMACA: What are you doing? No.
BEL: I've heard of Passenger-forms. My last deployment. This isn't freedom she's offering. That thing is not your way out. Get out of the transportation field.
NAMACA: No. No, I've been waiting for this one.
BEL: Everybody, get out of the transportation field.
NAMACA: There is no other way off!
BEL: Run. Trust me, just run!
NAMACA: I don't want to run!
(Bel drags him away as Passenger releases an energy field that engulfs the crowd. Bel and Namaca hit the ground.)
AZURE: There's nothing to fear. You can come next time. Tell everyone who arrives here, they're safe with us.
(Azure and Passenger vanish.)
NAMACA: What did you do? Why did you stop me? That was my chance.
BEL: Passenger-forms are not transportation. They're prisons. Endless prisons.
NAMACA: You're wrong.
BEL: No, I'm not. Whatever she is, she is not salvation.
NAMACA: I don't believe you. I don't believe you.
BEL: Puzano is not a sanctuary. It's a hunting ground. Come with me. There's room on my ship. I can get you to another safe haven.
NAMACA: Stay away from me.



DAN: A village on the edge of space, have you seen anything like that before?
DAN: So do you think we're on Earth, or in space? And how do statues do any of this? And why would they want to? And also...
YASMIN: Enough questions, Dan. I get it!
DAN: Sorry.
PEGGY: Look.
(The edge of a building is crumblng.)
YASMIN: It's closing in. Like they're herding us.
DAN: Maybe not that way, then. Other way!(But along that path is an Angel.)  Maybe not that way either. We've not got many options left? have we? Back up, keep your eyes on it.
JEAN: Peggy! Peggy!
GERALD: There she is. I want a word with you, missy!
PEGGY: Don't come any closer!
GERALD: Look, Jean, there's another one of those blessed statues.
JEAN: Gerald, don't touch it. I still don't understand how it became light.
PEGGY: Both of you, stay back!
GERALD: I'll thank you not to tell me what to do.
DAN: Mate, listen to her!
YASMIN: Don't go past the statue. Do not put your back to it.
PEGGY: Nobody survives it twice.
DAN: Don't go in front of the statue. If you walk in front of it and we can't see it...
GERALD: Please don't tell us what to do. It's just a perfectly normal... (He walks in front of the Angel and it grabs his coat.)  How did that...?
(Jean and Gerald try to release him. They both tough the Angel, turn to stone and disintegrate with screams.)
YASMIN: I'm so sorry, Peggy.
PEGGY: He was never nice to me.
YaSMIN: We have to keep moving. I've got a friend, and she'll sort this. She'll save us. She always does. Peggy, is there anything else that you've seen here? Anything else that you've discovered? Because we have to find a way back to 1967.


[Jericho's lab]

JERICHO: Don't look at it. Don't look at it.(The television screen goes blank.)  Oh, what's happening now?(The screen comes back on. Just one Angel in the hallway.)  Where have they gone?
ANGEL [OC]: Do you really think you can protect them?
JERICHO: Who's there?
ANGEL [OC]: You are, Jericho. Listen to yourself, Jericho. Look away, Jericho. Look away.
JERICHO: No, thank you.
ANGEL [OC]: I see you, Jericho. You see yourself.
JERICHO: Please, stop using my voice. It's a very clever trick, but most impolite without permission.
ANGEL [OC]: So interested in the workings of other minds because you can't bear to examine your own. Loveless. Childless. Hiding in academia for fear of the real world. Always losing to a better man. A life of failure.
JERICHO: You don't know me.
ANGEL [OC]: We have your house. We have your attention. We are on our way. There is nothing you can do to stop us. Surrender to the Angels, Jericho. You know you want to.
JERICHO: I have never surrendered and I have no intention of starting now. Ah!
(The Angel reaches out of the television for him. Jericho picks up a cricket bat and smashes the screen. Then the cellar door falls down the stairs.)
JERICHO: You stop right there! You are observed, and that is my power over you.
ANGEL [OC]: For now, Jericho. But we are patient. We have time. We are all around you. We are everywhere.
(The pens on the paper read-out are drawing pictures of Angels.)


[Cold Knap Beach]

DOCTOR: What do you know about the Division?
CLAIRE: I was Division. As they are. As you were.
CLAIRE: But like you, I ran.
DOCTOR: No, no, no. Don't play games with me. Don't tell me what I did, what I don't remember. Do you really think I'm going to trust a creature like you to tell the truth?
CLAIRE: We're both trapped, Doctor. We have to trust each other.
DOCTOR: So you're telling me the Division used Weeping Angels as operatives to do its work?
CLAIRE: Division uses everything and everyone. Every species, every world, every moment. They are everywhere, present and unseen. Division is unstoppable.
DOCTOR: Yeah, well, I'm pretty good at stopping the unstoppable.
CLAIRE: That's why I brought you here? Doctor. But I think this may prove too much even for you.
DOCTOR: Then you need to get out of this human's body right now.
CLAIRE: No. Not yet.
DOCTOR: They're here. They know where you are. Claire can't protect you any more.
CLAIRE: But you can. You stop them, and I leave her. I let her live.
DOCTOR: Leave her first.
DOCTOR: What makes you so dangerous that they would need so many? What do you have that they're so scared of?
CLAIRE: Knowledge.
DOCTOR: What sort of knowledge?
CLAIRE: Of everything. All Division. All of its history. Including you. I hold everything... including the memories that were taken from you. That's why I brought you here, Doctor. You protect me, and I can give you what you're looking for.


[Jericho's lab]

DOCTOR: What happened?
JERICHO: Sorry, threw a cup at you. I needed to shake you out of it. We're running out of options.
DOCTOR: I see what you mean.
CLAIRE: How do we get out?
JERICHO: I'm beginning to question the wisdom of barricading ourselves somewhere with so few exits!
DOCTOR: Oh, Professor, do you not read your own floor plans?
DOCTOR: Assignation tunnel. Looks like the first owner of this house was somewhat of a scoundrel. A tunnel, from the basement, out to a lovers' meeting point. Don't look away! (She checks the floor plan, picks up a handy mallet and smashes through the wall in just the right place.)  Never been more grateful for another man's deceit. Put the headsets on these front two Angels. I'll keep an eye on them. Lickety-split, Jericho. Through the tunnel, both of you. Now. (Jericho and Claire grab lamps and head out.)  Now, reverse the polarity of the neutron flow. Might give you a little quantum headache. (She backs away, grabs a torch and goes into the tunnel.)



(The Doctor closes a door behind them. The Angels smash into it.)
CLAIRE: Doctor, are you all right?
DOCTOR: Go. I'll keep my eye on the door. Don't look back. I'll do the looking.
DOCTOR: You look forward. Keep going.
(She bolts the door)
JERICHO: What curious patterning on the wall. I wonder how long it's been there. Everything all right, Doctor?(The bolts are sliding back.)
DOCTOR: Yeah. Nothing to worry about.
CLAIRE: Oh! Doctor?
CLAIRE: I think there are Angels in the walls here.
DOCTOR: Course there are. Why wouldn't there be?
CLAIRE: Doctor?
JERICHO: Angel up ahead, Doctor!
DOCTOR: And behind.
JERICHO: All right. Keep your eyes on it, Miss Brown.
CLAIRE: Yes, thank you, Professor. Very much not blinking.
DOCTOR: If we can get past them, we might just stand a... chance.
(The Angels are in the tunnel.)



PEGGY: My history teacher lied about this place. She said it was a burial site from the Stone Age.
YASMIN: What do you mean?
PEGGY: She said it was excavated in 1901, but it wasn't. We're in 1901. And it wasn't there yesterday, but it was there today. And then all the people disappeared. Why is it night over there?
(They've reached another boundary. Dan throws a stick through it, and it vaporises.)
DAN: Dunno. But maybe stay this side of it for now, eh?
PEGGY: Yeah.(An older woman comes to meet them on the other side.)  Mrs Hayward!
HAYWARD: Stop, Peggy. Don't come any closer. I remember this. I remember the strange old woman. And I remember all that followed.
PEGGY: I don't understand.
HAYWARD: You're in 1901. I'm sorry, but you don't get back to 1967 for a long time. Because I'm you, Peggy, in 66 years' time. I remember the next bit very vaguely. We came to show them the burial site, and we were right. It's not a burial site. But it is made of stone, Just like they are. I think it's how they got here. They told me later why they left me, why they left all of you, when they could have killed us all. It's because they're cruel, and they like to leave a few rare witnesses to tell the story.
YASMIN: Witnesses to what?
PEGGY + HAYWARD: Quantum Extraction.



DOCTOR: Great, cos what I really need now is a flickering torch. Oh. Whoa! (She sonicks the battery power back up to maximum.)  Oh. Oh, no, you don't. Keep back now.
CLAIRE: The exit's the other side of the Angel. It's narrow, but we can get through if one of us keeps eyes on the Angel at all times, Professor.
JERICHO: Good, yes. Are they doing that deliberately?
DOCTOR: Yes. Trying to get you to blink or sneeze. You can't sneeze with your eyes open.
JERICHO: All right, Miss Brown, if you would care to go first, I will stay here and keep my eyes on this Angel.
CLAIRE: Always the gentleman, Professor.
JERICHO: I'm not blinking!
CLAIRE: I'm through.
DOCTOR: Jericho.
DOCTOR: When I say run, run. You go left, I'll go right and these Angels will be left staring at each other.
JERICHO: If you say so.
(Some Angel stone dust gets in Jericho's eye.)



PEGGY: Professor!
JERICHO: Peggy! Oh, you're all right! Mrs Hayward? You appear to be... at night? Sorry, who are you?
DAN: Mate, it's a long story. Unfortunately, you've got enough time to hear it.
(The ground shakes through both time zones.)
YASMIN: Something's happening with the stones.
HAYWARD: Yes, it is.
JERICHO: I need to get back. I've left someone in the most terrible trouble.
DAN: That's gonna be a bit harder than you think.
YASMIN: Everyone, get away from the stones.



DOCTOR: So here I am, ready to go out. But I can't without turning my back. But I'm quick. Okay. Race ya. You're not attacking. I turned my back. I wasn't observing you. Why am I still here? What are you waiting for?



DOCTOR: Claire, good news is we made it through. The more worrying news is that I think they let me go and I don't know... why.
YASMIN: Doctor!
(Claire is standing on top of the capstone slab, with lots of Angels all around.)
CLAIRE: My Angel says, go to your friends. It'll wait. They'll all wait. It says... they're enjoying watching you work it out.
DOCTOR: What's going on?
CLAIRE: Doctor, it's been communicating with them. I can sense it. I don't know what it said to them, but...
DOCTOR: Claire, don't worry. Stay there.
YASMIN: Don't come any closer! We're stuck in 1901.
JERICHO: Wait, we're what?
DAN: Maybe we should have broken that to you a little bit more gently.
YASMIN: We can't cross the line.
DAN: At the edge of the village, it's just stars. It's like we're marooned in space and it's creeping in on us.
DOCTOR: All right. Anything else?
YASMIN: Yeah. What does quantum extraction mean?
DOCTOR: Of course. They've taken the village out of Time, out of space, to isolate. To extract the target.
DAN: What target?
DOCTOR: All right. You've got what you came for. I want you to take your rogue Angel out of Claire without harming her, and put this village, these people safely back into their lives. Come on, rogue Angel. Tell them to do that and I'll negotiate a deal between them and you. Well?
CLAIRE: My Angel is saying no. It says... it made a better trade. That they've agreed not to take it... because they'll take you instead.
DOCTOR: This was its plan all along. It hid in you, a human, to attract me.
CLAIRE: Because the only thing Division wants more than my Angel... is you. You are recalled... to Division.
(The Doctor is transformed into a Weeping Angel.)



VINDER: Hey. Have you seen this person? (Holding up a hologram of Bel.)
VINDER: You're kidding? Where is she?
NAMACA: She left.
VINDER: When? Where did she go?
NAMACA: I don't know. It was a while ago. Time's... cronky, you know? Listen. I saw her do something before she left. It's a bit of a walk from here, but if you've got time. (They walk.)  It's just... up there.
(A holo-communicator.)
VINDER: No way. Thank you.
NAMACA: I think... maybe she saved my life. If you see her, tell her... thank you.
BEL [hologram]: What time do you call this, huh? There's not much duration in these, so I'll be quick. Only one chance at recording, too. High stakes. Okay, so I was here, that's obvious, but I've had to go and help some people. There's a creature with a Passenger form. They're abducting people. And you know me, I've never been a fan of the old abductions. I don't know where it'll lead me. I've got a Lupari ship, and I'll keep the transponder blaring. Hurry up, Inston-Vee Vinder. Oh, and um... I love you. I really love you.
VINDER: I love you too.
BEL [hologram]: Ooo, ah, coordinates. So I'm heading to... oh, no, no, no, don't run out...
VINDER: No! I'm on my way.

Next Chapter: Survivors of the Flux

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sossodu42, 04.05.2024 à 18:06

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Doctor Who ? C'est le nouveau jeu du quartier, un docteur à retrouver, à vous de jouer

choup37, 04.05.2024 à 21:22

Nouveau design sur Kaamelott, on attend vos avis

langedu74, Avant-hier à 21:15

Hello ! Une nouvelle session du ciné-émojis vient d'être lancée, rendez-vous sur HypnoClap pour deviner le film

Sonmi451, Hier à 13:33

Nouveau design' dans Gilmore Girls, hésitez pas à donner votre avis!

Viens chatter !